830 resultados para Fantasia - Partituras


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Incluye partituras.


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(cont.): Cradle song : berceuse / Walter Spinney -- Andantino from Fantasia in C minor / W.A. Mozart -- Marche de fête / Edgar A. Barrell -- Minster march : from Lohengrin / R. Wagner -- Sunrise : op. 7, no. 1 / Sigfrid Karg-Elert -- Song without words = Chant sans paroles : op. 2, no. 3 / P. Tschaikowsky -- Prayer on motives from R. Wagner's Lohengrin : op. 54 / B. Sulze -- Festal march : op. 67, no. 8 / E.R. Kroeger -- Christmas march / G. Merkel -- Duke Street : postlude II / Geo. E. Whiting -- Canzonetta from the Raymond overture / A. Thomas -- Anniversary march : introducing Auld lang syne : op. 10 / J. Lawrence Ebb -- Two cradle songs = Zwei Wiegenliedchen / Herbert Botting -- Minuet from the overture to Berenice / G.F. Handel -- Funeral march = Marche funèbre : op. 35 / Franz Chopin -- March in B♭ / Wm. Faulkes -- The Son of God goes forth to war : postlude VI / Geo. E. Whiting -- Nocturne des anges : op. 18, no. 1 / George F. Vincent -- Hosanna! / Paul Wachs -- Roumanian bridal march / Herbert W. Wareing.


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O presente estudo investigou aspectos psicológicos relacionados com a violência doméstica. Violência esta definida como qualquer ato que resulta ou possa resultar em dano ou sofrimento físico, sexual ou psicológico à mulher, coerção ou privação arbitrária de liberdade em público ou na vida privada. A violência em si mesma é considerada um grave problema, de saúde pública em todo o mundo. De modo que, ante à gravidade do problema, percebeu-se a necessidade de compreensão da dinâmica desses casos. Os objetivos foram: a) descrever histórico das queixas de 5 casos de mulheres que fizeram denúncia de violência doméstica conjugal/gênero em uma Delegacia da Mulher; b) identificar aspectos da dinâmica psíquica, de seu funcionamento e de seus recursos defensivos. As participantes tinham idade média de 30,4 anos e foram utilizados como instrumentos um Roteiro de Entrevista e o Teste Projetivo HTP- House Tree Person. Os resultados indicaram que em todos os casos havia um funcionamento psíquico com tendência regressiva, com fixação em estágios primitivos do desenvolvimento; apresentaram comportamentos retraídos, regressivos e baixa auto-estima. Também foram observados agressividade e impulsividade, mesmo sendo essas mulheres consideradas vítimas da violência; entretanto, havia busca de satisfação na fantasia, ou seja, resolução do conflito de forma mágica e não realista. Aspectos esses que denotaram pobre contato com a realidade, sendo, inclusive observados utilização de mecanismos de defesa primitivos e controle egóico pobre. Sugeriu-se acompanhamento psicoterapêutico de logo prazo.


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The use of electrocardiogram as biometric has raised attention in the last decade and a wide variety of ECG features were explored to verify the feasibility of such a signal. In this work the authors aim to describe a simple template based approach to the electrocardiographic biometric identification using the morphology of individual's heartbeat. The developed algorithm was tested on different recordings made available in the Physionet public database Fantasia: two different sets of heartbeats were extracted from individual recordings one was used for the template building while the second for the tests. The performances of the algorithm are encouraging with a true acceptance rate of 99.4%, however, the procedure needs to be tested on different recordings of the same individual, or during the course of a whole day or physical activity. © 2013 IEEE.


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Identification of humans via ECG is being increasingly studied because it can have several advantages over the traditional biometric identification techniques. However, difficulties arise because of the heartrate variability. In this study we analysed the influence of QT interval correction on the performance of an identification system based on temporal and amplitude features of ECG. In particular we tested MLP, Naive Bayes and 3-NN classifiers on the Fantasia database. Results indicate that QT correction can significantly improve the overall system performance. © 2013 IEEE.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the cultural identities of Santa Rita de Cassia constructed from the representations contained in the speech of Santa Cruz urban area residents, which is located in a harsh part of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. These residents make the story of the Saint full of meaning for themselves, in their daily lives, as well as to the society. This is observed in the narration of Rita de Cassia’s story which has been told in the city over the past one hundred and eighty years, the number of women's names and commercial establishments named “Santa Rita”. In 2010, with the inauguration of the Alto de Santa Rita – a space for worshiping the saint –, the amount of visitors increased in the city, due to the construction and inauguration of a colossal monument representing the image of Rita de Cassia. Then, new social, cultural, religious and political aspects became part of the local reality of the city of Santa Cruz, what made residents have something in common to talk about. According to the interdisciplinary approach of Applied Linguistics, our theoretical background is based on the socio-historical language concept, which understands language as discursive practice. Still theoretically speaking, this study establishes an interface with cultural studies, taking into account the concept of cultural identity in post-modernity society. Discourse analysis proved plural, with a multiplicity of cultural identities ranging from very obedient daughter to wife who suffered because of the husband, from very religious woman to the widow who entered the convent, on to the Saint of the miracles and healings interceding in the lives of the ones who seek for help. It was also observed in the above mentioned investigative path that these identities can be constructed and reconstructed if immersed in a different set of social practices historically determined


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The task of expression undertaken by the performer falls largely on the right hand of guitarist. Aware of this fact, past and present masters have left their contributions to the development of right hand technique. It is clear, with rare exceptions, that educational and interpretative proposals, so far, have addressed the attack on the strings from the flexion of the fingers. This work, however, presents a technical resource called imalt, including in the attack action, the extension movement. Some techniques used in specific circumstances, such as the dedillo, the alzapúa, the tremulo and the rasgueado also use extension movements in the attack. They are put in perspective with the imalt providing a panoramic view of their individual characteristics. The use of imalt in the traditional guitar repertoire is exemplified in Villa Lobos, Ponce and Brouwer. Three pieces were composed for this work: Shravana, Alegoria and Vandana. Compositional techniques such as melodic contour applying and ostinato have been reviewed and used in the preparation of these compositions. A detailed record of compositional trajectory is presented. Therefore, the Model for the Compositional Process Accompaniment according Silva (2007) is used. Some events that have left the imalt in evidence are reported, as the launch and distribution of the Compact Disc (CD) Imalt, publishing scores and interviews. Finally is presented concluding comments, pointing possibilities opened up by this work.


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La prima parte dell’elaborato ripercorre la storia dell’introduzione delle tecnologie all’interno delle istituzioni scolastiche, sia dal punto di vista pratico, sia dal punto di vista legislativo, che ha accompagnato questo ingresso tutt’altro che lineare, a partire dagli anni ’80 fino ai giorni nostri grazie alle ultime introduzioni avvenute con la messa in atto del Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale. Vengono poi descritti alcuni software utilizzati nelle scuole sia in passato che in tempi più recenti per arrivare agli ultimi sviluppi e agli applicativi online per lo studio della matematica. Infine nell’ultimo capitolo è descritta un’unità didattica riguardante lo studio della probabilità, ideata per gli allievi di una scuola secondaria di secondo grado che utilizza la LIM e alcuni software adeguati all’argomento proposto. Quello che emerge, però, è la difficoltà sia nella diffusione delle tecnologie nella scuola, sia nel loro utilizzo da parte dei docenti. Spesso gli insegnanti non hanno un livello adeguato di formazione in ambito tecnologico e quindi non sono in grado di sfruttare pienamente le potenzialità offerte. Il cammino per arrivare ad una completa formazione del personale docente e per la completa digitalizzazione delle scuole è ancora lungo e tortuoso. Tuttavia è importante ricordare che le tecnologie non possono essere la risposta a tutto, bensì un efficace mezzo per attirare l’attenzione e soprattutto stimolare la fantasia di alunni e docenti. Inoltre non si può pensare alcuna tecnologizzazione senza prima aver posto e consolidato le basi di un qualsivoglia argomento da proporre in classe con l’ausilio di software e hardware.


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This thesis addresses two spectacles: “Moleque tão Grande Otelo” and “Água Suja”, in which both have had my participation as producer and actress. The spectacle “Moleque tão Grande Otelo” reveals the racial-ethnic questions that surrounds the play and permeates the artist’s life whose name is the same. The play deals how the actor Grande Otelo life events’ had implied in his art, the facts that marked his career and they are shown at the spectacle, the reason why to articulate: art, life, fantasy and reality. Aiming to unveil the actor, I refer it to my history as an actress and the roots’ similarity to Sebastião Bernardes de Souza Prata, who became Grande Otelo to the world. In the staging of “Água Suja”, we also expose familial and religious memories and experiences of a people that overflow faith in a real spectacle, which takes place every year, in August, in our region, more specifically in Romaria – MG. While creating “Água Suja”, we experienced the act of keeping a promise and believing in the saint’s miracle, thus this experience is told in the spectacle and investigated in this study.


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Even after its abolition, the slave labor still exists in the world. In a new socio-historic context, the shackles and slave quarters have been left behind, nowadays the workers are tempted, subjected to degrading conditions and have their rights retrenched. The contemporary slave labor has been emerging as subject of research in the Organizational Studies since the early 2000s, calling attention to many gaps to be filled about the way organizations all around the world use this practice. Contemporary slave labor is found in many and various economic activities, since coal to textile industries or even stores. In this dissertation, we have incorporated the consumption dimension to the field of Organizational Studies, discussing the modern slavery, aiming to understand the consumers’ point of view about this topic, that is, we have researched the consumers’ interpretations concerning the slave labor in the fashion industry. Our objective is to analyze consumer’s argumentative construction in the decision of buying or not products made by industries from the fashion field that were denounced because of slave labor usage. We have adopted fashion industry as research focus because it obscures the reflection of the consumers that feel like in a new world while shopping, a world of beauty and fantasy, seeking their own satisfaction. Furthermore, the Brazilian fashion industry is one of the biggest of the world (ABIT, 2015), with a huge symbolic strength in the country. We have realized a qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with 35 consumers to identify their arguments according to the criteria defined by Liakopoulos (2002): data, propositions, guarantees, supports and refutations. The data are the statements used by the interviewees categorically, that is, those which are clear in the interviews. The propositions are what qualifies and justifies the used data. The guarantees are related to the nature of the data, they are what gives the sense to the data and are introduced implicitly in the interviewee speech. The supports are universal premises introduced in order to legitimate the arguments. The refutations, when present, counter the used arguments. As results, we’ve found consumers who developed arguments pro-consumption and anti-consumption and who have defended ideas about the responsibility of different actors for the existence of this practice and for the fight against it. From these two categories: (1) pro-consumption – consume despite the complaints and (2) anti-consumption – don’t consume, because of the accusations; we have identified the following argumentative lines: skepticism, faultfinding and moral engagement. By the end, we have presented the interviewees’ argumentative construction and the obtained results.


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The research identifies and describes the principles and methodological procedures of the director Gilles Gaetan Gwizdek on the transposition of the dramatic text to the space of representation through action and movement. Besides that, it presents the results of the experiment in two different labor camps and conducting modes: the no-actor student, inserted into the basic education, and the actor-student, inserted in higher education. Through the scenic paths encountered by the director, the individuals were could find their own ways and verify, through the scenic conductions, how such methodological procedures can achieve a pedagogical thinking about the actor's work. As theoretical referential, were studied the artists-educators: Jacques Copeau, in what sensitizes to the use of dramatic text, and Jacques Lecoq, it approaches of the physical use of the actor's body to the theater. The concepts about theater of the scholars in theater: Constantin Stanislavski, Eugênio Barba, Meyerhold, Eugênio Kusnet, Bertold Brecht go through the theoretical revisions of the thinkers: Odete Aslan, Patrice Pavis, Ney Piacentini, Lúcia Romano, Flávio Desgranges e Anne Bogart, in what affects their practical experiences and conceptual about the text, the action and the movement. It was analyzed also the practical experience based on the principles and methodological procedures of Gilles director, in rehearsals and performances of students in the ninth grade of the primary school the Basic School of the Federal University of Uberlândia - ESEBA, as also, of the students of the sixth, seventh and eighth period, of the Theater Graduation in the same university. From this analysis, it was proposed an interrelation between the theoretical and practical works, done by reading of the artists-educators about movement and Gilles Gwizdek in his work process. The research suggests that, from the movement, the student can build autonomously a character through the experience of small movements of the body. Thus, this student would increase his relationship between stage and audience, and consequently, he would cause a possible state of "seduction" of the spectator to the spectacle.


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A literatura para a infância tem oscilado entre o tradicional da fantasia e a contaminação de tipos que a pós-modernidade quase impõe. Importa saber se esta contaminação de fronteiras atinge o público leitor, motivando-o a tornar-se leitor, como sempre o fez.


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O artigo apresenta os resultados parciais duma investigação em curso sobra narrativas museológicas sobre o reconhecimento da diversidade cultural. A partir duma análise sobre os processos de construção a ideia do outro em diferentes exposições em diverso museus, na Península Ibérica, no Brasil e em Moçambique, procuramos identificar os processos narrativos hegemónicos e os processos de silenciamento e esquecimento da diferença. Argumentamos, a partir do discurso identitário português, que sem a inclusão das narrativas sobre a diversidade, a cultura hegemónica não está a fornecer uma cartografia mental adequada para orientar e enfrentar a construção de inovação social nos museus.


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In anni recenti il potenziale degradativo dei lieviti nelle bevande ha assunto un’importanza crescente a causa degli importanti danni economici ad essi associati e i produttori sono sempre più attenti a queste problematiche, anche in relazione alla tendenza di ridurre i trattamenti termici, in una strategia di risparmio energetico e di riduzione del danno termico organolettico. L’obiettivo dell’elaborato è stato quello di testare la termoresistenza di diversi ceppi di lieviti che possono costituire un rischio per bevande di fantasia: sette appartenenti alla specie Saccharomyces cerevisiae, tre Zygosaccharomyces, un ceppo di Saccharomycodes ludwigii, uno di Schizosaccharomyces pombe e uno di Kluyveromyces marxianus. Le prove di termoresistenza sono state condotte in vitro utilizzando terreno di coltura impiegando temperature di 55°C, 60°C e 65°C e i dati sono stati modellati con l’equazione di Weibull per ottenere le curve di morte termica dei diversi ceppi. Questo modello permette di tenere conto dell’approccio vitalistico dell’interazione tra temperatura e cellula e descrive l’inattivazione microbica come risultato del fallimento delle cellule nel contrastare le condizioni ostili dovute all’alta temperatura. I risultati hanno dimostrato che i ceppi erano caratterizzati da termoresistenza molto variabile. In generale, tra le specie non Saccharomyces, i più resistenti erano K. marxianus e Sch. Pombe mentre tra i Saccharomyces il più resistente era il ceppo SPA, isolato in uno stabilimento di bevande e responsabile di un incidente industriale che ha portato all’alterazione di oltre 500000 bottiglie di bibite gassate. Questo screening preliminare per la valutazione della termoresistenza ad un potenziale trattamento industriale ha permesso di individuare i lieviti più resistenti che saranno poi oggetto di un successivo studio in cui verranno tenuti presenti altri fattori tecnologici e di prodotto per poi potersi muovere in un ambiente industriale.