862 resultados para Matriz de transformação


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Steel is an alloy EUROFER promising for use in nuclear reactors, or in applications where the material is subjected to temperatures up to 550 ° C due to their lower creep resistance under. One way to increase this property, so that the steel work at higher temperatures it is necessary to prevent sliding of its grain boundaries. Factors that influence this slip contours are the morphology of the grains, the angle and speed of the grain boundaries. This speed can be decreased in the presence of a dispersed phase in the material, provided it is fine and homogeneously distributed. In this context, this paper presents the development of a new material metal matrix composite (MMC) which has as starting materials as stainless steel EUROFER 97, and two different kinds of tantalum carbide - TaC, one with average crystallite sizes 13.78 nm synthesized in UFRN and another with 40.66 nm supplied by Aldrich. In order to improve the mechanical properties of metal matrix was added by powder metallurgy, nano-sized particles of the two types of TaC. This paper discusses the effect of dispersion of carbides in the microstructure of sintered parts. Pure steel powders with the addition of 3% TaC UFRN and 3% TaC commercial respectively, were ground in grinding times following: a) 5 hours in the planetary mill for all post b) 8 hours of grinding in the mill Planetary only for steel TaC powders of commercial and c) 24 hours in the conventional ball mill mixing the pure steel milled for 5 hours in the planetary mill with 3% TaC commercial. Each of the resulting particulate samples were cold compacted under a uniaxial pressure of 600MPa, on a cylindrical matrix of 5 mm diameter. Subsequently, the compressed were sintered in a vacuum furnace at temperatures of 1150 to 1250 ° C with an increment of 20 ° C and 10 ° C per minute and maintained at these isotherms for 30, 60 and 120 minutes and cooled to room temperature. The distribution, size and dispersion of steel and composite particles were determined by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy followed by chemical analysis (EDS). The structures of the sintered bodies were observed by optical microscopy and scanning electron accompanied by EDS beyond the x-ray diffraction. Initial studies sintering the obtained steel EUROFER 97 a positive reply in relation to improvement of the mechanical properties independent of the processing, because it is obtained with sintered microhardness values close to and even greater than 100% of the value obtained for the HV 333.2 pure steel as received in the form of a bar


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Epoxy based nanocomposites with 1 wt % and 3 wt % of nanographite were processed by high shear mixing. The nanographite was obtained by chemical (acid intercalation), thermal (microwave expansion) and mechanical (ultrasonic exfoliation) treatments. The mechanical, electrical and thermal behavior of the nanocomposites was determined and evaluated as a function of the percentage of reinforcement. According to the experimental results, the electrical conductivity of epoxy was not altered by the addition of nanographite in the contents evaluated. However, based on the mechanical tests, nanocomposites with addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite showed increase in tensile strength of 16,62 % and 3,20 %, respectively, compared to the neat polymer. The smaller increase in mechanical strength of the nanocomposite with 3 wt.% of nanographite was related to the formation of agglomerates. The addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite also resulted in a decrease of 6,25 % and 17,60 %, respectively, in the relative density of the material. Thus, the specific strength of the nanocomposites was approximately 33,33 % greater when compared to the neat polymer. The addition of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% of nanographite in the material increased the mean values of thermal conductivity in 28,33 % and 132,62 %, respectively, combined with a reduction of 26,11 % and 49,80 % in volumetric thermal capacity, respectively. In summary, it has been determined that an addition of nanographite of the order of 1 wt.% and 3 wt.% produced notable elevations in specific strength and thermal conductivity of epoxy


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Carbide reinforced metallic alloys potentially improve some important mechanical properties required for the overall use of important engineering materials such as steel and nickel. Nevertheless, improved performance is achieved not only by composition enhancement but also by adequate processing techniques, such as novel sintering methods in the case of powder metallurgy. The method minimizes energy losses in addition to providing uniform heating during sintering. Thus, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the density, hardness, flexural strength, dilatometric behavior and to analyze the microstructure of metal matrix composites based nickel with addition of carbides of tantalum and / or niobium when sintered in a conventional furnace and Plasma assisted debinding and sintering (PADS). Initially, were defineds best parameters of granulation, screening and mixing procedure. After, mixtures of carbonyl Ni and 5%, 10% and 15 wt.% NbC and TaC were prepared in a Y-type mixer under wet conditions during 60 minutes. The mixtures were then dried and granulated using 1.5 wt. % paraffin diluted in hexane. Granulates were cold pressed under 600 MPa. Paraffin was then removed from the pressed pellets during a pre-sintering process carried out in a tubular furnace at 500 °C during 30 min. The heating rate was 3 ºC/min. The pellets were then sintered using either a plasma assisted reactor or a conventional resistive tubular furnace. For both methods, the heating rate was set to 8 ºC/min up to 1150 °C. The holding time was 60 minutes. The microstructure of the sintered samples was evaluated by SEM. Brinell hardness tests were also carried out. The results revealed that higher density and higher hardness values were observed in the plasma-assisted sintered samples. Hardness increased with the concentration of carbides in the Ni-matrix. The flexural strength also increased by adding the carbides. The decline was larger for the sample with addition of 5% 5% TaC and NbC. In general, compositions containing added carbide 10% showed less porous and more uniform distribution of carbides in the nickel matrix microstructural appearance. Thus, both added carbide and plasma sintering improved density, hardness, flexural strength and microstructural appearance of the composites


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This research was motivated by the requirement of asbestos s replacement in building systems and the need to generate jobs and income in the country side of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The project aimed at using fibers from licuri leaves (syagrus coronata), an abundant palm in the region, to produce composites appropriate for the sustainable production of cement fibre reinforced products in small plants. The composites were produced in laboratory using Portland cement CP-II-F32, sand, water, licuri palm fiber contents of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% by weight of binder (two different fiber length) and metakaolin. The latter was chosen as an additional binder for its efficiency to reduce the alkalinity of cementitious matrixes therefore preventing the degradation of vegetable fibers. The characterization of the composite components was carried out by sieving and laser particle size analyses, thermal analysis, fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The composites performance was evaluated by 3- point-bending tests, compressive strength, ultrasound module of elasticity, free and restrained shrinkage, water capillarity absorption and apparent specific gravity. It has been found that the addition of fibers increased the time to onset of cracking over 200.00% and a 25% reduction in cracks opening in the restrained shrinkage test. The capillary absorption reduced about 25% when compared to fiber-free composites. It was also observed with regard to flexural strength, compressive strength and specific gravity, that the addiction of fibers did not affect the composite performance presenting similar results for compounds with and without fibers. In general it can be stated that the reinforced composite fibers of palm licuri presents physical and mechanical characteristics which enable them to be used in the intended proposals of this research


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En este trabajo se presenta la investigación realizada con el objeto de determinar la factibilidad tecnológica para el registro de los hologramas de matriz de punto utilizados ampliamente en la industria de las artes gráficas como elementos de seguridad en la lucha contra la piratería y la falsificación de productos -- Para ello se estudian y presentan los fundamentos ópticos de las rejillas de difracción que los conforman, derivando los métodos que permiten el cálculo a partir de condiciones establecidas de iluminación y reconstrucción -- A partir de dichos métodos se desarrollan y se ponen en funcionamiento sistemas y arreglos experimentales completos, que involucran el software para el control de los dispositivos mecánicos, para el manejo y diseño de las imágenes, y adicionalmente la óptica propiamente dicha -- Los sistemas de esta forma implementados, que permiten la generación y registro de las rejillas, son puestos a prueba y se presentan los resultados tomando como parámetro la medición de los espectros generados por difracción -- Finalmente se presentan y evalúan varios ejemplos típicos de la aplicación de los hologramas de seguridad generados en el sistema desarrollado


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Neste trabalho objetivou-se definir as condições necessárias para a obtenção de protoplastos de F. decemcelullare.


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O presente trabalho enfoca os índices de rendimento da etapa de transformação das toras com motosserras do projeto de manejo florestal do PC Pedro Peixoto. São apresentados dados de rendimento representativos das extrações de madeira realizadas em 1997 e 1998.


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El objetivo esencial del trabajo es emitir una propuesta metodológica, como vía alternativa, para abordar la resolución de ciertos Sistemas de Ecuaciones Diferenciales Lineales (SEDL) expresables en forma normal, usando métodos matriciales, a partir del empleo de la diagonalimción y normalización de matrices a través de la matriz normal de Jordan y usando para ello un procedimiento único, basado en el método analítico que es empleado para resolver la ecuación diferencial lineal de primer orden dada en su forma característica, sin soslayar, la obligada extensión a este contexto. Desde el punto de vista didáctico, la metodología general que se propone, para la resolución de estos SEDL es una de sus mayores ventajas metodológicas, ya que, precisamente, proporciona una vía operacional única y fija, con las obligadas transferencias contextuales que fueron señaladas, esperándose lograr una estructuración sistémica de los contenidos asociados al tema, en aras de alcanzar mayores niveles de asequibilidad dentro del proceso de asimilación.


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Studies on the urban landscape and on the changes of the urban space are relevant, since they reveal the economic dynamics and the way of life in the cities. Research on small towns, in particular, can display particular aspects and by so doing broaden the comprehension of this theme. The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes in the urban landscape and in the way of life of the inhabitants of the town of Tenente Ananias-RN that have been taking place since the 1990s up to the present (2013) and which result mainly from the commercial activity of crediário. The study is, therefore, a reflection on the impact of crediário economy on the urban landscape and on the way of life of a small town located in the hinterland of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. For this reason, it was necessary to study the landscape and the way of life found in Tenente Ananias in two moments: a) before the rise of the crediário, a period of time ranging from the town‟s initial emergence until the beginning of the 1990s; b) during the progress of crediário activity, from the beginning of the 1990s, when it starts, up to the present (2013). For this research, primary data (interviews, local survey visits) and secondary data (books, articles, reports, census data) were used. As a result of this study, it was possible to conclude that crediário plays a fundamental role for the explanation of the changes taking place in Tenente Ananias-RN, especially in the urban landscape and in the way of life of people. We have attempted, through this research, to contribute to the studies of a historical, social and economic process related to the urban landscape and space of a small town in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Microbiana, 2016.


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Este documento apresenta os resultados obtidos através do contributo da implementação de um sistema de gestão da energia segundo os critérios e requisitos normativos da ISO 50001:2011, numa unidade industrial de transformação e embalamento de arroz. A aplicação deste referencial normativo deve ter como objetivos apoiar no planeamento das ações decorrentes da gestão de energia, pela monitorização e controlo dos consumos energéticos, bem como, identificar medidas de eficiência energética. Na necessidade da empresa fazer face à previsão do aumento da capacidade produtiva e da redução dos custos associados aos consumos de energia, foi designada uma equipa de gestão de energia que teve como objetivos, a certificação do sistema gestão da energia na empresa e consequentemente, reduzir os custos através de medidas para melhoria da eficiência energética. Os resultados desta implementação foram francamente positivos. Conseguiu-se uma melhoria do desempenho energético em 2015 de 28% face aos valores da primeira medida de gestão da energia, realizada em 2012, ao abrigo da legislação nacional em vigor. O sistema de gestão conseguiu nos primeiros dois anos de execução não só a certificação de conformidade por uma entidade externa, como também, proporcionou à empresa uma redução de 15 % dos valores de consumo específico face aos valores do ano de referência. De um modo geral, a empresa com a implementação deste sistema reduziu os custos energéticos. Esta redução permite aumentar a competitividade no mercado. Assim assegura-se um crescimento da empresa sustentado na gestão de recursos e numa maior diversidade de clientes.


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O Semi-árido brasileiro está presente em oito estados do Nordeste brasileiro, no Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe e Bahia, além do norte do Estado de Minas Gerais e uma parte do Espírito Santo. A região é formada por 100 milhões de hectares. Vivem no semi-árido brasileiro ao redor de 30 milhões de pessoas. Possui uma instabilidade climática típica, influenciada mais pela irregularidade das chuvas do que por sua escassez e precipitações pluviométricas distribuídas entre três a cinco meses. Desde a década de 80, a Embrapa vem desenvolvendo estudo com barragem subterrânea (BS), mas foi nos últimos três anos, especificamente a partir de 2004, através de projetos financiados pelo BNB e CNPq, que começou desenvolver trabalhos participativos, em parceria com outras instituições públicas, movimentos sociais e, principalmente com os agricultores, objetivando fomentar ações que contribuam com a maior oferta de água de chuva nos agroecossistemas do semi-árido brasileiro, por intermédio da apropriação de tecnologias sociais reaplicáveis, desenvolvidas na interação com as comunidades-alvo, assim como pela disponibilização de conhecimentos, através da promoção de ações participativas e estruturantes que contribuem com a inclusão social.