978 resultados para Dielectric contrasts


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Entailing of phosphorus exchanges in most bio-chemicals as a key factor in disease, increases researcher’s interest to develop the technologies capable of detecting this metabolite. Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy is able to detect key metabolites in a non-invasive manner. Particularly, it offers the ability to measure the dynamic rate of phosphocreatine(PCr) degeneration through the exercise and recovery. This metric as a valid indication of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in muscle, differentiate between normal and pathological state. To do magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, clinical research tools provide a wide variety of anatomical and functional contrasts, however they are typically restricted to the tissues containing water or hydrogen atoms and they are still blind to the biochemicals of other atoms of interests. Through this project we intended to obtain the phosphorus spectrum in human body – specificadenerativelly in muscle – using 31P spectroscopy. To do so a double loop RF surface coil, tuned to phosphorus frequency, is designed and fabricated using bench work facilities and then validated through in vitro spectroscopy using 3 Tesla Siemens scanner. We acquired in vitro as well as in vivo phosphorus spectrum in a 100 mM potassium phosphate phantom and human calf muscle in rest-exercise-recovery phase in a 3T MR scanner. The spectrum demonstrates the main constituent in high-energy phosphate metabolism. We also observed the dynamic variation of PCr for five young healthy subjects who performed planter flexions using resistance band during exercise and recovery. The took steps in this project pave the way for future application of spectroscopic quantification of phosphate metabolism in patients affected by carotid artery disease as well as in age-matched control subjects.


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En 2011, cinq (5) cultivars de saules ont été sélectionnés pour leur rendement en biomasse. Ils ont été plantés sur quatre sites de la province du Québec et ont été maintenus selon le protocole de la culture intensive sur courtes rotations (CICR) afin de déterminer leur potentiel pour la bioénergie dans des environnements contrastés. La composition et l’anatomie du bois de ces cultivars ont été caractérisées et comparés en fonction des conditions environnementales caractéristiques de chaque site. La hauteur et le diamètre à la base des plantes diffèrent selon les sites. Ainsi, les cultivars répondent de façon spécifique aux conditions pédoclimatiques dans lesquelles ils sont cultivés. L’effet de l’environnement n’a pas été mis en évidence sur la teneur en lignine des cultivars. Cependant, un effet génotypique a pu être constaté soulignant l’importance de la sélectivité des cultivars. La densité du bois a étonnamment conservé la même hiérarchie génotypique entre les sites. À l’opposé, l’anatomie du bois présente des différences notamment au niveau des caractéristiques des fibres et des vaisseaux. Une forte teneur en polyphénols ainsi que des fibres moins larges et des vaisseaux plus nombreux ont été observés sur le site dont le bois est le plus dense supposant l’effet probable d’un stress abiotique. De plus, deux fois plus de fibres gélatineuses, fibres riches en cellulose, ont été identifiées sur ce site montrant un intérêt pour la production de bioéthanol.


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Cet article propose une réflexion théorique autour de l’analyse des phénomènes de transnationalisation de l’action collective. L’approche du processus politique, approche dominante dans le champ de la transnationalisation, limite notre compréhension des pratiques de transnationalisation par sa conception du politique, du pouvoir et du changement social (partie I). Ces limites conceptuelles, qui ne sont pas nouvelles, prennent cependant une couleur particulière dans le cas des actions qui transcendent le territoire national et font resurgir la nécessité de penser l’action collective par le biais d’une « géographie » des solidarités transnationales (partie II). Finalement, nous décrivons le cas exemplaire de transnationalisation des solidarités que représente la Marche mondiale des femmes, qui contraste les apports respectifs de l’approche des processus politiques et celle proposée ici (partie III).


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This dissertation examines gendered fictional dialogue in popular works by D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway and E.M. Forster, including Howards End (1910), The Sun Also Rises (1926) and Lady Chatterley’s Lover (1928). I apply Judith Halberstam’s notion of female masculinity to direct speech, to explore how speech traits inform modernist literary aesthetics. My introduction frames this discussion in sociolinguistics, Judith Butler’s theory of performativity, M.M. Bakhtin’s discourse theory, and gender studies. It provides an opportunity to establish experimental dialogue techniques, and the manipulation of gendered talk, in transgressive texts including James Joyce’s Ulysses (1922), Virginia Woolf’s Orlando (1928) and Radcyffe Hall’s The Well of Loneliness (1928). The first chapter discusses taboos and dialect in D.H. Lawrence’s fictional dialogue. The second chapter establishes gender subversion as a crucial element in Ernest Hemingway’s dialogue style. The third chapter contrasts Forster’s latently gendered speech with his techniques of dialect emphasis and dialect suppression. Finally, my conclusion discusses gender identity in the poetry of Dorothy Parker and Baroness Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven, and the temporality of gender in “Time Passes” from Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse (1927). New Woman characters like Lady Brett Ashley typified a crucial moment in women’s liberation. They not only subverted stereotypes of womanhood through their dress or sexual freedom, they also adopted/adapted masculine idiom to shock, to rebel against and challenge male dominance. Different speech acts incited fashionable slang, became a political protest symbol or inspired psychoanalytic theory. The intriguing functions of women’s masculine speech in early twentieth century fiction establishes the need to examine additional connections between gender and talk in literary studies.


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La thèse propose d’introduire une perspective globale dans le traitement juridique du transport intermodal international qui prendrait racine dans la stratégie logistique des entreprises. La conception juridique se heurte, en effet, aux évolutions opérationnelles et organisationnelles des transports et aboutit à une incertitude juridique. Les transporteurs ont dû s’adapter aux exigences d’optimisation des flux des chargeurs dont les modes de production et de distribution reposent sur le supply chain management (SCM). Ce concept est le fruit de la mondialisation et des technologies de l’information. La concurrence induite par la mondialisation et le pilotage optimal des flux ont impulsé de nouvelles stratégies de la part des entreprises qui tentent d’avoir un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché. Ces stratégies reposent sur l’intégration interfonctionnelle et interoganisationnelle. Dans cette chaîne logistique globale (ou SCM) l’intermodal est crucial. Il lie et coordonne les réseaux de production et de distribution spatialement désagrégés des entreprises et, répond aux exigences de maîtrise de l’espace et du temps, à moindre coût. Ainsi, le transporteur doit d’une part, intégrer les opérations de transport en optimisant les déplacements et, d’autre part, s’intégrer à la chaîne logistique du client en proposant des services de valeur ajoutée pour renforcer la compétitivité de la chaîne de valeur. Il en découle une unité technique et économique de la chaîne intermodale qui est pourtant, juridiquement fragmentée. Les Conventions internationales en vigueur ont été élaborées pour chaque mode de transport en faisant fi de l’interaction entre les modes et entre les opérateurs. L’intermodal est considéré comme une juxtaposition des modes et des régimes juridiques. Ce dépeçage juridique contraste avec la gestion de la chaîne intermodale dont les composantes individuelles s’effacent au profit de l’objectif global à atteindre. L’on expose d’abord l’ampleur de l’incertitude juridique due aux difficultés de circonscrire le champ d’opérations couvert par les Conventions en vigueur. Une attention est portée aux divergences d’interprétations qui débouchent sur la « désunification » du droit du transport. On s’intéresse ensuite aux interactions entre le transport et la chaîne logistique des chargeurs. Pour cela, on retrace l’évolution des modes de production et de distribution de ces derniers. C’est effectivement de la stratégie logistique que découle la conception de la chaîne intermodale. Partant de ce système, on identifie les caractéristiques fondamentales de l’intermodal. La thèse aboutit à dissiper les confusions liées à la qualification de l’intermodal et qui sont à la base des divergences d’interprétations et de l’incertitude juridique. De plus, elle met en exergue l’unité économique du contrat de transport intermodal qui devrait guider la fixation d’un régime de responsabilité dédié à ce système intégré de transport. Enfin, elle initie une approche ignorée des débats juridiques.


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Cet article synthétise la théologie protestante des images en montrant qu’elle vise à prévenir l’idolâtrie. Il rappelle que l’iconoclasme de la Réforme a été sélectif. Il souligne l’existence de peintres protestants, de Hans Holbein le Jeune à André Bieler. Il explique comment les principaux réformateurs ont traité la question des images. Il distingue les positions luthérienne et calviniste, notamment quant à leur interprétation du commandement biblique qui interdit les idoles. Il précise enfin à quelles conditions une image peut transmettre l’Évangile.


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En 2001, le gouvernement québécois adopte la Politique de reconnaissance et de soutien à l'action communautaire. La mise en œuvre de cette politique a mené à des résultats contrastés en fonction des champs d'intervention considérés. Dans cet article, nous soutenons que la mise en œuvre différenciée de la Politique est directement liée à la structuration des acteurs sociaux dans chaque champ d'intervention. Par l'analyse de deux champs, le champ de l'environnement et celui de la défense collective des droits, nous montrons comment, au-delà des explications usuelles des processus de mise en œuvre des politiques publiques qui font intervenir le rôle des acteurs politiques et des réseaux, c'est la prise en compte de l'action autonome des acteurs sociaux qui permet de comprendre la différenciation des trajectoires de mise en œuvre.


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Les adultes peuvent éprouver des difficultés à discriminer des phonèmes d’une langue seconde (L2) qui ne servent pas à distinguer des items lexicaux dans leur langue maternelle (L1). Le Feature Model (FM) de Brown (1998) propose que les adultes peuvent réussir à créer des nouvelles catégories de sons seulement si celles-ci peuvent être construites à partir de traits distinctifs existant dans la L1 des auditeurs. Cette hypothèse a été testée sur plusieurs contrastes consonantiques dans différentes langues; cependant, il semble que les traits qui s’appliquent sur les voyelles n’aient jamais été examinés dans cette perspective et encore moins les traits qui opèrent à la fois dans les systèmes vocalique et consonantique et qui peuvent avoir un statut distinctif ou non-distinctif. Le principal objectif de la présente étude était de tester la validité du FM concernant le contraste vocalique oral-nasal du portugais brésilien (PB). La perception naïve du contraste /i/-/ĩ/ par des locuteurs du français, de l’anglais, de l’espagnol caribéen et de l’espagnol conservateur a été examinée, étant donné que ces quatre langues diffèrent en ce qui a trait au statut de la nasalité. De plus, la perception du contraste non-naïf /e/-/ẽ/ a été inclus afin de comparer les performances dans la perception naïve et non-naïve. Les résultats obtenus pour la discrimination naïve de /i/-/ĩ/ a permis de tirer les conclusions suivantes pour la première exposition à un contraste non natif : (1) le trait [nasal] qui opère de façon distinctive dans la grammaire d’une certaine L1 peut être redéployé au sein du système vocalique, (2) le trait [nasal] qui opère de façon distinctive dans la grammaire d’une certaine L1 ne peut pas être redéployé à travers les systèmes (consonne à voyelle) et (3) le trait [nasal] qui opère de façon non-distinctive dans la grammaire d’une certaine L1 peut être ou ne pas être redéployé au statut distinctif. En dernier lieu, la discrimination non-naïve de /e/-/ẽ/ a été réussie par tous les groupes, suggérant que les trois types de redéploiement s’avèrent possibles avec plus d’expérience dans la L2.


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Establishment of viral persistence in cell culture has previously led to the selection of mammalian reovirus mutants, although very few of those have been characterized in details. In the present study, reovirus was adapted to Vero cells that, in contrast to classically-used L929 cells, are inefficient in supporting the early steps of reovirus uncoating and are also unable to produce interferon as an antiviral response once infection occurs. The Vero cell-adapted reovirus exhibits amino acids substitutions in both the σ1 and μ1 proteins. This contrasts with uncoating mutants from persistently-infected L929 cells, and various other cell types, that generally harbor amino acids substitutions in the σ3 outer capsid protein. The Vero cell-adapted virus remained sensitive to an inhibitor of lysosomal proteases; furthermore, in the absence of selective pressure for its maintenance, t he virus has partially lost its ability to resist interferon. The positions of the amino acids substitutions on the known protein structures suggest an effect on binding of the viral σ1 protein to the cell surface and on μ1 disassembly from the outer capsid.


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Boston lawyer William P. Homans Jr. devoted his fifty-year career to the defense of the poor and downtrodden, the protection of our most basic civil liberties, and the abolition of the death penalty. Descendant of two of Boston's oldest and most prominent families, and combat veteran of both the British and American Navies during World War II, Homans became unlikely guru to the 1960s generation of radical lawyers and antiwar activists. He was on the defense team in the 1968 conspiracy trial of Dr. Benjamin Spock and four other leading opponents of the Vietnam War accused of aiding and abetting resistance to the military draft, and represented Dr. Kenneth Edelin in the 1975 manslaughter prosecution arising out of a lawful abortion performed after Roe v. Wade. The narrative contrasts Bill Homans' storied legal career with a troubled personal life in a balanced but unvarnished manner, testifying to the strength of the human spirit when committed to the pursuit of the common good. About the author: Mark S. Brodin is Professor of Law at Boston College Law School and the author of numerous books and law journal articles in the areas of civil and criminal procedure, evidence, litigation, and employment discrimination. A graduate of Columbia College (1969) and Columbia Law School (1972), he served as law clerk to United States District Judge Joseph L. Tauro and staff attorney with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights in Boston. He has also practiced for brief periods as a public defender in Boston and a prosecutor in Norfolk County.


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The MgAl2O4 ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state ceramic route and the dielectric properties studied in the microwave frequency region (3–13 GHz). The phase purity and crystal structure were identified using the X-ray diffraction technique. The MgAl2O4 spinel ceramics show interesting microwave dielectric properties (εr = 8.75, Qux f = 68 900 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00017 at 12.3 GHz), τf =−75 ppm/◦C). The MgAl2O4 has high negative τf, which precludes its immediate use in practical applications. Hence the microwave dielectric properties of MgAl2O4 spinels were tailored by adding different mole fractions of TiO2. The εr and Q factor of the mixed phases were increased with the molar addition of TiO2 into the spinel to form mixtures based on (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2 (x = 0.0−1.0). For x = 0.25 in (1−x)MgAl2O4-xTiO2, the microwave quality factor reaches a maximum value of Qux f = 105 400 GHz (loss tangent = 0.00007 at 7.5 GHz) where εr and τf are 11.035 and −12 ppm/◦C, respectively. The microwave dielectric properties of the newly developed 0.75MgAl2O4-0.25TiO2 dielectric is superior to several commercially available low loss dielectric substrates.


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This proposed thesis is entitled “Plasma Polymerised Organic Thin Films: A study on the Structural, Electrical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties for Possible Applications. Polymers and polymer based materials find enormous applications in the realm of electronics and optoelectronics. They are employed as both active and passive components in making various devices. Enormous research activities are going on in this area for the last three decades or so, and many useful contributions are made quite accidentally. Conducting polymers is such a discovery, and eversince the discovery of conducting polyacetylene, a new branch of science itself has emerged in the form of synthetic metals. Conducting polymers are useful materials for many applications like polymer displays, high density data storage, polymer FETs, polymer LEDs, photo voltaic devices and electrochemical cells. With the emergence of molecular electronics and its potential in finding useful applications, organic thin films are receiving an unusual attention by scientists and engineers alike. This is evident from the vast literature pertaining to this field appearing in various journals. Recently, computer aided design of organic molecules have added further impetus to the ongoing research activities in this area. Polymers, especially, conducting polymers can be prepared both in the bulk and in the thinfilm form. However, many applications necessitate that they are grown in the thin film form either as free standing or on appropriate substrates. As far as their bulk counterparts are concerned, they can be prepared by various polymerisation techniques such as chemical routes and electrochemical means. A survey of the literature reveals that polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, have been investigated with a view to studying their structural electrical and optical properties. Among the various alternate techniques employed for the preparation of polymer thin films, the method of plasma polymerisation needs special attention in this context. The technique of plasma polymerisation is an inexpensive method and often requires very less infra structure. This method includes the employment of ac, rf, dc, microwave and pulsed sources. They produce pinhole free homogeneous films on appropriate substrates under controlled conditions. In conventional plasma polymerisation set up, the monomer is fed into an evacuated chamber and an ac/rf/dc/ w/pulsed discharge is created which enables the monomer species to dissociate, leading to the formation of polymer thin films. However, it has been found that the structure and hence the properties exhibited by plasma polymerized thin films are quite different from that of their counterparts produced by other thin film preparation techniques such as electrochemical deposition or spin coating. The properties of these thin films can be tuned only if the interrelationship between the structure and other properties are understood from a fundamental point of view. So very often, a through evaluation of the various properties is a pre-requisite for tailoring the properties of the thin films for applications. It has been found that conjugation is a necessary condition for enhancing the conductivity of polymer thin films. RF technique of plasma polymerisation is an excellent tool to induce conjugation and this modifies the electrical properties too. Both oxidative and reductive doping can be employed to modify the electrical properties of the polymer thin films for various applications. This is where organic thin films based on polymers scored over inorganic thin films, where in large area devices can be fabricated with organic semiconductors which is difficult to achieve by inorganic materials. For such applications, a variety of polymers have been synthesized such as polyaniline, polythiophene, polypyrrole etc. There are newer polymers added to this family every now and then. There are many virgin areas where plasma polymers are yet to make a foray namely low-k dielectrics or as potential nonlinear optical materials such as optical limiters. There are also many materials which are not been prepared by the method of plasma polymerisation. Some of the materials which are not been dealt with are phenyl hydrazine and tea tree oil. The advantage of employing organic extracts like tea tree oil monomers as precursors for making plasma polymers is that there can be value addition to the already existing uses and possibility exists in converting them to electronic grade materials, especially semiconductors and optically active materials for photonic applications. One of the major motivations of this study is to synthesize plasma polymer thin films based on aniline, phenyl hydrazine, pyrrole, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil by employing both rf and ac plasma polymerisation techniques. This will be carried out with the objective of growing thin films on various substrates such as glass, quartz and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. There are various properties namely structural, electrical, dielectric permittivity, nonlinear optical properties which are to be evaluated to establish the relationship with the structure and the other properties. Special emphasis will be laid in evaluating the optical parameters like refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant and the optical transition energies of the polymer thin films from the spectroscopic ellipsometric studies. Apart from evaluating these physical constants, it is also possible to predict whether a material exhibit nonlinear optical properties by ellipsometric investigations. So further studies using open aperture z-scan technique in order to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of a few selected samples which are potential nonlinear optical materials is another objective of the present study. It will be another endeavour to offer an appropriate explanation for the nonlinear optical properties displayed by these films. Doping of plasma polymers is found to modify both the electrical conductivity and optical properties. Iodine is found to modify the properties of the polymer thin films. However insitu iodine doping is tricky and the film often looses its stability because of the escape of iodine. An appropriate insitu technique of doping will be developed to dope iodine in to the plasma polymerized thin films. Doping of polymer thin films with iodine results in improved and modified optical and electrical properties. However it requires tools like FTIR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to elucidate the structural and optical modifications imparted to the polymer films. This will be attempted here to establish the role of iodine in the modification of the properties exhibited by the films


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Electromagnetic scattering behaviour of a superstrate loaded metallo– dielectric structure based on Sierpinski carpet fractal geometry is reported. The results indicate that the frequency at which backscattering is minimum can be tuned by varying the thickness of the superstrate. A reduction in backscattered power of 44 dB is obtained simultaneously for both TE and TM polarisations of the incident field.


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Conducting polymers are excellent microwave absorbers and they show technological advantage when compared with inorganic electromagnetic absorbing materials, being light weight , easily processable, and the ability of changing the electromagnetic properties with nature and amount of dopants, synthesis conditions, etc. In this paper we report the synthesis, dielectric properties, and expected application of conducting composites based on polyaniline (PAN). Cyclohexanone soluble conducting PAN composites of microwave conductivity 12.5 S/m was synthesized by the in situ polymerization of aniline in the presence of emulsion grade polyvinyl chloride. The dielectric properties of the composites, especially the dielectric loss, conductivity, dielectric heating coefficient , absorption coefficient, and penetration depth, were studied using a HP8510 vector network analyzer. The microwave absorption of the composites were studied at different frequency bands i.e, S, C, and X bands (2-12 GHz). The absorption coefficient was found to be higher than 200 m -' and it can be used for making microwave absorbers in space applications .


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Microwave properties of conductive polymers is crucial because of their wide areas of applications such as coating in reflector antennas, coating in electronic equipments, firequenry selective .surfaces, EMI materials, satellite communication links, microchip antennas, and medical applications. This work involves a comparative study of dielectric properties of selected conducting polymers such as polyaniline. poly(3,4-eth),lenedio.syt2iophene), polvthiophene, polvpvrrole. and pohparaphenylene diazomethine (PPDA) in microwave and DC,fields. The inicrowave properties such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss. absorption coefficient, heating coefficient, skin depth, and conductivity in the microwave frequency (S hand), and DC fields were compared. PEDOT and polccuiiline were found to exhibit excellent properties in DC field and microwave frequencies, which make thein potential materials in many of the alorenientioned applications