922 resultados para González de Tobia, Ana María


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[ES] Numerosos estudios han demostrado que muchos de los pacientes que ingresan en Cirugía presentan signos de malnutrición. En el presente trabajo se estudió re t rospectivamente la valoración nutricional de 116 pacientes. Los resultados muestran que sólo en el 29,3% de los enfermos se determinaron parámetros antropométricos, en el 19% parámetros bioquímicos y en el 25% parámetros inmunológicos de interés nutricional. Cabe destacar que, como también indican otros autores, la valoración nutricional no constituye todavía un procedimiento habitual en la práctica clínica.


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[ES] Actualmente, cada vez es mayor la preocupación entre los jóvenes por el aspecto físico. Por eso nos propusimos evaluar la percepción de la imagen corporal en universitarios. Las mujeres eligieron figuras significativamente más delgadas que los hombres, y presentaron mayor insatisfacción con su imagen. Estos resultados pueden estar influenciados por la presión social sobre la imagen de la mujer.


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[ES] La presión que la sociedad ejerce sobre sus miembros hace que , exista un tendencia generalizada a la excesiva preocupación por el peso y la apariencia física. Se estudiaron las actitudes frente al peso de 526 estudiantes, 158 hombres y 368 mujeres. Muestran un deseo de ser más delgados de lo que son aunque consideran su peso menor al saludable.


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[ES] Se ha estudiado la relación entre la cantidad de grasa corporal y su patrón de distribución en 159 varones y 390 mujeres universitarias, residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca. En los sujetos centrales, particularmente en el caso de las mujeres, se observan incrementos de los valores medios del índice de masa corporal, del índice cintura-cadera y de la adiposidad total, respecto a los periféricos.


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[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es la descripción de los hábitos de ingesta de alcohol de una muestra de población universitaria de ambos sexos y su relación con el IMC. Aunque el elevado porcentaje de personas consumidoras de alcohol no presenta un IMC actual diferente al de los no consumidores, este patrón de comportamiento puede tener repercusiones en estadios vitales posteriores en el caso de que no haya un cambio de hábitos.


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[ES] El aumento del consumo de grasas y carbohidratos, así como dulces, refrescos, productos industriales y snacks, junto con la disminución de la ingesta de alimentos saludables, y el sedentarismo en los niños, infl uyen en su salud. Hay que prestar especial atención a alimentos que forman parte del estilo de vida actual: “snack”, dulces, bollería o picoteo entre comidas por sus importantes repercusiones.


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[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la relación entre la cantidad de grasa y su patrón de distribución con la edad de menarquia, en una muestra de 641 jóvenes universitarias de la UPVEHU (18+ a 29+ años), así como en una muestra de 378 mujeres de más edad (30+ y 49+ años). Se midieron la estatura, el peso y cinco pliegues de grasa subcutánea. Se calcularon el IMC y el % de grasa (Siri, 1961). La obtención de los patrones de distribución de grasa, central vs. periférico, se realizó mediante un ACP. La edad de menarquia se ha estimado mediante el método retrospectivo y las categorías de maduración se basan en las medias y desviaciones típicas de cada muestra. En general, se comprueba que las maduradoras tempranas tienen mayor cantidad de grasa y son algo más centrales que las de maduración media y tardía. La asociación es más evidente en la muestra de mayor edad, por lo que la asociación entre maduración sexual y adiposidad depende de la etapa del ciclo vital, haciéndose más patente conforme aumenta la edad.


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[EN] Studies have reported a negative association between dairy product consumption and weight status. However, not as much research has focused on cheese; therefore, the aim of this study was to study the association between cheese intake and overweight and obesity in a representative Basque adult population. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was obtained from a random sample of 1081 adults (530 males and 551 females, 17–96 years old). Cheese consumption data were expressed as g/1000 kcal/day. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was higher in men (55.1%) than in women (35.4%) (p50.001). Participants with low or moderate intake of fresh and processed cheese demonstrated a higher prevalence of excess weight, compared with those with higher consumption. The confounding variables selected in multivariate analysis were occupational status and age in both genders; and place of residence in men. In conclusion, negative associations were found between consumption of some types of cheese and overweight and obesity in this population.


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In this work we wanted to study the mechanism of E2F2-mediated repression. Our hypothesis is that E2F2 activates the expression of one or more E2F members of the “repressor” subset of the family through the E2F motifs present in their promoters, and those repressor E2F(s) would subsequently repress the target promoters. To address this hypothesis, we focused on E2F7. E2F7 is a repressor that lacks the Rb binding domain, and associates with DNA through E2F binding sites (de Bruin et al., 2003). Furthermore, E2F7 itself is also regulated by E2F motifs on its own promoter, and it has been shown to repress DNA metabolism and replication genes in late S-phase (de Bruin et al., 2003; Westendorp et al., 2012). E2F7, together with E2F8 has been found to form heterodimers, being critical on cell proliferation and development, and both seem to have similar functions (Li et al., 2008). Preliminary results from Zubiaga’s group have indicated that E2F2 activates E2F7 transcription in U2OS cells, suggesting that E2F2’s repressor function could be mediated by E2F7. For this purpose, we focused on studying E2F7’s role on the target genes previously known to be repressed by E2F2: Chk1 and Mcm5. The specific aims for this work were the following: - Confirm that E2F2 induces E2F7 in HEK-293T cells - Assess whether E2F7 acts as a transcriptional repressor on E2F sites - Evaluate the role of E2F7 on E2F2-mediated transcriptional repression of Chk1 and Mcm5.


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E2F1 eta E2F2 transkripzio-faktoreek funtzio garrantzitsua dute ziklo zelularraren errgulazioan. Sagu knockout-etan eginiko saioetan deskribatu da E2F1 eta E2F2 geneen absentzian DNAren bikoizketa-tasa emendatuta dagoela makrofagoetan, eta ondorioz seneszentzia goiztiarra aktibatuta dagoela zelula hauetan. Seneszentzia horren mekanismoak ez dira ezagutzen, baina uste da DNAren estres erreplikatiboaren eraginez gertatzen dela. Oraintsu argitaratutako lan batzuren arabera, onkogeneek eragindako desegonkortasun genomikoa nukleosido mailaren urritasunagatik sortzen dela proposatu da. Emaitza hauek kontutan harturik, E2F1-/-/E2F2-/- (DKO) makrofagoen kultiboei nukleosidoak gehitu dizkiet exogenoki, eta zelula hauen proliferazioaren jarraipena egin dut. Nukleosidoekin trataturiko kultiboetan DNAren kalteen jaitsiera eta seneszenziaren saihespena detektatu ditut. Emaitza hauek zera iradokitzen dute, DKO zeluletako seneszentzia goiztiarraren arrazoia DNAren hiper-erreplikazioak sortutako nukleosidoen urritasuna izan daitekeela.


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La síntesis de compu estos enantiopuros es de vital importancia en el ámbito de la industria farmacéuti ca y agroquímica. 1 Es mucha la bibliografía que recoge información sobre la importancia de la obtención de compuestos quirales como un único enantiómero especialmente cuando el compuesto es bioactivo . La importancia reside en que los sistemas biológicos (p roteínas, enzimas, aminoácidos, etc.) son entidades quirales capaces de reconocer y diferenciar los miembros de una pareja de enantiómeros, y , en ocasiones , cada uno provoca una respuesta diferente en el cuerpo humano. El principal problema se presenta c uando u no de los enantiómero s tiene una actividad diferente de la esperad


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Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have recently shown that E2F2 activity facilitates the completion of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) by regulating the expression of genes required for S-phase entry. Our study also revealed that E2F2 determines the duration of hepatectomy-induced hepatic steatosis. A transcriptomic analysis of normal adult liver identified "lipid metabolism regulation" as a major E2F2 functional target, suggesting that E2F2 has a role in lipid homeostasis. Here we use wild-type (E2F2(+/+)) and E2F2 deficient (E2F2(-/-)) mice to investigate the in vivo role of E2F2 in the composition of liver lipids and fatty acids in two metabolically different contexts: quiescence and 48-h post-PH, when cellular proliferation and anabolic demands are maximal. We show that liver regeneration is accompanied by large triglyceride and protein increases without changes in total phospholipids both in E2F2(+/+) and E2F2(-/-) mice. Remarkably, we found that the phenotype of quiescent liver tissue from E2F2(-/-) mice resembles the phenotype of proliferating E2F2(+/+) liver tissue, characterized by a decreased phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratio and a reprogramming of genes involved in generation of choline and ethanolamine derivatives. The diversity of fatty acids in total lipid, triglycerides and phospholipids was essentially preserved on E2F2 loss both in proliferating and non-proliferating liver tissue, although notable exceptions in inflammation-related fatty acids of defined phospholipid classes were detected. Overall, our results indicate that E2F2 activity sustains the hepatic homeostasis of major membrane glycerolipid components while it is dispensable for storage glycerolipid balance.


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In this study we employed a dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) in a novel fashion to reveal characteristics of control modules underlying the generation of muscle activations when drawing figures with the outstretched arm. We asked healthy human subjects to perform four different figure-eight movements in each of two workspaces (frontal plane and sagittal plane). We then trained a DRNN to predict the movement of the wrist from information in the EMG signals from seven different muscles. We trained different instances of the same network on a single movement direction, on all four movement directions in a single movement plane, or on all eight possible movement patterns and looked at the ability of the DRNN to generalize and predict movements for trials that were not included in the training set. Within a single movement plane, a DRNN trained on one movement direction was not able to predict movements of the hand for trials in the other three directions, but a DRNN trained simultaneously on all four movement directions could generalize across movement directions within the same plane. Similarly, the DRNN was able to reproduce the kinematics of the hand for both movement planes, but only if it was trained on examples performed in each one. As we will discuss, these results indicate that there are important dynamical constraints on the mapping of EMG to hand movement that depend on both the time sequence of the movement and on the anatomical constraints of the musculoskeletal system. In a second step, we injected EMG signals constructed from different synergies derived by the PCA in order to identify the mechanical significance of each of these components. From these results, one can surmise that discrete-rhythmic movements may be constructed from three different fundamental modules, one regulating the co-activation of all muscles over the time span of the movement and two others elliciting patterns of reciprocal activation operating in orthogonal directions.


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A central question in Neuroscience is that of how the nervous system generates the spatiotemporal commands needed to realize complex gestures, such as handwriting. A key postulate is that the central nervous system (CNS) builds up complex movements from a set of simpler motor primitives or control modules. In this study we examined the control modules underlying the generation of muscle activations when performing different types of movement: discrete, point-to-point movements in eight different directions and continuous figure-eight movements in both the normal, upright orientation and rotated 90 degrees. To test for the effects of biomechanical constraints, movements were performed in the frontal-parallel or sagittal planes, corresponding to two different nominal flexion/abduction postures of the shoulder. In all cases we measured limb kinematics and surface electromyographic activity (EMB) signals for seven different muscles acting around the shoulder. We first performed principal component analysis (PCA) of the EMG signals on a movement-by-movement basis. We found a surprisingly consistent pattern of muscle groupings across movement types and movement planes, although we could detect systematic differences between the PCs derived from movements performed in each sholder posture and between the principal components associated with the different orientations of the figure. Unexpectedly we found no systematic differences between the figute eights and the point-to-point movements. The first three principal components could be associated with a general co-contraction of all seven muscles plus two patterns of reciprocal activatoin. From these results, we surmise that both "discrete-rhythmic movements" such as the figure eight, and discrete point-to-point movement may be constructed from three different fundamental modules, one regulating the impedance of the limb over the time span of the movement and two others operating to generate movement, one aligned with the vertical and the other aligned with the horizontal.


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Este trabajo consta de un manual donde se detallan los pasos necesarios para realizar un Estudio de Impacto Ambiental, acompañado de un libro excel donde se llevarán a cabo las operaciones necesarios para la valoración cualitativa y cuantitativa de los impactos ambientales, así como la colección de indicadores ambientales necesarios para dicha valoración.