937 resultados para IT-Enabled Business Transformation


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O mundo transforma-se constantemente, assim como tudo o que nele está inserido. A evolução da economia possibilitou uma maior integração do mercado financeiro, tornando o ambiente de negócios único e global. É cada vez mais comum o ingresso de recursos estrangeiros nos mercados de capitais nacionais, bem como fusões e aquisições entre companhias de países distintos e com características próprias. Essas empresas, por sua vez, esforçam-se em adotar normas que atendam aos stakeholders, sem perder a obrigatoriedade de apresentar suas demonstrações contábeis em conformidade com as características do país em que estão sediadas. Com a unificação dos países da Europa em um único bloco econômico, vislumbrou-se a possibilidade de desenvolver normas que pudessem ser compreendidas e interpretadas pelos diversos usuários destas demonstrações contábeis, em qualquer lugar do globo. Assim criadas, as normas de IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards buscaram a redução de diferenças nas metodologias contábeis e na forma com que são divulgadas em cada país, permitindo a comparabilidade e evidenciação das informações ao mercado. O IFRS, atualmente, já é adotado por mais de 100 países no mundo. No Brasil, em 28 de dezembro de 2007, promulgou-se a Lei 11.638 eliminando barreiras regulatórias que impediam a inserção total das empresas brasileiras no processo de convergência contábil internacional e aproximando sua legislação referente às normas contábeis às do mundo globalizado. O objeto do presente estudo é apresentar as principais mudanças decorrentes dessa adoção e seus impactos na contabilidade das empresas brasileiras, tomando como exemplo a empresa Vale, multinacional brasileira com alto volume diário de negociações de suas ações em Bolsa de Valores, grande parte de investidores estrangeiros. Os assuntos controversos, definições e entendimentos que ainda serão deliberados até 2010, evidenciam que não houve tempo hábil para a discussão e preparação das empresas, do fisco, de profissionais do mundo empresarial e acadêmico, dos contadores e auditores, bem como dos órgãos reguladores. Apesar das aparentes dificuldades, o Brasil deu um grande salto na qualidade das informações prestadas e aproxima-se dos grandes investidores globais, capacitando-se para receber recursos que possibilitem o seu crescimento econômico e o seu papel no cenário mundial.


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Esta tese consiste em um estudo sobre o trabalho e a prática médica observados a partir do tipo ideal Werberiano da medicina tecnológica qual seja: a prática médica especializada, equipada e fragmentada, que começou a ser exercida no Brasil apartir nos anos sessenta. Elegemos para esse estudo médicos oncologistas clínicos inseridos em serviços públicos e privados de saúde. A eleição dos oncologistas clínicos se deu pelo reconhecimento da oncologia como uma prática muito especializada e amparada por equipamentos e procedimentos que se fortaleceu no Brasil na década de sessenta.Pretendeu-se compreender as singularidades dessa prática focalizando a formação, o tipo de cuidado ofertado aos pacientes, a inserção dos médicos no mercado público e privado e a relação entre eles. Inicia-se com uma abordagem geral da prática médica baseada no saber sobre as doenças, no processo histórico e cultural da apreensão desta prática e suas repercussões na sociedade e no mercado de trabalho. Em seguida apresentamos uma revisão sumária da trajetória da oncologia no Brasil, a representação social do câncer, as políticas de saúde da área e a relação entre os médicos, o estado e a sociedade nesse campo. Esse conjunto foi caracterizado como Projeto Médico Oncológico.Utilizou-se, no trabalho de campo, a pesquisa qualitativa e empregou-se como técnica entrevistas com seis profissionais médicos oncologistas que trabalham no Instituto Nacional do Câncer e no setor privado de saúde. Foi realizada uma entrevista piloto visando apresentar na íntegra os temas abordados nas demais entrevistas. A partir do olhar e das reflexões dos médicos são apresentadas quatro categorias para discussão e considerações. Finalizando o estudo apresenta através das categorias obtidas no trabalho de campo uma problematização do modelo idealizado na medicina tecnológica.


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[EN] This study defines and proposes a measurement scale for social entrepreneurship (SE) in its broadest sense. The broad definition of SE covers for-profit firms that use social aims as a core component of their strategy. By pursuing social aims, these firms can boost the value of their products or services for consumers or exploit new business areas. Under this broad definition of SE, profit-seeking and the pursuit of social aims converge, thereby revealing a form of SE that has received little attention in either theoretical or empirical research. To fill this research gap, the present study proposes a measurement scale to measure broad SE in firms. The process used to build the scale draws upon research by Churchill (1979) and DeVellis (1991) and combines the Delphi technique, a pre-test questionnaire and structural equation modelling. The main aim of this research is to develop a scale capable of measuring broad SE in firms. The theoretical basis for the scale is supported by an empirical study in the hotel sector. The scale provides a valid, reliable instrument for measuring broad SE in firms. The scale meets all sociometric properties required of measurement scales in the social sciences, namely dimensionality, reliability and validity.


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A discriminação de fases que são praticamente indistinguíveis ao microscópio ótico de luz refletida ou ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV) é um dos problemas clássicos da microscopia de minérios. Com o objetivo de resolver este problema vem sendo recentemente empregada a técnica de microscopia colocalizada, que consiste na junção de duas modalidades de microscopia, microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O objetivo da técnica é fornecer uma imagem de microscopia multimodal, tornando possível a identificação, em amostras de minerais, de fases que não seriam distinguíveis com o uso de uma única modalidade, superando assim as limitações individuais dos dois sistemas. O método de registro até então disponível na literatura para a fusão das imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura é um procedimento trabalhoso e extremamente dependente da interação do operador, uma vez que envolve a calibração do sistema com uma malha padrão a cada rotina de aquisição de imagens. Por esse motivo a técnica existente não é prática. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia para automatizar o processo de registro de imagens de microscopia ótica e de microscopia eletrônica de varredura de maneira a aperfeiçoar e simplificar o uso da técnica de microscopia colocalizada. O método proposto pode ser subdividido em dois procedimentos: obtenção da transformação e registro das imagens com uso desta transformação. A obtenção da transformação envolve, primeiramente, o pré-processamento dos pares de forma a executar um registro grosseiro entre as imagens de cada par. Em seguida, são obtidos pontos homólogos, nas imagens óticas e de MEV. Para tal, foram utilizados dois métodos, o primeiro desenvolvido com base no algoritmo SIFT e o segundo definido a partir da varredura pelo máximo valor do coeficiente de correlação. Na etapa seguinte é calculada a transformação. Foram empregadas duas abordagens distintas: a média ponderada local (LWM) e os mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais (MQPPO). O LWM recebe como entradas os chamados pseudo-homólogos, pontos que são forçadamente distribuídos de forma regular na imagem de referência, e que revelam, na imagem a ser registrada, os deslocamentos locais relativos entre as imagens. Tais pseudo-homólogos podem ser obtidos tanto pelo SIFT como pelo método do coeficiente de correlação. Por outro lado, o MQPPO recebe um conjunto de pontos com a distribuição natural. A análise dos registro de imagens obtidos empregou como métrica o valor da correlação entre as imagens obtidas. Observou-se que com o uso das variantes propostas SIFT-LWM e SIFT-Correlação foram obtidos resultados ligeiramente superiores aos do método com a malha padrão e LWM. Assim, a proposta, além de reduzir drasticamente a intervenção do operador, ainda possibilitou resultados mais precisos. Por outro lado, o método baseado na transformação fornecida pelos mínimos quadrados ponderados com polinômios ortogonais mostrou resultados inferiores aos produzidos pelo método que faz uso da malha padrão.


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A pesquisa buscou apresentar elementos para a compreensão das proximidades entre a política pública de educação em tempo integral do governo federal o Programa Mais Educação (PME) e os sentidos para educação defendidos pela mobilização de um segmento do empresariado brasileiro, o movimento Todos Pela Educação, que assume um determinado projeto de sociedade. Nesta pesquisa, o movimento Todos Pela Educação é configurado como uma rede de políticas (BALL, 2001; 2005; 2010) que, ao promover ações educacionais e se articular a atores governamentais, tem influenciado os rumos do ensino público nacional e inserido valores característicos da lógica de mercado como gerencialismo e performatividade. A teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau (2011, 2013) viabilizou a análise da dinâmica das articulações políticas no intuito de estabelecer hegemonias no campo da educação. Experiências de educação no país associaram a ampliação da jornada escolar à promoção de uma educação integral que, no Brasil, teve grande influência do movimento escolanovista. Associando a qualidade da educação aos níveis de Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) alcançados pelas escolas, o PME anuncia promover uma educação integral que se mostrou preenchida pelos sentidos defendidos pelo TPE como: a defesa por uma Base Curricular Comum, associação entre o setor público e o privado para a promoção de ações educativas e ampliação do tempo escolar como maior exposição à situações de aprendizagem de conteúdos. A partir de uma experiência premiada e reconhecida nacionalmente pela promoção de uma educação integral, investiguei os sentidos de educação integral assumidos pelos Programas Bairro-Escola, Mais Educação e Escola Viva desenvolvidos em Nova Iguaçu. O trabalho conclui que o modelo de educação em tempo integral implementado no município não favorece a democratização do ensino uma vez que não se estende a todos os alunos da rede e oferece condições desiguais para realização entre as escolas. Além disso, priorizando atividades de reforço escolar, o atendimento das atividades de contraturno está voltado às turmas que serão avaliadas na avaliação nacional Prova Brasil, o que configura a valorização da aprendizagem de conteúdo e aumento de IDEB em detrimento de experiências significativas e ampliadas na educação dos alunos. Nos moldes que se implementa, a realização de atividades a partir da ampliação do tempo escolar embaraça a rotina escolar por não contar com as condições adequadas para sua realização.


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This study mainly evaluated the profitability of Fish Seed Multiplication Farms (FSMFs) having hatchery, nursery and hatchery-cum-nursery located in the districts of Jessore, Jhenidah and Narail in Bangladesh. The general findings of the study were that the investment in FSMFs with hatchery, nursery and hatchery-cum-nursery was highly profitable business. The results clearly indicated that the investment on hatchery was the most profitable than those of nursery and hatchery-cum-nursery operations from the viewpoints of individual investors. The results of sensitivity analysis suggested that the investment in nursery farm was a risky business with 20 per cent increase in operation and management as well was production costs or 20 per cent reduction in benefits if other things remaining the same. It was also evident from the study that the investors of FSMFs had currently been facing some crucial problems, which among others are: problems of inbreeding, shortage of brood fish, incidence of diseases, unavailability of certain inputs and lack of credit.


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The Internet of Things (IOT) concept and enabling technologies such as RFID offer the prospect of linking the real world of physical objects with the virtual world of information technology to improve visibility and traceability information within supply chains and across the entire lifecycles of products, as well as enabling more intuitive interactions and greater automation possibilities. There is a huge potential for savings through process optimization and profit generation within the IOT, but the sharing of financial benefits across companies remains an unsolved issue. Existing approaches towards sharing of costs and benefits have failed to scale so far. The integration of payment solutions into the IOT architecture could solve this problem. We have reviewed different possible levels of integration. Multiple payment solutions have been researched. Finally we have developed a model that meets the requirements of the IOT in relation to openness and scalability. It supports both hardware-centric and software-centric approaches to integration of payment solutions with the IOT. Different requirements concerning payment solutions within the IOT have been defined and considered in the proposed model. Possible solution providers include telcos, e-payment service providers and new players such as banks and standardization bodies. The proposed model of integrating the Internet of Things with payment solutions will lower the barrier to invoicing for the more granular visibility information generated using the IOT. Thus, it has the potential to enable recovery of the necessary investments in IOT infrastructure and accelerate adoption of the IOT, especially for projects that are only viable when multiple benefits throughout the supply chain need to be accumulated in order to achieve a Return on Investment (ROI). In a long-term perspective, it may enable IT-departments to become profit centres instead of cost centres. © 2010 - IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to propose a novel reference framework that can be used to study how different kinds of innovation can result in better business performance and how external factors can influence both the firm's capacity to innovate and innovation itself. The value of the framework is demonstrated as it is applied in an exploratory study of the perceptions of public policy makers and managers from two European regions - the Veneto Region in Italy and the East of England in the UK. Amongst other things, the data gathered suggest that managers are generally less convinced than public policy makers, that the innovativeness of a firm is affected by factors over which policy makers have some control. This finding poses the question "what, if any, role can public policy makers play in enhancing a company's competitiveness by enabling it to become more innovative?".


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The subject company operates in a vigorously growing sector of the packaging market, with plants in most European countries. But could this disparate business function as a single company in a single (European) market? This article sets out some lessons learned from a pilot transnational implementation of a strategic management information system, designed to counter entrenched national business thinking in one European company and its subsidiaries.


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Purpose: Advocates and critics of target-setting in the workplace seem unable to reach beyond their own well-entrenched battle lines. While the advocates of goal-directed behaviour point to what they see as demonstrable advantages, the critics of target-setting highlight equally demonstrable disadvantages. Indeed, the academic literature on this topic is currently mired in controversy, with neither side seemingly capable of envisaging a better way forward. This paper seeks to break the current deadlock and move thinking forward in this important aspect of performance measurement and management by outlining a new, more fruitful approach, based on both theory and practical experience. Design/methodology/approach: The topic was approached in three phases: assembling and reading key academic and other literature on the subject of target-setting and goal-directed behaviour, with a view to understanding, in depth, the arguments advanced by the advocates and critics of target-setting; comparing these published arguments with one's own experiential findings, in order to bring the essence of disagreement into much sharper focus; and then bringing to bear the academic and practical experience to identify the essential elements of a new, more fruitful approach offering all the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the typical disadvantages of target-setting. Findings: The research led to three key findings: the advocates of goal-directed behaviour and critics of target-setting each make valid points, as seen from their own current perspectives; the likelihood of these two communities, left to themselves, ever reaching a new synthesis, seems vanishingly small (with leading thinkers in the goal-directed behaviour community already acknowledging this); and, between the three authors, it was discovered that their unusual combination of academic study and practical experience enabled them to see things differently. Hence, they would like to share their new thinking more widely. Research limitations/implications: The authors fully accept that their paper is informed by extensive practical experience and, as yet, there have been no opportunities to test their findings, conclusions and recommendations through rigorous academic research. However, they hope that the paper will move thinking forward in this arena, thereby informing future academic research. Practical implications: The authors hope that the practical implications of the paper will be significant, as it outlines a novel way for organisations to capture the benefits of goal-directed behaviour with none of the disadvantages typically associated with target-setting. Social implications: Given that increased efficiency and effectiveness in the management of organisations would be good for society, the authors think the paper has interesting social implications. Originality/value: Leading thinkers in the field of goal-directed behaviour, such as Locke and Latham, and leading critics of target-setting, such as Ordóñez et al. continue to argue with one another - much like, at the turn of the nineteenth century, proponents of the "wave theory of light" and proponents of the "particle theory of light" were similarly at loggerheads. Just as this furious scientific debate was ultimately resolved by Taylor's experiment, showing that light could behave both as a particle and wave at the same time, the authors believe that the paper demonstrates that goal-directed behaviour and target-setting can successfully co-exist. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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There are about 100 species of abalone in the world, but only 20 are of high commercial importance. In the Philippines, the abalone species are Haliotis asinina, H. varia, H. ovina and H.glabra, but it is the former which has high commercial value. The semi-processed abalone are frozen, dried or canned for export to many countries. An outline is given of the major aquaculture activities and duration of breeding and culture. Abalone hatchery production operations and investment costs and returns are detailed. Particular reference is made to the modular system of abalone culture in floating cages.


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The introduction of new materials and processes to microfabrication has, in large part, enabled many important advances in microsystems, labon- a-chip devices, and their applications. In particular, capabilities for cost-effective fabrication of polymer microstructures were transformed by the advent of soft lithography and other micromolding techniques 1,2, and this led a revolution in applications of microfabrication to biomedical engineering and biology. Nevertheless, it remains challenging to fabricate microstructures with well-defined nanoscale surface textures, and to fabricate arbitrary 3D shapes at the micro-scale. Robustness of master molds and maintenance of shape integrity is especially important to achieve high fidelity replication of complex structures and preserving their nanoscale surface texture. The combination of hierarchical textures, and heterogeneous shapes, is a profound challenge to existing microfabrication methods that largely rely upon top-down etching using fixed mask templates. On the other hand, the bottom-up synthesis of nanostructures such as nanotubes and nanowires can offer new capabilities to microfabrication, in particular by taking advantage of the collective self-organization of nanostructures, and local control of their growth behavior with respect to microfabricated patterns. Our goal is to introduce vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which we refer to as CNT "forests", as a new microfabrication material. We present details of a suite of related methods recently developed by our group: fabrication of CNT forest microstructures by thermal CVD from lithographically patterned catalyst thin films; self-directed elastocapillary densification of CNT microstructures; and replica molding of polymer microstructures using CNT composite master molds. In particular, our work shows that self-directed capillary densification ("capillary forming"), which is performed by condensation of a solvent onto the substrate with CNT microstructures, significantly increases the packing density of CNTs. This process enables directed transformation of vertical CNT microstructures into straight, inclined, and twisted shapes, which have robust mechanical properties exceeding those of typical microfabrication polymers. This in turn enables formation of nanocomposite CNT master molds by capillary-driven infiltration of polymers. The replica structures exhibit the anisotropic nanoscale texture of the aligned CNTs, and can have walls with sub-micron thickness and aspect ratios exceeding 50:1. Integration of CNT microstructures in fabrication offers further opportunity to exploit the electrical and thermal properties of CNTs, and diverse capabilities for chemical and biochemical functionalization 3. © 2012 Journal of Visualized Experiments.


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Technological investment is a key driver of innovation and the evaluation of technology potential is becoming increasingly important in this context. There is a range of approaches and tools for developing an understanding of the value of technology. However the process of communicating this potential to possible customers is not well documented in terms of theory and practice and falls outside the skill set of many technologists. This paper seeks to integrate the concepts of marketing and consultative selling into making business cases for new technologies. It describes an exploratory study which results in an outline process activity model for technologists wishing to build an effective business case for securing investment internally or when selling a technology externally. Following a review of literature, we suggest that there is potential to learn from market research and consultative sales techniques, and propose a five step process. The work has been industrially validated and forms a novel foundation for further development. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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Increasingly, manufacturing firms are turning to services as a new way of creating and capturing value. Despite its potential benefits, many new product-service providers struggle to deploy service activities effectively, not least because they fail to refect the presence of service activities in their performance management systems. This article reports the results of an in-depth case study, which examines how manufacturers can steer the transition towards services. It shows that manufacturing firms need to emphasize two separate but related dimensions of the market performance of service activities: "service adoption," refecting the proportion of customers who purchase the manufacturer's services; and "service coverage," signaling the range of service elements or the comprehensiveness of the service contract that customers opt for. These two indicators, refecting service market performance, should be supplemented with a "complementarity index" designed to disclose whether the relationship between products and services is reinforcing or substitutive. When combined, these indicators allow manufacturing firms to deploy a service-based business model in an integrated and sustainable manner. © 2013 by The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the impact of two simple precoding schemes on the capacity of 3 × 3 MIMO-enabled radio-over-fiber (RoF) distributed antenna systems (DAS) with excess transmit antennas. Specifically, phase-shift-only transmit beamforming and antenna selection are compared. It is found that for two typical indoor propagation scenarios, both strategies offer double the capacity gain that non-precoding MIMO DAS offers over traditional MIMO collocated antenna systems (CAS), with capacity improvements of 3.2-4.2 bit/s/Hz. Further, antenna selection shows similar performance to phase-only beamforming, differing by <0.5% and offering median capacities of 94 bit/s/Hz and 82 bit/s/Hz in the two propagation scenarios respectively. Because optical DASs enable precise, centralized control of remote antennas, they are well suited for implementing these beamforming schemes. Antenna selection, in particular, is a simple and effective means of increasing MIMO DAS capacity. © 2013 IEEE.