982 resultados para KIRKWOOD GAPS


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The maintenance of the growth of the multibillion-dollar semiconductor industry requires the development of techniques for the fabrication and characterisation of nanoscale devices. Consequently, there is great interest in photolithography techniques such as extreme UV and x-ray. Both of these techniques are extremely expensive and technologically very demanding. In this paper we describe research on the feasibility of exploiting x-ray propagation within carbon nanotubes (CNT's) for the fabrication and characterisation of nanoscale devices. This work discusses the parameters determining the design space available. To demonstrate experimentally the feasibility of x-ray propagation, arrays of carbon nanotubes have been grown on silicon membranes. The latter are required to provide structural support for the CNT's while minimising energy loss. To form a waveguide metal is deposited between the nanotubes to block x-ray transmission in this region at the same time as cladding the CNT's. The major challenge has been to fill the spaces between the CNT's with material of sufficient thickness to block x-ray transmission while maintaining the structural integrity of the CNT's. Various techniques have been employed to fill the gaps between the nanotubes including electroplating, sputtering and evaporation. This work highlights challenges encountered in optimising the process.


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This working paper is part of a review of aquaculture technologies and gender in Bangladesh in the period 1990 to 2014. It assesses how gender has been integrated within past aquaculture technology interventions, before exploring the gender dimensions associated with current approaches to transferring knowledge about homestead aquaculture technology. It draws out existing knowledge, identifies research gaps, and selects practices to build upon--as well as practices to move away from. The review examines the research and practice of WorldFish and other development partners in Bangladesh through consultations, a review of gray and published literature, and fieldwork. It aims to contribute to the development of aquaculture technology dissemination methodologies that strengthen and underpin women’s participation in aquaculture.


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The sustainable translation of scientific and technical innovation into global products and services is key to capturing value from emerging industries. For industrial practitioners, choosing the appropriate entry mode into these industries will often determine their level of success in sharing in this value capture. © 2011 IEEE.


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We report enhanced reflection displayed by arrays of silicon based inverted nanocones. Theoretical studies suggest that such arrays display enhanced reflection and photonic band gaps within the optical and near infrared regions. Measured results show three to four fold enhancement in reflection and agree well with calculations. Such arrays can be used to enhance infrared reflection in photovoltaic devices which mostly contribute towards heating. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.


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The phylogeny of Chinese leaf monkeys, especially the snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus), has not been thoroughly investigated using molecular sequence data, perhaps due to their rarity in the wild and their poor representation in institutional collections. Despite several proposed classifications, systematic relationships of these species remain poorly defined and this has hindered their conservation. To clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the leaf monkey clade in China, we sequenced the mitochondrial ND3, ND4L, ND4, tRNA(Arg), tRNA(His), tRNA(Ser), and tRNA(Leu) genes for Rhinopithecus bieti, R. roxellana, Trachypithecus francoisi, T. f. leucocephalus, and T. phayrei as well as Pygathrix nemaeus and Colobus guereza. We included a rotal of 2252 characters for each individual, excluding gaps in primary sequences. Our interpretation of the results from character- and distance-based phylogenetic analyses suggest that (1) Pygathrix nemaeus is sister to Rhinopithecus rather than to Trachypithecus though it is quite divergent from the former; (2) the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, represents a valid species; (3) the white-headed leaf monkey is not a distinct species, but instead is a subspecies of Trachypithecus francoisi (T. f. leucocephalus), though it should still be considered a separate evolutionarily significant unit (ESU); and (4) because two individuals of the Phayrei's leaf monkey, T. phayrei, are genetically distinct from one another, a more extensive revision of the taxonomy of this putative species in China is needed. These results, plus ongoing work on the molecular systematics of the entire Asian leaf monkey radiation, can provide a sound basis for identifying the appropriate units of conservation for this endangered group of primates.


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Using next-generation sequencing technology alone, we have successfully generated and assembled a draft sequence of the giant panda genome. The assembled contigs (2.25 gigabases (Gb)) cover approximately 94% of the whole genome, and the remaining gaps (0.05 Gb) seem to contain carnivore-specific repeats and tandem repeats. Comparisons with the dog and human showed that the panda genome has a lower divergence rate. The assessment of panda genes potentially underlying some of its unique traits indicated that its bamboo diet might be more dependent on its gut microbiome than its own genetic composition. We also identified more than 2.7 million heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the diploid genome. Our data and analyses provide a foundation for promoting mammalian genetic research, and demonstrate the feasibility for using next-generation sequencing technologies for accurate, cost-effective and rapid de novo assembly of large eukaryotic genomes.


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Updating environmental baselines and information; identification of major gaps; promotion of environmental services; promotion of livelihood interests; systematic monitoring practices; and increasing public awareness


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Data, information gaps and related monitoring requirements including trans-boundry issues; alternative livelihoods; critical habitat and develoment issues; policy, planning and institutional development.


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A trophic study was carried out in February of 2012 to January 2013 on the ecosystem in the Persian Gulf, Bushehr provience. A total of 2,948 samples of stomach contents were analyzed based on the weight and number of food items and were identified about 40 preys. Crustacean and bony fish were as a main prey in most of the stomach contents . The mean average trophic level was estimated at 3.6 by Ecopath software. In this research, the mean level were studied between eight species varied from 3.47 to 4.61, Saurida tumbil occupy the highest and the Argyrops spinifer was the lowest level. The ranges of total mortality varied from 0.7 to 3.05 per years. The food consumption rate was estimated about 69.82 per year. The overlap index showed that the prey items such as fish, crustacean, bivalve and echinoderm were shared about 65, 15, 15 and 6 percent in all stomach of individual in respectively. Mixed trophic analysis indicates that benthos have a positive effect on most of the fish species. Most species have a negative impact on themselves, interpreted here as reflecting increased with in group competition for resources. This preliminary model can be helpful to determine the gaps in the present knowledge about demersal system of the Persian Gulf.


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The objectives of the workshop were to validate the contents and findings of the regional synthesis of policy instruments,processes and implementation, which the BOBLME project had produced in 2011; to identify areas of policy needs and gaps and constraints in policy implementation; and to develop a work plan and recommendations for future action work on harmonising policies and strengthening policy making capacity in the Bay of Bengal region.


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The goals of the workshop were to: present verified data, draft a report containing visual descriptors and information on the structure and function of BOBLME ecosystems; identify information gaps and transboundary issues and develop capacity of national scientists on data integration techniques.


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The objective of the current report produced for the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) is to provide basic information on key constraints driving poverty and vulnerability in aquatic agricultural systems in the Tonle Sap region in Cambodia. Six objectives and corresponding research themes are included in the program: sustainable increases in productivity; equitable access to markets; resilience and adaptive capacity; empowering policies and institutions; reduced gender disparity; and expanded benefits for the resource-poor. In this report, the authors review the main aquatic agricultural systems (status, specific policies and strategies, interventions, challenges, and options), then review the main drivers of change. This leads to an identification of plans and strategies important to AAS, with a particular focus on perspectives, gaps and opportunities in national policies, community engagement, increased benefits, adaptive capacity, and gender. This review, of potential interest to decision makers and all development partners, leads to conclusions and recommendations aimed at policymakers and institutional as well as private investors in development.


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The Socio-economic Monitoring (SocMon) training workshop followed up from the capacity building workshop held in Mannar, 2015. It's aims were to validate information collected at the previous workshop, assist in filling in any gaps and develop a vision tree fro future actions. Planned outputs included: a detailed workplan; a workshop process report; and a final socioeconomic base line report for Vidathaltivu village.


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The objectives of the education programme included: making the fishing community and the younger generation aware of the importance of conserving marine resources; to obtain their suggestions and opinions; and to identify gaps and needs to strengthen local participation.


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A baseline survey for the project which had been conducted in 2009 had gaps that could not allow assessment of project performance in the outcome and impact indicators to be made. This study was, therefore, commissioned to reconstruct the baseline data, aligned to the impact and outcome indicators on the project logframe and results framework, against which project achievements could be assessed. The purpose and scope of the study was to reconstruct the baseline data and analysis describing the situation prior to QAFM Project inception, taking 2008 as the baseline year, which was aligned to the project logframe outcome and impact indicators; to collect data on current status to compare project outcome (and where possible impact) in improved fish handling sites in comparison with the baseline as well as with comparable non-improved fish landing sites as control group. The study was conducted through secondary data search from sources at NaFIRRI, DFR and ICEIDA. Field data collection was carried out using a sample survey covering 312 respondents including boat and gear owners, crew members, processors and traders at eight project and two control landing sites. Key Informant Interviews were conducted with DFOs and BMU leaders in the study districts and landing sites respectively.