943 resultados para Juan II, Rey de Castilla, 1406-1454.


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The knowledge about the figure of royal confessor has been, until recent times, very limited for the period of medieval Castile. A lot of studies have been done for Modern Age, when the institution of the kinǵs confessor played an important role in the Court of the Hispanic Crown. It is evident that this figure didńt appear ex nihilo in the Sixteenth Century and there existed some origins. Many historians mentioned some medieval confessors in their studies about any other subjects. Actually, it was not clear if those clerics could be properly considered as confessors. Our first aim has been to find all the references which exist in the sources and bibliography about kinǵs confessors in the Middle Ages and verify their nature as confessors. We fixed the beginning of the period of study with the reign of Enrique II, and its end with the death of Isabel I in 1504. The main reason is the fact that both sovereigns are the first and last monarchs of Trastamara dinasty, a very significant period in the origin of Modern State in Castile. The Church was an essential element in this process, on account of the service which many clerics enlisted to the Crown in different tasks (diplomacy, bureaucracy, Counsel and Counselling, etc.) and their ideological support to this endeavour. In this context, the royal confessor could perform an important work as personal advisor and a loyal subject to the person of the king in so many activities. This is well-known for Modern Age and also fort the reign of transition between this period and the precedent: the period of Catholic Kings. But it isńt for the times backwards...


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Sticholysin II (StnII) is a pore-forming toxin that uses sphingomyelin (SM) as the recognition molecule in targeting membranes.After StnII monomers bind to SM, several toxin monomers act in concert to oligomerize into a functional pore. The regulation of StnII binding to SM, and the subsequent pore-formation process, is not fully understood. In this study, we examined how the biophysical properties of bilayers, originating from variations in the SM structure, from the presence of sterol species, or from the presence of increasingly polyunsaturated glycerophospholipids,affected StnII-induced pore formation. StnII-induced pore formation, as determined from calcein permeabilization, was fastest in the pure unsaturated SM bilayers. In 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/saturated SM bilayers (4:1 molar ratio), pore formation became slower as the chain length of the saturated SMs increased from 14 up to 24 carbons. In the POPC/palmitoyl-SM (16:0-SM) 4:1 bilayers, SM could not support pore formation by StnII if dimyristoyl-PC was included at 1:1 stoichiometry with 16:0-SM, suggesting that free clusters of SM were required for toxin binding and/or pore formation. Cholesterol and other sterols facilitated StnII-induced pore formation markedly, but the efficiency did not appear to correlate with the sterol structure. Benzyl alcohol was more efficient than sterols in enhancing the pore-formation process, suggesting that the effect on pore formation originated from alcohol-induced alteration of the hydrogen-bonding network in the SM-containing bilayers. Finally, we observed that pore formation by StnII was enhanced in the PC/16:0-SM 4:1 bilayers, in which the PC was increasingly unsaturated. We conclude that the physical state of bilayer lipids greatly affected pore formation by StnII. Phase boundaries were not required for pore formation, although SM in a gel state attenuated pore formation.


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Nowadays, data mining is based on low-level specications of the employed techniques typically bounded to a specic analysis platform. Therefore, data mining lacks a modelling architecture that allows analysts to consider it as a truly software-engineering process. Here, we propose a model-driven approach based on (i) a conceptual modelling framework for data mining, and (ii) a set of model transformations to automatically generate both the data under analysis (via data-warehousing technology) and the analysis models for data mining (tailored to a specic platform). Thus, analysts can concentrate on the analysis problem via conceptual data-mining models instead of low-level programming tasks related to the underlying-platform technical details. These tasks are now entrusted to the model-transformations scaffolding.


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Data mining is one of the most important analysis techniques to automatically extract knowledge from large amount of data. Nowadays, data mining is based on low-level specifications of the employed techniques typically bounded to a specific analysis platform. Therefore, data mining lacks a modelling architecture that allows analysts to consider it as a truly software-engineering process. Bearing in mind this situation, we propose a model-driven approach which is based on (i) a conceptual modelling framework for data mining, and (ii) a set of model transformations to automatically generate both the data under analysis (that is deployed via data-warehousing technology) and the analysis models for data mining (tailored to a specific platform). Thus, analysts can concentrate on understanding the analysis problem via conceptual data-mining models instead of wasting efforts on low-level programming tasks related to the underlying-platform technical details. These time consuming tasks are now entrusted to the model-transformations scaffolding. The feasibility of our approach is shown by means of a hypothetical data-mining scenario where a time series analysis is required.


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Geographic knowledge discovery (GKD) is the process of extracting information and knowledge from massive georeferenced databases. Usually the process is accomplished by two different systems, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the data mining engines. However, the development of those systems is a complex task due to it does not follow a systematic, integrated and standard methodology. To overcome these pitfalls, in this paper, we propose a modeling framework that addresses the development of the different parts of a multilayer GKD process. The main advantages of our framework are that: (i) it reduces the design effort, (ii) it improves quality systems obtained, (iii) it is independent of platforms, (iv) it facilitates the use of data mining techniques on geo-referenced data, and finally, (v) it ameliorates the communication between different users.


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En este trabajo se completa la serie de dos artículos en la que se ofrece una revisión de la aplicación de los mapas de curvas de residuo y mapas de líneas de destilación para determinar las regiones de posibles productos en la separación de mezclas ternarias no ideales (azeotrópicas). Con este objetivo, se discuten los criterios para establecer los límites de dichas regiones, a reflujo total y a razón de reflujo finita, y se presentan ejemplos que muestran la aplicación de estos conceptos en la síntesis de secuencias de columnas de destilación para separar mezclas azeotrópicas.


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Actas distribuidas a través de memorias USB e Internet (web del congreso).


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L’edició d’aquest material s’ha fet dins el marc del conveni per a la promoció de l’ús social del valencià signat per la Universitat d’Alacant amb la Conselleria d’Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana.


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Population synthesis studies constitute a powerful method to reconstruct the birth distribution of periods and magnetic fields of the pulsar population. When this method is applied to populations in different wavelengths, it can break the degeneracy in the inferred properties of initial distributions that arises from single-band studies. In this context, we extend previous works to include X-ray thermal emitting pulsars within the same evolutionary model as radio-pulsars. We find that the cumulative distribution of the number of X-ray pulsars can be well reproduced by several models that, simultaneously, reproduce the characteristics of the radio-pulsar distribution. However, even considering the most favourable magneto-thermal evolution models with fast field decay, lognormal distributions of the initial magnetic field overpredict the number of visible sources with periods longer than 12 s. We then show that the problem can be solved with different distributions of magnetic field, such as a truncated lognormal distribution, or a binormal distribution with two distinct populations. We use the observational lack of isolated neutron stars (NSs) with spin periods P > 12 s to establish an upper limit to the fraction of magnetars born with B > 1015 G (less than 1 per cent). As future detections keep increasing the magnetar and high-B pulsar statistics, our approach can be used to establish a severe constraint on the maximum magnetic field at birth of NSs.


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En 1930 Walter Gropius presentaba una ponencia al congreso CIAM de Bruselas titulada “¿Construcción baja, media o alta?”, decantándose por la arquitectura en altura dadas las posibilidades técnicas y las necesidades sociales. En 1963, el arquitecto catalán Juan Guardiola Gaya (1927-2005), afincado en Alicante desde 1959, proyecta dos de los primeros rascacielos residenciales de España, entendiendo por tales los edificios verticales que, requiriendo de ascensores para su uso (h> 25m, 1935, Bergpolder, Rotterdam), mantienen una proporción entre su altura y sus medidas en planta de, al menos, 2: 1, una torre. Lógico: más alto que ancho, lo contrario sería el edificio laminar. En esta comunicación se desmenuza en detalle el proyecto y la obra del rascacielos Coblanca-1 (1963-65), que roza los 100 metros de cota y que se convertiría en el primer experimento del laboratorio de arquitectura y urbanismo moderno de Benidorm. Sus referencias son múltiples: en el planteamiento distributivo: las viviendas de Gropius, en el volumen: la nitidez de la Lever House de SOM (plataforma comercial y prisma residencial), en la estructura en retícula: el orden de Mies (con una relación de esbeltez de 1:4)… La vigencia de este legado está presente por 1º) la contemporaneidad por su método de proyecto (zonificación por bandas de servicios paralelas), 2º) su riguroso orden compositivo racional (retícula en el espacio, flexibilidad de las distribuciones, estudios del existenzminimum y composición tripartita: pódium, fuste y pérgola), 3º) su riqueza de su distribución funcional y espacial (superposición de diversos usos) y 4º) la implicación urbana de su parte de mat-building comercial y sus jardines de plantas autóctonas. Esta arquitectura singular se erige en un tipo de referencia, tanto en planta, sección, volumen, estructura como organización para toda la primera generación de rascacielos residenciales cuyos entramados de sostén se ejecutaron con perfiles normalizados de acero (previos al desarrollo en los años 80 de la segunda generación de rascacielos basados en el hormigón de alta resistencia) y se pusieron en obra con los materiales tecnológicamente más avanzados del momento (muro cortina, celosías de hormigón, carpinterías de aluminio, revestimientos de cerámica…). Su solución tipológica resultaba intercambiable y compatible con la propia hotelera (plataforma comercial equivalente a los salones públicos de un hotel, cuerpo de apartamentos similar al volumen de habitaciones y zonificación por bandas de usos válida para ambos casos). La rotundidad de su volumen prismático ha contribuido a definir el skyline de la metrópolis moderna. Su actualidad viene refrendada, no solo en las formas y en la imagen, también en sus parámetros urbanísticos: la fórmula de fijar la edificabilidad permitió experimentar en distintas posibilidades de composición del volumen donde se optó, como Gropius, por recurrir a la mínima ocupación en planta con la máxima cota en altura para alcanzar el volumen fijado (con los medios tecnológicos disponibles): el orden de los factores sí alteraba el resultado. Existe un cierto paralelismo con lo acontecido en Chicago casi un siglo atrás cuando se asistió al nacimiento de la metrópolis contemporánea. Arquitectura y ciudad son un binomio inseparable.


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Desde la fecunda obra de Caro Baroja, la renovación de las élites de gobierno localizada a comienzos del setecientos ha llamado la atención de una parte de la historiografía preocupada en proponer diversos enfoques con los que interpretar este proceso de enormes consecuencias sociales y políticas. El caso de los Macanaz presenta una serie de peculiaridades que lo hacen propicio para un análisis detallado de su proceso de promoción familiar en el que sobresale la trascendencia de ciertos factores escasamente subrayados hasta el momento. El importante papel desempeñado por la casa aristocrática de Villena y el escaso peso de lo local o regnícola en su proyección posterior, nos servirá para cuestionar la dimensión de los Macanaz como iniciadores de una hipotética “hora murciana”, destacando en su caso la importancia de otros elementos complementarios como el patrocinio nobiliario, el mérito, la formación y la capacidad e iniciativa individual, vías también de acceso al servicio del rey.


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Imprint of II ser., v. 3-7: Madrid, Impr. de J.M. Perez; II. ser., v. 8-10: Madrid, Imprenta y litografía de la Guirnalda.