927 resultados para Educação Física Estudo e Ensino
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo documental concernente s relaes existentes entre Arte a Educação; partimos da hiptese de que a primeira consagra-se enquanto objeto de pesquisa concomitantemente a sua legitimao enquanto fonte meritria de conhecimento, principalmente no que se refere produo material da existncia humana e as intrnsecas relaes poltico-sociais engendradas por princpios e valores econmicos. Logo, este ensaio foi edificado sobre o alicerce do legado literrio de um dos maiores intelectuais do sculo XX reconhecido na contemporaneidade: o dramaturgo alemo Bertolt Brecht cuja significncia da produo artstica se manifesta no exerccio da compreenso e anlise crtico-reflexiva da funo social e educacional da Arte no mago da sociedade de classes.
The difficulties related to physics teaching are related to methodology, that hinder learning, because some physical concepts beyond the common sense of most students. Just as poor training of some physics instructors in teaching is pedagogical difficulties. And also factors of infrastructure, heterogeneity in students' previous training etc.. It is proposed aim of this work to use reflection of teaching practice as a methodology. Practiced in a private school, mostly state and, in high school in Rio Claro. The method consists of preparing a daily pedagogical practice in parallel to the development of teaching, for analysis and identification of factors that result in improving the teaching of physics and physics teacher qualification
In this work, it was studied the effects of the experimentation in the physics teaching. Beginning from the theoretic reference and discussions, the objective was prove the efficiency of researches of this nature related to two main aspects of a class: The aroused interest in the students and the facilitating action on the understanding of the theory. For such objective, using the comparison, it was chosen two distinct classes, but the more similar possible, so that, in one of them, it was showed a tradition class, lectures and in another, a class using experimentation to contemplate the theory. To manage a way to rate these aspects, it was made a conceptual questionnaire, requiring only concepts rather than mathematics and equations, besides specific interviews to rate the opinion of the student related to each method. The observations in classes and of the reactions of the students also were of a big value to analysis. After the experimental class completed, it may analyze and conclude some positive points related to experimental methods: As for the opinion of the students, the approval was big, and the majority opined to this class as being more interesting. On the point of view of learning, it had a sensitive improvement of grades, but with more mature answers, deep and autonomous, if looking at a general vision
The objective the work at hand has is to discuss the dropouts of students from the major Physics in the campus of Guaratinguet UNESP. A survey has been made about the number of graduated and evaded students of each class since 1989, year that this course was created, until the year 2011. For this purpose, lists were collected from the section of graduation of the university, in which you will find names, year of entry, way of entry and situation of each students already enrolled in the course. Data about the dropouts of other courses of Physics at UNESP were also collected, in order to compare with the results from the unity of Guaratinguet. Besides that, the results from researches about the lack of physics professors in the country were also taken into consideration. Some of this research sought to identify the main reasons of dropouts from the students of Physics. The data collected indicates that the dropout of this course in the campus of Guaratinguet is higher when compared to the dropouts of others in this institution. Its also true that the dropout rates havent changed significantly over the years, the average being 66.2% in the period between 1989 and 2007. However, the reason for the dropouts has changed of the years, dropouts to change for other majors increased, especially after 2005, being responsible for almost half of the dropouts in the last three years. The survey with the enrolled students of 2012 showed that this is a group of young students that dont work and many of them have enrolled with the intension to transfer to other courses. These data contradicts the results of some researches that point out difficulties for students to reconciling work with study as one of the main causes of the dropouts. This suggests the picture in this work about the dropouts... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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This research aimed to verify if the use of experimental demonstration activities through an approach that employed discursive patterns that provided social interaction in the classroom, provided the students motivation to participate in activities and learn the worked contents. The students of this research were twenty four in a Guaratinguet's school, aged between 19 and 24 years. The instruments of analysis were transcripts of conversations that occurred between student / teacher and student / student and also the studes s answers to a evaluative questionnaire. In order to support this analysis, we used the Vygotsky Social Historical theory . The results showed that the use of demonstration activities, following an approach that used discursive patterns that enabled the social interaction between teacher and students and among students, motivated students to learn the worked contents
There are considerations of that the education of Physics of the way as comes being driven us textbooks and consequently in classroom, is distant and distorted of their real purpose. We notice that the education of this science through the Physical school discipline, has I assume a character of preparation for university entrance exams exercises resolution, exceling for the memorization of formulae and by the mathematical solutions, fact that looks to cause to it is lacking of motivation and to the disinterest of the students regarding his contents. Since we are surrounded by phenomena, events, elements of the nature, new technologies, objects and so many others that can be explained and many times until applied and/or reproduced by means of physical concepts, there is no reason for treat to Physical as somewhat academic and remote of the reality. The little interest of high school students by the discipline of Physics and their poor performance in the learning of his contents has led to the search of new paths, resources and strategies that promote a more meaningful learning. Taking into account these facts, we seek in this course conclusion work, observe, analyze and apply concepts of the Physical one in multiple elements of ours routine, doing use of the interdisciplinary nature as a possible mechanism. The animals exert a fascination on most people. Much of what we see in their way of being and behaving can be explained by the laws of Physics and its models. Their physique, behavior and activities involve diverse movements, communication and sensing as physical limitations varied. Zoologists and physicists build models in an attempt to explain or understand animal behavior using well-established physical principles. The creation of physical models is going to approach a problem, identifies the fundamental information and removing all of the irrelevant details. An example... (Complete abstract click electrnic access below)
Over the years is a significant number of researchers consider constructivism as a methodology above the rest and that can be applied to any educational context, and is therefore the ideal methodology in the present moment. However, as opposed to this idea, there is a growing body of research that consider the methodological pluralism how best to teach in class, precisely because it is not just one, but several methodological practices which vary according to the educational needs of students. This exhibit features four lessons presented to students of 6th and 8th grade of elementary school II, two lessons using experimental activities, a lesson using Demo activity and a lesson using texts textbooks. In all four lessons there was a collection of data on students' understanding about the physical concepts covered by each of the above four lessons either through questionnaires, video recording, and more. Based on Vygotsky's theory of social interaction and constructs Wertsch (1984), this article raises important discussions about the advantages and disadvantages of these three methodologies within the pluralistic proposal
Ps-graduao em Educação Matemtica - IGCE
Ps-graduao em Educação - FCT
Ps-graduao em Educação - IBRC
This study aims to conduct a survey on the concepts that the teacher of physical education has on their role in areas of activity in the democratic management of public and private schools. They are job-specific goals: to raise theoretically as it is currently the training of physical education teacher to work in the administrative and participatory management in schools, pointing out possible instances of action of the physical education teacher in meeting the democratic management of official documents (NCP and RCN) and propose inserts that will guarantee their professional practice responsible, ethical and participatory; and check what is the concept that the physical education teacher has on their role in school activities beyond the classroom. For both methodologically this is configured as a qualitative research, in the form of literature review and field research. 30 Teachers participated in the survey, these being of public and private schools. For data collection a questionnaire was designed open dealing on the profile of teachers and their perceptions of their performance in school. The results show that in the case of conceptions that physical education teachers have about their role in the democratic management of the results lead us to infer that they all feel if done professionally, both in public schools as those of individuals, despite the difficulties encountered in their day to day
O atletismo, no Brasil, um esporte pouco divulgado nas aulas de Educação Física. Vrios so os motivos apontados para que isso ocorra: falta de material, deficincia de infraestrutura, falta de interesse dos alunos e ausncia de um carter ldico no ensino das provas. Entretanto, o GEPPA, Grupo de Estudos Pedaggicos e Pesquisa em Atletismo, por meio da pesquisa e extenso universitria, tem se dedicado difuso e estudo das inmeras possibilidades de adequao e criao de oportunidades que envolvem seu ensino. Partindo dessa ideia, o grupo desenvolve o Projeto de Extenso Atletismo para Crianas e Jovens na cidade de Rio Claro, que tem, justamente, o intuito de divulgar o atletismo e proporcionar s crianas e jovens da comunidade um contato com essa modalidade esportiva. Constatando-se a eficcia desse Projeto de Extenso, desenvolvido na Unesp-RC, este Trabalho de Concluso de Curso tem como objetivo: promover a pesquisa em torno do atletismo, a fim de evidenciar o panorama da extenso de atletismo no ambiente universitrio brasileiro. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi desenvolvida uma reviso de literatura que em um primeiro momento abordar os principais problemas que cercam o ensino do atletismo, apontando o papel do profissional de Educação Física no seu ensino; aspectos relacionados extenso universitria brasileira e sua relao com o ensino e pesquisa. Alm disso, ser realizada uma pesquisa exploratria na internet, em busca de materiais que podero evidenciar a existncia de projetos de extenso de atletismo oferecidos comunidade, que sero descritos no trabalho a partir das informaes coletadas. Com base nos resultados dessa pesquisa esperamos concentrar informaes referentes a projetos destinados ao ensino do atletismo no Brasil, tomando como ponto de partida que esse tipo de trabalho de extenso universitria importantssimo para a difuso...
This article presents pedagogical reflections on the relationship between media and physical education, a scenario in which digital technologies facilitate and expand access to media. Then there is the need to approach physical education to the media, given its importance in symbolic representation and behavior of students within the movement body culture. The primary intentions of the media are not necessarily compatible with the purposes of school. This apparent contradiction leads us to wonder, in dialogue with the area of media education, which would be the potential of media as a strategy for pedagogical action.
O objetivo desta pesquisa realizar, uma avaliao crtica de algumas das proposies terico-metodolgicas para a Educação Física Escolar elaboradas no Brasil nas dcadas de 1980 e 1990, a partir do ponto de vista de seus autores. Para tal, foram entrevistados seis autores. Conclui que tais proposies continuam sendo importantes na formao dos professores, mas precisam ser articuladas com novos conhecimentos e se aproximarem das prticas pedaggicas concretas.