914 resultados para Divorce settlements


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Leptospirosis is a widespread but under-reported cause of morbidity and mortality. Global re-emergence of leptospirosis has been associated with the growth of informal urban settlements in which rodents are thought to be important reservoir hosts. Understanding the multi-host epidemiology of leptospirosis is essential to control and prevent disease. A cross-sectional survey of rodents in the Kibera settlement in Nairobi, Kenya was conducted in September–October 2008 to demonstrate the presence of pathogenic leptospires. A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction showed that 41 (18.3%) of 224 rodents carried pathogenic leptospires in their kidneys, and sequence data identified Leptospira interrogans and L. kirschneri in this population. Rodents of the genus Mus (37 of 185) were significantly more likely to be positive than those of the genus Rattus (4 of 39; odds ratio = 15.03). Questionnaire data showed frequent contact between humans and rodents in Kibera. This study emphasizes the need to quantify the public health impacts of this neglected disease at this and other urban sites in Africa.


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Versão em português do artigo submetido com o título “Towards Integrating Rural Vernacular Settlements in Urban Regions: A study of Algarve, Portugal” ao ISVS e-­‐journal em Abril de 2011.


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O povoamento das áreas de montanha é quase sempre conformado por aglomerados de pequena dimensão vinculados no passado a uma economia de subsistência. Em Portugal, as mutações significativas que, num contexto de forte recessão demográfica, têm marcado as povoações serranas do interior estão, por vezes, associadas à persistência dos hábitos e das construções característicos da cultura tradicional, como é especialmente evidente nalgumas das aldeias do maciço beirão da Gralheira. O presente artigo incidirá no património construído desta região, tomando como caso de estudo o lugar da Drave e considerando, de forma articulada, a caracterização do núcleo edificado tradicional e da paisagem onde se integra. Constituem instrumentos fundamentais deste trabalho o levantamento desenhado do lugar e a leitura da Crónica dos Martins da Drave datada de meados do século de oitocentos.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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O trabalho aqui proposto tem como objectivo central, a realização de análises ao conjunto dos recipientes cerâmicos pertencentes ao povoado da Sala nº1. Repertório esse, que se baseou no acervo retirado do sítio arqueológico Sala nº1, intervencionado pelo Professor Victor S. Gonçalves (1988, 1989 e 1995). As análises e descrições efectuadas foram sempre norteadas para a tentativa de estabelecer uma sequência de formas que se pudesse verificar quanto à sua normalização e frequência nos contextos presentes ao povoado da Sala nº1. Traduzindo nessa realidade, a diacronia transversal entre os estratos arqueológicos pertencentes ao Neolítico final e os estratos pertencentes ao Calcolítico. Tendo sempre como parâmetros de análise, as metodologias e critérios descritivos dos recipientes cerâmicos, presentes nos trabalhos publicados sobre as realidades cronológicas semelhantes no Sul de Portugal. O próprio conjunto de recipientes cerâmicos aqui analisado foi submetido a essas metodologias, com fim de obter primordialmente as formas e as tipologias a que pertencem. Nesse sentido procurei criar um quadro de referência local e regional, e posteriormente coloca-lo num enquadramento geral do Neolítico final e início do Calcolítico do Alentejo Médio, tentando verificar as similitudes nos quadros tipológicos existentes, como os estabelecidos por Carlos Tavares da Silva e Joaquina Soares. Sendo este um estudo que abrange um tempo cronológico de praticamente 1500 anos, premiei através da amplitude dos contornos que moldaram esta análise, algumas perspectivas possíveis. Quer ao nível das tipologias, quer ao nível das estratégias de ocupação do território, aplicáveis para o espaço e o tempo em análise. Verificando a realidade escassa nos contextos alentejanos (publicados), em que a cultura material se integra numa estratigrafia e cronologias com uma diacronia semelhante à do povoado da Sala nº1. Tentei integrar este povoado num estudo que não sendo comparativo, tivesse essa componente em relação às tipologias e formas cerâmicas identificadas. Procurou-se dar enfase à realidade artefactual das taças carenadas, e à sua possível evolução para formas mais adaptáveis ao uso e consumo quotidiano das comunidades contemporâneas das fases Calcolíticas do povoado.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Easiness with which the political circles talk about withdrawal from the European Union is rather surprising and proves that the legal parameters of an EU exit are not treated seriously enough. In theoretical terms Article 50 TEU allows for a unilateral exit as well as for a consensual divorce. Arguably, the first is an interesting abstract proposition, which, however, in practical terms seems to be an unworkable solution. Hence, the only realistic option is a proper divorce based on a withdrawal agreement. As per Article 50 TEU, it would be negotiated by the European Union with a departing country and should cover the terms of withdrawal and “take account of future relations” between the EU and the divorcee. It is submitted that in order to avoid a legal vacuum, this agreement should not only “take account of future relations” but actually deal with them thoroughly. This will make the negotiations difficult and, most likely, time consuming. One also has to envisage a scenario whereby a country leaving the European Union would join EFTA and become a EFTA-EU Member State of the European Economic Area. Should that happen the scope of a EU withdrawal agreement would be limited to the terms of exit, while future relations between the divorcee and the European Union would be mainly covered by the EEA Agreement. This chapter unlocks the mechanics of Article 50 TEU and the withdrawal procedure it provides for. It covers the issues that should be attended to by the negotiators and provides an overview of dossiers that are likely be covered in a withdrawal agreement.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Vias de Comunicação e Transportes


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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The rapid growth of big cities has been noticed since 1950s when the majority of world population turned to live in urban areas rather than villages, seeking better job opportunities and higher quality of services and lifestyle circumstances. This demographic transition from rural to urban is expected to have a continuous increase. Governments, especially in less developed countries, are going to face more challenges in different sectors, raising the essence of understanding the spatial pattern of the growth for an effective urban planning. The study aimed to detect, analyse and model the urban growth in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) as one of the fast growing mega cities in the world using remote sensing data. Knowing the current and estimated urbanization situation in GCR will help decision makers in Egypt to adjust their plans and develop new ones. These plans should focus on resources reallocation to overcome the problems arising in the future and to achieve a sustainable development of urban areas, especially after the high percentage of illegal settlements which took place in the last decades. The study focused on a period of 30 years; from 1984 to 2014, and the major transitions to urban were modelled to predict the future scenarios in 2025. Three satellite images of different time stamps (1984, 2003 and 2014) were classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier, then the land cover changes were detected by applying a high level mapping technique. Later the results were analyzed for higher accurate estimations of the urban growth in the future in 2025 using Land Change Modeler (LCM) embedded in IDRISI software. Moreover, the spatial and temporal urban growth patterns were analyzed using statistical metrics developed in FRAGSTATS software. The study resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 96%, 97.3% and 96.3% for 1984, 2003 and 2014’s map, respectively. Between 1984 and 2003, 19 179 hectares of vegetation and 21 417 hectares of desert changed to urban, while from 2003 to 2014, the transitions to urban from both land cover classes were found to be 16 486 and 31 045 hectares, respectively. The model results indicated that 14% of the vegetation and 4% of the desert in 2014 will turn into urban in 2025, representing 16 512 and 24 687 hectares, respectively.


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The presence and importance of the sea as a factor that has helped shape the history of England since at least the Roman invasions of 55-54 BC (less successful, incidentally, than most of Caesar’s other military ventures ...) need no particular urging or demonstration. Nonetheless, a bird’s-eye view would necessarily survey the waves of invasions and settlements that, one after the other, came dashing over the centuries upon England’s shores; not to mention the requested invasion of 1688, Angles and Saxons, Scandinavians, Normans, they all crossed the whale’s path and cast anchor in England’s green and pleasant land. In the course of this retrospective voyage through the oceans of History, one would inevitably stop at the so-called ‘Discoveries’ of the 15th-16th centuries, meet their navigators, sailors and pirates extolled by Richard Hakluyt (1553?-1616), face an anonymous crowd of merchants and witness the huge expansion of trade, largely to the benefit of the ‘discovering’ countries as prescribed by the economic Gospel Adam Smith (1723-90) would later baptize as “mercantilism”.


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The research towards efficient, reliable and environmental-friendly power supply solutions is producing growing interest to the “Smart Grid” approach for the development of the electricity networks and managing the increasing energy consumption. One of the novel approaches is an LVDC microgrid. The purpose of the research is to analyze the possibilities for the implementation of LVDC microgrids in public distribution networks in Russia. The research contains the analysis of the modern Russian electric power industry, electricity market, electricity distribution business, regulatory framework and standardization, related to the implementation of LVDC microgrid concept. For the purpose of the economic feasibility estimation, a theoretical case study for comparing low voltage AC and medium voltage AC with LVDC microgrid solutions for a small settlement in Russia is presented. The results of the market and regulatory framework analysis along with the economic comparison of AC and DC solutions show that implementation of the LVDC microgrid concept in Russia is possible and can be economically feasible. From the electric power industry and regulatory framework point of view, there are no serious obstacles for the LVDC microgrids in Russian distribution networks. However, the most suitable use cases at the moment are expected to be found in the electrification of remote settlements, which are isolated from the Unified Energy System of Russia.


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Contient : 1 « Advis sur l'histoire genealogique de la maison de France des Srs de Saincte Marthe, envoiez le 4 mars, l'an 1635 » ; 2 « Memoires des chanceliers de France » ; 3 « Annotations sur les Memoires de M. Jean Du Tillet » ; 4 « Observatio de Conradi Salicis, imperatoris, et Giselae, ejus uxoris cognatione » et « de Henrico IV, imperatore » ; 5 « Chronologie des règnes des rois de France des deux premières lignées » ; 6 « Collection de plusieurs extraicts d'histoires, chroniques et tiltres touchant le mariage du roi Philippe Ier avec Bertrade de Montfort, son divorce, et l'excommunication qu'il encourut pour ce faict » ; 7 « Philippe Auguste. Sur la dissolution du mariage du roy Philippes Auguste avec Ingeburge de Dannemark » ; 8 « Memoires pour le Bearn », savoir : a. « Memoires de la souveraineté de Bearn » (fol. 127 à 138); b. « Bearn, ou traicté du Bearn et des seigneurs qui en ont tenu le tiltre » (fol. 139 à 153); c. Les feuillets 144 et 145, 146 à 148, 152 et 153 contiennent trois brouillons de lettres sur le même sujet, et le second est daté du « 1er novembre 1620 »; d. « Memoire des vicomtes de Bearn » (fol. 154-159); e. « Memoire des vicomtes de Bearn » (fol. 160-5) ; f. « Force braves seigneurs » (fol. 166-9); g. « Memoires du Bearn » (fol. 170-8) ; 9 Foix ; 10 Suite des Mémoires concernant le Bearn, savoir : h. « Fors et costumas de Bearn » (fol. 180); i. « Extraict d'un gros inventaire du tresor des cartes de Bearn » (fol. 181); j. Vicomtes de Bearn (fol. 183-4) ; 11 Comtes de Toulouse, chronique en provençal : « Aiso es comtes que ag d'Azam entro al diluvi... Anno Domini MCC LXXV, iij die introitus mensis junii obiit nobilis vir dominus Sicardus Alamanni, cujus anima requiescat in pace » ; 12 Lettre signée : « Gaudineau » et adressée de « Luçon, le 24 may 1620... à M. l'advocat du roy et mayre, à Fontenay » ; 13 Factum contre « defuncte Jeh. de S. Martin, qui par son testament avait violé la coutume de Poitou » ; 14 Vicomtes de Bearn ; 15 « Project de l'origine de Hugues, roy d'Italie » ; 16 Poitou, Guyenne, Toulouse, ou histoire des comtes de Toulouse ; 17 Au feuillet 254 brouillon de lettre; au feuillet 255 dessins de sceaux : a. « S. Raimundi, Dei gra comitis Tolose, march. Provincie »; b. Autre figure, même légende. Dans a, le comte de Toulouse est représenté assis; dans b., il est représenté à cheval. Au feuillet 257 dessins de sceaux : a. « S. Alfonsus, fili. reg. Franc., comes Pict. et Tolose »; b. « S. R. Dalfini, comitis clr. ». Au feuillet 259 dessins de sceaux : a. Sigillum Ademari »; b. contresceau : « comitis Valemtinensis ». Au feuillet 261 dessins de sceaux : a. « S. comitis Provincie »; b. « Sigillum Raimundi Berengeri ». Au feuillet 262 dessins de sceaux : a. « S. comisse, uxoris Bereng., comitis et march. Provincie et comitis Forcalhari »; b. « Arma comitis a Sabaudie et marchis Italie » ; 18 « Mathildis comitissa » ; 19 Hugues, roi d'Italie, et Mathilde, la comtesse ; 20 Les mariages consanguins ; 21 Anthemius, etc., note adressée à l'év. de Poitiers, mise au net « le 16 fevrier 1640 » ; 22 « Regnante Christo », note sur cette formule ; 23 « Memoires pour Mr Du Chasteler-Barlot, contre les quatre tiltres qu'on luy oppose touchant la capitainerie de l'isle de Bouyn » ; 24 Lettre concernant les comtes d'Auvergne ; 25 Lettre ; 26 Lettre sur Chastelaillon et La Rochelle. Date : « A Fontenay le Comte, le 19 mars 1628 » ; 27 Lettre concernant Hugues Capet. Date : « A Paris, ce 7 mars 1633 ». Signé : « Besly » ; 28 « Galliae distributio » ; 29 Note sur la ville de « Vivonne » ; 30 Note sur Thouars et ses vicomtes ; 31 « De Melusine, dame de Lezignan » ; 32 « De S. Hilario Trevirensi » ; 33 Mémoire sur les comtes de Toulouse


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Daniel Clendenan (1793-1866) was the son of Abraham Clendenan, a private in Butler’s Rangers. He was married to Susan[na] [Albrecht ] Albright, daughter of Amos Albright. Daniel and Susan[na] had twelve children and belonged to the Disciple Church. In 1826 Daniel Clendenan purchased Part lot 14, Concession 6, Louth Township from Robert Roberts Loring. On this property he built a home and conducted the business of blacksmithing and along with William Jones operated a lumber mill. Volume 1 and the first part of Volume 2 are Daniel Clendenan’s account books. Daniel and his wife Susan are buried in the Vineland Mennonite cemetery. Daniel and Susan[na]’s youngest daughter, Sarah, married widower Andrew Thompson (1825-1901), son of Charles and grandson of Solomon. Andrew Thompson had settled in the Wainfleet area in 1854 and had owned a mill in Wellandport. Daniel Clendenan, in ill health, passed ownership of Lot 14, Concession 6, Louth Township to his son-in-law Andrew Thompson. Robert Roberts Loring, the original owner of lot 14, concession 6 in Louth was born in September of 1789 in England. He joined the 49th Regiment of Foot as an ensign in December of 1804 and arrived in Quebec the following July. He served with Isaac Brock and Roger Sheaffe. In 1806 he was promoted to lieutenant. Loring was hired by Lieutenant General Gordon Drummond and accompanied him to Ireland in 1811, but the outbreak of war in the States in 1812 drew Loring back to Canada. On June 26, 1812 Loring became a captain in the 104th Regiment of Foot. On October 29 of the same year, he was appointed aide-de-camp to Sheaffe who was the administrator of Upper Canada. During the American attack on York in April 1813, Loring suffered an injury to his right arm from which he never recovered. In December of 1813, Drummond assumed command of the forces in Upper Canada and he appointed Loring as his aide-de-camp, later civil secretary and eventually his personal secretary. Loring was with Drummond in 1813 at the capture of Fort Niagara (near Youngstown), N.Y. He was also with Drummond in the attacks on Fort Niagara, settlements along the American side of the Niagara River, and then York and Kingston. In July of 1814 he was promoted to brevet major, however he was captured at the Battle of Lundy’s Lane and he spent the remainder of the conflict in Cheshire, Massachusetts. One of his fellow captives was William Hamilton Merritt. Loring remained in the army and had numerous military posts in Canada and England. He retired in 1839 and lived the last of his years in Toronto. He died on April 1, 1848. Sources: http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/loring_robert_roberts_7E.html and “Loring, Robert Roberts” by Robert Malcomson in The Encyclopedia Of the War Of 1812 edited by Spencer Tucker, James R. Arnold, Roberta Wiener, Paul G. Pierpaoli, John C. Fredriksen


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The letter begins by thanking J. Diefenbaker for a personal note and other mementos. O'Sullivan then begins to discuss Trudeau and his popularity, he remarks "If he calls an early election, he will sweep the Country. Truly he is a phenomenon, thanks to the press of Canada. However, the press are a fickle lot and could easily turn their marriage to him into a divorce under the new rules he had Parliament pass." He also discusses his opinion of how the provinces will vote in an upcoming election.