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The self-diffusion properties of pure CH4 and its binary mixture with CO2 within MY zeolite have been investigated by combining an experimental quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique and classical Molecular dynamics simulations. The QENS measurements carried out at 200 K led to an unexpected self-diffusivity profile for Pure CH4 with the presence of a maximum for a loading of 32 CH4/unit cell, which was never observed before for the diffusion of apolar species in azeolite system With large windows. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed using two distinct microscopic models for representing the CH4/NaY interactions. Depending on the model, we are able to fairly reproduce either the magnitude or the profile of the self-diffusivity.Further analysis allowed LIS to provide some molecular insight into the diffusion mechanism in play. The QENS measurements report only a slight decrease of the self-diffusivity of CH4 in the presence of CO2 when the CO2 loading increases. Molecular dynamics simulations successfully capture this experimental trend and suggest a plausible microscopic diffusion mechanism in the case of this binary mixture.


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In this paper we employ the phenomenon of bending deformation induced transport of cations via the polymer chains in the thickness direction of an electro-active polymer (EAP)-metal composite thin film for mechanical energy harvesting. While EAPs have been applied in the past in actuators and artificial muscles, promising applications of such materials in hydrodynamic and vibratory energy harvesting are reported in this paper. For this, functionalization of EAPs with metal electrodes is the key factor in improving the energy harvesting efficiency. Unlike Pt-based electrodes, Ag-based electrodes have been deposited on an EAP membrane made of Nafion. The developed ionic metal polymer composite (IPMC) membrane is subjected to a dynamic bending load, hydrodynamically, and evaluated for the voltage generated against an external electrical load. An increase of a few orders of magnitude has been observed in the harvested energy density and power density in air, deionized water and in electrolyte solutions with varying concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) as compared to Pt-based IPMC performances reported in the published literature. This will have potential applications in hydrodynamic and residual environmental energy harvesting to power sensors and actuators based on micro-andn nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) for biomedical,maerospace and oceanic applications.


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Atmospheric aerosol particle formation events can be a significant source for tropospheric aerosols and thus influence the radiative properties and cloud cover of the atmosphere. This thesis investigates the analysis of aerosol size distribution data containing particle formation events, describes the methodology of the analysis and presents time series data measured inside the Boreal forest. This thesis presents a methodology to identify regional-scale particle formation, and to derive the basic characteristics such as growth and formation rates. The methodology can also be used to estimate concentration and source rates of the vapour causing particle growth. Particle formation was found to occur frequently in the boreal forest area over areas covering up to hundreds of kilometers. Particle formation rates of boreal events were found to be of the order of 0.01-5 cm^-3 s^-1, while the nucleation rates of 1 nm particles can be a few orders of magnitude higher. The growth rates of over 3 nm sized particles were of the order of a few nanometers per hour. The vapor concentration needed to sustain such growth is of the order of 10^7--10^8 cm^-3, approximately one order of magnitude higher than sulphuric acid concentrations found in the atmosphere. Therefore, one has to assume that other vapours, such as organics, have a key role in growing newborn particles to sizes where they can become climatically active. Formation event occurrence shows a clear annual variation with peaks in summer and autumns. This variation is similar to the variation exhibited the obtained formation rates of particles. The growth rate, on the other hand, reaches its highest values during summer. This difference in the annual behavior, and the fact that no coupling between the growth and formation process could be identified, suggest that these processes might be different ones, and that both are needed for a particle formation burst to be observed.


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This work is focused on the effects of energetic particle precipitation of solar or magnetospheric origin on the polar middle atmosphere. The energetic charged particles have access to the atmosphere in the polar areas, where they are guided by the Earth's magnetic field. The particles penetrate down to 20-100 km altitudes (stratosphere and mesosphere) ionising the ambient air. This ionisation leads to production of odd nitrogen (NOx) and odd hydrogen species, which take part in catalytic ozone destruction. NOx has a very long chemical lifetime during polar night conditions. Therefore NOx produced at high altitudes during polar night can be transported to lower stratospheric altitudes. Particular emphasis in this work is in the use of both space and ground based observations: ozone and NO2 measurements from the GOMOS instrument on board the European Space Agency's Envisat-satellite are used together with subionospheric VLF radio wave observations from ground stations. Combining the two observation techniques enabled detection of NOx enhancements throughout the middle atmosphere, including tracking the descent of NOx enhancements of high altitude origin down to the stratosphere. GOMOS observations of the large Solar Proton Events of October-November 2003 showed the progression of the SPE initiated NOx enhancements through the polar winter. In the upper stratosphere, nighttime NO2 increased by an order of magnitude, and the effect was observed to last for several weeks after the SPEs. Ozone decreases up to 60 % from the pre-SPE values were observed in the upper stratosphere nearly a month after the events. Over several weeks the GOMOS observations showed the gradual descent of the NOx enhancements to lower altitudes. Measurements from years 2002-2006 were used to study polar winter NOx increases and their connection to energetic particle precipitation. NOx enhancements were found to occur in a good correlation with both increased high-energy particle precipitation and increased geomagnetic activity. The average wintertime polar NOx was found to have a nearly linear relationship with the average wintertime geomagnetic activity. The results from this thesis work show how important energetic particle precipitation from outside the atmosphere is as a source of NOx in the middle atmosphere, and thus its importance to the chemical balance of the atmosphere.


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During the last decades mean-field models, in which large-scale magnetic fields and differential rotation arise due to the interaction of rotation and small-scale turbulence, have been enormously successful in reproducing many of the observed features of the Sun. In the meantime, new observational techniques, most prominently helioseismology, have yielded invaluable information about the interior of the Sun. This new information, however, imposes strict conditions on mean-field models. Moreover, most of the present mean-field models depend on knowledge of the small-scale turbulent effects that give rise to the large-scale phenomena. In many mean-field models these effects are prescribed in ad hoc fashion due to the lack of this knowledge. With large enough computers it would be possible to solve the MHD equations numerically under stellar conditions. However, the problem is too large by several orders of magnitude for the present day and any foreseeable computers. In our view, a combination of mean-field modelling and local 3D calculations is a more fruitful approach. The large-scale structures are well described by global mean-field models, provided that the small-scale turbulent effects are adequately parameterized. The latter can be achieved by performing local calculations which allow a much higher spatial resolution than what can be achieved in direct global calculations. In the present dissertation three aspects of mean-field theories and models of stars are studied. Firstly, the basic assumptions of different mean-field theories are tested with calculations of isotropic turbulence and hydrodynamic, as well as magnetohydrodynamic, convection. Secondly, even if the mean-field theory is unable to give the required transport coefficients from first principles, it is in some cases possible to compute these coefficients from 3D numerical models in a parameter range that can be considered to describe the main physical effects in an adequately realistic manner. In the present study, the Reynolds stresses and turbulent heat transport, responsible for the generation of differential rotation, were determined along the mixing length relations describing convection in stellar structure models. Furthermore, the alpha-effect and magnetic pumping due to turbulent convection in the rapid rotation regime were studied. The third area of the present study is to apply the local results in mean-field models, which task we start to undertake by applying the results concerning the alpha-effect and turbulent pumping in mean-field models describing the solar dynamo.


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Monophasic BaLaxBi4-xTi4O15 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8) ceramics, fabricated from the powders synthesized via the solid-state reaction route exhibited relaxor behavior. Dielectric properties of the well sintered ceramics were measured in a wide frequency range (1 kHz-1 MHz) at different temperatures (300-750 K). The temperature of dielectri maximum (T-m) was found to decrease significantly from 696 K for an undoped sample (x = 0) to 395 K for the sample corresponding to the composition x = 0.8 accompanied by a decrease in the magnitude ofdielectric maximum (epsilon(m)). The temperature variation of the dielectric constant on the high temperature slope of the peak (T > T-m) was analyzed by using the Lorentz-ype quadratic law and the diffuseness of the peak was found to increase with increasing x. Vogel-Fulcher modelling of dielectric relaxation showed a decrease in freezing temperature (T-VF) (from 678 to 340 K) and an increase in the activation energy (5 to 24 meV) for the frequency dispersion with increase in x (La-3 divided by content). Strength of frequency dispersion of the phase transition increased with lanthanum content. Polarization (P)-electric field (E) hysteresis loops recorded at 373 showed a transition from a nearly squarish to slim loop hysteresis behavior with increasing lanthanum content.


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Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) affect atmospheric chemistry and thereafter also participate in the climate change in many ways. The long-lived greenhouse gases and tropospheric ozone are the most important radiative forcing components warming the climate, while aerosols are the most important cooling component. VOCs can have warming effects on the climate: they participate in tropospheric ozone formation and compete for oxidants with the greenhouse gases thus, for example, lengthening the atmospheric lifetime of methane. Some VOCs, on the other hand, cool the atmosphere by taking part in the formation of aerosol particles. Some VOCs, in addition, have direct health effects, such as carcinogenic benzene. VOCs are emitted into the atmosphere in various processes. Primary emissions of VOC include biogenic emissions from vegetation, biomass burning and human activities. VOCs are also produced in secondary emissions from the reactions of other organic compounds. Globally, forests are the largest source of VOC entering the atmosphere. This thesis focuses on the measurement results of emissions and concentrations of VOCs in one of the largest vegetation zones in the world, the boreal zone. An automated sampling system was designed and built for continuous VOC concentration and emission measurements with a proton transfer reaction - mass spectrometer (PTR-MS). The system measured one hour at a time in three-hourly cycles: 1) ambient volume mixing-ratios of VOCs in the Scots-pine-dominated boreal forest, 2) VOC fluxes above the canopy, and 3) VOC emissions from Scots pine shoots. In addition to the online PTR-MS measurements, we determined the composition and seasonality of the VOC emissions from a Siberian larch with adsorbent samples and GC-MS analysis. The VOC emissions from Siberian larch were reported for the fist time in the literature. The VOC emissions were 90% monoterpenes (mainly sabinene) and the rest sesquiterpenes (mainly a-farnesene). The normalized monoterpene emission potentials were highest in late summer, rising again in late autumn. The normalized sesquiterpene emission potentials were also highest in late summer, but decreased towards the autumn. The emissions of mono- and sesquiterpenes from the deciduous Siberian larch, as well as the emissions of monoterpenes measured from the evergreen Scots pine, were well described by the temperature-dependent algorithm. In the Scots-pine-dominated forest, canopy-scale emissions of monoterpenes and oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs) were of the same magnitude. Methanol and acetone were the most abundant OVOCs emitted from the forest and also in the ambient air. Annually, methanol and mixing ratios were of the order of 1 ppbv. The monoterpene and sum of isoprene 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) volume mixing-ratios were an order of magnitude lower. The majority of the monoterpene and methanol emissions from the Scots-pinedominated forest were explained by emissions from Scots pine shoots. The VOCs were divided into three classes based on the dynamics of the summer-time concentrations: 1) reactive compounds with local biological, anthropogenic or chemical sources (methanol, acetone, butanol and hexanal), 2) compounds whose emissions are only temperaturedependent (monoterpenes), 3) long-lived compounds (benzene, acetaldehyde). Biogenic VOC (methanol, acetone, isoprene MBO and monoterpene) volume mixing-ratios had clear diurnal patterns during summer. The ambient mixing ratios of other VOCs did not show this behaviour. During winter we did not observe systematical diurnal cycles for any of the VOCs. Different sources, removal processes and turbulent mixing explained the dynamics of the measured mixing-ratios qualitatively. However, quantitative understanding will require longterm emission measurements of the OVOCs and the use of comprehensive chemistry models. Keywords: Hydrocarbons, VOC, fluxes, volume mixing-ratio, boreal forest


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Direct observation of events taking place at the contacting interfaces is important to understand many tribological phenomena. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) has the ability to look through materials at very high magnifications. Most of the TEM observations are done long after the deforming loads and stresses have been relaxed and the material state is further disturbed during the specimen preparation. We have developed a specimen holder in which two electron transparent surfaces can be brought in contact and moved relative to each other in JEOL 2000FX microscope. This holder enables visualization of not only the contacting surfaces at nanoscale but also the subsurface deformation resulting from the contact interaction. Sliding experimentS have been carried out mimicking a single asperity sliding contact. A sharp tungsten probe is moved laterally against a tip mounted on a cantilever. Magnitude of the contact instability, when the contact is broken is found to be dependent on the local geometry of the contact.(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modern database systems incorporate a query optimizer to identify the most efficient "query execution plan" for executing the declarative SQL queries submitted by users. A dynamic-programming-based approach is used to exhaustively enumerate the combinatorially large search space of plan alternatives and, using a cost model, to identify the optimal choice. While dynamic programming (DP) works very well for moderately complex queries with up to around a dozen base relations, it usually fails to scale beyond this stage due to its inherent exponential space and time complexity. Therefore, DP becomes practically infeasible for complex queries with a large number of base relations, such as those found in current decision-support and enterprise management applications. To address the above problem, a variety of approaches have been proposed in the literature. Some completely jettison the DP approach and resort to alternative techniques such as randomized algorithms, whereas others have retained DP by using heuristics to prune the search space to computationally manageable levels. In the latter class, a well-known strategy is "iterative dynamic programming" (IDP) wherein DP is employed bottom-up until it hits its feasibility limit, and then iteratively restarted with a significantly reduced subset of the execution plans currently under consideration. The experimental evaluation of IDP indicated that by appropriate choice of algorithmic parameters, it was possible to almost always obtain "good" (within a factor of twice of the optimal) plans, and in the few remaining cases, mostly "acceptable" (within an order of magnitude of the optimal) plans, and rarely, a "bad" plan. While IDP is certainly an innovative and powerful approach, we have found that there are a variety of common query frameworks wherein it can fail to consistently produce good plans, let alone the optimal choice. This is especially so when star or clique components are present, increasing the complexity of th- e join graphs. Worse, this shortcoming is exacerbated when the number of relations participating in the query is scaled upwards.


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This paper proposes a control method that can balance the input currents of the three-phase three-wire boost rectifier under unbalanced input voltage condition. The control objective is to operate the rectifier in the high-power-factor mode under balanced input voltage condition but to give overriding priority to the current balance function in case of unbalance in the input voltage. The control structure has been divided into two major functional blocks. The inner loop current-mode controller implements resistor emulation to achieve high-power-factor operation on each of the two orthogonal axes of the stationary reference frame. The outer control loop performs magnitude scaling and phase-shifting operations on current of one of the axes to make it balanced with the current on the other axis. The coefficients of scaling and shifting functions are determined by two closed-loop prportional-integral (PI) controllers that impose the conditions of input current balance as PI references. The control algorithm is simple and high performing. It does not require input voltage sensing and transformation of the control variables into a rotating reference frame. The simulation results on a MATLAB-SIMULINK platform validate the proposed control strategy. In implementation Texas Instrument's digital signal processor TMS320F24OF is used as the digital controller. The control algorithm for high-power-factor operation is tested on a prototype boost rectifier under nominal and unbalanced input voltage conditions.


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This paper presents the results of shaking table tests on geotextile-reinforced wrap-faced soil-retaining walls. Construction of model retaining walls in a laminar box mounted on a shaking table, instrumentation, and results from the shaking table tests are discussed in detail. The base motion parameters, surcharge pressure and number of reinforcing layers are varied in different model tests. It is observed from these tests that the response of the wrap-faced soil-retaining walls is significantly affected by the base acceleration levels, frequency of shaking, quantity of reinforcement and magnitude of surcharge pressure on the crest. The effects of these different parameters on acceleration response at different elevations of the retaining wall, horizontal soil pressures and face deformations are also presented. The results obtained from this study are helpful in understanding the relative performance of reinforced soil-retaining walls under different test conditions used in the experiments.


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Evaluation and design of shore protection works in the case of tsunamis assumes considerable importance in view of the impact it had in the recent tsunami of 26th December 2004 in India and other countries in Asia. The fact that there are no proper guidelines have made in the matters worse and resulted in the magnitude of damage that occurred. Survey of the damages indicated that the scour as a result of high velocities is one of the prime reasons for damages in the case of simple structures. It is revealed that sea walls in some cases have been helpful to minimize the damages. The objective of this paper is to suggest that design of shore line protection systems using expected wave heights that get generated and use of flexible systems such as geocells is likely to give a better protection. The protection systems can be designed to withstand the wave forces that corresponding to different probabilities of incidence. A design approach of geocells protection system is suggested and illustrated with reference to the data of wave heights in the east coast of India.


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Automatic identification of software faults has enormous practical significance. This requires characterizing program execution behavior and the use of appropriate data mining techniques on the chosen representation. In this paper, we use the sequence of system calls to characterize program execution. The data mining tasks addressed are learning to map system call streams to fault labels and automatic identification of fault causes. Spectrum kernels and SVM are used for the former while latent semantic analysis is used for the latter The techniques are demonstrated for the intrusion dataset containing system call traces. The results show that kernel techniques are as accurate as the best available results but are faster by orders of magnitude. We also show that latent semantic indexing is capable of revealing fault-specific features.


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Calreticulin is a lectin-like molecular chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes. Its interaction with N-glycosylated polypeptides is mediated by the glycan, Glc(1)Man(9)GlcNAc(2), present on the target glycoproteins. In this work, binding of monoglucosyl IgG (chicken) substrate to calreticulin has been studied using real time association kinetics of the interaction with the biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). By SPR, accurate association and dissociation rate constants were determined, and these yielded a micromolar association constant. The nature of reaction was unaffected by immobilization of either of the reactants. The Scatchard analysis values for K-a agreed web crith the one obtained by the ratio k(1)/k(-1). The interaction was completely inhibited by free oligosaccharide, Glc(1)Man(9)GlcNAc(2), whereas Man(9)GlcNAc(2) did not bind to the calreticulin-substrate complex, attesting to the exquisite specificity of this interaction. The binding of calreticulin to IgG was used for the development of immunoassay and the relative affinity of the lectin-substrate association was indirectly measured. The values are in agreement with those obtained with SPR. Although the reactions are several orders of magnitude slower than the diffusion controlled processes, the data are qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with single-step bimolecular association and dissociation reaction. Analyses of the activation parameters indicate that reaction is enthalpically driven and does not involve a highly ordered transition state. Based on these data, the mechanism of its chaperone activity is briefly discussed.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (Me alpha Man), D-mannopyranoside (Man), methyl alpha-D-glucopyranoside (Me alpha Glu), and D-glucopyranoside (Glu) to concanavalin A (Con A), pea lectin, and lentil lectin were performed at 281 and 292 K in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid-NaOH buffer (pH 6.9) containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn+2 and Ca+2 ions. The site binding enthalpies, delta H, are the same at both temperatures and range from -28.4 +/- 0.9 (Me alpha Man) to -16.6 +/- 0.5 kJ mol-1 (Glu) for Con A, from -26.2 +/- 1.1 (Me alpha Man) to -12.8 +/- 0.4 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for pea lectin, and from -16.6 +/- 0.7 (Me alpha Man) to -8.0 +/- 0.2 kJ mol-1 (Me alpha Glu) for lentil lectin. The site binding constants range from 17 +/- 1 x 10(3) M-1 (Me alpha Man to Con A at 281.2 K) to 230 +/- 20 M-1 (Glu to lentil lectin at 292.6 K) and exhibit high specificity for Con A where they are in the Me alpha Man:Man:Me alpha Glu:Glu ratio of 21:4:5:1, while the corresponding ratio is 5:2:1.5:1 for pea lectin and 4:2:2:1 for lentil lectin. The higher specificity for Con A indicates more interactions between the amino acid residues at the binding site and the carbohydrate ligand than for the pea and lentil lectin-carbohydrate complexes. The carbohydrate-lectin binding results exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation in that delta Hb (kJ mol-1) = -1.67 +/- 0.06 x 10(4) + (1.30 +/- 0.12)T(K) delta Sb (J mol-1K-1). Differential scanning calorimetry measurements on the thermal denaturation of the lectins and their carbohydrate complexes show that the Con A tetramer dissociates into monomers, while the pea and lentil lectin dimers dissociate into two submonomer fragments. At the denaturation temperature, one carbohydrate binds to each monomer of Con A and the pea and lentil lectins. Complexation with the carbohydrate increases the denaturation temperature of the lectin and the magnitude of the increases yield binding constants in agreement with the determinations from titration calorimetry.