940 resultados para Femoral-neck
Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Objective. This study compared neck muscle activation patterns during and after a repetitive upper limb task between patients with idiopathic neck pain, whiplash-associated disorders, and controls. Summary of Background Data. Previous studies have identified altered motor control of the upper trapezius during functional tasks in patients with neck pain. Whether the cervical flexor muscles demonstrate altered motor control during functional activities is unknown. Methods. Electromyographic activity was recorded from the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalenes, and upper trapezius muscles. Root mean square electromyographic amplitude was calculated during and on completion of a functional task. Results. A general trend was evident to suggest greatest electromyograph amplitude in the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalenes, and left upper trapezius muscles for the whiplash-associated disorders group, followed by the idiopathic group, with lowest electromyographic amplitude recorded for the control group. A reverse effect was apparent for the right upper trapezius muscle. The level of perceived disability ( Neck Disability Index score) had a significant effect on the electromyographic amplitude recorded between neck pain patients. Conclusions. Patients with neck pain demonstrated greater activation of accessory neck muscles during a repetitive upper limb task compared to asymptomatic controls. Greater activation of the cervical muscles in patients with neck pain may represent an altered pattern of motor control to compensate for reduced activation of painful muscles. Greater perceived disability among patients with neck pain accounted for the greater electromyographic amplitude of the superficial cervical muscles during performance of the functional task.
Exercise interventions are deemed essential for the effective management of patients with neck pain. However, there has been a lack of consensus on optimal exercise prescription, which has resulted from a paucity of studies to quantify the precise nature of muscle impairment, in people with neck pain. This masterclass will present recent research from our laboratory, which has utilized surface electromyography to investigate cervical flexor muscle impairment in patients with chronic neck pain. This research has identified deficits in the motor control of the deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles in people with chronic neck pain, characterized by a delay in onset of neck muscle contraction associated with movement of the upper limb. In addition, people with neck pain demonstrate an altered pattern of muscle activation, which is characterized by reduced deep cervical flexor muscle activity during a low load cognitive task and increased activity of the superficial cervical flexor muscles during both cognitive tasks and functional activities. The results have demonstrated the complex, multifaceted nature of cervical muscle impairment, which exists in people with a history of neck pain. In turn, this has considerable implications for the rehabilitation of muscle function in people with neck pain disorders. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to examine the spatio-temporal activation of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and cervical extensor (CE) muscles with respect to the deltoid muscle onset during rapid voluntary upper limb movement in healthy volunteers. The repeatability and reliability of the spatio-temporal aspects of the myoelectric signals were also examined. Ten subjects performed bilateral and unilateral rapid upper limb flexion, abduction and extension in response to a visual stimulus. EMG onsets and normalised root mean square (nRMS) values were calculated for the SCM and CE muscles. Subjects attended three testing sessions over non-consecutive days allowing the repeatability and reliability of these measures to be assessed. The SCM and CE muscles demonstrated feed-forward activation (activation within 50 ms of deltoid onset) during rapid arm movements in all directions. The sequence and magnitude of neck muscle activation displayed directional specificity, however, the neck flexor and extensor muscles displayed co-activation during all perturbations. EMG onsets demonstrated high repeatability in terms of repeated measure precision (nSEM in the range 1.9-5.7%). This was less evident for the repeatability of nRMS values. The results of this study provide a greater understanding of cervical neuromotor control strategies. During bilateral and unilateral upper limb perturbations, the SCM and CE muscles demonstrate feed-forward co-activation. It seems apparent that feed-forward activation of neck muscles is a mechanism necessary to achieve stability for the visual and vestibular systems, whilst ensuring stabilisation and protection of the cervical spine. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: This study compared the neuromuscular efficiency (NME) of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles between 20 chronic neck pain patients and 20 asymptomatic controls. Method: Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles as subjects performed sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25 and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The NME was calculated as the ratio between MVC and the corresponding average rectified value of the EMG signal. Ultrasonography was used to measure subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS to ensure that differences did not exist between groups. Results: For both the SCM and AS muscles, NME was shown to be significantly reduced in patients with neck pain at 25% MVC (p < 0.05). Subcutaneous tissue thickness over the SCM and AS muscles was not different between groups. Conclusions: Reduced NME in the superficial cervical flexor muscles in patients with neck pain may be a measurable altered muscle strategy for dysfunction in other muscles. This aberrant pattern of muscle activation appears to be most evident under conditions of low load. NME, when measured at 25% MVC, may be a useful objective measure for future investigation of muscle dysfunction in patients with neck pain.
The objective of this study was to compare onset of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscle activity during rapid, unilateral arm movements between ten patients with chronic neck pain and 12 control subjects. Deep cervical flexor (DCF) electromyographic activity (EMG) was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscles. While standing, subjects flexed and extended the right arm in response to a visual stimulus. For the control group, activation of DCF, SCM and AS muscles occurred less than 50 ms after the onset of deltoid activity, which is consistent with feedforward control of the neck during arm flexion and extension. When subjects with a history of neck pain flexed the arm, the onsets of DCF and contralateral SCM and AS muscles were significantly delayed (p<0.05). It is concluded that the delay in neck muscle activity associated with movement of the arm in patients with neck pain indicates a significant deficit in the automatic feedforward control of the cervical spine. As the deep cervical muscles are fundamentally important for support of the cervical lordosis and the cervical joints, change in the feedforward response may leave the cervical spine vulnerable to reactive forces from arm movement.
There has been little investigation into whether or not differences exist in the nature of physical impairment associated with neck pain of whiplash and insidious origin. This study examined the neck flexor synergy during performance of the cranio-cervical flexion test, a test targeting the action of the deep neck flexors. Seventy-five volunteer subjects participated in this study and were equally divided between Group 1, asymptomatic control subjects, Group 2, subjects with insidious onset neck pain and Group 3, subjects with neck pain following a whiplash injury. The cranio-cervical flexion test was performed in five progressive stages of increasing cranio-cervical flexion range. Subjects' performance was guided by feedback from a pressure sensor inserted behind the neck which monitored the slight flattening of the cervical lordosis which occurs with the contraction of longus colli. Myoelectric signals (EMG) were detected from the muscles during performance of the test. The results indicated that both the insidious onset neck pain and whiplash groups had higher measures of EMG signal amplitude (normalized root mean square) in the sternocleidomastoid during each stage of the test compared to the control subjects (all P
Despite the evidence of greater fatigability of the cervical flexor muscles in neck pain patients, the effect of unilaterality of neck pain on muscle fatigue has not been investigated. This study compared myoelectric manifestations of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscle fatigue between the painful and non-painful sides in patients with chronic unilateral neck pain. Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles bilaterally during sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25% and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The time course of the mean power frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity of the electromyographic signals were calculated to quantify myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue. Results revealed greater estimates of the initial value and slope of the mean frequency for both the SCM and AS muscles on the side of the patient's neck pain at 25% and 50% of MVC. These results indicate greater myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue of the superficial cervical flexor muscles ipsilateral to the side of pain. This suggests a specificity of the effect of pain on muscle function and hence the need for specificity of therapeutic exercise in the management of neck pain patients. (C) 2003 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recent research suggests that the retrospective review of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-9-CM) codes assigned to a patient episode will identify a similar number of healthcare-acquired surgical-site infections as compared with prospective surveillance by infection control practitioners (ICP). We tested this finding by replicating the methods for 380 surgical procedures. The sensitivity and specificity of the ICP undertaking prospective surveillance was 80% and 100%, and the sensitivity and specificity of the review of ICD-10-AM codes was 60% and 98.9%. Based on these results we do not support retrospective review of ICD-10-AM codes in preference prospective surveillance for SSI. (C) 2004 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Study Design. Cross-sectional study. Objective. The present study compared activity of deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles and craniocervical flexion range of motion during a test of craniocervical flexion between 10 patients with chronic neck pain and 10 controls. Summary of Background Data. Individuals with chronic neck pain exhibit reduced performance on a test of craniocervical flexion, and training of this maneuver is effective in management of neck complaints. Although this test is hypothesized to reflect dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles, this has not been tested. Methods. Deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the superficial neck muscles ( sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene). Root mean square electromyographic amplitude and craniocervical flexion range of motion was measured during five incremental levels of craniocervical flexion in supine. Results. There was a strong linear relation between the electromyographic amplitude of the deep cervical flexor muscles and the incremental stages of the craniocervical flexion test for control and individuals with neck pain ( P = 0.002). However, the amplitude of deep cervical flexor electromyographic activity was less for the group with neck pain than controls, and this difference was significant for the higher increments of the task ( P < 0.05). Although not significant, there was a strong trend for greater sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene electromyographic activity for the group with neck pain. Conclusions. These data confirm that reduced performance of the craniocervical flexion test is associated with dysfunction of the deep cervical flexor muscles and support the validity of this test for patients with neck pain.
Changes in the position of the head and neck have been shown to introduce a systematic deviation in the end-point error of an upper limb pointing task. Although previous authors have attributed this to alteration of perceived target location, no studies have explored the effect of changes in head and neck position on the perception of limb position. This study investigated whether changes in head and neck position affect a specific component of movement performance, that is, the accuracy of joint position sense (JPS) at the elbow. Elbow JPS was tested with the neck in four positions: neutral, flexion, rotation and combined flexion/rotation. A target angle was presented passively with the neck in neutral, after a rest period; this angle was reproduced actively with the head and neck in one of the test positions. The potential effects of distraction from head movement were controlled for by performing a movement control in which the head and neck were in neutral for the presentation and reproduction of the target angle, but moved into flexion during the rest period. The absolute and variable joint position errors (JPE) were greater when the target angle was reproduced with the neck in the flexion, rotation, and combined flexion/rotation than when the head and neck were in neutral. This study suggests that the reduced accuracy previously seen in pointing tasks with changes in head position may be partly because of errors in the interpretation of arm position.
The purpose of this study was to compare average muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and its changes over time in the upper trapezius muscle during a repetitive upper limb task in people with chronic neck pain and in healthy controls. Surface EMG signals were detected bilaterally from the upper trapezius muscle of 19 patients and nine healthy controls using linear adhesive arrays of four electrodes. Subjects were asked to tap their hands in a cyclic manner between targets positioned mid-thigh and 120 degrees of shoulder flexion, to the beat of a metronome set at 88 beats/min for up to 5 min. Muscle fiber CV and instantaneous mean power spectral frequency were estimated for each cycle at the time instant corresponding to 90 degrees of shoulder flexion. Average muscle fiber CV of the upper trapezius muscle was higher in people with chronic neck pain (mean +/- SE, 4.8 +/- 0.1 m/s) than in control subjects (4.4 +/- 0.1 m/s; P