976 resultados para Design led innovation


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 444


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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System of systems involves several secondary systems working together with its creation gathering the knowledge of several distinct disciplines and teams, each one with their own background and methods, leading to a difficult communication between them. SysML, a language originated from UML, enables that communication, without background interference, with the use of a rich notation for systems design. This paper analyzes its use through the experience gained in the design of a chemical system with SysML.


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In this study, a new waste management solution for thermoset glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) based products was assessed. Mechanical recycling approach, with reduction of GFRP waste to powdered and fibrous materials was applied, and the prospective added-value of obtained recyclates was experimentally investigated as raw material for polyester based mortars. Different GFRP waste admixed mortar formulations were analyzed varying the content, between 4% up to 12% in weight, of GFRP powder and fibre mix waste. The effect of incorporation of a silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment was accomplished through implementation of full factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. Added value of potential recycling solution was assessed by means of flexural and compressive loading capacity of GFRP waste admixed mortars with regard to unmodified polymer mortars. The key findings of this study showed a viable technological option for improving the quality of polyester based mortars and highlight a potential cost-effective waste management solution for thermoset composite materials in the production of sustainable concrete-polymer based products.


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Current engineering education challenges require approaches that promote scientific, technical, design and complementary skills while fostering autonomy, innovation and responsibility. The European Project Semester (EPS) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) (EPS@ISEP) is a one semester project-based learning programme (30 European Credit Transfer Units (ECTU)) for engineering students from diverse scientific backgrounds and nationalities that intends to address these goals. The students, organised in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, are challenged to solve real multidisciplinary problems during one semester. The EPS package, although on project development (20 ECTU), includes a series of complementary seminars aimed at fostering soft, project-related and engineering transversal skills (10 ECTU). Hence, the students enrolled in this programme improve their transversal skills and learn, together and with the team of supervisors, subjects distinct from their core training. This paper presents the structure, implementation and results of the EPS@ISEP that was created in 2011 to apply the best engineering practices and promote internationalisation and engineering education innovation at ISEP.


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Innovation is recognized by academics and practitioners as an essential competitive enabler for any company to survive, to remain competitive and to grow. Investments in tasks of R&D have not always brought the expected results. But that doesn't mean that the outcomes would not be useful to other companies of the same business area or even from another area. Thus, there is much knowledge already available in the market that can be helpful to some and profitable to others. So, the ideas and expertise can be found outside a company's boundaries and also exported from within. Information, knowledge, experience, wisdom is already available in the millions of the human beings of this planet, the challenge is to use them through a network to produce new ideas and tips that can be useful to a company with less costs. This was the reason for the emergence of the area of crowdsourcing innovation. Crowdsourcing innovation is a way of using the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals highly qualified and with easy access to information and technology. So, a crowdsourcing innovation broker is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers - companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity - with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper makes a literature review on models of open innovation, crowdsourcing innovation, and technology and knowledge intermediaries, and discusses this new phenomenon as a way to leverage the innovation capacity of enterprises. Finally, the paper outlines a research design agendafor explaining crowdsourcing innovation brokering phenomenon, exploiting its players, main functions, value creation process, and knowledge creation in order to define a knowledge metamodel of such intermediaries.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to the changing innovation management literature by providing an overview of different innovation types and organizational complexity factors. Aiming at a better understanding of effective innovation management, innovation and complexity are related to the formulation of an innovation strategy and interaction between different innovation types is further explored. The chosen approach in this study is to review the existing literature on different innovation types and organizational complexity factors in order to design a survey which allows for statistical measurement of their interactions and relationships to innovation strategy formulation. The findings demonstrate interaction between individual innovation types. Additionally, organizational complexity factors and different innovation types are significantly related to innovation strategy formulation. In particular, more closed innovation and incremental innovation positively influence the likelihood of innovation strategy formulation. Organizational complexity factors have an overall negative influence on innovation strategy formulation. In order to define best practices for innovation management and to guide managerial decision making, organizations need to be aware of the co-existence of different innovation types and formulate an innovation strategy to more closely align their innovation objectives.


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This study investigated the impact of an instructional learning strategy, peer-led team learning (PLTL), on secondary school students' conceptual understanding of biology concepts related to the topic of evolution. Using a mixed methods approach, data were gathered quantitatively through pre/posttesting using a repeated measures design and qualitatively through observations, questionnaires, and interviews. A repeated measures design was implemented to explore the impact of PLTL on students' understanding of concepts related to evolution and students' attitudes towards PLTL implementation. Results from quantitative data comparing pre/posttesting were not able to be compared through inferential statistics as a result of inconsistencies in the data due to a small sample size and design limitations; however, qualitative data identified positive attitudes towards the implementation of PLTL, with students reporting gains in conceptual understanding, academic achievement, and interdependent work ethic. Implications of these findings for learning, teaching, and the educational literature include understanding of student attitudes towards PLTL and insight into the role PLTL plays in improving conceptual understanding of biology concepts. Strategies are suggested to continue further research in the area of PLTL.


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The skill to identify and use best practices in literacy to promote achievement for students of all abilities cannot be underestimated by elementary educators. This qualitative case study investigates 1 year of a literacy initiative for primary and junior educators organized by a southern Ontario school board. The goals of the initiative were to design a literacy guide for teachers while building teacher capacity with literacy practices. Data were culled and analyzed from an examination of the guide, the meetings’ field notes and artifacts, as well as interviews with the educators at the end of the year. Several themes from the results emerged. The educators perceived the design process as unclear but the collaborative components were deemed valuable. The guide’s incompletion led to mixed reactions from the educators about the guide and its structure. Overall, the first year of the 3-year initiative acted as a catalyst for professional learning on literacy. The findings of this study accentuated the value of training educators to use empirical research to support their practices and professional knowledge. Also, the significance of promoting strong leadership with a comprehensive layout consisting of coherent tangible goals for professional development is highlighted.


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This paper addresses the question of whether R&D should be carried out by an independent research unit or be produced in-house by the firm marketing the innovation. We define two organizational structures. In an integrated structure, the firm that markets the innovation also carries out and finances research leading to the innovation. In an independent structure, the firm that markets the innovation buys it from an independent research unit which is financed externally. We compare the two structures under the assumption that the research unit has some private information about the real cost of developing the new product. When development costs are negatively correlated with revenues from the innovation, the integrated structure dominates. The independent structure dominates in the opposite case.


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Le tire-lait est un appareil conçu pour aider les mères durant l’allaitement. Selon la recherche préliminaire effectuée, c’est un thème très peu exploré dans les études; il est donc difficile d’affirmer si le produit répond correctement aux besoins reliés à son usage et à son utilité ou comment il s’intègre dans l’allaitement. Les fondements de l’étude exploratoire ont été bâtis sur ces enjeux dans le but de comprendre l’expérience d’usage du tire-lait. Inspirée de l’approche phénoménologique centrée sur l’usager, l’étude a permis d’amasser des données qualitatives à travers des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de sept participantes. L’analyse de ces données a permis d’identifier les thèmes importants qui ont mené à des constats, rédigés dans une optique de design. L’étude a trouvé que c’est souvent quand la réalité de l’allaitement au sein rattrape les mères qu’elles vont vouloir se procurer un tire-lait, en s’inspirant des marques utilisées dans les hôpitaux par manque de temps. Le tire-lait devient alors principalement utile pour se désengorger et pour la liberté qu’il procure, s’intégrant dans une routine. Le tire-lait est par contre peu ergonomique; il semble y avoir un décalage entre le concept proposé et les manipulations réelles, notamment au niveau de la mise en marche, des bouteilles et des embouts. Ces résultats de l’étude pourraient être intégrés dans le tire-lait pour mieux représenter la réalité du contexte, de la pratique et de l’usage du produit. Ils pourraient ainsi nourrir le processus de conception dans un projet futur afin d’améliorer le design du tire-lait.


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Dans les sphères du développement durable, des modèles d’affaires et du design de produit, certains leviers rendent le croisement de ces trois sphères de plus en plus pertinent. Au croisement de ces trois sphères se trouve une opportunité de comprendre les relations existantes entre le design de produit et les modèles d’affaires afin d’aider les décideurs à développer des solutions davantage durables. L’approche méthodologique de cette recherche utilise un système complexe et est basée sur un paradigme pragmatique. En vue de répondre à la question « Dans quelle mesure des modèles d’affaires et le design de produit sont liés dans un contexte de développement durable? », cette recherche a soigneusement analysé trois cas: Better Place, une compagnie californienne ayant développé une infrastructure permettant le chargement des voitures électriques; Interface Inc., un manufacturier mondial de tuiles de tapis commerciales établi à Atlanta; et Métacycle, un concept d’entreprise développé par une équipe de chercheurs en design à Montréal. Chaque cas a été analysé en corrélant des aspects du design de produit à des éléments de leur modèle d’affaires. Les résultats montrent que dans le contexte du développement durable, le design de produit et les modèles d’affaires sont interdépendants. Les résultats peuvent être résumés en six points: il existe des relations applicables universellement; les innovations de design substantielles jouent un rôle important dans le développement durable; la « durabilité » peut être une qualité émergente d’un modèle d’affaires; les partenariats peuvent être vitaux pour l’intégration des systèmes; un modèle de services a des bénéfices et des limitations considérables; le design peut agir comme levier à l’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables. Pratiquer simultanément l’innovation du modèle d’affaires et du produit peut apporter une valeur ajoutée, susciter des opportunités et augmenter l’efficience sur plusieurs facettes. Toutefois, les risques et les coûts de tels procédés sont souvent très élevés. En aidant à comprendre et définir comment les trois sphères mentionnées plus tôt sont interdépendantes, cette recherche pourrait idéalement inspirer des recherches supplémentaires sur le sujet. L’application par des organisations de la méthodologie et des apprentissages résultant de cette recherche peut permettre à d’autres d’utiliser le croisement entre l’innovation de produit et l’innovation du modèle d’affaires afin de résoudre des enjeux sociaux et environnementaux complexes.


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Ce mémoire tente d’établir la position sociale et culturelle de la communauté villageoise du XVᵉ siècle du site Droulers dans l’espace iroquoien du Saint-Laurent. À partir d’une analyse morpho-stylistique de la poterie, et particulièrement les vases décorés au dentelé, ce mémoire examine la variabilité culturelle du site et sa participation au sein de la sphère d’interactions des Iroquoiens du Saint-Laurent. La comparaison des tendances stylistiques de Droulers et des communautés voisines contribue ainsi à cerner la position chronologique ainsi que l’apparentement culturel du site au sein de sa région immédiate et des régions occidentale et centrale. Les caractères stylistiques à la fois conservateurs et progressistes relevés sur le site Droulers lui sont propres et expriment à la fois l’homogénéité du site et une certaine indépendance stylistique au sein de sa région. Sur cette base, nous avons déterminé que l’usage du dentelé n’a pas une valeur chronologique fiable à des fins de sériation dans le cas spécifique de Droulers, mais qu’il peut toutefois servir comme marqueur régional distinctif. Cet attribut ainsi que d’autres tendances régionales significatives nous ont ainsi servi à mieux cerner les similarités stylistiques entre les sites et à déterminer que Droulers s’apparente plus particulièrement aux sites Mandeville et Lanoraie, et dans une moindre mesure au site McIvor. De plus, nous avons pu établir que le site Droulers s’intègre dans un réseau d’interactions complexe, le rapprochant de communautés situées autant à l’Est qu’à l’Ouest le long de la vallée du Saint-Laurent. Finalement, l’ensemble des tendances morpho-stylistiques confirme la position chronologique du site, soit à la fin du XVᵉ siècle, et ce malgré une proportion importante du décor au dentelé, traditionnellement considéré comme une caractéristique des sites plus anciens.


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Les sociétés contemporaines affrontent le défi de s’intégrer et s’adapter à un processus de transformation qui vise la construction de sociétés du savoir. Ce processus doit notamment son élan aux institutions d’enseignement supérieur qui constituent un espace privilégié où on bâtit l’avenir d’une société à partir des savoirs et celles-ci doivent faire face aux nouveaux enjeux sociaux, économiques et politiques qui affectent tous les pays du monde. La quête de la qualité devient donc un processus constant d’amélioration et surgit l’intérêt par l’évaluation au niveau universitaire. Par conséquent, cette recherche s’attache au sujet de l’évaluation à l’enseignement supérieur et s’enfonce dans le débat actuel sur les changements provoqués par les évaluations institutionnelles produisant un défi puisqu’il s’agit d’une prise de conscience fondée sur la culture de la qualité. L’autoévaluation est une stratégie permettant aux institutions d’enseignement supérieur mener des processus intégraux de valorisation dont le but est d’identifier les faiblesses des facteurs qui ont besoin d’améliorer. Le résultat conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’un plan d’amélioration pour l'institution, programme académique ou plan d’études. À travers l’orientation du modèle d’évaluation systémique CIPP de Stufflebeam (1987), on a pu analyser de façon holistique la mise en place de l’autoévaluation depuis son contexte, planification, processus et produit. Ainsi les objectifs de la thèse visent l’identification du développement de la deuxième autoévaluation afin d’obtenir une reconnaissance de haute qualité et effectuer la mise en œuvre du plan d’amélioration auprès des programmes académiques de Licence en Comptabilité et Gestion de l’entreprise de la Faculté de Sciences de l’Administration de l’Université du Valle en Colombie. À travers l’appropriation de la théorie Neo-institutionnelle les changements apparus après l’autoévaluation ont été également analysés et interprétés et ont ainsi permis l’achèvement des fins de la recherche. La méthodologie développe la stratégie de l’étude de cas dans les deux programmes académiques avec une approche mixte où la phase qualitative des entretiens semi-structurés est complémentée par la phase quantitative des enquêtes. Des documents institutionnels des programmes et de la faculté ont aussi été considérés. Grâce à ces trois instruments ont pu obtenir plus d’objectivité et d’efficacité pendant la recherche. Les résultats dévoilent que les deux programmes ciblés ont recouru à des procédés et à des actions accordées au modèle de l’Université du Valle quoiqu’il ait fallu faire des adaptations à leurs propres besoins et pertinence ce qui a permis de mener à terme la mise en œuvre du processus d’autoévaluation et ceci a donné lieu à certains changements. Les composantes Processus Académiques et Enseignants sont celles qui ont obtenu le plus fort développement, parmi celles-ci on trouve également : Organisation, Administration et Gestion, Ressources Humaines, Physiques et Financières. D’autre part, parmi les composantes moins développées on a : Anciens Étudiants et Bienêtre Institutionnel. Les conclusions ont révélé que se servir d’un cadre institutionnel fort donne du sens d’identité et du soutien aux programmes. Il faut remarquer qu’il est essentiel d’une part élargir la communication de l’autoévaluation et ses résultats et d’autre part effectuer un suivi permanent des plans d’amélioration afin d’obtenir des changements importants et produire ainsi un enracinement plus fort de la culture de la qualité et l’innovation auprès de la communauté académique. Les résultats dégagés de cette thèse peuvent contribuer à mieux comprendre tant la mise en œuvre de l’autoévaluation et des plans d’amélioration aussi que les aspects facilitateurs, limitants, les blocages aux processus d’évaluation et la génération de changements sur les programmes académiques. Dans ce sens, la recherche devient un guide et une réflexion à propos des thèmes où les résultats sont très faibles. Outre, celle-ci révèle l’influence des cadres institutionnels ainsi que les entraves et tensions internes et externes montrant un certain degré d’agencement par le biais de stratégies de la part des responsables de la prise de décisions dans les universités. On peut déduire que la qualité, l’évaluation, le changement et l’innovation sont des concepts inhérents à la perspective de l’apprentissage organisationnel et à la mobilité des savoirs.


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The focus of self-assembly as a strategy for the synthesis has been confined largely to molecules, because of the importance of manipulating the structure of matter at the molecular scale. We have investigated the influence of temperature and pH, in addition to the concentration of the capping agent used for the formation of the nano-bio conjugates. For example, the formation of the narrower size distribution of the nanoparticles was observed with the increase in the concentration of the protein, which supports the fact that γ-globulin acts both as a controller of nucleation as well as stabiliser. As analyzed through various photophysical, biophysical and microscopic techniques such as TEM, AFM, C-AFM, SEM, DLS, OPM, CD and FTIR, we observed that the initial photoactivation of γ-globulin at pH 12 for 3 h resulted in small protein fibres of ca. Further irradiation for 24 h, led to the formation of selfassembled long fibres of the protein of ca. 5-6 nm and observation of surface plasmon resonance band at around 520 nm with the concomitant quenching of luminescence intensity at 680 nm. The observation of light triggered self-assembly of the protein and its effect on controlling the fate of the anchored nanoparticles can be compared with the naturally occurring process such as photomorphogenesis.Furthermore,our approach offers a way to understand the role played by the self-assembly of the protein in ordering and knock out of the metal nanoparticles and also in the design of nano-biohybrid materials for medicinal and optoelectronic applications. Investigation of the potential applications of NIR absorbing and water soluble squaraine dyes 1-3 for protein labeling and anti-amyloid agents forms the subject matter of the third chapter of the thesis. The study of their interactions with various proteins revealed that 1-3 showed unique interactions towards serum albumins as well as lysozyme. 69%, 71% and 49% in the absorption spectra as well as significant quenching in the fluorescence intensity of the dyes 1-3, respectively. Half-reciprocal analysis of the absorption data and isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) analysis of the titration experiments gave a 1:1 stoichiometry for the complexes formed between the lysozyme and squaraine dyes with association constants (Kass) in the range 104-105 M-1. We have determined the changes in the free energy (ΔG) for the complex formation and the values are found to be -30.78, -32.31 and -28.58 kJmol-1, respectively for the dyes 1, 2 and 3. Furthermore, we have observed a strong induced CD (ICD) signal corresponding to the squaraine chromophore in the case of the halogenated squaraine dyes 2 and 3 at 636 and 637 nm confirming the complex formation in these cases. To understand the nature of interaction of the squaraine dyes 1-3 with lysozyme, we have investigated the interaction of dyes 1-3 with different amino acids. These results indicated that the dyes 1-3 showed significant interactions with cysteine and glutamic acid which are present in the side chains of lysozyme. In addition the temperature dependent studies have revealed that the interaction of the dye and the lysozyme are irreversible. Furthermore, we have investigated the interactions of these NIR dyes 1-3 with β- amyloid fibres derived from lysozyme to evaluate their potential as inhibitors of this biologically important protein aggregation. These β-amyloid fibrils were insoluble protein aggregates that have been associated with a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases. We have synthesized amyloid fibres from lysozyme through its incubation in acidic solution below pH 4 and by allowing to form amyloid fibres at elevated temperature. To quantify the binding affinities of the squaraine dyes 1-3 with β-amyloids, we have carried out the isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements. The association constants were determined and are found to be 1.2 × 105, 3.6× 105 and 3.2 × 105 M-1 for the dyes, 1-3, respectively. To gain more insights into the amyloid inhibiting nature of the squaraine dyes under investigations, we have carried out thioflavin assay, CD, isothermal titration calorimetry and microscopic analysis. The addition of the dyes 1-3 (5μM) led to the complete quenching in the apparent thioflavin fluorescence, thereby indicating the destabilization of β-amyloid fibres in the presence of the squaraine dyes. Further, the inhibition of the amyloid fibres by the squaraine dyes 1-3, has been evidenced though the DLS, TEM AFM and SAED, wherein we observed the complete destabilization of the amyloid fibre and transformation of the fibre into spherical particles of ca. These results demonstrate the fact that the squaraine dyes 1-3 can act as protein labeling agents as well as the inhibitors of the protein amyloidogenesis. The last chapter of the thesis describes the synthesis and investigation of selfassembly as well as bio-imaging aspects of a few novel tetraphenylethene conjugates 4-6.Expectedly, these conjugates showed significant solvatochromism and exhibited a hypsochromic shift (negative solvatochromism) as the solvent polarity increased, and these observations were justified though theoretical studies employing the B3LYP/6-31g method. We have investigated the self-assembly properties of these D-A conjugates though variation in the percentage of water in acetonitrile solution due to the formation of nanoaggregates. Further the contour map of the observed fluorescence intensity as a function of the fluorescence excitation and emission wavelength confirmed the formation of J-type aggregates in these cases. To have a better understanding of the type of self-assemblies formed from the TPE conjugates 4-6, we have carried out the morphological analysis through various microscopic techniques such as DLS, SEM and TEM. 70%, we observed rod shape architectures having ~ 780 nm in diameter and ~ 12 μM in length as evidenced through TEM and SEM analysis. We have made similar observations with the dodecyl conjugate 5 at ca. 70% and 50% water/acetonitrile mixtures, the aggregates formed from 4 and 5 were found to be highly crystalline and such structures were transformed to amorphous nature as the water fraction was increased to 99%. To evaluate the potential of the conjugate as bio-imaging agents, we have carried out their in vitro cytotoxicity and cellular uptake studies though MTT assay, flow cytometric and confocal laser scanning microscopic techniques. Thus nanoparticle of these conjugates which exhibited efficient emission, large stoke shift, good stability, biocompatibility and excellent cellular imaging properties can have potential applications for tracking cells as well as in cell-based therapies. In summary we have synthesized novel functional organic chromophores and have studied systematic investigation of self-assembly of these synthetic and biological building blocks under a variety of conditions. The investigation of interaction of water soluble NIR squaraine dyes with lysozyme indicates that these dyes can act as the protein labeling agents and the efficiency of inhibition of β-amyloid indicate, thereby their potential as anti-amyloid agents.