992 resultados para MOMENTS


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We study the kinetics of the biomolecular binding process at the interface using energy landscape theory. The global kinetic connectivity case is considered for a downhill funneled energy landscape. By solving the kinetic master equation, the kinetic time for binding is obtained and shown to have a U-shape curve-dependence on the temperature. The kinetic minimum of the binding time monotonically decreases when the ratio of the underlying energy gap between native state and average non-native states versus the roughness or the fluctuations of the landscape increases. At intermediate temperatures,fluctuations measured by the higher moments of the binding time lead to non-Poissonian, non-exponential kinetics. At both high and very low temperatures, the kinetics is nearly Poissonian and exponential.


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Surface morphology of polystyrene (PS) films on different substrates by spin-coating before and after annealing was observed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The effects of polymer molecular weight, substrates, solvents, and annealing conditions on the morphology of the films were investigated. Before annealing, the grain height decreases, and simultaneously the grain diameter increases with molecular weight (M-w) within the measured molecular weight. After annealing. the situation is opposite, i.e., the grain height increases while the grain diameter decreases with M-w. Furthermore, after annealing the smaller surface roughness (Ra) was obtained. It was also found that film surface roughness (Ra) depends on the vapor pressure and dipole moment of different used solvents as well as the substrates. The experimental results show that when the used solvents have similar dipole moment but different vapor pressure, the Ra of PS film decreased with the decreasing vapor pressure of solvents whether on silicon or on mica. And when the used solvents have close vapor pressure but different dipole moment, the Ra decreased with the increasing of solvent dipole moments on both substrates.


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We propose an approach to integrate the theory, simulations, and experiments in protein-folding kinetics. This is realized by measuring the mean and high-order moments of the first-passage time and its associated distribution. The full kinetics is revealed in the current theoretical framework through these measurements. In the experiments, information about the statistical properties of first-passage times can be obtained from the kinetic folding trajectories of single molecule experiments ( for example, fluorescence). Theoretical/simulation and experimental approaches can be directly related. We study in particular the temperature-varying kinetics to probe the underlying structure of the folding energy landscape. At high temperatures, exponential kinetics is observed; there are multiple parallel kinetic paths leading to the native state. At intermediate temperatures, nonexponential kinetics appears, revealing the nature of the distribution of local traps on the landscape and, as a result, discrete kinetic paths emerge. At very low temperatures, exponential kinetics is again observed; the dynamics on the underlying landscape is dominated by a single barrier.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, and dissociation energies of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, BHLYP, BPW91, and B3PW91. The calculated results are compared with experiments and previous theoretical studies. It was found that the calculated properties are highly dependent on the functionals employed, in particular for the dissociation energy and vibrational frequency. For neutral species, pure density functional methods BLYP and BPW91 have relatively good performance in reproducing the experimental bond distance and vibrational frequency. For cations, hybrid exchange functional methods B3LYP and B3PW91 are good in predicting the dissociation energy. For both neutral and charged species, BHLYP tends to give smaller dissociation energy.


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The electronic structure of CaCu3Mn4O12 and LaCu3Mn4O12 was investigated using a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method within the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). The ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic states in these two compounds were investigated and the calculated spin magnetic moments were found to be close to the available experimental values. Calculations of spin polarization for these two oxides show that the ferrimagnetic configurations are the energetically favored ground state, which is consistent with experimental observation. The calculations predict that CaCu3Mn4O12 is a semiconductor and that LaCu3Mn4O12 is a half-metallic material. Furthermore, the relevance of these different electronic structures to the magnetoresistance is discussed.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies, and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied using the density functional method. Ground state was assigned for each species. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that besides an ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d orbitals and the silicon 3p orbital. The covalent character increases from ScSi (YSi) to NiSi (PdSi) for 3d (4d) metal monosilicides, then decreases. For 5d metal monosilicides, the covalent character increases from LaSi to OsSi, then decreases. For the dissociation of cations, the dissociation channel depends on the magnitude of the ionization potential between metal and silicon. If the ionization potential of the metal is smaller than that of silicon, channel MSi+-> M++Si is favored. Otherwise, MSi+-> M+Si+ will be favored. A similar behavior was observed for anions, in which the dissociation channel depends on the magnitude of electron affinity.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, dissociation energies, electron affinities, ionization potentials and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral and charged ions were studied by use of density functional method. Ground states for each molecule were assigned. For neutral and cationic molecules, the bond distance decreases from YC (YC+) to RhC (RhC+), then increases, while for anionic molecules, the bond distance decreases from YC- to RuC-, then increases. Opposite trend was observed for vibrational frequency. The bond ionic character decreases from ZrC to PdC for neutral molecules. The bonding patterns are discussed and compared with the available studies.


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We study the kinetics of protein folding via statistical energy landscape theory. We concentrate on the local-connectivity case, where the configurational changes can only occur among neighboring states, with the folding progress described in terms of an order parameter given by the fraction of native conformations. The non-Markovian diffusion dynamics is analyzed in detail and an expression for the mean first-passage time (MFPT) from non-native unfolded states to native folded state is obtained. It was found that the MFPT has a V-shaped dependence on the temperature. We also find that the MFPT is shortened as one increases the gap between the energy of the native and average non-native folded states relative to the fluctuations of the energy landscape. The second- and higher-order moments are studied to infer the first-passage time distribution. At high temperature, the distribution becomes close to a Poisson distribution, while at low temperatures the distribution becomes a Levy-type distribution with power-law tails, indicating a nonself-averaging intermittent behavior of folding dynamics. We note the likely relevance of this result to single-molecule dynamics experiments, where a power law (Levy) distribution of the relaxation time of the underlined protein energy landscape is observed.


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More than 22 000 folding kinetic simulations were performed to study the temperature dependence of the distribution of first passage time (FPT) for the folding of an all-atom Go-like model of the second beta-hairpin fragment of protein G. We find that the mean FPT (MFPT) for folding has a U (or V)-shaped dependence on the temperature with a minimum at a characteristic optimal folding temperature T-opt*. The optimal folding temperature T-opt* is located between the thermodynamic folding transition temperature and the solidification temperature based on the Lindemann criterion for the solid. Both the T-opt* and the MFPT decrease when the energy bias gap against nonnative contacts increases. The high-order moments are nearly constant when the temperature is higher than T-opt* and start to diverge when the temperature is lower than T-opt*. The distribution of FPT is close to a log-normal-like distribution at T* greater than or equal to T-opt*. At even lower temperatures, the distribution starts to develop long power-law-like tails, indicating the non-self-averaging intermittent behavior of the folding dynamics. It is demonstrated that the distribution of FPT can also be calculated reliably from the derivative of the fraction not folded (or fraction folded), a measurable quantity by routine ensemble-averaged experimental techniques at dilute protein concentrations.


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Two new compounds with the formula of CdYMWO7 (M = Cr, Mn) were prepared by solid state reaction. They crystallized with orthorhombic structure with the cell parameters of a = 11.7200 Angstrom, b = 7.1779 Angstrom, c = 6.9805 Angstrom (CdYCrWO7), and a = 11.7960 Angstrom, b = 6.1737 Angstrom, c = 7.6530 Angstrom (CdYMnWO7). These compounds are insulators with high resistivities at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of CdYMWO7 (M = Cr and Mn) show Curie-Weiss Law's behaviors from 80 to 300 K. The magnetic moments at room temperature fit very well with those corresponding to Cr3+ and Mn3+ ions. This suggests that both Cr and Mn ions exist in + 3 oxidation state in CdYMWO7 compounds. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present the synthesis of the AgLnMo(2)O(8) oxides with Ln = La-Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb and Y. These compounds represent a scheelite-related structure type characterized by MoO42- tetrahedrons. The IR spectra show three transmittance bands in the region of 1000-400 cm(-1), which correspond respectively to the nu(1), nu(2), and nu(3) modes of the tetrahedral MoO42- groups. All of AgLnMo(2)O(8) are insulator materials at room temperature. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities of AgLnMo(2)O(8) (Ln = Ce-Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) show Curie-Weiss Law behaviors with two anomalies occurring at low temperature, whereas AgLaMo2O8 and AgYMo2O8 both exhibit diamagnetic properties as expected. The magnetic moments at room temperature fit very well with those corresponding to rare earth sesquioxides. This suggests that rare earth ions exist in +3 oxidation state in all AgLnMo(2)O(8) compounds.


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