871 resultados para Facial feedback
Conclusion. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) promoted an increase of the mean axonal diameter in the group evaluated 2 weeks after lesion induction, which suggests a more advanced regeneration process. However, the number of myelin nerve fibers of the facial nerve of the rabbits was similar when compared to the control and treatment groups, in both evaluation periods. Objective. To evaluate the effect of HBOT on the histological pattern of the facial nerve in rabbits exposed to a nerve crush injury. Materials and methods. Twenty rabbits were exposed to facial nerve crush injury. Ten rabbits received HBOT, 10 rabbits comprised the control group. The rabbits were sacrificed 2 and 4 weeks after the trauma. Qualitative morphological analysis, measurement of the external axonal diameters and myelin fiber count were carried out in an area of 185 000 mu m(2). Results. There was an increase in the area of the axons and thicker myelin in the 2 weeks treatment group in comparison with the control group. The mean diameter of the axons was of 2.34 mu m in the control group and of 2.81 mu m in the HBOT group, with statistically significant differences. The 2 week control group had a mean number of myelin fibers of 186 +/- 5.2664, and the HBOT group had a mean number of 2026.3 +/- 302; this was not statistically significant. The 4 week control group presented a mean of 2495.1 +/- 479 fibers and the HBOT group presented a mean of 2359.9 +/- 473; this was not statistically significant.
Sign language animations can lead to better accessibility of information and services for people who are deaf and have low literacy skills in spoken/written languages. Due to the distinct word-order, syntax, and lexicon of the sign language from the spoken/written language, many deaf people find it difficult to comprehend the text on a computer screen or captions on a television. Animated characters performing sign language in a comprehensible way could make this information accessible. Facial expressions and other non-manual components play an important role in the naturalness and understandability of these animations. Their coordination to the manual signs is crucial for the interpretation of the signed message. Software to advance the support of facial expressions in generation of sign language animation could make this technology more acceptable for deaf people. In this survey, we discuss the challenges in facial expression synthesis and we compare and critique the state of the art projects on generating facial expressions in sign language animations. Beginning with an overview of facial expressions linguistics, sign language animation technologies, and some background on animating facial expressions, a discussion of the search strategy and criteria used to select the five projects that are the primary focus of this survey follows. This survey continues on to introduce the work from the five projects under consideration. Their contributions are compared in terms of support for specific sign language, categories of facial expressions investigated, focus range in the animation generation, use of annotated corpora, input data or hypothesis for their approach, and other factors. Strengths and drawbacks of individual projects are identified in the perspectives above. This survey concludes with our current research focus in this area and future prospects.
Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka hur enhetschefer anser att de ger och hur de får positiv feedback och i hur stor utsträckning det förekommer. Vi har valt att göra studien i en kommun, inom vård och omsorg, där enhetscheferna har samma chef och finns i samma verksamhet. Vår frågeställning: Förekommer positiv feedback och i sådana fall i vilken typ av kommunikationsform?I vilken utsträckning förekommer positiv feedback?Hur upplever enhetschefen positiv feedback?Vi har valt att använda en kvalitativ metod och göra intervjuer med semi- strukturerade frågor. Undersökningen genomfördes med att vi intervjuade nio enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg i en kommun. Vi har sammanfattat intervjuerna, där redovisar vi allmänt om enhetschefernas arbete och vad de säjer om positiv feedback.I analysen väver vi ihop resultatet av undersökningen med teori. De teorier vi använt oss av i studien är symbolisk interaktion, ledarskap, makt, motivation, kommunikation och feedback. Positiv feedback förekommer, men uppfattas olika av enhetscheferna utifrån deras synsätt och behov. Att ge och få positiv feedback sker både muntligt och skriftligt och har en effekt på både enhetschefer och medarbetare anser enhetscheferna. Det är väldigt individuellt vad positiv feedback betyder för varje enskild enhetschef.
The objective of this thesis work, is to propose an algorithm to detect the faces in a digital image with complex background. A lot of work has already been done in the area of face detection, but drawback of some face detection algorithms is the lack of ability to detect faces with closed eyes and open mouth. Thus facial features form an important basis for detection. The current thesis work focuses on detection of faces based on facial objects. The procedure is composed of three different phases: segmentation phase, filtering phase and localization phase. In segmentation phase, the algorithm utilizes color segmentation to isolate human skin color based on its chrominance properties. In filtering phase, Minkowski addition based object removal (Morphological operations) has been used to remove the non-skin regions. In the last phase, Image Processing and Computer Vision methods have been used to find the existence of facial components in the skin regions.This method is effective on detecting a face region with closed eyes, open mouth and a half profile face. The experiment’s results demonstrated that the detection accuracy is around 85.4% and the detection speed is faster when compared to neural network method and other techniques.
1. IntroductionMuch of the support that students have in a traditional classroom is absent in a distance learning course. In the traditional classroom, the learner is together with his or her classmates and the teacher; learning is socially embedded. Students can talk to each other and may learn from each other as they go through the learning process together. They also witness the teacher’s expression of the knowledge firsthand. The class participants communicate to each other not only through their words, but also through their gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice, and the teacher can observe the students’ progress and provide guidance and feedback in an as-needed basis. Further, through the habit of meeting in a regular place at a regular time, the participants reinforce their own and each other’s commitment to the course. A distance course must somehow provide learners other kinds of supports so that the distance learner also has a sense of connection with a learning community; can benefit from interaction with peers who are going through a similar learning process; receives feedback that allows him or her to know how he or she is progressing; and is guided enough so that he or she continues to progress towards the learning objectives. This cannot be accomplished if the distance course does not simultaneously promote student autonomy, for the distance course format requires students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. This chapter presents one distance learning course that was able to address all of these goals. The English Department at Högskolan Dalarna, Sweden, participates in a distance learning program with Vietnam National University. Students enrolled in this program study half-time for two years to complete a Master’s degree in English Linguistics. The distance courses in this program all contain two types of regular class meetings: one type is student-only seminars conducted through text chat, during which students discuss and complete assignments that prepare them for the other type of class meeting, also conducted through text chat, where the teacher is present and is the one to lead the discussion of seminar issues and assignments. The inclusion of student-only seminars in the course design allows for student independence while at the same time it encourages co-operation and solidarity. The teacher-led seminars offer the advantages of a class led by an expert.In this chapter, we present chatlog data from Vietnamese students in one distance course in English linguistics, comparing the role of the student in both student-only and teacher-led seminars. We discuss how students navigate their participation roles, through computer-mediated communication (CMC), according to seminar type, and we consider the emerging role of the autonomous student in the foreign-language medium, distance learning environment. We close by considering aspects of effective design of distance learning courses from the perspective of a foreign language (FL) environment.
Needle fear is a common problem in children undergoing immunization. To ensure that the individual child's needs are met during a painful procedure it would be beneficial to be able to predict whether there is a need for extra support. The self-reporting instrument facial affective scale (FAS) could have potential for this purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the FAS can predict pain unpleasantness in girls undergoing immunization. Girls, aged 11-12 years, reported their expected pain unpleasantness on the FAS at least two weeks before and then experienced pain unpleasantness immediately before each vaccination. The experienced pain unpleasantness during the vaccination was also reported immediately after each immunization. The level of anxiety was similarly assessed during each vaccination and supplemented with stress measures in relation to the procedure in order to assess and evaluate concurrent validity. The results show that the FAS is valid to predict pain unpleasantness in 11-12-year-old girls who undergo immunizations and that it has the potential to be a feasible instrument to identify children who are in need of extra support to cope with immunization. In conclusion, the FAS measurement can facilitate caring interventions.
This paper is focusing IT-supported real-time formative feedback in a classroom context. The development of a Student and Teacher Response System (STRS) is described. Since there are a number of obstacles for effective interaction in large classes IT can be used to support the teachers aim to find out if students understand the lecture and accordingly adjust the content and design of the lecture. The system can be used for formative assessment before, during, and after a lecture. It is also possible for students to initiate interaction during lectures by posing questions anonymously. The main contributions of the paper are a) the description of the interactive real-time system and b) the development process behind it.
This paper is focusing IT-supported real-time formative feedback in a classroom context. The development of a Student and Teacher Response System (STRS) is described. Since there are a number of obstacles for effective interaction in large classes, IT can be used to support the teachers aim to find out if students understand the lecture and accordingly adjust the content and design of the lecture. The system can be used for formative assessment before, during, and after a lecture. It is also possible for students to initiate interaction during lectures by posing questions anonymously. The main contributions of the paper are a) the description of the interactive real-time system and b) the development process behind it.
I studien undersöks hur lärare ger elever muntlig och skriftlig feedback på uppgiftsnivå i matematikundervisningen. För att undersöka detta har observationer och intervjuer av kvalitativ karaktär utförts med sex lärare som undervisar i årskurs 1-3. Insamlade och avbildade dokument i form av elevers räkneböcker har också varit en del av datainsamlingsmetoden. För att på bästa sätt undersöka och besvara studiens frågeställning har grundad teori valts ut och använts som forskningsansats. Utifrån insamlad data och med substantiv och teoretisk kodning som verktyg har en teoretisk modell utvecklats. Modellen visar att muntlig och skriftlig feedback som ges från lärare till elev på uppgiftsnivå kan vara antingen direkt eller indirekt. Beroende på om feedbacken är muntlig eller skriftlig, direkt eller indirekt, kan den också vara bekräftande, uppmuntrande, upprepande, informerande, stöttande eller uppmanande. Detta resultat redovisas med hjälp av en så kallad "fyrfältare". Värt att notera är också att resultatet i studien visar att muntlig feedback ges i betydligt högre grad än skriftlig feedback. Ett par slutsatser som dras utifrån studiens resultat är att verkligheten skiljer sig från hur tidigare forskning förespråkar att feedback bör komma till uttryck i klassrummet och att elevernas ålder samt lärarnas tid spelar en avgörande roll för vilken sorts feedback som ges. En annan viktig slutsats som också dras utifrån studiens redovisade resultat är att vissa kategorier av feedback är mer effektiva för elevers lärande i matematik än andra.
Denna studie undersöker hur feedback på uppgiftsnivå respektive processnivå kan utveckla elevers resonemang när eleverna arbetar med problemlösningsuppgifter inom matematiken. De typer av resonemang som undersöks är algoritmiska och kreativa matematiska resonemang. Åtta elevpar från årskurs 5 fick arbeta med problemlösningsuppgifter och fick efterhand de behövde feedback på uppgiftsnivå eller processnivå. Efter genomförandet analyserades vilken resonemangstyp eleverna använde före och efter feedback på uppgiftsnivå respektive processnivå getts. Resultaten visar att elever som får feedback på processnivå i större utsträckning utvecklar fullständiga kreativa matematiska resonemang jämfört med de elever som får feedback på uppgiftsnivå.
Needle fear is a common problem in children undergoing immunization. To ensure that the individual child’s needs are met during a painful procedure it would be beneficial to be able to predict whether there is a need for extra support. The self-reporting instrument facial affective scale (FAS) could have potential for this purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the FAS can predict pain unpleasantness in girls undergoing immunization. Girls, aged 11-12 years, reported their expected pain unpleasantness on the FAS at least two weeks before and then experienced pain unpleasantness immediately before each vaccination. The experienced pain unpleasantness during the vaccination was also reported immediately after each immunization. The level of anxiety was similarly assessed during each vaccination and supplemented with stress measures in relation to the procedure in order to assess and evaluate concurrent validity. The results show that the FAS is valid to predict pain unpleasantness in 11-12-year-old girls who undergo immunizations and that it has the potential to be a feasible instrument to identify children who are in need of extra support to cope with immunization. In conclusion, the FAS measurement can facilitate caring interventions.
Women’s faces tend to naturally retain more neonate features than men. These features, such as a greater eye height, a smaller nose area, and a wider smile, would cause women to have more immature faces than males. Interestingly, women who have these facial features are often perceived as more attractive than women with mature facial features. These findings imply that women would be judged less competent than men, and that immature-faced women would be perceived as less competent and more attractive than mature-faced females. Given the direction of political leadership in our country, this has interesting implications for females that are vying for leadership positions. Thus, our study examined the effects of both candidate gender and facial features on voting likelihood, and perceptions of attractiveness and competence, by pairing pictures with neutral party platforms.
Esse trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar como os professores de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira (LE) corrigem as composições dos seus aprendizes de nível intermediário e como o feedback avaliativo e corretivo são fornecidos. Os dados dessa pesquisa foram coletados em quatro cursos livres de inglês localizados em Porto Alegre, RS (Brasil). Todos os onze professores participantes são falantes do Português como língua materna. Os dados incluem como amostra a coleta de 79 composições de diferentes aprendizes já corrigidas pelos professores, bem como um questionário aplicado aos mesmos e aos seus respectivos aprendizes. As informações provenientes dos questionários objetivaram caracterizar esses participantes mostrando suas opiniões a respeito do erro e correção na escrita. Além disso, o modelo avaliativo de Gaudiani (Gaudiani, 1981 apud Hadley, 1993) foi utilizado para verificarmos a homogeneidade em termos de notas ou conceitos a serem atribuídos ao mesmo conjunto de composições quando avaliadas pelos onze professores. Alguns dos nossos resultados indicaram que: a) os professores não têm critérios claros de correção; b) os professores corrigem mais erros gramaticais em detrimento aos demais erros; c) os professores não corrigem erros relativos à organização; d) os professores fornecem a resposta correta ao erro do aprendiz; não havendo espaço para a auto-correção; e) a grande maioria dos professores atribuiu a mesma nota ou conceito quando utilizado o modelo avaliativo de Gaudiani. Esses resultados sugerem a riqueza desta área bem como destacam a necessidade de trabalhar de modo mais intenso a questão do tratamento do erro e feedback na escrita. Na parte final do trabalho são apresentadas sugestões práticas para os professores de língua estrangeira para que, desta forma, esses profissionais estejam melhor preparados para oferecer um feedback mais eficaz na escrita dos aprendizes.
Partindo do pressuposto de que foco na forma pode beneficiar o processo de aprendizagem, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de dois tipos de feedback corretivo, recast e elicitação, no desempenho de alunos de inglês como língua estrangeira. O estudo foi realizado com duas turmas de nível intermediário em um curso particular de idiomas que segue os princípios da abordagem comunicativa. É uma investigação experimental na qual o desempenho dos alunos foi testado antes e depois de receberem feedback corretivo durante a realização de tarefas ministradas pelos seus professores dentro de suas próprias salas de aula, sendo que uma turma recebeu feedback corretivo através de recast e a outra através de elicitação. A hipótese norteadora deste estudo foi que feedback corretivo fornecido ao aluno através de elicitação gera melhor desempenho do aluno do que recast, devido à exigência de que o aluno reformule seus próprios enunciados utilizando, para este fim, seus próprios recursos lingüísticos. Por outro lado, devido à natureza reformuladora de recast, este comportamento corretivo, no qual o professor faz a correção, não estimula o aprendiz a focalizar sua produção errônea com o intuito de corrigí-la. Os dados obtidos apontam que utilizar feedback corretivo na forma de elicitação é benéfico à aprendizagem.