934 resultados para Crest


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After nearly 30 years of growth in geochronologic knowledge, the originally published age models for many older deep sea marine sections have become badly outdated. In this report we present newly revised age models for Neogene sediments from 94 DSDP holes. Biostratigraphic data for planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, diatoms and radiolarians, paleomagnetic and other stratigraphic data were compiled from the original Initial Reports volumes of DSDP. The Berggren et al. (1985 doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1985)96<1407:CG>2.0.CO;2) scale was used for the age of magnetic reversals, and a variety of recent papers were used to establish a standard modern set of calibrations for marine microfossil events to the magnetic reversal scale. New age vs depth plots were made for each hole, and for each a new line of correlation was created. All tabulated stratigraphic data, new age models, and age depth plots are given as appendices to the report.


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During Leg 66 eight sites on an active margin transect off southern Mexico were drilled in order to determine the nature of ocean-continent transition across a subduction zone. Present outcrops of Mesozoic to Precambrian basement at the coast intruded by Mesozoic magmas within only 65 km of the Middle America Trench axis indicate truncation of the continental margin, tectonic removal of an accretionary zone, and consumption of ocean sediments and crust by subduction.


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Residual concentrations and distributions of hydrocarbon gases from methane to n-heptane were measured in sediments at seven sites on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 164. Three sites were drilled at the Cape Fear Diapir of the Carolina Rise, and one site was drilled on the Blake Ridge Diapir. Methane concentrations at these sites result from microbial generation which is influenced by the amount of pore-water sulfate and possible methane oxidation. Methane hydrate was found at the Blake Ridge Diapir site. The other hydrocarbon gases at these sites are likely the product of early microbial processes. Three sites were drilled on a transect of holes across the crest of the Blake Ridge. The base of the zone of gas-hydrate occurrence was penetrated at all three sites. Trends in hydrocarbon gas distributions suggest that methane is microbial in origin and that the hydrocarbon gas mixture is affected by diagenesis, outgassing, and, near the surface, by microbial oxidation. Methane hydrate was recovered at two of these three sites, although gas hydrate is likely present at all three sites. The method used here for determining amounts of residual hydrocarbon gases has its limitations and provides poor assessment of gas distributions, particularly in the stratigraphic interval below about ~100 mbsf. One advantage of the method, however, is that it yields sufficient quantities of gas for other studies such as isotopic determinations.


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Two hydraulic piston cores containing the total Quaternary suite were analyzed quantitatively in their planktonic foraminiferal contents. For the Early Pleistocene, the Caribbean standard zonation (BOLLI & PREMOLI-SILVA) can be adopted and refined by the introduction of an additional subzone at its base (the Globorotalia triangula subzone). Local substages are proposed for the Late Pleistocene because index fossils are missing. The use of the transfer-function technique resulted in paleotemperature and paleosalinity curves with a time resolution of cycles of about 4-68,000 years duration. The Early Pleistocene paleoenvironment is characterized by low oscillations of the surface water temperatures, followed by a distinct cooling trend during the Globorotalia viola subzone, a period of smoothed cycles during the Globorotalia hessi subzone and distinctly developed cycles during the late Pleistocene since the oxygen isotope termination III. Grainsize distribution and several dissolution indices gave evidence for current activities on the top of the Walvis Ridge, where the amount of fine grained components in the sediment is reduced in comparison with that of the flanks.