997 resultados para Medicine, Experimental.


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Dioxins are organic toxicants that are known to impair tooth development, especially dental hard tissue formation. The most toxic dioxin congener is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Further, clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy can affect child s tooth development. One of the main components of tobacco smoke is the group of non-halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a representative of which is 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Tributyltin (TBT), an organic tin compound, has been shown to impair bone mineralization in experimental animals. In addition to exposure to organic toxicants, a well-established cause for enamel hypomineralization is excess fluoride intake. The principal aim of this thesis project was to examine in vitro if, in addition to dioxins, other organic environmental toxicants, like PAHs and organic tin compounds, have adverse effects on tooth development, specifically on formation and mineralization of the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel. The second aim was to investigate in vitro if fluoride could intensify the manifestation of the detrimental developmental dental effects elicited by TCDD. The study was conducted by culturing mandibular first and second molar tooth germs of E18 NMRI mouse embryos in a Trowell-type organ culture and exposing them to DMBA, TBT, and sodium fluoride (NaF) and/or TCDD at various concentrations during the secretory and mineralization stages of development. Specific methods used were HE-staining for studying cell and tissue morphology, BrdU-staining for cell proliferation, TUNEL-staining for apoptosis, and QPCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for the expressions of selected genes associated with mineralization. This thesis work showed that DMBA, TBT, TCDD and NaF interfere with dentin and enamel formation of embryonic mouse tooth in vitro, and that fluoride can potentiate the harmful effect of TCDD. The results suggested that adverse effects of TBT involve altered expression of genes associated with mineralization, and that DMBA and TBT as well as NaF and TCDD together primarily affect dentin mineralization. Since amelogenesis does not start until mineralization of dentin begins, impaired enamel matrix secretion could be a secondary effect. Dioxins, PAHs and organotins are all liposoluble and can be transferred to the infant by breast-feeding. Since doses are usually very low, developmental toxicity on most of the organs is difficult to indentify clinically. However, tooth may act as an indicator of exposure, since the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel, are not replaced once they have been formed. Thus, disturbed dental hard tissue formation raises the question of more extensive developmental toxicity.


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An experimental study to ascertain the role of external electron donor in methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms has been carried out. The required volume holographic transmission gratings in MBDCG have been recorded using 633-nm light from a He-Ne laser. Three well-known electron donors, namely, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF); ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); triethanolamine (TEA), were used in this study. The variation of diffraction efficiency (η) as a function of light exposure (E) and concentration (C) of the electron donor under consideration was chosen as the figure of merit for judging the role of external electron donor in MBDCG holograms. A self-consistent analysis of the experimental results was carried out by recalling the various known facts about the photochemistry and the hologram formation in DSDCG and also DCG. The important findings and conclusions are as follows: (i) Each η vs E graph is a bell-shaped curve and its peak height is influenced in a characteristic manner by the external electron donor used. (ii) High diffraction efficiency/recording speed can be achieved in pure MBDCG holograms. (iii) The diffraction efficiency/recording speed achieved in electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms did not show any significant improvement at all over that observed in pure MBDCG holograms. (iv) In electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms, the electron donor used, depending on its type and concentration, appears to promote the process of cross-linking of gelatin molecules in a manner to either retain or deteriorate the refractive-index modulation achieved using pure MBDCG.


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High-temperature superconductivity in oxides of the type(La, Ln)2?xBax(Sr)xCuO4, Y(Ln)Ba2Cu3O7??, La3?xBa3+xCu6O14, and related systems is discussed with emphasis on aspects related to experimental solid-state chemistry. All of these oxides possess perovskite-related structures. Oxygen-excess and La-deficient La2CuO4 also exhibit superconductivity in the 20�40 K just as La2?xBax(Srx)CuO4; these oxides are orthorhombic in the superconductivity phase. The crucial role of oxygen stoichiometry in the superconductivity ofYBa2Cu3O7?? (Tc = 95 ± 5K) is examined; this oxide remains orthorhombic up to ? ? 0.6 and becomes tetragonal and nonsuperconducting beyond this value of ?. Oxygen stoichiometry in this and related oxides has to be understood in terms of structure and disorder. The structure of La3?xBa3+xCu6O14 is related to that of YBa2Cu3O7, the orthorhombic structure manifesting itself when the population of O1 oxygens (along the Cusingle bondOsingle bondCu chains) is preponderant compared to that of O5 oxygens (along thea-axis); nearly equal populations of O1 and O5 sites give rise to the tetragonal structure. A transition from a high-Tc (95 K) superconductivity regime to a low-Tc (not, vert, similar60 K) regime occurs in YBa2Cu3O7?? accompanying a change in ?. There is no evidence for Cu3+ in these nominally mixed valent copper oxides. Instead, holes are present on oxygens giving rise to O? or O2?2 species, the concentration of these species increasing with the lowering of temperature. Certain interesting aspects of the superconducting oxides such as domain or twin boundaries, Raman spectra, microwave absorption, and anomalous high-temperature resistivity drops are presented along with the important material parameters. Preparative aspects of the superconducting oxides are briefly discussed. Phase transitions seem to occur atTc as well as at not, vert, similar240 K in YBa2Cu3O7.


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Study orientations in higher education consist of various dimensions, such as approaches to learning, conceptions of learning and knowledge (i.e. epistemologies), self-regulation, and motivation. They have also been measured in different ways. The main orientations typically reported are reproducing and meaning orientations. The present study explored dimensions of study orientations, focusing in particular on pharmacy and medicine. New versions of self-report instruments were developed and tested in various contexts and in two countries. Furthermore, the linkages between study orientations and students epistemological development were explored. The context of problem-based (PBL) small groups was investigated in order to better understand how collaboration contributes to the quality of learning. The participants of Study I (n=66) were pharmacy students, who were followed during a three-year professionally oriented program in terms of their study orientations and epistemologies. A reproducing orientation to studying diminished during studying, whereas only a few students maintained their original level of meaning orientation. Dualism was found to be associated with a reproducing orientation. In Study II practices associated with deep and surface approaches to learning were measured in two differing ways, in order to better distinguish between what students believed to be useful in studying, and the extent to which they applied their beliefs to practice when preparing for examinations. Differences between domains were investigated by including a sample of Finnish and Swedish medical students (n=956) and a Finnish non-medical sample of university students (n=865). Memorizing and rote learning appeared as differing components of a surface approach to learning, while understanding, relating, and critical evaluation of knowledge emerged as aspects of a deep approach to learning. A structural model confirmed these results in both student samples. Study III explored a wide variety of dimensions of learning in medical education. Swedish medical students (n=280) answered the questionnaire. The deep approach to learning was strongly related to collaboration and reflective learning, whereas the surface approach was associated with novice-like views of knowledge and the valuing of certain and directly applicable knowledge. PBL students aimed at understanding, but also valued the role of memorization. Study IV investigated 12 PBL tutorial groups of students (n=116) studying microbiology and pharmacology in a medical school. The educational application was expected to support a deep approach to learning: Group members course grades in a final examination were related to the perceived functioning of the PBL tutorial groups. Further, the quality of cases that had been used as triggers for learning, was associated with the quality of small group functioning. New dimensions of study orientations were discovered. In particular, novel, finer distinctions were found within the deep approach component. In medicine, critical evaluation of knowledge appeared to be less valued than understanding and relating. Further, collaboration appeared to be closely related to the deep approach, and it was also important in terms of successful PBL studying. The results of the studies confirmed the previously found associations between approaches to learning and study success, but showed interesting context- and subgroup-related differences in this respect. Students ideas about the nature of knowledge and their approaches to learning were shown to be closely related. The present study expanded our understanding of the dimensions of study orientations, of their development, and their contextual variability in pharmacy and medicine.


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A simple technique involving the use of a rotating and a stationary diffuser has been developed to vary the spatial coherence of light from a He-Ne laser. Using this technique an experimental investigation of the dependence of rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes on the spatial coherence of the illuminating wavefield has been carried out. It is observed that (i) the rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes varies in a well-defined manner as a function of the spatial coherence of the light used; (ii) the extremely good rotation sensitivity of Lau fringes can be used to great advantage (compared to the conventional double slit method) in the measurement of the spatial coherence of a wavefield; (iii) Lau fringes are formed at various levels of spatial coherence and as such it appears that the Lau effect need not be associated with an incoherent optical field


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An ammonia loop heat pipe (LHP) with a flat plate evaporator is developed and tested. The device uses a nickel wick encased in an aluminum-stainless steel casing. The loop is tested for various heat loads and different sink temperatures, and it demonstrated reliable startup characteristics. Results with the analysis of the experimental observation indicate that the conductance between the compensation chamber and the heater plate can significantly influence the operating temperatures of the LHP. A mathematical model is also presented which is validated against the experimental observations.


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Thixocasting requires manufacturing of billets with non-dendritic microstructure. Aluminum alloy A356 billets were produced by rheocasting in a mould placed inside a linear electromagnetic stirrer. Subsequent heat treatment was used to produce a transition from rosette to globular microstructure. The current and the duration of stirring were explored as control parameters. Simultaneous induction heating of the billet during stirring was quantified using experimentally determined thermal profiles. The effect of processing parameters on the dendrite fragmentation was discussed. Corresponding computational modeling of the process was performed using phase-field modeling of alloy solidification in order to gain insight into the process of morphological changes of a solid during this process. A non-isothermal alloy solidification model was used for simulations. The morphological evolution under such imposed thermal cycles was simulated and compared with experimentally determined one. Suitable scaling using the thermosolutal diffusion distances was used to overcome computational difficulties in quantitative comparison at system scale. The results were interpreted in the light of existing theories of microstructure refinement and globularisation.


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Conformational energy calculations on the model system N-acetyl- 1 -aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid N'methylamide (Ac-Acc6-NHMe), using an average geometry derived from 13 crystallographic observations, establish that the Acc6 residue is constrained to adopt conformations in the helical regions of In contrast, the a,a-dialkylated residue with linear hydrocarbon side chains, a,a-di-n-propylglycine favors fully extended backbone structures (6 1= $ = 180'). The crystal structures of two model peptides, Boc-(Acc6),-OMe (type 111 @-turn at -Acc6(1)-Acc6(2)-) and Boc-Pro-Acc6-Ala-OMe (type I1 P-turn at -Pro-Acc6-), establish that Acc6 residues can occupy either position of type 111 P-turns and the i + 2 position of type I1 @-turns. The stereochemical rigidity of these peptides is demonstrated in solution by NMR studies, which establish the presence of one intramolecular hydrogen bond in each peptide in CDCI, and (CDJ2S0. Nuclear Overhauser effects permit characterization of the @-turn conformations in solution and establish their similarity to the solid-state structures. The implications for the use of Acc6 residues in conformational design are considered.


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Experiments are performed to determine the mass and stiffness variations along the wing of the blowfly Calliphora. The results are obtained for a pairs of wings of 10 male flies and fresh wings are used. The wing is divided into nine locations along the span and seven locations along the chord based on venation patterns. The length and mass of the sections is measured and the mass per unit length is calculated. The bending stiffness measurements are taken at three locations, basal (near root), medial and distal (near tip) of the fly wing. Torsional stiffness measurements are also made and the elastic axis of the wing is approximately located. The experimental data is then used for structural modeling of the wing as a stepped cantilever beam with nine spanwise sections of varying mass per unit lengths, flexural rigidity (EI) and torsional rigidity (GJ) values. Inertial values of nine sections are found to approximately vary according to an exponentially decreasing law over the nine sections from root to tip and it is used to calculate an approximate value of Young's modulus of the wing biomaterial. Shear modulus is obtained assuming the wing biomaterial to be isotropic. Natural frequencies, both in bending and torsion, are obtained by solving the homogeneous part of the respective governing differential equations using the finite element method. The results provide a complete analysis of Calliphora wing structure and also provide guidelines for the biomimetic structural design of insect-scale flapping wings.


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Flow through a rectangular Passage which is expanded suddenly into another rectangular duct of larger Cross-sectional area has been studied experimentally with stagnation Pressures from 3.5 atmospheres to 1.25 atmospheres. The length to height ratio of the enlarged duct varied from 5.769 to 1.923 and three models with length to height ratios 5.769, 3.846, and 1.923 were studied. The influence of stagnation Pressures and length to height ratio of the enlarged duct on base pressure and flow field mean pressures in the enlarged duct is discussed. The results of the present investigation indicate that the oscillatory nature of the mean pressure flow field in the enlarged portion with rectangular cross-section is appreciably different from that for circular cross-section at similar flow conditions.


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Several orthopoxviruses (OPV) and Borna disease virus (BDV) are enveloped, zoonotic viruses with a wide geographical distribution. OPV antibodies cross-react, and former smallpox vaccination has therefore protected human populations from another OPV infection, rodent-borne cowpox virus (CPXV). Cowpox in humans and cats usually manifests as a mild, self-limiting dermatitis and constitutional symptoms, but it can be severe and even life-threatening in the immunocompromised. Classical Borna disease is a progressive meningoencephalomyelitis in horses and sheep known in central Europe for centuries. Nowadays the virus or its close relative infects humans and also several other species in central Europe and elsewhere, but the existence of human Borna disease with its suspected neuropsychiatric symptoms is controversial. The epidemiology of BDV is largely unknown, and the present situation is even more intriguing following the recent detection of several-million-year-old, endogenized BDV genes in primate and various other vertebrate genomes. The aims of this study were to elucidate the importance of CPXV and BDV in Finland and in possible host species, and particularly to 1) establish relevant methods for the detection of CPXV and other OPVs as well as BDV in Finland, 2) determine whether CPXV and BDV exist in Finland, 3) discover how common OPV immunity is in different age groups in Finland, 4) characterize possible disease cases and clarify their epidemiological context, 5) establish the hosts and possible reservoir species of these viruses and their geographical distribution in wild rodents, and 6) elucidate the infection kinetics of BDV in the bank vole. An indirect immunofluorescence assay and avidity measurement were established for the detection, timing and verification of OPV or BDV antibodies in thousands of blood samples from humans, horses, ruminants, lynxes, gallinaceous birds, dogs, cats and rodents. The mostly vaccine-derived OPV seroprevalence was found to decrease gradually according to the year of birth of the sampled human subjects from 100% to 10% in those born after 1977. On the other hand, OPV antibodies indicating natural contact with CPXV or other OPVs were commonly found in domestic and wild animals: the horse, cow, lynx, dog, cat and, with a prevalence occasionally even as high as 92%, in wild rodents, including some previously undetected species and new regions. Antibodies to BDV were detected in humans, horses, a dog, cats, and for the first time in wild rodents, such as bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Because of the controversy within the human Borna disease field, extra verification methods were established for BDV antibody findings: recombinant nucleocapsid and phosphoproteins were produced in Escherichia coli and in a baculovirus system, and peptide arrays were additionally applied. With these verification assays, Finnish human, equine, feline and rodent BDV infections were confirmed. Taken together, wide host spectra were evident for both OPV and BDV infections based on the antibody findings, and OPV infections were found to be geographically broadly distributed. PCR amplification methods were utilised for hundreds of blood and tissue samples. The methods included conventional, nested and real-time PCRs with or without the reverse transcription step and detecting four or two genes of OPVs and BDV, respectively. OPV DNA could be amplified from two human patients and three bank voles, whereas no BDV RNA was detected in naturally infected individuals. Based on the phylogenetic analyses, the Finnish OPV sequences were closely related although not identical to a Russian CPXV isolate, and clearly different from other CPXV strains. Moreover, the Finnish sequences only equalled each other, but the short amplicons obtained from German rodents were identical to monkeypox virus, in addition to German CPXV variants. This reflects the close relationship of all OPVs. In summary, RNA of the Finnish BDV variant could not be detected with the available PCR methods, but OPV DNA infrequently could. The OPV species infecting the patients of this study was proven to be CPXV, which is most probably also responsible for the rodent infections. Multiple cell lines and some newborn rodents were utilised in the isolation of CPXV and BDV from patient and wildlife samples. CPXV could be isolated from a child with severe, generalised cowpox. BDV isolation attempts from rodents were unsuccessful in this study. However, in parallel studies, a transient BDV infection of cells inoculated with equine brain material was detected, and BDV antigens discovered in archival animal brains using established immunohistology. Thus, based on several independent methods, both CPXV and BDV (or a closely related agent) were shown to be present in Finland. Bank voles could be productively infected with BDV. This experimental infection did not result in notable pathological findings or symptoms, despite the intense spread of the virus in the central and peripheral nervous system. Infected voles commonly excreted the virus in urine and faeces, which emphasises their possible role as a BDV reservoir. Moreover, BDV RNA was regularly reverse transcribed into DNA in bank voles, which was detected by amplifying DNA by PCR without reverse transcription, and verified with nuclease treatments. This finding indicates that BDV genes could be endogenized during an acute infection. Although further transmission studies are needed, this experimental infection demonstrated that the bank vole can function as a potential BDV reservoir. In summary, multiple methods were established and applied in large panels to detect two zoonoses novel to Finland: cowpox virus and Borna disease virus. Moreover, new information was obtained on their geographical distribution, host spectrum, epidemiology and infection kinetics.


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"In rats, sucking milk reduces anxiety and promotes non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and in calves it induces resting but the effect on sleep is unknown. Here, we investigated how calves' sleep was affected by colostrum feeding methods. Forty-one calves were blocked by birth date and randomly allotted within blocks to the experimental treatments. Calves were housed for four days either with their dam (DAM) or individually with warm colostrum feeding (2 L four times a day) from either a teat bucket (TEAT) or an open bucket (BUCKET). DAM calves suckled their dam freely. Calves' sleeping and sucking behaviour was filmed continuously for 48 h at the ages of two and three days. Behavioural sleep (BS) was defined as calves resting at least 30 s with their head still and raised (non-rapid eye movement) or with their head against their body or the ground (rapid eye movement, REM). Latency from the end of colostrum feeding to the start of BS was recorded. We compared behaviour of TEAT calves with that of DAM and BUCKET calves using mixed models. Milk meal duration was significantly longer for TEAT calves than for BUCKET calves (mean +/- S.E.M.; 8.3 +/- 0.6 min vs. 5.2 +/- 0.6 min), but equal to that of DAM calves. We found no effect of feeding method on the duration of daily BS (12 h 59 min I h 38 min) but we found a tendency for the daily amount of NREM sleep; BUCKET calves had less NREM sleep per day than TEAT calves (6 h 18 min vs. 7 h 48 min, S.E.M. = 45 min) and also longer latencies from milk ingestion to BS (21.9 +/- 2.0 min vs. 16.2 +/- 2.0 min). DAM calves slept longer bouts than TEAT calves (10.8 +/- 1.0 min vs. 8.3 +/- 1.0 min) and less often (78 +/- 4 vs. 92 +/- 4). Sucking colostrum from a teat bucket compared with drinking from an open"