990 resultados para ETH Zurich
Human resources managers often use assessment centers to evaluate candidates for a job position. During an assessment center, the candidates perform a series of exercises. The exercises require one or two assessors (e.g., managers or psychologists) that observe and evaluate the candidate. If an exercise is designed as a role-play, an actor is required as well which plays, e.g., an unhappy customer with whom the candidate has to deal with. Besides performing the exercises, the candidates have a lunch break within a prescribed time window. Each candidate should be observed by approximately half the number of the assessors. Moreover, an assessor cannot be assigned to a candidate if they personally know each other. The planning problem consists of determining (1) resource-feasible start times of all exercises and lunch breaks and (2) a feasible assignment of assessors to candidates, such that the assessment center duration is minimized. We propose a list-scheduling heuristic that generates feasible schedules for such assessment centers. We develop novel procedures for devising an appropriate scheduling list and for incorporating the problem-specific constraints. Our computational results indicate that our approach is capable of devising optimal or near-optimal solutions to real-world instances within short CPU time.
More than 90% of children born with heart defects reach adulthood. They continue to require specialized medical care. In most countries, their care has to be transferred from the pediatric care environment to specialized adult clinics. This transfer of care usually occurs at a time when adolescents become young adults. Supporting adolescents and emerging adults with congenital heart disease through transition has been recognized as an important task of their treating teams in recent years. An environment where adolescents feel welcome and where education and patient participation are fostered is crucial. For an optimal transition process, patients, their families and all health care providers need to be involved. Different models for transition programs have emerged, depending on local policies and resources. The authors offer insight into established transition programs in Bern and Zurich, Switzerland. Advantages and challenges of different models of care and transition programs are presented.
Wie erklären sich die ungleichen Bildungschancen von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund? Der Artikel geht dieser Frage anhand von Daten aus den Städten Bern und Zürich nach. Während Jugendliche aus dem nichtdeutschsprachigen Ausland im Vergleich zu Schweizer Jugendlichen im Nachteil sind, haben Jugendliche aus Deutschland und Österreich sogar einen Vorteil. Dabei zeigt sich, dass diese Unterschiede weniger auf sprachliche Schwierigkeiten als vielmehr auf Effekte der sozialen Herkunft zurückzuführen sind
UNLABELLED The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of a new software based analysing system for ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (V/P SPECT/CT) in patients with pulmonary emphysema and to compare it to the visual interpretation. PATIENTS, MATERIAL AND METHODS 19 patients (mean age: 68.1 years) with pulmonary emphysema who underwent V/P SPECT/CT were included. Data were analysed by two independent observers in visual interpretation (VI) and by software based analysis system (SBAS). SBAS PMOD version 3.4 (Technologies Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland) was used to assess counts and volume per lung lobe/per lung and to calculate the count density per lung, lobe ratio of counts and ratio of count density. VI was performed using a visual scale to assess the mean counts per lung lobe. Interobserver variability and association for SBAS and VI were analysed using Spearman's rho correlation coefficient. RESULTS Interobserver agreement correlated highly in perfusion (rho: 0.982, 0.957, 0.90, 0.979) and ventilation (rho: 0.972, 0.924, 0.941, 0.936) for count/count density per lobe and ratio of counts/count density in SBAS. Interobserver agreement correlated clearly for perfusion (rho: 0.655) and weakly for ventilation (rho: 0.458) in VI. CONCLUSIONS SBAS provides more reproducible measures than VI for the relative tracer uptake in V/P SPECT/CTs in patients with pulmonary emphysema. However, SBAS has to be improved for routine clinical use.
In laboratory experiments, people are willing to sanction norms at a cost—a behavioral tendency called altruistic punishment. However, the degree to which these findings can be generalized to real-world interactions is still debated. Only a small number of field experiments have been conducted, and initial results suggest that punishment is less frequent outside of the lab. This study replicates one of the first field experiments on altruistic punishment and builds ties to research on norm compliance and the broken windows theory. The original study addressed the enforcement of the anti-littering norm in Athens. We replicate this study in Bern, Zurich, and New York City. As an extension, we investigate how the experimental context (clean vs littered) impacts social norm enforcement. As a second extension, we investigate how opportunity structure impacts the maintenance of the anti-littering norm. Findings indicate that norms are universally enforced, although significantly less than in the standard laboratory experiment,and that enforcement is significantly more common in Switzerland than in New York. Moreover, individuals prefer more subtle forms of enforcement to direct punishment. We also find that enforcement is less frequent in littered than in clean contexts, suggesting that broken windows might not only foster deviant behavior but also weaken informal social control. Finally, we find that opportunity structure can encourage people to maintain norms, as indicated by the fact that people are more likely to voluntarily pick up litter when it is closer to a trash bin.
PURPOSE As survival rates of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients increase, a growing number of AYA cancer survivors need follow-up care. However, there is little research on their preferences for follow-up care. We aimed to (1) describe AYA cancer survivors' preferences for the organization and content of follow-up care, (2) describe their preferences for different models of follow-up, and (3) investigate clinical and sociodemographic characteristics associated with preferences for the different models. METHODS AYA cancer survivors (diagnosed with cancer at age 16-25 years; ≥5 years after diagnosis) were identified through the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug. Survivors completed a questionnaire on follow-up attendance, preferences for organizational aspects of follow-up care (what is important during follow-up, what should be included during appointments, what specialists should be involved, location), models of follow-up (telephone/questionnaire, general practitioner (GP), pediatric oncologist, medical oncologist, multidisciplinary team), and sociodemographic characteristics. Information on tumor and treatment was available through the Cancer Registry Zurich and Zug. RESULTS Of 389 contacted survivors, 160 (41.1 %) participated and 92 (57.5 %) reported still attending follow-up. Medical aspects of follow-up care were more important than general aspects (p < 0.001). Among different organizational models, follow-up by a medical oncologist was rated higher than all other models (p = 0.002). Non-attenders of follow-up rated GP-led follow-up significantly higher than attenders (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION Swiss AYA cancer survivors valued medical content of follow-up and showed a preference for medical oncologist-led follow-up. Implementation of different models of follow-up care might improve accessibility and attendance among AYA cancer survivors.
Stefan Zweig arrive en Suisse en novembre 1917. D’abord libéré du service militaire pour deux mois, il obtient finalement la permission de rester en Suisse jusqu’à la fin de la guerre. Il peut ainsi assister aux répétitions et à la première de Jérémie, sa pièce de théâtre pacifiste représentée pour la première fois au Stadttheater de Zurich en février 1918. Son séjour en Suisse est également marqué par le développement de son admiration et de son amitié pour Romain Rolland – celui qu’il désigne comme étant « la conscience morale de l’Europe ». L’objet de cet article est de montrer que la conjonction Suisse–Rolland a joué un rôle absolument essentiel dans la vie personnelle et créatrice de Zweig.