857 resultados para French literature of the 18th Century
A mediados del siglo XVIII las alturas de los Andes del Reino de Quito, al igual que sus centros urbanos, fueron visitadas por viajeros naturalistas y misioneros. Este artículo explora cómo algunos de esos viajeros percibieron, construyeron y recordaron desde dos puntos de vista distintos la naturaleza y el paisaje. Tras exponer las categorías y enfoques empleados, el artículo explora dos tipos de percepción y memoria de la naturaleza: el sobrenatural y el naturalista. Finalmente, se analiza el paisaje urbano en cuya construcción escrita se combinaron las antiguas ideas del orden colonial con la perspectiva de la prosperidad terrenal, correlato del interés por las ciencias aplicadas que animaba la exploración de las alturas nevadas y de los volcanes.
El artículo revisa los relatos de Francisco de Amigorena y de Alexander Gillespie, un funcionario y un militar, escritos a fines del siglo XVIII e inicios del XIX, que han sido la base de la historiografía tradicional argentina sobre el mundo rural de Buenos Aires. Desde la perspectiva de la nueva historiografía económica argentina y de la historia del paisaje, replantea la imagen de la conformación de las clases dominantes rurales de la época y el papel económico del interior de la pampa de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Específicamente, el artículo cuestiona la idea de un espacio desierto, tal como la pintó la historiografía romántica, y propone el perfil de un hinterland heterogéneo, dedicado a distintas actividades.
El artículo discute el papel de las narrativas jesuíticas alemanas en la construcción de una conciencia-mundo en el contexto del orden colonial durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Para ello aborda las prácticas de significación y representación por parte de editores, autores y lectores de textos misioneros, así como la formulación de discursos identitarios en la confluencia de los conceptos de nación, imperio e imaginarios de lo global.
This contribution addresses the implications of the boundary demarcation on basin of Orinoco and Amazon, during the second half of the 18th Century, beginning with the study of the expedition of the boundary between Spain and Portugal. This enterprise ended up in a surprise of games of omission, unfortunate and personal confrontations. The undesired task for the Spanish Guayana, however, marked a radically change in the geostrategic valuing and paved way to a latter colonial modernity thanks to the initiative of its commissioners. In this way, an important part of the territorial integrity was preserved against the geographical desires of lustanas and stopped the trafficking of indigenous salves towards the Amazon region.
Design support for typeface design: collaborative work commissioned by Adobe, Inc. Published 2011. The original Bickham typeface was based on the hands of the 18th century writing master George Bickham. The ornate script represented the apogee of the art of formal writing with a steel nib, and defined the visual style for decorated, formal documents. In 2010 Adobe revised and extended the typeface, with the express purpose of making it a showcase for OpenType technology, demonstrating the visual importance of using different glyph forms in different contexts, employing contextual substitution rules. Although Bickham had published a single example of a Greek style, it was a standalone exercise, never intended to match the Latin. The key challenge was to identify historical records for appropriate Greek writing, preferably by writers familiar with the language, adapt them for digital typography and the particularities of contextual substitution, in a manner that would not make the Greek a ‘second-class citizen’. Research involved uncovering and analysing appropriate contemporary and later writing examples to identify both the range of writing styles of the period, and the manner of joining letters in written Greek with both pointed pens and broad nibs. This work was essential to make up for the comparative lack of relevant material by Bickham, as well as investigating the possible range of stylistic variants that were approved for the final typeface, which attempted to emulate a written texture through complex substitutions. This aspect of the work is highly original for implementing a substantial number of contextual alternates and ligatures. These were reviewed in the context of use, bringing together an analysis of occurring letter combinations and patterns, and the design of stylistic alternates to imitate natural handwriting.
The Capitalist Revolution was the period of the transition from the ancient societies to capitalism; it was a long transition that began in the north of Italy, in the 14th century, and for the first time got completed in England, in the second part of the 18th century, with the formation of the nation state and the Industrial Revolution; it is a major rupture, which divided the history of mankind between a period where empires or civilizations prospered and then fell into decadence and disappeared, and a period of ingrained economic development and long-term improvement of standards of living. Since then the different peoples are engaged in the social construction of their nations and their states; since then, they are experiencing economic development, because capitalism is essentially dynamic; since then they are struggling for the political objectives that they historically defined for themselves from that revolution: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice, and protection of the environment.
Progress was an idea of the 18th century; development, a project of the 20th century that continues into the 21st century. Progress was associated with the advance of reason, development with the fulfillment of the five political objectives that modern societies set for themselves: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice and protection of the environment. Today we can view progress and development as equivalent. Both were products of the capitalist revolution, and of the economic development that began with it. Economic development or growth, in its turn, is the process of capital accumulation with the incorporation of technical progress that, mainly through productive sophistication and the increase of the value of labor, increases wages and improves standards of living. The five objectives that define development, as well as the three social instances existing in society change in an interdependent way.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Julien Gracq é um dos mais importantes romancistas franceses do século XX. Em 1945, publica sua única antologia de poemas em prosa, Liberté Grande. A alta voltagem poética dos textos da coletânea distancia-se do lirismo contido da prosa romanesca do autor. Infl uenciado pela poesia de Rimbaud e pelo surrealismo, os poemas em prosa de Gracq afirmam o primado da imaginação criadora sobre as imposições e limitações do real, como se pode constatar pela leitura do primeiro poema da coletânea “Pour galvaniser l’urbanisme”, objeto de estudo deste artigo.
This work is set in the context of the Hispanic-American literature of the twentieth century (in particular, Alejo Carpentier) viewed in a historical perspective. For this task, we focus on a specific writer’s work: the novel Baroque Concert (1974). The text is divided into three parts: the first deals with some topics concerning the intersection between sui generis Literature and History. Next, we focus on the Hispanic-American literary context, discussing it in an analytical perspective, with regard to its connections with the historical discourse. Finally, we analyze the novel Baroque Concert, by means of the basic concepts of the theory of historiographic metafiction.
The present study is a reflection on the representation of the literary myth of Dom Juan in the work El estudiante de Salamanca (1836-1840), by Joseph de Espronceda. It highlights the most significant aspects of their recreation donjuanesca, since the classic elements taken from the founding work of Tirso de Molina to Romantic Titan which characterizes Dom Félix de Montemar.
The purpose of this article is to comment on the film adaptation by director Stephen Frears of the 18th-century novel Les liaisons dangereuses (in English, Dangerous Liaisons) by Choderlos de Laclos. It compares the film composition to the basic formal aspects of the novel. If, on one hand, Frears’ 1988 film adaptation breaks away from Laclos’ epistolary novel for being aligned with the standard elements of the classical cinema, on the other, it reveals a surprising affinity to the literary work: the relation with the theatrical language.
Die politische Rolle der Hofmusik in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts ist im Kontext der repräsentativen Machtmittel innerhalb des höfischen Kräftefeldes verortet. Die höfischen Zeremonielle bildeten nicht nur den Aufführungsrahmen, sondern legten sämtliche Determinanten für die musikalischen Ereignisse fest. Zu den Aufgaben der Hofkapellmeister im kleinen, aber innerhalb des Reiches nicht ganz unbedeutenden und durchaus paradigmatisch stehenden Fürstentum Hessen-Darmstadt gehörten die musikalischen Umrahmungen der fürstlichen Hochzeiten, Trauerfälle, Geburtstage sowie politischer und kirchenpolitischer Anlässe. Christoph Graupner wirkte hier als Hofkapellmeister zwischen 1709 und 1760; bis zu seiner Erblindung im Jahr 1754 schuf er ein umfangreiches Werk, das die Verhältnisse dieser Landgrafschaft in signifikanter Weise spiegelt. Graupners Musiken zu den Festen der Landgrafen umfassten immer Kirchenkantaten für den Gottesdienst, daneben oft auch weltliche Musik zur Unterhaltung der Gäste. Obwohl die – damals hochmoderne und in der Entwicklung begriffenen – Gattung der Kantate bei weitem überwiegt, sind es auch Bühnenwerke, die diese Funktion erfüllten, aber lediglich im ersten Jahrzehnt von Graupners Dienstzeit in Darmstadt aufgeführt wurden. 83 panegyrische Werke (57 geistliche, 24 weltliche Kantaten, 2 Bühnenwerke) konnten als Zeremonialmusiken systemisch in ihrem Aufführungskontext analysiert werden. Dabei ergaben sich etliche neue Erkenntnisse wie Datierungen, Zuordnungen zu Anlässen, auch Funde von bisher als verschollen geltenden Textdrucken. Der Geheimrat Johann Jacob (von) Wieger konnte als mutmaßlicher Textdichter identifiziert werden. Insbesondere ist deutlich geworden, dass der Bedeutungsverlust höfischer Repräsentation am Ende der absolutistischen Epoche wie in anderen Residenzen auch in Darmstadt die Zeremonialmusik tangierte. Für Graupner blieb vor diesem Hintergrund einerseits die ungebrochene Unterordnung unter die hierarchischen Verhältnisse, was die Huldigung als Form der Pflichterfüllung einschloss. Andererseits jedoch zeigten sich latente Distanzierungsversuche: zum einen die Schaffung musikalischer Subtexte in gewissen panegyrischen Werken, zum anderen aber vor allem die Hinwendung zur Kirchenmusik und damit zu einer Religiosität, die nicht nur die Anmahnung der christlichen Tugenden ermöglichte, sondern auch mit dem “Schaffen zur Ehre Gottes” eine persönliche Rechtfertigung jenseits von allem tagespolitischen Geschehen bot.