886 resultados para Modal transformations
Nous proposons une discussion sur la diversité des outils et arrangements institutionnels qui sont mobilisés pour mettre en oeuvre les politiques d’accountability. Nous présentons d’abord les dimensions communes de ces politiques mais aussi la diversité des formes qu’elles revêtent dans divers contextes. Nous discutons ensuite les typologies existantes de ces politiques et leurs limites avant de développer notre proposition de typologie évolutive des politiques et instruments d’accountability dans une troisième section. L’analyse de l’évolution des outils mobilisés par les pouvoirs publics nous permet ainsi de cerner ce qui fait la nouveauté des « nouvelles » politiques d’accountability, et d'en dégager les significations et les enjeux socio-politiques actuels.
Étude de transformations grammaticales pour l'entraînement de grammaires probabilistes hors-contexte
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The stories of King Arthur and his noble knights have fascinated audiences for many centuries and continue to being retold and fashioned to attract modern audiences. Amongst these stories is the tale of Wigalois, the son of the reputable Gawain. This dissertation traces the story of Wigalois across different languages, cultures, and media in order to show how this is a shared German-Yiddish narrative. Furthermore, this dissertations challenges traditional understanding of adaptation within a diachronic and teleological framework by uncovering dialogical and dynamic processes inherent in this narrative tradition. Using the theoretical framework of a combined Adaptation Studies and Medieval Literature Studies’ notions of unstable texts my argumentation focuses on eight specific examples: Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois (1st half 13th ct.), Italian murals from the fourteenth century, Wigoleis von dem Rade (1483/93), Viduvilt (Yiddish, 16th ct.), Johann Christoph Wagenseil’s Belehrung der Jüdisch-Teutschen Red- und Schreibart (Yiddish and German, 1715), Gabein (Yiddish, 1789), the illustrations by Ludwig Richter (before 1851), and Die phantastischen Abenteuer der Glücksritters Wigalois (Comic, German, 2011).
Advancements in retinal imaging technologies have drastically improved the quality of eye care in the past couple decades. Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are two examples of critical imaging modalities for the diagnosis of retinal pathologies. However current-generation SLO and OCT systems have limitations in diagnostic capability due to the following factors: the use of bulky tabletop systems, monochromatic imaging, and resolution degradation due to ocular aberrations and diffraction.
Bulky tabletop SLO and OCT systems are incapable of imaging patients that are supine, under anesthesia, or otherwise unable to maintain the required posture and fixation. Monochromatic SLO and OCT imaging prevents the identification of various color-specific diagnostic markers visible with color fundus photography like those of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Resolution degradation due to ocular aberrations and diffraction has prevented the imaging of photoreceptors close to the fovea without the use of adaptive optics (AO), which require bulky and expensive components that limit the potential for widespread clinical use.
In this dissertation, techniques for extending the diagnostic capability of SLO and OCT systems are developed. These techniques include design strategies for miniaturizing and combining SLO and OCT to permit multi-modal, lightweight handheld probes to extend high quality retinal imaging to pediatric eye care. In addition, a method for extending true color retinal imaging to SLO to enable high-contrast, depth-resolved, high-fidelity color fundus imaging is demonstrated using a supercontinuum light source. Finally, the development and combination of SLO with a super-resolution confocal microscopy technique known as optical photon reassignment (OPRA) is demonstrated to enable high-resolution imaging of retinal photoreceptors without the use of adaptive optics.
L'influence de l'Église catholique sur la vie des Québécois, autrefois dominante, s'est beaucoup amenuisée au cours des dernières décennies. Si tel est le cas, les signes, les motifs, les images et les mots de la religion n’ont pas, quant à eux, déserté l’espace symbolique. Ils sont les traces d’un héritage et squattent l'imaginaire social (Pierre Popovic) du Québec contemporain. À ce titre, ils peuvent être mobilisés, maniés, détournés, resémantisés par la littérature. Ce mémoire a pour but d’étudier ces reliques imaginaires de la religion chrétienne, laquelle est considérée en tant qu'Église et en tant que mythologie, dans deux romans québécois publiés en 2011 : L'âge de Pierre de Pierre Gariépy et Maleficium de Martine Desjardins. Dans une perspective sociocritique, il analyse les rapports à l'autorité, à l'érotisme, à la morale, aux étrangers et à l'écriture tels qu'ils sont travaillés par les « mises en texte » (Claude Duchet) dans ces œuvres. L’étude démontre que les deux romans thématisent la religion et la tiennent pour un matériau familier et malléable à merci, non pour entretenir un patrimoine ni par nostalgie, mais afin de porter un regard critique sur la société québécoise contemporaine. D’une certaine manière, ils disent que celle-ci est toujours pieuse, mais que les croyances qui la traversent sont à chercher désormais du côté de la politique, des médias et du commerce.
Nous proposons une discussion sur la diversité des outils et arrangements institutionnels qui sont mobilisés pour mettre en oeuvre les politiques d’accountability. Nous présentons d’abord les dimensions communes de ces politiques mais aussi la diversité des formes qu’elles revêtent dans divers contextes. Nous discutons ensuite les typologies existantes de ces politiques et leurs limites avant de développer notre proposition de typologie évolutive des politiques et instruments d’accountability dans une troisième section. L’analyse de l’évolution des outils mobilisés par les pouvoirs publics nous permet ainsi de cerner ce qui fait la nouveauté des « nouvelles » politiques d’accountability, et d'en dégager les significations et les enjeux socio-politiques actuels.
Étude de transformations grammaticales pour l'entraînement de grammaires probabilistes hors-contexte
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Moving through a stable, three-dimensional world is a hallmark of our motor and perceptual experience. This stability is constantly being challenged by movements of the eyes and head, inducing retinal blur and retino-spatial misalignments for which the brain must compensate. To do so, the brain must account for eye and head kinematics to transform two-dimensional retinal input into the reference frame necessary for movement or perception. The four studies in this thesis used both computational and psychophysical approaches to investigate several aspects of this reference frame transformation. In the first study, we examined the neural mechanism underlying the visuomotor transformation for smooth pursuit using a feedforward neural network model. After training, the model performed the general, three-dimensional transformation using gain modulation. This gave mechanistic significance to gain modulation observed in cortical pursuit areas while also providing several testable hypotheses for future electrophysiological work. In the second study, we asked how anticipatory pursuit, which is driven by memorized signals, accounts for eye and head geometry using a novel head-roll updating paradigm. We showed that the velocity memory driving anticipatory smooth pursuit relies on retinal signals, but is updated for the current head orientation. In the third study, we asked how forcing retinal motion to undergo a reference frame transformation influences perceptual decision making. We found that simply rolling one's head impairs perceptual decision making in a way captured by stochastic reference frame transformations. In the final study, we asked how torsional shifts of the retinal projection occurring with almost every eye movement influence orientation perception across saccades. We found a pre-saccadic, predictive remapping consistent with maintaining a purely retinal (but spatially inaccurate) orientation perception throughout the movement. Together these studies suggest that, despite their spatial inaccuracy, retinal signals play a surprisingly large role in our seamless visual experience. This work therefore represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the brain performs one of its most fundamental functions.
According to Tilly, two laws shaped the process of transformation undergone by Western European societies since the Peace of Westphalia until the end of the 20th century: their increasing inner homogenisation and their growing heterogeneity between them. Cultural inner homogenisation affected, fi rst, those ethnic groups living within the territories of the said states. The second phase of homogenisation impinged on those groups that immigrated after World War II. This process followed different models according to the country considered, but the 1973 oil crisis revealed their general lack of success. During the last quarter of the 20th century and onwards, these European societies have been altered by two progressive and contradictory global logics: a process of cultural homogenisation at the world level (rather than society level) and a process of cultural re-creation led by those groups with an immigrant background, who have reacted against their integration shortcomings by searching for new sources of social and personal esteem in their respective cultural and religious traditions. This paper seeks to clarify these processes from a social differentiation and political representation theory perspective. The latter becomes indispensable, as the said processes have happened in a context in which the structure of relations (i.e. communication) between civil society and the democratic political sphere have experienced a radical crisis. In this way, the complex relations that exist between civil society, culture, religion and politics in these Western European societies are depicted.
This work studies the creation, development and evolution of the Spanish midshipmen, through their requirements, from the early 18th century to the second third of the 19th century. The aims are: to know deeply an essential post in the Navy –naval cadet- that still requires an exhaustive review; and, primarily, to link the transformations of the candidates’ requirements to the social debates which were proposed in Spain during this two centuries. The so-called transition from the estates society to the class society, or the step from a society of inheriting criteria to a society based on achieving variables, did not occur linearly; changes and inertia went hand in hand with contradictions and conflicts, thus in this paper the Spanish midshipmen are analysed by several relationally variables.
Impactive contact between a vibrating string and a barrier is a strongly nonlinear phenomenon that presents several challenges in the design of numerical models for simulation and sound synthesis of musical string instruments. These are addressed here by applying Hamiltonian methods to incorporate distributed contact forces into a modal framework for discrete-time simulation of the dynamics of a stiff, damped string. The resulting algorithms have spectral accuracy, are unconditionally stable, and require solving a multivariate nonlinear equation that is guaranteed to have a unique solution. Exemplifying results are presented and discussed in terms of accuracy, convergence, and spurious high-frequency oscillations.
This paper traces transformations of mental labour and its distribution between human and machine from Mr Micawber's parody of arithmetical calculation (result happiness) in the mid-19th century to the late 20th century judgment of the Supreme Court of United States in Feist v. Rural (1991), concerned with copyright in databases.