888 resultados para Escravidão moderna
Enmarcados en las indagaciones preliminares sobre las experiencias de jóvenes en libertad ambulatoria que han atravesado un proceso de prisionización en la provincia de Buenos Aires, nos interrogamos sobre el contexto histórico de la "propuesta" carcelaria y las prácticas penitenciarias en su trayectoria histórica. En tanto institución donde disputaron su lugar ideas positivistas de la criminología cientificista, las propuestas penitenciarias "rehabilitantes", así como concepciones del "otro" como enemigo o desecho social, la prisión-laboratorio de los médicos y la prisión-fábrica de los penitenciarios convivieron en un proyecto común de cárcel-depósito. Miradas superpuestas, disciplinantes algunas, segregacionistas otras, o con la ilusión profiláctica de cárceles que luego fueron "galpones", pugnaron el sentido de la cárcel en forma simultánea desde fines del siglo XIX hasta nuestros días. Resulta evidente, a partir del trabajo de Lila Caimari y Ricardo Salvatore, que estas miradas han sufrido modificaciones durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, aunque no existan trabajos que relacionen este período con la actualidad. Es así que en esta ponencia me propongo analizar algunos cambios en particular que aparecen en la práctica carcelaria actual en relación a los estudios históricos, incorporando al período de la dictadura 1976-1983 como profundo clivaje histórico
Religião e ciência submetidas à Análise do Discurso Crítica. O fundamentalismo protestante a partir da obra Os fundamentos e a ciência moderna sob a perspectiva da obra de Bertrand Russell Religião e ciência, ambas as obras submetidas a uma análise crítica de seus discursos a partir da concepção faircloughiana para assim delinear seus textos, discursos, intenções e práticas sociais. O advento da modernidade, ao influenciar os diversos segmentos da sociedade e alterar a maneira de o indivíduo se relacionar com Deus, com a natureza e com seu semelhante, consequentemente, também alterou algumas percepções religiosas existentes até a Idade Média. A modernidade se destaca ao propiciar à humanidade outras possibilidades para lidar com seus problemas cotidianos e questões existenciais. Recorrer às técnicas científicas para solucionar problemas da natureza, melhorar a produção agrícola, curar doenças, ou até mesmo prever catástrofes naturais abriu precedente para que o homo religiosus ampliasse seus horizontes rumo ao moderno e questionasse a importância da vida religiosa como apresentada até então. O sagrado e o profano entram em debate acirrado. Enquanto a era da razão conquista seu espaço por meio do racionalismo, o mundo religioso se esforça para se reinventar e enfrentar um novo mundo com suas ideologias atraentes. Religião e ciência se aferram a seus espaços para delinearem seus limites, mas sempre contemplando e considerando um magistério em comum: a ciência moderna.
O trabalho analisa se o jornalismo cultural praticado pelo caderno EU&Fim de Semana do jornal Valor Econômico, ao incorporar certos assuntos e fenômenos decorrentes da modernidade aos conteúdos com abordagem e mentalidade culturais e universalizadas, rompe o paradigma do Jornalismo Cultural tradicional alargando este conceito, até então restrito aos acontecimentos considerados tradicionais da área da cultura, como cinema, pintura, literatura, museu, dança, música, teatro, gastronomia e turismo. O corpus da pesquisa foi composto pelo assunto principal de capa de 32 edições e resultou na análise de 75 matérias. O referencial teórico utilizado é a sociologia da cultura de Pierre Bourdieu por meio da teoria dos campos, espaço social, habitus de classe e o desejo de distinção de uma elite cosmopolita. Contudo, não se constitui uma prática jornalística sem compromisso social. As análises quantitativa e qualitativa compõem a metodologia que identifica a presença de debates, de tensões e de conflitos, o conceito de Jornalismo Cultural, o caráter cosmopolita do jornalismo no início do século XXI, bem como os valores culturais adotados pelo caderno que abastecem o público com visão prismática para ler e reconhecer o mundo.(AU)
The general objective of this research is to clarify and discuss the original contribution of Martin Heidegger's philosophical reflection on the essence of modern technique. For this purpose, it was structured the interpretative course of this dissertation in two essential moments. At first, we present Heidegger's interpretation of the essence of the modern age which, in turn, will be recognized from the metaphysical foundation that establishes the essence of modern science: the subjectivity that represents, calculates, manages and produces the real. We will see which, in this context, modern science was still thought close to the modern technology, what will change considerably from the writings of the post-war, in which Heidegger thinks modern science from a much broader and essential process in that the essence of the technique has already been unfolding. Thus, in a second moment, we will analyze how, for Heidegger, the modern metaphysics of subjectivity reached its completion at the time of modern art from the principle of control and planning of entities in general (Gestell), revealing the nontechnical sense of the technique (beyond the anthropological, humanistic and instrumental view) as well as the threatening character of modern technique in its conversion project of the entity from the reserve fund (Bestand).
Through the nineteenth century, it was constant in the discourse of the local norte-rio-grandenses (Natal city, Brazil) administrators, the appeal for subsidy to the central government for the works of the port of Natal upgrade. The port in the capital, the main route of the Rio Grande do Norte communication, because of the limitations attached to it, as the dunes surrounding the city spreading sand in the riverbed, and several reefs located along the coast, did not allow the entry in his berth larger ships. These difficulties brought major problems the province, who could not hold the flow of production coming from the inside, resulting in the north of Rio Grande political scene, questioning the centrality of Christmas position in the province. Only Republican scheme had been approved credit by the federal government for the improvement works of the port. The port became the Republican political discourse Potiguar one of the main promises to bring "progress" the Potiguar land, being placed as a central issue of which depend on the "future" of the state. The objective of this study is to analyse the emergence of a new port concept in speeches and interventions of the local ruling groups in the early twentieth century. We analyse the emergence of a modern notion of port, marked by the organizing effort, rationalization and regulation of port activities by the state, and the new relationship assumed by the harbour front to the city resulting from this new perception. The port has become for local leaders to groups of capital "waiting room", requiring change of the composition of urban space for integrating the port to the city. The Port of Natal became endowed with a pedagogical function, incorporating the urban fabric, codes, values and practices considered by local managers as modern and civilized. This new city space, considered a "waiting room", caused conflicts between the local ruling groups and influential figures in the Potiguar political field, which sought to encourage with the process of organizing the harbour front undesirable regarded figures in the city views as an impediment to the image of progress and modernity that the dominant groups intended to expose the port.
This work is intended to investigate the saussurian notion of system. Such a notion is fundamental to Ferdinand de Saussure's theorization, since it composes the definition of "langue", as he thought it. This definition was crucial to the delimitation of linguistics' specific object of study, which granted its place among modern sciences. However, the notion of system was not created by Saussure. Not only in Linguistics, but also in other areas, this notion appeared in very ancient studies, mingling with the establishment of man in society and the development of their economic and organizational activities. Specifically, in the context of language studies, the system consists in a notion that composed the work of the first grammarians in the West, in ancient Greece. Moreover, this notion was also used afterwards, in the synonymy studies and in the comparative analysis of languages, developed by scholars of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, although Saussure had had his formation in Leipzig and Berlim, amid comparatists studies, his notion of system is an innovation, while is also continuing. In light of this, we aim to highlight the aspects of the saussurian notion of system that allow the establishment of a relationship of continuity and rupture with other conceptions of system. For that, we will investigate four Saussure authored documents: the « Cours de linguistique générale », the « Mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes », and the two sets of manuscripts « De l'essence double du langage » and « Notes pour le cours III ».
El artículo estudia algunas ideas de importancia de las teorías del conocimiento del siglo XIV que se estima tienen un papel relevante en el origen de la filosofía moderna, particularmente en la filosofía de Descartes. Tales ideas, entre otras, son: a) la noción escotista de notitia abstractiva y su correlato en la noción de conceptus objectivus de procedencia aviceniana; b) la tendencia presente en un buen número de autores franciscanos, que en el proceso del conocimiento otorga más relevancia al sujeto cognoscente que a la cosa conocida; c) la idea teológica de la omnipotencia divina que, de potentia absoluta, aplicada al conocimiento humano, cree posible un concepto sin objeto; d) una difusa tendencia al escepticismo, que se alimenta de dos fuentes: la teoría agustiniana de la iluminación y el giro que en el siglo XIV experimenta la lógica hacia la dialéctica. En torno a estas ideas se descubre una línea de pensamiento común a Ockham, Suárez (y los conimbricenses) y Descartes, en cuyas filosofías la intencionalidad y la certeza del conocimiento quedan comprometidas.