805 resultados para Microenvironnement tumoral
A Doença de Behçet (DB) é uma vasculite sistémica que pode ser definida na fronteira entre a doença autoimune e autoinflamatória. A sua etiopatogenia ainda não é completamente conhecida, embora saibamos que contribuem factores genéticos (Antigénios de Histocompatibilidade/ HLA, por exemplo) e ambienciais (maior prevalência em zonas específicas do globo). Há células implicadas no processo patológico (neutrófilos, macrófagos, linfócitos T reguladores) e outros componentes (factor de necrose tumoral/ TNF, interleucinas) do sistema imune. As formas clínicas da DB são muito variadas, quer na gravidade, quer nos órgãos atingidos: Behçet Mucocutâneo, Behçet Ocular, Vasculobehçet, Neurobehçet, Behçet Intestinal, Behçet Cardíaco. Independentemente dos mecanismos imuno-inflamatórios subjacentes às diversas apresentações clínicas, a terapêutica tem de ser adaptada a cada uma delas. A nossa série de DB, coligida ao longo de 20 anos, é representativa de todo o espectro clínico de DB e consideramos útil fazer uma resenha atual da terapêutica indicada, caldeando os dados da literatura, com a nossa experiência.
Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Programa de Doctorado en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Tesis inédita presentada en la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas. Programa de Doctorado en Biomedicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Abstract : 5-Methylcytosine is an epigenetic mark, which can be oxidized to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in DNA by ten-eleven translocation (TET) oxygenases. It is an initial step in the demethylation of 5mC. Levels of 5hmC is relatively high in the brain compared to other organs, but these levels are known to be significantly reduced during the development of a brain tumor, especially in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). However, no known mechanisms may fully explain this abnormality. The objectives of my project were to (1) understand the implications of the demethylation pathway mediated by TET, and (2) gain a deeper insight in the epigenetic make-up of brain tumors. (1) U87 cells were incubated with 5mC, 5hmC, 5-formylcytosine (5fC) or co-incubated of 5hmC with 3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2’-deoxyuridine (dTHU) over a timeline of 0, 24, 48 and 96 hours. (2) 130 brain tumors (GBM= 79; grade II/III= 51) were obtained directly from surgery and immediately suspended in DNA extraction buffer. Both cell samples and tumor tissues underwent DNA extraction and DNA digestion protocols. The percent per cytosine (%/C) was obtained by quantification of 5mC, 5hmC, 5fC, 5-hydroxymethyluracil (5hmU) and 5formyluracil (5fU) using LC-MS/MS. (1) Cellular incubations showed that it is possible to increase levels of 5hmC in DNA, but also a slight increase in 5mC levels throughout the experiment. 5HmC levels dramatically increased by 1.9-fold after 96h. On the other hand, no increase was observed in 5fC levels. Both 5hmC and 5fC incubations were accompanied by high increases in 5hmU and 5fU levels respectively. The addition of dTHU to the 5hmC incubation decreased 5hmU incorporation by 65%. (2) The average levels of 5mC, 5hmC and 5fC, in brain tumors, were 4.0, 0.15 and 0.021 %/C respectively. 5HmU and 5fU levels were present at comparable levels of 5hmC and 5fC. Levels of 5hmC, 5hmU and 5fU were significantly lower in the DNA of GBM specimens. There was a strong correlation between 5mC with 5hmC and 5fC in GBM, but this was absent in low grade tumors. The presence of 5hmU and 5fU in brain tumor and the increase in their levels during cell incubations indicate a deamination activity in these cancerous cells, which may impinge on the cellular levels of 5hmC, in particular. Furthermore, upon the incubations with 5hmC, downstream levels of 5fC did not increase suggesting a TET malfunction. TET activity is maintained in GBMs, but impaired in low grade tumors due to isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 (IDH1) mutations. Therefore, in brain tumors, a strong deamination activity and TET impairment may lead to epigenetic reduction of 5hmC.
Résumé : La formation de métastases s’inscrit comme la finalité d’un processus darwinien dans lequel les cellules tumorales subissent des altérations génétiques et épigénétiques dans l’unique but de préserver un avantage prolifératif. L’environnement hypoxique, caractéristique des tumeurs solides, se révèle comme une pression de sélection et un facteur déterminant dans la progression tumorale. Face à l’hypoxie, une des adaptations majeures des cellules tumorales est le déséquilibre du pH cellulaire qui mène à la formation de métastases et à la résistance à la chimiothérapie. Cette thèse met en lumière de nouveaux liens moléculaires entre l’hypoxie et la régulation du pH dans des contextes d’invasion cellulaire et de chimiorésistance. Les échangeurs d’ions NHE1 et NHE6 sont au cœur de ces études où de nouveaux rôles dans la progression du cancer leur ont été attribués. Premièrement, nous avons observé l’influence de l’hypoxie sur la régulation de NHE1 par p90RSK et les conséquences fonctionnelles de cette interaction dans l’invasion cellulaire par les invadopodes. En conditions hypoxiques, NHE1 est activé par p90RSK résultant en une acidification extracellulaire. En modifiant le pH, NHE1 stimule la formation des invadopodes et la dégradation de la matrice extracellulaire. Ainsi, la phosphorylation de NHE1 par p90RSK en hypoxie apparaît comme un biomarqueur potentiel des cancers métastatiques. Peu étudié, le pH endosomal peut intervenir dans la chimiorésistance mais les mécanismes sont inconnus. Nous avons développé une méthode pour mesurer précisément le pH endosomal par microscopie. Ceci a permis d’illuminer un nouveau mécanisme de résistance induit par l’hypoxie et mettant en vedette l’échangeur NHE6. L’hypoxie favorise l’interaction de NHE6 avec RACK1 à la membrane plasmique empêchant la localisation endosomale de l’échangeur. Cette interaction mène à la séquestration de la doxorubicine dans des endosomes sur-acidifiés. Ces travaux mettent en évidence pour la première fois le rôle du pH endosomal et l’échangeur NHE6 comme des éléments centraux de la chimiorésistance induite par l’hypoxie. Cette thèse renforce donc l’idée voulant que les interactions entre les cellules tumorales et le microenvironnement hypoxique sont le « talon d’Achille » du cancer et la régulation du pH cellulaire est primordiale dans l’adaptation des cellules à l’hypoxie et l’instauration du phénotype malin du cancer. La découverte de nouveaux rôles pro-tumoraux pour NHE1 et NHE6 les placent à l’avant-plan pour le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques orientées contre la formation de métastases et la chimiorésistance.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal (CCR) se encuentra entre los 5 tipos de cáncer con mayor incidencia a nivel mundial. Alrededor del 20% de los casos son diagnosticados en estadios metastásico, donde el tratamiento inicialmente era quimioterapia con una supervivencia global a 5 años de 12 a 14 meses. Es así que se investiga el papel de la angiogénesis tumoral, orientado al desarrollo de terapias, implementando su uso en estadios avanzados. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos Embase, PubMed, SciELO y LILIACS con términos estandarizados a través de la herramienta MeSH y DECS bajo los lineamientos establecidos en las guías de revisiones sistemáticas y meta-análisis (Manual Cochrane). Se tomaron estudios clínicos aleatorizados controlados con pacientes con CCR metastásico, que hayan recibido quimioterapia sola o combinada con terapias antiangiogénicas, publicados en inglés y español entre el 2003 y 2013. Resultados: 6 artículos cumplieron con criterios de inclusión. Estos reportaron 15.8 meses en promedio de supervivencia global en el tratamiento de quimioterapia asociada a terapias biológicas frente a 14.4 meses con solo quimioterapia. Los eventos adversos de tipo vascular aumentaron más en el grupo de antiangiogénicos, reportando muertes debidas a perforaciones intestinales. Conclusiones: Los regímenes de quimioterapia asociadas a terapias antiangiogénicas brindan una mayor supervivencia global y libre de progresión, al igual que mayor número de tasas de respuesta. Son terapias con eventos adversos importantes pero que deberá seleccionarse bien al paciente para disminuir su riesgo de eventos. Palabras claves: Cáncer colorrectal metastásico, terapia anti-angiogénica, quimioterapia en segunda línea, receptor del factor de crecimiento de endotelio vascular, supervivencia global.
O cancro é a segunda causa de mortalidade a nível mundial. Um dos problemas nos tratamentos atuais de quimioterapia relaciona-se com os efeitos secundários causados pela falta de seletividade dos fármacos utilizados. Assim, um dos desafios atuais é o desenvolvimento de sistemas terapêuticos que permitam potenciar o efeito dos fármacos e diminuir os seus efeitos nocivos. Neste contexto, neste trabalho, foram sintetizados complexos de Fe, Co e Zn com fórmula geral [M(bipy-R)3]x+, a partir dos quais foi possível obter sistemas micelares formados in situ pela adição de um copolímero de PLA-b-PEG ou por introdução de macroligandos poliméricos anfifílicos. Os resultados mostram que as nanopartículas formadas apresentam tamanho e características adequadas para aplicações na terapia dirigida contra o cancro. Os resultados preliminares de citotoxicidade na linha tumoral humana da mama MDAMB231 indicam que todos os compostos estudados apresentam atividade citotóxica relevante, sendo os compostos micelares os mais promissores; Abstract: New micellar transition metals complexes for targeted therapy of cancer Cancer is the second leading cause of mortality worldwide. One problem in the current chemotherapy treatments is related to the severe side effects caused by the lack of selectivity of the drugs in clinical use. Thus, one of the current challenges is the development of new therapeutic systems that allow maximizing the effect of the drugs and reducing their harmful effects. In this context, several Fe, Co and Zn compounds of the general formula [M (bipy-R)3]x+ were synthesized in order to obtain micellar systems, either by in situ addition of a PLA-b-PEG copolymer or by introducing amphiphilic macroligands. The results show that the formed nanoparticles have size and characteristics suitable for applications in targeted therapy against cancer. Preliminary results of cytotoxicity in human breast cancer line MDAMB231 indicate that all the studied compounds show significant cytotoxic activity, being the micellar compounds the most promising agents.
O presente relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio decorrido no Hospital Ars Veterinaria. A primeira parte do relatório refere-se ao relatório de casuística com apresentação de casos e procedimentos acompanhados. A segunda refere-se à monografia com o tema “Opções terapêuticas em hemangiossarcoma canino” e encontra-se ilustrada por três casos clínicos. O hemangiossarcoma é uma neoplasia descrita com origem endotelial, devido à aparência histológica, no entanto descobertas recentes sugerem que provém de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas. Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos e variáveis. A localização mais comum é o baço, embora ocorra noutras localizações. O diagnóstico requer o estadiamento tumoral e para ser completo deve incluir hematologia e bioquímica sérica, provas de coagulação, exames imagiológicos e confirmação histopatológica. O tratamento base é cirúrgico associado a protocolos quimioterápicos baseados em doxorrubicina. Novas terapias começam a ser investigadas de forma a melhorar os tempos de sobrevivência desta neoplasia de prognóstico reservado; Abstract: Small animal medicine This report was elaborated following a traineeship at the Ars Veterinaria Hospital. The first part concerns about cases report and includes presentation of cases and followed procedures. The second part is the monography under the theme “therapeutical options in canine hemangiosarcoma” and it presents three clinical cases seen during the internship. The hemangiossarcoma is a cancer described to have endothelial origin, because of its histological appearance, but recent discoveries suggest that it originates from hematopoietic progenitor cells. The clinical signs are variable and unspecific. The most common location is the spleen, but others might exist. The diagnosis demands tumoral staging, which to be complete must include hematology and biochemical analysis, coagulation tests, imagiologic tests and histopathologic confirmation. The basic treatment is surgical, associated with chemotherapy based on doxorubicin. New therapies are beginning to be investigated, aiming improve survival times of this cancer with reserved prognosis.
Chemotherapy is a major cancer treatment option. The synthesis of new compounds with anti-proliferative properties and specificity is a current challenge in drug-discovery today. Our goal was to develop compounds, either hydroxyamides derived from D-glucuronic acid or triazole-cinchone hybrids, and to evaluate their anti-proliferative properties. Anti-proliferative activity of the newly synthesized compounds was examined against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and human colon carcinoma (MDST8) cell-lines. Cell growth and viability was analysed by the Cell-Counting Kit-8 method. The 5-fluoroacil was used as a positive control. The compounds were studied between 10-9-10-5M. Fifteen compounds from the hydroxyamide family and two triazole compounds were investigated. Most of the compounds from the hydroxyamide family revealed mild (~20%) to moderate (50%) anti-proliferative effects in both cell-lines, with the exception of Hydroxyamide B1 which did not affect MDST8 proliferation, and hydroxyamide B3 where proliferation of MDST8 was inhibited by 90%. Triazoles (A and B) evoked a strong (~100%) anti-proliferative effect of MDST8 cell-lines. Proliferation of MCF-7 was selectively and effectively (~98%) inhibited by triazole B while triazole A had a mild effect. In conclusion, when compared to hydroxyamides, triazoles evoked a stronger anti-proliferative effect and might be promising anti-tumoral drugs.