972 resultados para Informatique mathématique
Esta dissertação teve o objetivo de verificar se os alunos da EJA consideram que o uso de uma variedade linguística pouco valorizada tem efeito sobre a aprendizagem da matemática e refletir sobre a importância do respeito à variedade linguística do aluno da EJA, que pode servir de meio para se chegar à variedade estabelecida no espaço escolar, assim como para a aquisição da linguagem matemática. A discriminação linguística que se tem dentro do contexto escolar pode distanciar ou até mesmo negar o acesso aos conhecimentos escolares pelo fato de se retirar as referências de mundo que o aluno possui. O aprendizado da matemática no meio escolar está distante das variedades existentes e principalmente daquelas oriundas dos meios mais carentes economicamente. Analisa-se a possibilidade de uma ponte entre os conhecimentos matemáticos populares e os escolares, a partir do respeito à variedade usada pelos educandos. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pública com uma turma da terceira etapa da EJA. A análise permitiu constatar que muitos dos problemas encontrados no aprendizado da matemática estão relacionados com aspectos referentes à discriminação da variedade linguística e dos conhecimentos matemáticos das classes populares no meio escolar. Como se vive numa sociedade altamente tecnológica, que é formatada por modelos prescritos pela classe dominante, a partir da linguagem matemática, então esse conhecimento é imprescindível para a compreensão e para uma possível transformação social. Contudo, a escola segue comportamentos determinados, com o objetivo de reproduzir e manter tal mentalidade dominante ao negar o acesso à linguagem matemática. A pesquisa aponta para um caminho que prevê um ensino/aprendizagem da matemática que se emancipe desse ideal de sociedade, pois assim poderá contribuir para uma melhor educação aos alunos da EJA e para uma possível transformação social.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
What is the role of qualitative data? How should mixed approaches be considered? Is it necessary to complement the quantitative approach by the qualitative approach (Maziére et al., 2010) or the opposite? How can these two approaches be combined in a Language Acquisition research? What are the possibilities of generalization that these approaches provide? Besides those necessary theoretical discussions, our starting point is a qualitative research on the acquisition of the plural morpheme in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) in children between 1 year 11 months old and 2 years 7 months old (Hilário, 2012), whose linguistic production is intrinsically connected to their dialogic aspect (Bakhtin & Vološinov, 1973) and to the interaction among interlocutors (Bruner, 2004; Vygotsky, 1986). In this research through the usage of a computational tool (CLAN) it is expected to have more visibility of the quantitative results even if they are in a qualitative approach. Although, it should be taken into account the fact that each approach can achieve valid and relevant results (Valsiner 2000), i.e., with any given method it is possible to reach a kind of generalization (statistical or analytical).
Dans cet article, nous présentons l'analyse des erreurs commises par rapport à l'épistémologie génétique et la psychologie de Jean Piaget. Nous nous appuyons sur un essai publié dans un périodique brésilien concernant la constitution du sujet d’enfance et la théorie de Piaget. Nous avons comme but d’aider à reprendre la «vraie» théorie de Piaget et de donner un aperçu aux lecteurs à fin de ne pas reproduire de telles erreurs ou être confrontés à de différents sens donnés à la même théorie. En ce qui concerne l'analyse, les auteurs du rapport disent que l'homme est le résultat de différents stades de développement et de ses phases. Cependant, en cherchant à expliquer comment les structures logiques deviennent nécessaires, Piaget a affirmé de ne pas rien avoir inventé. Il a conclu que la constitution des structures opératoires est le résultat de l'interaction du sujet avec le milieu, à condition qu'il dispose de certaines conditions prealables et qu’il soit capable d' établir ses rapports De cette manière, s'il a identifié des moments de la psychogenèse cognitive, il l’a fait grace à la constatation de que les sujets, dans cette interaction avec le milieu, finissaient par construire des manières qualitativement différentes de comprendre et gérer la réalité. Ainsi, Piaget n'a pas cherché de mettre les individus dans des phases ou périodes, artificiellement. Une autre erreur est celui de considérer que Piaget soit adepte de la dicotomie normalité/ anormalité. Ses préoccupations sont de nature épistémologique, et s'il est parvenu à formuler une psychologie, cela avait comme but de donner une base scientifique à sa théorie de la connaissance. Encore une autre confusion a lieu quand on affirme que Piaget a identifié les enfants aux peuples primitifs. Il a seulement dit que la nécessité d’entrer en relation avec le milieu est égale pour l'homme primitif comme pour celui d'aujourd'hui; par conséquent, le fonctionnement est le seul élément biologique considéré par Piaget, vu que tous les êtres vivants cherchent à s’adapter à la réalité. D’après cet angle, on constate que, de la même manière que l’homme primitif a été un enfant - comme ceux d’aujourd'hui - il a cherché à interagir avec le milieu à fin d'assurer sa survie. Il arrive que ses demandes étaient élémentaires du point de vue logico-mathématique, contrairement à nos jours. Une autre erreur consiste à dire qu'il a soupçonné ou admis que les processus de pensée reconnaissaient une organisation logique. Il ne s’agit pas de soupçon ni d'admission, mais d´une nécéssité. Faute de cette fondation, tout le bâtiment piagétien s’effondrerait. Nous concluons que le concept de progrès et l'état de l'intelligence sous-entendent la critique des auteurs. Malgré cela, et même pas sans admettre les explications formulées par Piaget, c’est le fait de que les censeurs doivent faire face à une vérité: indépendamment de la culture ou du moment historique, les enfants agissent toujours de la même manière, en cherchant à donner un sens à la réalité. Nous pouvons donc être d’accord ou en désaccord avec l'explication de Piaget. Cependant, il y a quelque chose qui ne doit pas être ignorée: la contribution apportée par Piaget vers la compréhension de la logique du fonctionnement mental.
Research partly motivated by Lewis Carroll's Euclid and his modern rivals (1879) portuguese translation, this paper presents some hermeneutical remarks taken as necessary to understand the context in which such book was produced. The paper focuses particularly on education, in general, and on the teaching of mathematics and Geometry in victorian England.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A time-and-motion study in wood processing of the Eucalyptus harvester's operational cycle was developed. The objective was to evaluate wood harvesters working under several site conditions. The research includes two kinds of harvesters while processing wood to supply paper and cellulose factories, as follows: a machine with twin tires and other one with large tracks, both connected to a different head harvester models. The forestry species were Eucalyptus saligna Smith and Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, seven and eight years old, in slope terrains ranging from 0% to 10% degrees, under harvesting systems used by Votorantim and Suzano forestry companies, in São Paulo State, Brazi. Considering all field research, results disclosed that, for some conditions, both machines have shown mathematical correlation between some mechanical wood operation within the processing operational cycle and the saw logs production. All the mathematical correlations were found to express logarithmical models.
What is known today as “Oral History” is a research methodology which, in Brazil, has been widely used in the field of cultural studies by sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. Oral History was first introduced in Brazil with studies in social psychology and then spread to many other academic spheres, with the field of mathematics education being one of the most recent to adopt this method as one of its theoretical-methodological references. Topics such “What Oral History is” and “How Oral History can be implemented in mathematics education” are the foci of this paper.
The spectacular advances computer science applied to geographic information systems (GIS) in recent times has favored the emergence of several technological solutions. These developments have given rise to enormous opportunities for digital management of the territory. Among the technological solutions, the most famous Google Maps offers free online mapping dynamic exhaustive of the Maps. In addition to meet the enormous needs of urban indicators geotagged information, we did work on this project “Integration of an urban observatory on Google Maps.” The problem of geolocation in the urban observatory is particularly relevant in the sense that there is currently no data (descriptive and geographical) reliable on the urban sector; we must stick to extrapolate from data old and obsolete. This helps to curb the effectiveness of urban management to make difficult investment programming and to prevent the acquisition of knowledge to make cities engines of growth. The use of a geolocation tool coupled to the data would allow better monitoring of indicators Our project's objective is to develop an interactive map server (WebMapping) which map layer is formed from the resources of the Google Maps servers and match information from the field to produce maps of urban equipment and infrastructure of a city data to the client's request To achieve this goal, we will participate in a study of a GPS location of strategic sites in our core sector (health facilities), on the other hand, using information from the field, we will build a postgresql database that will link the information from the field to map from Google Maps via KML scripts and PHP appropriate. We will limit ourselves in our work to the city of Douala Cameroon with the sectors of health facilities with the possibility of extension to other areas and other cities. Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), Thematic Mapping, Web Mapping, data mining, Google API.