1000 resultados para Desenvolvimento de Pessoal
Foi estudado, por meio da histometria, o desenvolvimento testicular em 31 cutias da espécie Dasyprocta aguti desde o nascimento até 14 meses de idade. O diâmetro e a área, médios, foram obtidos a partir de 30 secções transversais de cordões e/ou túbulos seminíferos, em cada testículo, utilizando-se sistema de computadorizado de analises de imagem e uma ocular micrométrica Zeiss CPL 10X, acoplada a uma objetiva de 40X. As proporções volumétricas do testículo foram obtidas com o método estereométrico, segundo Elias, Henning e Schwartz¹. O diâmetro tubular médio apresentou crescimento lento desde o nascimento até os oito meses de idade, nas duas metodologias empregadas. Quando foi usada a ocular micrométrica observou-se que, a partir de nove meses, o diâmetro tubular teve um crescimento acelerado, chegando a duplicar o seu valor, se comparado com grupo etário que o antecedia. A proporção volumétrica dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos cresceu gradualmente, atingindo, aos nove meses, seu valor máximo (86,50%). As células de Leydig apresentaram proporção volumétrica decrescente, e seus maiores valores foram expressivos do nascimento até quatro meses de idade (7,00 ± 1,77% a 9,55 ± 0,64%) e mínimos a partir de nove meses, tendendo ainda a uma estabilização. O estroma diminuiu com a evolução da idade caindo bruscamente a partir da puberdade. Conclui-se que o diâmetro dos cordões testiculares e túbulos seminíferos apresentou maior crescimento, coincidindo com o início da puberdade e a proporção volumétrica das células de Leydig encontrou-se, respectivamente, mais alta e mais baixa no mesmo período.
Shrimp farming is one of the activities that contribute most to the growth of global aquaculture. However, this business has undergone significant economic losses due to the onset of viral diseases such as Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN). The IMN is already widespread throughout Northeastern Brazil and affects other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The main symptom of disease is myonecrosis, which consists of necrosis of striated muscles of the abdomen and cephalothorax of shrimp. The IMN is caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), a non-enveloped virus which has protrusions along its capsid. The viral genome consists of a single molecule of double-stranded RNA and has two Open Reading Frames (ORFs). The ORF1 encodes the major capsid protein (MCP) and a potential RNA binding protein (RBP). ORF2 encodes a probable RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and classifies IMNV in Totiviridae family. Thus, the objective of this research was study the IMNV complete genome and encoded proteins in order to develop a system differentiate virus isolates based on polymorphisms presence. The phylogenetic relationship among some totivirus was investigated and showed a new group to IMNV within Totiviridae family. Two new genomes were sequenced, analyzed and compared to two other genomes already deposited in GenBank. The new genomes were more similar to each other than those already described. Conserved and variable regions of the genome were identified through similarity graphs and alignments using the four IMNV sequences. This analyze allowed mapping of polymorphic sites and revealed that the most variable region of the genome is in the first half of ORF1, which coincides with the regions that possibly encode the viral protrusion, while the most stable regions of the genome were found in conserved domains of proteins that interact with RNA. Moreover, secondary structures were predicted for all proteins using various softwares and protein structural models were calculated using threading and ab initio modeling approaches. From these analyses was possible to observe that the IMNV proteins have motifs and shapes similar to proteins of other totiviruses and new possible protein functions have been proposed. The genome and proteins study was essential for development of a PCR-based detection system able to discriminate the four IMNV isolates based on the presence of polymorphic sites
Gene therapy is one of the major challenges of the post-genomic research and it is based on the transfer of genetic material into a cell, tissue or organ in order to cure or improve the patient s clinical status. In general, gene therapy consists in the insertion of functional genes aiming substitute, complement or inhibit defective genes. The achievement of a foreigner DNA expression into a population of cells requires its transfer to the target. Therefore, a key issue is to create systems, vectors, able to transfer and protect the DNA until it reaches the target. The disadvantages related to the use of viral vectors have encouraged efforts to develop emulsions as non-viral vectors. In fact, they are easy to produce, present suitable stability and enable transfection. The aim of this work was to evaluate two different non-viral vectors, cationic liposomes and nanoemulsions, and the possibility of their use in gene therapy. For the two systems, cationic lipids and helper lipids were used. Nanoemulsions were prepared using sonication method and were composed of Captex® 355; Tween® 80; Spam® 80; cationic lipid, Stearylamine (SA) or 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammoniumpropane (DOTAP) and water (Milli-Q®). These systems were characterized by average droplet size, Polidispersion Index (PI) and Zeta Potential. The stability of the systems; as well as the DNA compaction capacity; their cytotoxicity and the cytotoxicity of the isolated components; and their transfection capacity; were also evaluated. Liposomes were made by hydration film method and were composed of DOTAP; 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE), containing or not Rhodaminephosphatidylethanolamine (PE- Rhodamine) and the conjugate Hyaluronic Acid DOPE (HA-DOPE). These systems were also characterized as nanoemulsions. Stability of the systems and the influence of time, size of plasmid and presence or absence of endotoxin in the formation of lipoplexes were also analyzed. Besides, the ophthalmic biodistribution of PE-Rhodamine containing liposomes was studied after intravitreal injection. The obtained results show that these systems are promising non-viral vector for further utilization in gene therapy and that this field seems to be very important in the clinical practice in this century. However, from the possibility to the practice, there is still a long way
A presente investigação traduz-se num estudo de caso e o desenvolvimento do tema deste estudo situa-se essencialmente no contributo da Pedagogia de Waldorf (PW) no desenvolvimento do ser humano com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Nesta ordem de ideias, são objetivos do estudo: a) Identificar as principais dificuldades da aluna antes do início da aplicação da PW; b) Analisar os documentos relativos ao progresso da aluna ao longo de anos; c) Pesquisar as metodologias utilizadas, bem como a relação entre todos os intervenientes, se foram benéficas para a aluna, no seio do grupo em particular e na escola em geral; d) Identificar os benefícios da pedagogia na evolução da aluna; e) Conhecer a opinião de vários intervenientes relativo à evolução da aluna quanto aos efeitos da aplicação da PW; f) Conhecer a opinião de vários intervenientes, pertencentes à Casa Santa Isabel, sobre a PW; g) Perceber se o Ministério da Educação dá apoios à instituição para esta receber os alunos com NEE. A metodologia de investigação pauta-se por uma abordagem qualitativa, consistindo num estudo de caso. Relativamente aos instrumentos metodológicos, optou-se pela realização da entrevista semi-estruturada, e como técnicas de análise da informação recolhida optou-se pela análise documental e pela análise de conteúdos. Como resultado da análise confirmaram-se as vantagens da PW nas crianças com NEE, foram vistos os resultados na prática e no dia-a-dia da aluna em causa, a sua progressão a nível pessoal, físico, intelectual e social. Maria, de nome fictício, foi e continua a ser um caso de sucesso no que concerne ao desenvolvimento e integração do ser humano, sendo um dos exemplos de muitas destas realidades vivenciadas na Casa Santa Isabel, que se baseiam na prática dos princípios e metodologias da PW. Com o estudo efetuado, concluímos que, a fim de dar pistas que possam contribuir para uma melhor definição de políticas e estratégias em matéria de PW, antroposofia, pedagogia curativa (PC), socioterapia, NEE, atraso global de desenvolvimento psicomotor (ADPM) e discalculia, estudos semelhantes devem ser replicados em outros casos.
O presente trabalho tem como temática: O papel do Auxiliar de Desenvolvimento Infantil da Secretaria de Educação do Recife: das normativas do cargo a prática profissional. Este profissional desenvolve suas funções dentro das creches e centros de educação infantil da Secretaria de Educação do Recife, trabalhando com crianças de 0 a 3 anos. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar as relações entre o pré-requisito exigido para o cargo, as atribuições conferidas à função e a prática profissional do Auxiliar de Desenvolvimento Infantil, tomando para análise o último concurso realizado em 2014. A partir dessa configuração e para entender de fato o papel do Auxiliar de Desenvolvimento Infantil, pontuando a sua função como pedagógica ou não, considerando que se atribui como pré-requisito para o provimento do cargo a exigência de formação no Ensino Médio. O estudo parte da revisão de literatura sobre a concepção de infância, criança e educação passando pelas contribuições teóricas de vários autores, sobretudo os que abordam as questões da infância e da educação infantil de maneira contextualizada. Procedeu-se também a abordagem da evolução do perfil profissional daqueles que atuam na Educação Infantil no Brasil, pois, ao longo dos anos, estes profissionais vêm passando por transformações e exigências em relação a sua atuação, sobretudo em decorrência das mudanças de concepção de infância, de criança e de educação. A metodologia é qualitativa e como instrumento de coleta de dados utilizou-se questionários e entrevista. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são os Auxiliares de Desenvolvimento Infantil, os professores de Educação Infantil e a Divisão de Educação Infantil da Secretaria de Educação do Recife. Os resultados apontaram que o trabalho desenvolvido pelos ADIs dentro das instituições de educação infantil é pedagógico. Estes profissionais realizam atividades educativas e desta forma, pode-se dizer, que esta função exige que o profissional tenha conhecimentos pedagógicos para exercê-la. Finalmente, este estudo poderá contribuir para que a Secretaria de Educação do Recife redirecione a política pública de Educação Infantil no que se refere aos pré-requisitos de formação dos profissionais concursados para o trabalho nas instituições de educação infantil, exigindo a formação mínima no Normal Médio (Magistério) para a função de Auxiliar de Desenvolvimento Infantil, entendendo que esta função exige que o profissional tenha conhecimentos pedagógicos para atuar junto às crianças de 0 a 3 anos.
Os procedimentos médicos imagiológicos com recurso ao uso de radiações ionizantes têm vindo a crescer de ano para ano, contribuindo para um aumento da dose a que está exposta a população em geral. No entanto e apesar de os benefícios serem ainda superiores aos riscos, os princípios de radioproteção exigem que se tenha em linha de conta os cuidados com a proteção radiológica e que se pratiquem procedimentos seguros e com o mínimo de radiação possível. Isto é particularmente importante no caso da Medicina Nuclear (PET e SPECT), visto que a fonte de radiação é interna e continua a irradiar o doente mesmo depois de terminado o exame radiológico em causa. Nesse sentido, este projeto tem como principal objetivo criar um modelo dosimétrico com base em medidas de área retiradas do local de estudo, a fim de se conseguir prever a dose de radiação a que cada utilizador das instalações pode estar sujeito e ajudar a perceber os locais que determinado grupo de indivíduos (profissionais ou doentes) devem evitar. Para retirar as medidas de área foi usado um detetor de débito de dose RadEyeTM B20, que permite detetar com fiabilidade e rapidez taxas de dose de radiação alfa, beta, gama e X. Com recurso a este detetor, fez-se então uma aquisição metódica das medidas em pontos previamente marcados no piso 0 e no piso -1 do ICNAS, considerados os mais importantes pois é nestes que se realiza a circulação dos utentes. No entanto, a aquisição era só uma parte do projeto, visto que foi necessário depois inseri-los num algoritmo de simulação de Monte Carlo em conjunto com uma interface gráfica para se poder obter os cálculos de dose de exposição com uma interação simples e intuitiva com o utilizador. De acordo com as medidas de dose retiradas com recurso ao detetor utilizado, podemos verificar que os locais com mais radiação associada são no piso 0 a radiofarmácia, a sala de espera dos injetados e as salas das câmaras gama. No piso -1 os pontos considerados mais quentes em termos de radiação são a sala da PET/TC e as salas de espera dos doentes injetados. Com os dados retirados construiu-se uma base estatística adequada, sendo inserida num algoritmo construído para se conseguir criar o modelo de simulação para cálculo de doses para diversas trajetórias dos mais variados utilizadores das instalações do Instituto. Este modelo dosimétrico, criado a partir do estudo das medidas de dose retiradas nos pontos selecionados, pode vir a tornar-se útil visto que pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta de simulação e por conseguinte, conseguir prever a quantidade de radiação a que cada indivíduo está sujeito quando percorrer os diversos locais nos diferentes pisos do ICNAS. Esta pode vir a ser usada em conjunto com as ferramentas de monitorização pessoal, contribuindo assim para reduzir o valor de dose ocupacional de cada utilizador.
The pulsed plasma nitriding is a solution currently used in the metallurgical industry to resolve problems earlier in the processing of parts by using plasma DC voltage. These problems consisted mainly of edge effect and opening arches caused due to non-uniformity of electric fields on uneven surfaces. By varying the pulse width can reduce these effects. However, variations in pulse width can drastically affect the population of the plasma species and hence the final microstructure of the nitrided layer. In literature, little is known about the effect of process parameters on the properties of the plasma species and, consequently, the surface properties. We have developed a system of nitriding with pulsed source with fixed period of 800 pulse width is variable. Examined the variation of these parameters on the properties of nitrided surface when keeping constant temperature, gas composition, flow, pressure and power. It was found that the values of width and pulse repetition time of considerable influence in the intensities of the species present in plasma. Moreover, we observed the existence of the edge effect for some values of pulse widths, as well as changes in surface roughness and hardness
The proposal of the present study is to get to know and to analyze the building up of the culture notion among the participants of the Paresi Kozarini group in the ethnodevelopment context. The main focus is the ethnographic study, presenting a description of Aldeia Rio Verde (Paresi Indigenous Land), understanding it as a synthesis of historic processes which explains the current moment of Paresi Indigenous group. By using the mentioned methodology, the processes and social relations produced along the contact path of this group with regional-national culture were focused, and how that contact affects the present. The research questions which concern the present study refer to the processes of identification of the researched subjects about themselves and in relation to others. According as almost the totality of the indigenous group we usually know as Paresi, recognize itself as Kozarini, the attention is directed to the manner how they see themselves and how they differ from the other Paresi groups, not indigenous people, and other indigenous groups; and which meanings of the prefix ethno- (which culture elements) they have elected to represent and manage external matters to their culture and society, in the context of discussions about ethnodevelopment
The use of raw materials from renewable sources for production of materials has been the subject of several studies and researches, because of its potential to substitute petrochemical-based materials. The addition of natural fibers to polymers represents an alternative in the partial or total replacement of glass fibers in composites. In this work, carnauba leaf fibers were used in the production of biodegradable composites with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix. To improve the interfacial properties fiber / matrix were studied four chemical treatments to the fibers..The effect of the different chemical treatments on the morphological, physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the fibers and composites were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, tensile and flexural tests, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results of tensile tests indicated an increase in tensile strength of the composites after the chemical treatment of the fibers, with best results for the hydrogen peroxide treated fibers, even though the tensile strength of fibers was slightly reduced. This suggests a better interaction fiber/matrix which was also observed by SEM fractographs. The glass transition temperature (Tg) was reduced for all composites compared to the pure polymer which can be attributed to the absorption of solvents, moisture and other low molecular weight molecules by the fibers
The ionic nitriding process presents some limitations related with the control of the thickness of the layer and its uniformity. Those limitations that happen during the process, are produced due to edge effects, damage caused by arcing arc and hollow cathode, mainly in pieces with complex geometry and under pressures in excess of 1 mbar. A new technique, denominated ASPN (active screen shapes nitriding) it has been used as alternative, for offering many advantages with respect to dc plasma conventional. The developed system presents a configuration in that the samples treated are surrounded by a large metal screen at high voltage cathodic potencials, (varying between 0 and 1200V) and currents up to 1 A. The sample is placed in floting potential or polarized at relatively lower bias voltages by an auxiliary source. As the plasma is not formed directly in the sample surface but in the metal screen, the mentioned effects are eliminated. This mechanism allows investigate ion of the transfer of nitrogen to the substrate. Optical and electronic microscopy are used to exam morphology and structure at the layer. X-ray difration for phase identification and microhardness to evaluate the efficiency of this process with respect to dc conventional nitriding
This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units
This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisner´s work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions
Dissertação de mest. em Gestão do Património Cultural, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, Univ. de Paris VIII, 1998
Este estudo procurou conhecer em que medida a espiritualidade se relaciona com o desenvolvimento ao longo da vida adulta. A amostra é constituída por, 4 Ministros ordenados da Igreja Católica, com idades compreendidas entre os 42 e 66 anos. A abordagem teórica foi conduzida em duas vertentes: 1) serviu-se das teorias de desenvolvimento e 2) incidiu sobre o estudo da espiritualidade e a forma como ela se relaciona com o desenvolvimento humano. Na parte metodológica, estudaram-se quatro histórias de vida, recolhidas inicialmente sob a forma escrita e depois completadas através de entrevistas abertas, que foram analisadas através da análise de conteúdo. Nos casos estudados verificou-se a presença da espiritualidade no percurso de vida e também que a mesma influenciou significativamente o seu desenvolvimento, onde os fatores comuns, que permitem relacionar a espiritualidade com desenvolvimento são visíveis e imprescindíveis para que o crescimento no sentido da vida plena aconteça com normalidade. ABSTRACT: This study intends to understand how spirituality is related to human development throughout adult life. The sample consists of four Catholic Ministers, with ages between 42 and 66 years old. The theoretical approach was conducted in two parts: 1) based on development theories and 2) focused on the study of spirituality and its relation with human development. ln the methodological part four life stories were studied, initially collected in written form and then completed by open interviews, analyzed through content analysis. ln the studied cases, spirituality was noticed in the life journey of ministers and it strongly affected its development. Moreover, common factors of association between spirituality and development are also visible and essential so that the path towards life fulfillment and full life happens normally.
The coatings mortars are essential elements of building structures because they execute an important role in protecting walls and are particularly exposed to aggressive action responsible for its degradation over time. The importance of wall coverings has been the subject of discussion and analysis in the conservation and rehabilitation of old buildings. Are sometimes removed and replaced with inappropriate solutions of constructive point of view or architecture. The most commonly used coatings on walls of old buildings is based on traditional hydraulic lime mortars. The present study aims at the formulation of new lime- based mortars and aerial fine aggregate, in order to contribute to a better field of conservation and restoration mortar coating of old buildings. Residue was used for polishing porcelain as fine aggregate, replacing the aggregate (sand), in percentages 05-30% by mass. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the mortar properties in fresh and hardened state by comparing the performance of the same with a reference mortar. The residue used was characterized as the density, bulk density, and particle size laser, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence. Formulations were produced 7, 6 with residue and one commonly used formulation, which served as a reference. In the formulations of lime mortars air (hydrated lime powder CH-I) has been adopted a stroke volume (1:3) with constant binder, was varied and the water / binder and aggregate and waste. For evaluation of mortars fresh, proceeded to consistency analysis, specific gravity, water retention and air content embedded. In the hardened state assays were performed in specific gravity, water retention, modulus of elasticity, tensile strength in bending, compressive strength, water absorption by capillary action, adhesion, tensile strength, resistance to shrinkage and salts by of crystallization trials with resources chloride solution, nitrate and sulfate all sodium in prismatic at 90 days of age, in addition to the micro structural analysis of mortars. Based on the results we can see that the mortar formulated with 10% content of waste and the reference free retraction feature more stable closer to neutrality. The composition of 10% was obtained better performance against the action of the salt crystallization. The mortar with 15% residue obtained better density, lower air content embedded and high capacity for water retention developing good workability. The replacement of 20% of waste generates a satisfactory utilization of resistance to compression, flexion and traction grip the base. And, finally, it can be seen that the mortar with 10, 15 and 20% residual show, in principle, good suitability as coatings, thus enabling a final result consistent with durability, workability and aesthetics developing therefore a material with better performance to repair or replace existing mortars in old buildings