926 resultados para NEONATAL INTENSIVE-CARE
Objectivo: Rever o perfil clínico e terapêutico dos doentes com malária grave admitidos numa unidade de cuidados intensivos (UCI). Tipo de estudo: Retrospectivo. População: Nove doentes com malária a Plasmodium falciparum admitidos entre Agosto de 1991 e Julho de 2001 na UCI do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC). Resultados: As complicações mais frequentes foram as manifestações neurológicas, a síndroma de dificuldade respiratória aguda (SDRA) e a insuficiência renal aguda. A ventilação mecânica foi utilizada em cinco doentes, a prótese renal em dois e as aminas vasopressoras em três doentes. Faleceram dois doentes (22.2%). Conclusões: A malária a Plasmodium falciparum é uma doença potencialmente fatal, pelo que os factores de risco e os critérios para admissão em UCI devem ser identificados. A presença de disfunção de órgão, nomeadamente de manifestações neurológicas, insuficiência renal e respiratória deverão ser consideradas como indicação para internamento em cuidados intensivos.
A crescente incorporação das evoluções tecnológicas nos equipamentos médicos modernos, além de os tornar mais compactos e precisos, proporciona igualmente ganhos de outros benefícios importantes, especialmente ao nível da eficiência das terapias prescritas aos pacientes. Os sofisticados ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos do presente espelham perfeitamente esta realidade e por isso necessitam de procedimentos técnicos de verificação metrológica – calibrações, também eles mais exatos e rastreáveis, de modo a fornecerem informações corretas sobre se o estado de funcionamento de um determinado ventilador cumpre ou não as tolerâncias declaradas pelo seu fabricante. Através da presente dissertação pretendeu-se desenvolver um procedimento técnico de calibração dos ventiladores de cuidados intensivos tendo-se estudado, para esta finalidade, os equipamentos de calibração específicos disponíveis no mercado, a normalização e o enquadramento regulamentar do controlo metrológico aplicáveis, bem como o princípio de funcionamento do ventilador pulmonar e a evolução da ventilação mecânica ocorrida. No domínio da abordagem efetuada sobre o âmbito da metrologia, implementou-se a determinação das incertezas dos resultados das calibrações efetuadas pelo procedimento técnico desenvolvido, de acordo com a metodologia constante do GUM1. Considerando ainda os défices significativos de conhecimento da metrologia e da prática do controlo metrológico no setor da saúde, a par dos riscos inerentes para os próprios pacientes, procura-se contribuir com este trabalho, de uma forma transversal e ampla, para uma maior consciencialização, quer dos profissionais de saúde, quer dos gestores envolvidos, para a relevância da realização das calibrações periódicas dos complexos equipamentos de suporte de vida que são os ventiladores pulmonares de cuidados intensivos.
BACKGROUND: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is the severe complication of stress-related mucosal disease in hospitalized patients. In intensive care units (ICU), risk factors are well defined and only mechanical ventilation and coagulopathy proved to be relevant for significant bleeding. On the contrary, in non-ICU settings there is no consensus about this issue. Nevertheless, omeprazole is still widely used in prophylaxis of bleeding. The objective of our study was to evaluate the relevance of stress-related mucosal disease bleeding in patients admitted to an internal medicine ward, and the role of omeprazole in its prophylaxis. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study in which we analysed consecutive patients who were admitted to our ward over a year. We recorded demographic characteristics of the patients, potential risk factors for stress-related mucosal disease (clinical data, laboratory, and medication), administration of prophylactic omeprazole, and total cost of this prophylaxis. Patients with active gastrointestinal bleeding on the admission were excluded. We recorded every upper gastrointestinal bleeding event with clinical relevance. RESULTS: Five hundred and thirty-five patients, mean age 70 years, mean length of stay 9.6+/-7.7 days; 140 (26.2%) patients were treated with 40 mg of omeprazole intravenously, 193 (36.1%) with 20mg of omeprazole orally, and 202 (37.8%) patients had no prophylaxis. There was only one episode (0.2%) of clinically relevant bleeding. CONCLUSION: In patients admitted to an internal medicine ward, incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding as a complication of stress-related mucosal disease is low. We found that there is no advantage in prophylaxis with omeprazole.
The enzymatic modification of aminoglycosides by aminoglycoside-acetyltransferases (AAC), aminoglycoside-adenyltransferases (AAD), and aminoglycoside-phosphotransferases (APH), is the most common resistance mechanism in P. aeruginosa and these enzymes can be coded on mobile genetic elements that contribute to their dispersion. One hundred and thirty seven P. aeruginosa isolates from the University Hospital, Cumana, Venezuela (HUAPA) were evaluated. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the disk diffusion method and theaac, aadB and aph genes were detected by PCR. Most of the P. aeruginosa isolates (33/137) were identified from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), mainly from discharges (96/137). The frequency of resistant P. aeruginosaisolates was found to be higher for the aminoglycosides tobramycin and amikacin (30.7 and 29.9%, respectively). Phenotype VI, resistant to these antibiotics, was the most frequent (14/49), followed by phenotype I, resistant to all the aminoglycosides tested (12/49). The aac(6´)-Ib,aphA1 and aadB genes were the most frequently detected, and the simultaneous presence of several resistance genes in the same isolate was demonstrated. Aminoglycoside resistance in isolates ofP. aeruginosa at the HUAPA is partly due to the presence of the aac(6´)-Ib, aphA1 andaadB genes, but the high rates of antimicrobial resistance suggest the existence of several mechanisms acting together. This is the first report of aminoglycoside resistance genes in Venezuela and one of the few in Latin America.
Background & Aims: An increased frequency of infections by multiresistant bacteria has been described in hospitalized patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bacterial resistance profile in cirrhotic patients. Methods: This is a retrospective observational study. We assessed the antimicrobial susceptibility of 5,839 bacterial isolates from patients with and without cirrhosis. Regarding the multidrug resistance, we evaluated 4,505 bacterial isolates from 2,180 patients. Results: Two hundred and fifty-one patients had cirrhosis (mean age 57.6 ± 11 years; 61.8% were male, 47.8% of cases associated with hepatitis C virus). Of the isolates of patients with and without cirrhosis, 174/464 (37.5%) and 1,783/4,041 (44.1%) were multiresistant, respectively (p = 0.007). E. coli was the most common multiresistant bacteria in both groups. Approximately 20% of E. coli and Klebsiella sp. isolates were ESBL-producers and 44% of S. aureus isolates were methicillin-resistant in cirrhotic patients. In cirrhotic patients admitted to the emergency department, hospital ward, and intensive care unit, 28.3%, 50% and 40% had multiresistant isolates, respectively. In patients with and without cirrhosis, 36.2% and 33.5% of isolates were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins, respectively. Conclusions: The empirical treatment of infections in hospitalized patients using broad-spectrum antibiotics should consider the observed pattern of bacterial resistance.
Apresenta-se o movimento assistencial da Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalente (UCIP) do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC), no seu ano de funcionamento (1 de Julho de 1991 a 30 de Junho de 1992). Foram internados 282 doentes, com uma idade média global de 57.91±18.16 anos e provenientes em 52.5% dos casos do Serviço de Urgência do HSAC. As principais categorias diagnósticas de admissão foram a falência cardiovascular cmlii doentes(39%) e a falência respiratória em 98 (35%); 50.7% dos doentes foram submetidos a ventilação mecânica, 44% a ecocardiografia, 13.5% a broncofibroscopia e 10.3% a monitorização hemodinâmica com catéter de Swan-Ganz. Trata-se de uma população com índices de gravidade elevados e importante mortalidade na UCIP (27.0%) e no Hospital (37.6%). Índices de gravidade,APACHEII, SAPS 1 e TISS nas primeiras 24 horas e pontuação máxima de dois índices de falência múltipla de órgão - MOF e 0SF- validados nesta população e revelaram-se como bons indicadores de prognóstico.
The authors report a rare case of shock in a patient without significant clinical history, admitted to the intensive care unit for suspected septic shock. The patient was initially treated with fluid therapy without improvement. A hypothesis of systemic capillary leak syndrome was postulated following the confirmation of severe hypoalbuminemia, hypotension, and hemoconcentration - a combination of three symptoms typical of the disease. The authors discussed the differential diagnosis and also conducted a review of the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
Objectivo: Avaliar a incidência de complicações relacionadas com o cateterismo venoso central e a existência de eventuais factores de risco para a sua ocorrência. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 305 catéteres venosos centrais colocados pelos médicos da Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP) do Hospital Dona Estefânia, durante 5 anos. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, peso, instituição de ventilação mecânica, alteração da coagulação, local de inserção, número de lúmens e tempo de utilização do catéter, número e tipo de complicações. Na análise estatística foram utilizados o teste do Quiquadrado, o teste exacto de Fisher e o t-teste de Student, considerando-se haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas para valores de p< 0,05. Resultados: Foram submetidos a cateterismo 296 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre 0.08 e 16.00 anos (média=3,6 anos) e pesos entre 2 e 85 Kg (média=16,2 Kg). Os locais de inserção foram, por ordem decrescente de utilização, a veia subclávia (63,3%), a veia femural (29,8%) e veia jugular (6,9%). Os catéteres de duplo lúmen foram os mais utilizados (61,9%), seguidos dos de mono (32,5%) e de triplo lúmen (5,6%). Ocorreram 46 (15,1%) complicações, mas não se verificaram óbitos directamente relacionados com o cateterismo. A remoção do catéter foi electiva em 98 (32,1%) casos, por óbito em 97 (31,8%), por complicações em 39 (12,8%) e por outras causas em 71 (23,2%). O tempo de utilização dos catéteres foi em média de 7,6 dias. Os catéteres com e sem sépsis tiveram uma duração média de utilização de 6,9 dias e 17,0 dias, respectivamente. Conclusões: Este estudo revelou um padrão de complicações do cateterismo venoso central semelhante ao descrito por outros autores, sendo que nenhuma das variáveis analisadas se revelou, por si só, como factor de risco de complicações, excepto o tempo de utilização do catéter na ocorrência de sépsis.
Apresenta-se aqui um estudo retrospectivo de 1340 admissões por intoxicação numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalente durante um período de quatro anos (1986-1989). Em 666 doentes ocorreram 735 intoxicações medicamentosas e em 674 doentes 691 intoxicações não medicamentosas. Nas
intoxicações medicamentosas destacam-se os fármacos com acção principal a nível do sistema nervoso central (82.3%), predominando os insecticidas organofosforados (5 1.2%) nas não medicamentosas. Ao longo dos anos considerados constatou-se uma diminuição absoluta e relativa do número de doentes
intoxicados (480 vs 244, 15.1% vs 9.9%). Dos internados, 698 era do sexo masculino (289 nas intoxicações medicamentosas e 409 nas não medicamentosas) e 642 do sexo feminino (377 nas medicamentosas e 265 nas não medicamentosas), existindo uma diferença estatisticamente muito significativa no tipo
de intoxicação quanto ao sexo (p
American Society of Anesthesiologists Score: Still Useful After 60 Years? Results of the EuSOS Study
OBJECTIVE: The European Surgical Outcomes Study described mortality following in-patient surgery. Several factors were identified that were able to predict poor outcomes in a multivariate analysis. These included age, procedure urgency, severity and type and the American Association of Anaesthesia score. This study describes in greater detail the relationship between the American Association of Anaesthesia score and postoperative mortality. METHODS: Patients in this 7-day cohort study were enrolled in April 2011. Consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery with a recorded American Association of Anaesthesia score in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations were included and followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Decision tree analysis with the CHAID (SPSS) system was used to delineate nodes associated with mortality. RESULTS: The study enrolled 46,539 patients. Due to missing values, 873 patients were excluded, resulting in the analysis of 45,666 patients. Increasing American Association of Anaesthesia scores were associated with increased admission rates to intensive care and higher mortality rates. Despite a progressive relationship with mortality, discrimination was poor, with an area under the ROC curve of 0.658 (95% CI 0.642 - 0.6775). Using regression trees (CHAID), we identified four discrete American Association of Anaesthesia nodes associated with mortality, with American Association of Anaesthesia 1 and American Association of Anaesthesia 2 compressed into the same node. CONCLUSION: The American Association of Anaesthesia score can be used to determine higher risk groups of surgical patients, but clinicians cannot use the score to discriminate between grades 1 and 2. Overall, the discriminatory power of the model was less than acceptable for widespread use.
Background: In the haemodynamically unstable patient the method of treatment of acute renal failure is still largely controversial. The purpose of our study was to compare slow extended dialysis with continuous haemodiafiltration in the critical patient with indication for renal replacement therapy and haemodynamic instability. Patients and Methods: This is a cohort study comparing in 63 ventilated critical patients a 12 month period when only continuous haemodiafiltration was used (n=25) with an equal period of slow extended dialysis (n=38). Our primary objective was to evaluate the impact of the dialytic procedure on cardiovascular stability in those patients. As secondary aims we considered system coagulation/thrombosis and predictors of mortality. In the two groups we analysed the first session performed, the second session performed and the average of all the sessions performed in each patient. Results: In these patients, mortality in the intensive care unit was high (68% in the continuous haemodiafiltration group and 63% in the slow extended dialysis group). We did not find any association between the dialytic technique used and death; only the APACHE score was a predictor of death. Slow extended dialysis was a predictor of haemodynamic stability, a negative predictor of sessions that had to be interrupted for haemodynamic instability, and a predictor of achieving the volume removal initially sought. Slow extended dialysis was also associated with less coagulation of the system. Conclusions: Our data suggested that slow extended dialysis use was not inferior to continuous haemodiafiltration use in terms of cardiovascular tolerability.
Objectives: To characterize the epidemiology and risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) after pediatric cardiac surgery in our center, to determine its association with poor short-term outcomes, and to develop a logistic regression model that will predict the risk of AKI for the study population. Methods: This single-center, retrospective study included consecutive pediatric patients with congenital heart disease who underwent cardiac surgery between January 2010 and December 2012. Exclusion criteria were a history of renal disease, dialysis or renal transplantation. Results: Of the 325 patients included, median age three years (1 day---18 years), AKI occurred in 40 (12.3%) on the first postoperative day. Overall mortality was 13 (4%), nine of whom were in the AKI group. AKI was significantly associated with length of intensive care unit stay, length of mechanical ventilation and in-hospital death (p<0.01). Patients’ age and postoperative serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and lactate levels were included in the logistic regression model as predictor variables. The model accurately predicted AKI in this population, with a maximum combined sensitivity of 82.1% and specificity of 75.4%. Conclusions: AKI is common and is associated with poor short-term outcomes in this setting. Younger age and higher postoperative serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and lactate levels were powerful predictors of renal injury in this population. The proposed model could be a useful tool for risk stratification of these patients.
Children may benefit from minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the correction of Morgagni hernia (MH). The present study aims to evaluate the outcome of MIS through a multicenter study. National institutions that use MIS in the treatment of MH were included. Demographic, clinical and operative data were analyzed. Thirteen patients with MH (6 males) were operated using similar MIS technique (percutaneous stitches) at a mean age of 22.2±18.3 months. Six patients had chromosomopathies (46%), five with Down syndrome (39%). Respiratory complaints were the most common presentation (54%). Surgery lasted 95±23min. In none of the patients was the hernia sac removed; prosthesis was never used. In the immediate post-operative period, 4 patients (36%) were admitted to intensive care unit (all with Down syndrome); all patients started enteral feeds within the first 24h. With a mean follow-up of 56±16.6 months, there were two recurrences (18%) at the same institution, one of which was repaired with an absorbable suture; both with Down syndrome. The application of MIS in the MH repair is effective even in the presence of comorbidities such as Down syndrome; the latter influences the immediate postoperative recovery and possibly the recurrence rate. Removal of hernia sac does not seem necessary. Non-absorbable sutures may be more appropriate.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina