845 resultados para Mentu, Ida


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A agricultura é um dos setores que garante a sustentabilidade das economias mundiais e permite combater a pobreza, contudo, para tal, tem que recorrer aos pesticidas, que visam garantir um maior rendimento da produção, protegendo as culturas dos organismos nocivos. A utilização de pesticidas não apresenta só vantagens, sendo a principal desvantagem a presença de resíduos de pesticidas nos alimentos que consumimos, dos quais fazem parte as frutas. Neste contexto, o presente estudo, teve por objetivo contribuir para a realização de uma avaliação qualitativa do risco da exposição ao mancozebe por ingestão de peras, produzidas na região Oeste de Portugal (pera rocha), pela população residente nessa mesma região. O mancozebe é um fungicida que pertence ao grupo dos etilenobisditiocarbomatos (EBD’s) e é um dos pesticidas mais utilizados pelos agricultores, devido a sua baixa toxicidade aguda. No presente estudo foi calculada a Ingestão Diária Máxima Teórica (IDMT) para o mancozebe, os valores da concentração do pesticida na fruta e os dados de consumo alimentar. A caracterização do risco foi feita comparando-se a IDMT com as doses diária aceitáveis (IDA) obtidas para cada categoria de população estudada (crianças em idade pré-escolar, crianças, jovens, adolescentes, adultos e seniores). Para tal, foram analisadas peras provenientes de cinco agricultores que entregam a sua fruta na central frutícola (Ecofrutas, Lda). As análises ao mancozebe foram efetuadas por um laboratório externo (Kudam, Lda.), mensalmente (de Setembro a Fevereiro e em Junho de 2013) nas peras não lavadas e, em Junho, nas peras lavadas. Com o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico, o padrão de consumo e o comportamento do consumidor de pera rocha, realizou-se um questionário, em nove concelhos da região Oeste de Portugal (Bombarral, Cadaval, Alcobaça, Torres Vedras, Nazaré, Caldas da Rainha, Óbidos, Peniche e Lourinhã) tendo sido a amostra de 400. Sobre o perfil sociodemográfico do consumidor habitual de pera rocha verificou-se que são adultos (18,8%), com idades compreendidas entre os 26-54 anos, tem por habilitações literárias o ensino básico (59,2%) encontram-se empregados (60,8%) e o seu agregado familiar é composto por adultos (61,5%). O padrão de consumo é o seguinte: os consumidores habituais do fruto consomem uma pera/dia (66,9%), ao almoço (24,1%) e 64,3% mencionou não possuir nenhum membro do seu agregado familiar que seja consumidor habitual de pera rocha. O estudo do comportamento do consumidor, antes do consumo da pera rocha, evidenciou que os inquiridos conservam as peras na fruteira (61,2%), têm por hábito lavar o fruto antes do consumir (88,8%) com casca (38,8%) e que a maior parte da amostra compra a sua fruta no supermercado (49,1%). No que diz respeito à altura em que a pera rocha é consumida, em maior quantidade, observou-se que é no verão (37,9%), uma vez que é a época da colheita do fruto. Quanto à caracterização do risco efetuada, verificou-se que não existe risco associado ao consumo diário de uma, duas ou três peras, uma vez que a IDMT não ultrapassou a IDA (%IDA> 100) nas categorias de população estudadas (crianças em idade pré-escolar, crianças, jovens, adolescentes, adultos e seniores). No presente estudo, as categorias de população que apresentaram uma maior % IDA, pelo consumo diário de uma ou duas peras foram as crianças em idade pré-escolar e a categoria das crianças, quando estas consomem três peras/dia.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Human standing posture is inherently unstable. The postural control system (PCS), which maintains standing posture, is composed of the sensory, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems. Together these systems integrate sensory afferents and generate appropriate motor efferents to adjust posture. The PCS maintains the body center of mass (COM) with respect to the base of support while constantly resisting destabilizing forces from internal and external perturbations. To assess the human PCS, postural sway during quiet standing or in response to external perturbation have frequently been examined descriptively. Minimal work has been done to understand and quantify the robustness of the PCS to perturbations. Further, there have been some previous attempts to assess the dynamical systems aspects of the PCS or time evolutionary properties of postural sway. However those techniques can only provide summary information about the PCS characteristics; they cannot provide specific information about or recreate the actual sway behavior. This dissertation consists of two parts: part I, the development of two novel methods to assess the human PCS and, part II, the application of these methods. In study 1, a systematic method for analyzing the human PCS during perturbed stance was developed. A mild impulsive perturbation that subjects can easily experience in their daily lives was used. A measure of robustness of the PCS, 1/MaxSens that was based on the inverse of the sensitivity of the system, was introduced. 1/MaxSens successfully quantified the reduced robustness to external perturbations due to age-related degradation of the PCS. In study 2, a stochastic model was used to better understand the human PCS in terms of dynamical systems aspect. This methodology also has the advantage over previous methods in that the sway behavior is captured in a model that can be used to recreate the random oscillatory properties of the PCS. The invariant density which describes the long-term stationary behavior of the center of pressure (COP) was computed from a Markov chain model that was applied to postural sway data during quiet stance. In order to validate the Invariant Density Analysis (IDA), we applied the technique to COP data from different age groups. We found that older adults swayed farther from the centroid and in more stochastic and random manner than young adults. In part II, the tools developed in part I were applied to both occupational and clinical situations. In study 3, 1/MaxSens and IDA were applied to a population of firefighters to investigate the effects of air bottle configuration (weight and size) and vision on the postural stability of firefighters. We found that both air bottle weight and loss of vision, but not size of air bottle, significantly decreased balance performance and increased fall risk. In study 4, IDA was applied to data collected on 444 community-dwelling elderly adults from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Four out of five IDA parameters were able to successfully differentiate recurrent fallers from non-fallers, while only five out of 30 more common descriptive and stochastic COP measures could distinguish the two groups. Fall history and the IDA parameter of entropy were found to be significant risk factors for falls. This research proposed a new measure for the PCS robustness (1/MaxSens) and a new technique for quantifying the dynamical systems aspect of the PCS (IDA). These new PCS analysis techniques provide easy and effective ways to assess the PCS in occupational and clinical environments.


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Actas VI Congreso Iberoamericano De Pedagogía(pp.292-298. Disponível em http://ediciones.ucsh.cl/ojs/index.php?journal=congresodepedagogia&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=369.


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O cinema, desde o seu início, teve uma constante necessidade de se promover. Os filmes, para além de serem um produto cultural, são também um produto que necessita de rentabilidade, tornando fulcral uma receita adequada de bilhetes vendidos para garantir retorno no dinheiro gasto à produção dos mesmos. Sendo assim, os filmes exibidos em salas de cinema são anunciados semanas ou até meses antes da sua estreia, criando, desta forma, complexas campanhas de marketing e publicidade de forma a garantir que o maior número de pessoas tome conhecimento da sua existência. No presente projeto procura-se conhecer e compreender os fatores determinantes na frequência de ida às salas de cinema, tendo como objetivo principal analisar a promoção de cinema, cada um dos meios de divulgação cinematográficos e o seu respetivo papel comunicativo, na tentativa de se perceber de que forma estes se destacam em modos promocionais, incentivando o consumidor a visionar um filme numa sala de cinema. O estudo desenvolveu-se através de uma análise conceptual teórica da promoção e consumo de cinema, dos seus respetivos meios de divulgação, e da utilização de uma abordagem quantitativa que consistiu na análise e interpretação dos resultados de um questionário que contou com a participação de 380 sujeitos. O questionário procurou compreender os hábitos de obtenção de informação cinematográfica dos inquiridos, bem como os fatores que os influenciam a ver filmes nas salas de cinema e os meios de divulgação que mais impacto causam nas suas preferências. A análise dos dados recolhidos revela que existe uma ligação entre a ida às salas de cinema e a ideia da crescente falta de tempo das pessoas, associada ao reduzido poder de compra. Já no que se refere aos fatores e meios de divulgação determinantes na escolha de filmes, os participantes destacaram a Internet e o “bocaa- boca” como principais influenciadores. Os resultados alcançados sugerem assim tendências que devem ser consideradas na implementação de uma estratégia cuja intenção seja a do aumento da frequência da ida às salas de cinema.


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Música


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168 p.


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The direct use of natural gas makes the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) potentially more competitive with the current energy conversions technologies. The Intermediate Temperature SOFC (IT-SOFC) offer several advantages over the High Temperature SOFC (HT-SOFC), which includes better thermal compatibility among components, fast start with lower energy consumption, manufacture and operation cost reduction. The CeO2 based materials are alternatives to the Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) to application in SOFC, as they have higher ionic conductivity and less ohmic losses comparing to YSZ, and they can operate at lower temperatures (500-800°C). Ceria has been doped with a variety of cations, although, the Gd3+ has the ionic radius closest to the ideal one to form solid solution. These electrolytes based in ceria require special electrodes with a higher performance and chemical and termomechanical compatibility. In this work compounds of gadolinia-doped ceria, Ce1-xGdxO2-δ (x = 0,1; 0,2 and 0,3), used as electrolytes, were synthesized by polymeric precursors method, Pechini, as well as the composite material NiO - Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95, used as anode, also attained by oxide mixture method, mixturing the powders of the both phases calcinated already. The materials were characterized by X ray diffraction, dilatometry and scanning electronic microscopy. The refinement of the diffraction data indicated that all the Ce1-xGdxO2-δ powders were crystallized in a unique cubic phase with fluorite structure, and the composite synthesized by Pechini method produced smaller crystallite size in comparison with the same material attained by oxide mixture method. All the produced powders had nanometric characteristics. The composite produced by Pechini method has microstructural characteristics that can increase the triple phase boundaries (TPB) in the anode, improving the cell efficiency, as well as reducing the mass transport mechanism effect that provokes anode degradation


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El punto de partida de nuestro estudio se sitúa en el polémico y discutido asunto resuelto por la sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos de 8 de diciembre de 2009, Caso Muñoz Díaz c. España, donde se condena al Estado español por denegar la pensión de viudedad a una ciudadana casada exclusivamente por el rito matrimonial gitano. Al hilo de esta resolución analizaremos, entre otras cuestiones, las diversas formas matrimoniales a las que nuestro legislador otorga efectos civiles, la incidencia de dichas disposiciones en el principio de igualdad y no discriminación consagrado en el artículo 14 de la Constitución y en el artículo 14 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, y la posible vulneración de dicho principio en el marco de las prestaciones sociales reguladas en la Ley General de la Seguridad Social, recientemente reformada.


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In this study barium hexaferrite was (general formulae BaFe12O19) was synthesized by the Pechini method under different conditions of heat treatment. Precursors like barium carbonate and iron nitrate were used. These magnetic ceramic, with magnetoplumbite type structure, are widely used as permanent magnet because of its excellent magnetic properties, such as: high Curie temperature, good magnetic anisotropy, high coercivity and corrosion resistance. The samples were characterized by thermal analysis (DTA and TG), X- ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) end Vibrating sample Magnetometer (VSM). The results confirm the expected phase, which was reinforced according to our analysis. A single phase powder at relatively high temperatures with particle sizes around 100 nm was obtained. The characteristic magnetic behavior one of the phases has been noted (probably superparamagnetic material), while another phase was identified as a ferrimagnetic material. The ferrimagnetic phase showed vortex configuration with two central and slightly inclined plateaus. In general, increase of heat treatment temperature and time, directly influenced the technological properties of the samples


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La ambigüedad y carencias de la regulación sobre internamientos no voluntarios por razón de trastorno psíquico, unidas a la declaración de inconstitucionalidad que afecta a algunas de sus disposiciones por carecer del debido rango legal, exigen la elaboración de una normativa completa y bien estructurada de la materia. La reciente STC 141/2012, de 2 de julio, enjuicia por primera vez un caso de internamiento psiquiátrico urgente desde la óptica del derecho fundamental a la libertad personal, y el TC aprovecha la coyuntura para desarrollar minuciosamente las garantías que han de respetarse en tales casos con el fin de evitar vulneraciones arbitrarias del mismo. Este trabajo analiza la novedosa doctrina que sienta el TC en dicha sentencia.