907 resultados para Chemistry teaching course
This paper describes the environmental monitoring / regatta beacon buoy under development at the Laboratory of Autonomous Systems (LSA) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. On the one hand, environmentalmonitoring of open water bodies in real or deferred time is essential to assess and make sensible decisions and, on the other hand, the broadcast in real time of position, water and wind related parameters allows autonomous boats to optimise their regatta performance. This proposal, rather than restraining the boats autonomy, fosters the development of intelligent behaviour by allowing the boats to focus on regatta strategy and tactics. The Nautical and Telemetric Application (NAUTA) buoy is a dual mode reconfigurable system that includes communications, control, data logging, sensing, storage and power subsystems. In environmental monitoring mode, the buoy gathers and stores data from several underwater and above water sensors and, in regatta mode, the buoy becomes an active course mark for the autonomous sailing boats in the vicinity. During a race, the buoy broadcasts its position, together with the wind and the water current local conditions, allowing autonomous boats to navigate towards and round the mark successfully. This project started with the specification of the requirements of the dual mode operation, followed by the design and building of the buoy structure. The research is currently focussed on the development of the modular, reconfigurable, open source-based control system. The NAUTA buoy is innovative, extensible and optimises the on board platform resources.
Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - O Estágio do Ensino Especializado realizado no presente ano lectivo foi elaborado na Academia de Música de Lisboa em três turmas. Vários foram os desafios encontrados no decorrer do ano lectivo, como por exemplo a instabilidade das turmas, a falta do quadro na sala em algumas aulas e a pouca experiência anterior na área de docência. A realização deste estágio permitiu experimentar actividades e estratégias aprendidas nas disciplinas do mestrado e estimulou uma atitude de reflexão regular sobre as escolhas pedagógicas elaboradas e sobre a resposta dos alunos. Também o feedback dos professores da Unidade Curricular de Didáctica do Ensino Especializado foi essencial na consciencialização de aspectos que teriam que ser mudados na minha abordagem do ensino: fazer actividades mais formativas e menos avaliativas, dar mais feedback, não avançar para outro nível enquanto uma tarefa ainda não estiver consolidada, não modificar as instruções tão rapidamente, ter cuidado com a apresentação visual das células rítmicas e pensar em soluções para quando os alunos estão cansados. Foi também importante reflectir sobre os planos de aula realizados ao longo do ano e sobre o que não seria realizado da mesma forma, nomeadamente na introdução de células rítmicas, introdução de funções harmónicas e cadências. Durante este ano foi feito um esforço para melhorar estes aspectos, no entanto ainda não foi possível implementar todas as mudanças. De qualquer modo, esta reflexão é um bom ponto de partida para o planeamento do próximo ano e um exemplo da atitude que deve acompanhar-me durante toda a minha actividade enquanto docente.
Resumo I (Prática Pedagógica) - O Relatório de estágio foi concebido no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio do Ensino Especializado, Mestrado em Ensino da Música pela Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. Assim, este documento assenta sobre a prática pedagógica desenvolvida no Conservatório de Música David de Sousa – Polo Pombal no ano letivo 2014-2015, abrangendo três alunos de diferentes graus de ensino. Neste Relatório será caracterizado o estabelecimento de ensino onde decorreu o estágio, assim como o desempenho que cada aluno teve durante o ano letivo, salientando os aspetos de competência motora, auditiva e expressiva. Este trabalho consistiu na avaliação do meu desempenho enquanto docente de trompete, permitindo-me refletir sobre os pontos bons e menos bons do meu trabalho, para que no futuro me seja possível atingir um nível mais elevado na minha atividade docente.
The effect of platelet depletion on the course of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in BALB/c mice was investigated. Thrombocytopenia was achieved by inoculation of rabbit anti-platelet IgG during the parasitemic phase of the infection. The number of parasites in the blood of anti-platelet IgG treated was significantly higher than that of non-treated control mice, during the phase of high parasitemia. Cumulative mortality of platelet-depleted mice was consistently but not significantly higher than that of control mice up to the 32nd day of infection; from the 33rd day on they were equivalent, no mortalities occurring from then on, until observations were discontinued on the 60th day. These results suggest that platelets participate of the mechanisms of parasites removal from the bloodstream, but do not have an effective role in the mechanisms of defence against T. cruzi, during the acute phase of infection.
A retrospective survey of 473 cases of snake bite admitted to a Brazilian teaching hospital from 1984 to 1990 revealed 91 cases of bite without envenoming and/or caused by non-venomous snakes. In 17 of these cases the snake was identified, and one patient was bitten by a snake-like reptile (Amphisbaena mertensii). In 43 cases diagnosis was made on clinical grounds (fang marks in the absence of signs of envenoming). The other 30 cases were of patients who complained of being bitten but who did not show any sign of envenoming or fang mark. Most cases occurred in men (66;73%), in the 10-19 years age group (26;29%), in the lower limbs (51/74;69%), between 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. (49;61%) and in the month of April (16; 18%). One patient bitten by Philodryas olfersii developed severe local pain, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, with normal clotting time. The patient bitten by Drymarcon corais was misdiagnosed as being bitten by a snake of the genus Bothrops, was given the specific antivenom, and developed anaphylaxis. One patient bitten by Sibynomorphus mikanii presented prolonged clotting time, and was also given antivenom as a case of Bothrops bite. Correct identification of venomous snakes by physicians is necessary to provide correct treatment to victims of snake bite, avoiding unnecessary distress to the patient, and overprescription of antivenom, which may eventually cause severe untoward effects.
MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.
Resumo: Este estudo surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Reabilitação na Especialidade de Deficiência Visual ministrado em conjunto pelas Faculdades de Ciências Médicas e Motricidade Humana. Na dissertação intitulada Formação de Professores para o Ensino da Matemática no Ensino Básico a Alunos com DV foi desenvolvida uma investigação, incidindo sobre a temática atrás referida. Na primeira parte apresenta-se uma revisão de literatura, onde se exploram vários conceitos relevantes como a deficiência visual, o currículo de matemática no Ensino Básico, as adaptações curriculares dos alunos com DV, as tecnologias de apoio e a Formação dos Professores, entre outros. Na segunda parte apresentam-se as fundamentações teóricas que subjazem à escolha da metodologia de investigação e instrumentação bem como a descrição dos procedimentos de investigação. Participaram neste estudo 52 professores de Matemática dos três ciclos do ensino básico, que tinham alunos cegos ou com baixa visão nas suas turmas. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário aplicados aos professores. Na terceira parte apresentam-se alguns resultados desta pesquisa. Relativamente à Formação de Professores, sendo N= 52, no que diz respeito à Deficiência Visual, a maioria dos professores (58%) diz não ter conhecimento da mesma e 40% dos professores diz ter algum conhecimento sobre a deficiência visual. Destes professores, grande parte referiu não considerar suficiente a informação recebida, pelo que concluímos ser pertinente a proposta de cursos versando a formação de professores em Deficiência Visual. Conclui-se também que os professores sentem dificuldades com os materiais e equipamentos disponíveis embora refiram que tivessem tido alguma informação sobre os mesmos.----------------------------------------- ABSTRACT: This study is the subject of the Master Course on the Specialty of Visual impaired given by both the Faculties of Ciências Médicas and Motricidade Humana. In the dissertation, the title of Which is Vocational Training of Teachers for the Mathematies teaching in the Basic Compulsory education to students with Visual impaired inside of the thematic behind referred. In the first part it is presented a literature revision, where some concepts are explored like the visual impaired, the curriculum of mathematics in the Basic Compulsory Education, the curriculum adaptations to the pupils with visual impaired, the technologies of support and the vocational training of the teachers, among others. In the second part we can recognize the theoretical recitals that support the choice of the research methodology and the whole instrumens meedes as well as the description of the research procedures. 52 professors of Mathematics from the three cycles of basic compulsory education participated in this study, they had blind pupils or with low vision in their classes. The data had been collected through a questionnaire applied to the teachers. In the third part, we come to some results of this research. In what concerns the vocational training of the teachers being N= 52, the majority of them (58%) says not to have knowledge of it and 40% of them says that they have some knowledge on the visual impaired. Among, a great part mentioned not having received sufficient information, as we conclude to be pertinent the proposal of courses makina the vocational training of teachers in visual impaired a reality. One also concludes that the teachers have difficulties with the materials and available equipment even though they mention to have had some information about them.
Different anthropogenic sources of metals can result from agricultural, industrial, military, mining and urban activities that contribute to environmental pollution. Plants can be grown for phytoremediation to remove or stabilize contaminants in water and soil. Copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) are trace essential metals for plants, although their role in homeostasis in plants must be strictly regulated to avoid toxicity. In this review, we summarize the processes involved in the bioavailability, uptake, transport and storage of Cu, Mn and Zn in plants. The efficiency of phytoremediation depends on several factors including metal bioavailability and plant uptake, translocation and tolerance mechanisms. Soil parameters, such as clay fraction, organic matter content, oxidation state, pH, redox potential, aeration, and the presence of specific organisms, play fundamental roles in the uptake of trace essential metals. Key processes in the metal homeostasis network in plants have been identified. Membrane transporters involved in the acquisition, transport and storage of trace essential metals are reviewed. Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of Cu, Mn and Zn hyperaccumulation are described. The use of plant-bacteria associations, plant-fungi associations and genetic engineering has opened a new range of opportunities to improve the efficiency of phytoremediation. The main directions for future research are proposed from the investigation of published results.
Chromones are a group of naturally occurring compounds that are ubiquitous in nature, especially in plants. The word chromone is derived from the Greek word chroma, meaning “color”, which point out that many chromone derivatives can exhibit a diversity of colors.
Introdução – A pesquisa de informação realizada pelos estudantes de ensino superior em recursos eletrónicos não corresponde necessariamente ao domínio de competências de pesquisa, análise, avaliação, seleção e bom uso da informação recuperada. O conceito de literacia da informação ganha pertinência e destaque, na medida em que abarca competências que permitem reconhecer quando é necessária a informação e de atuar de forma eficiente e efetiva na sua obtenção e utilização. Objetivo – A meta da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL) foi a formação em competências de literacia da informação, fora da ESTeSL, de estudantes, professores e investigadores. Métodos – A formação foi integrada em projetos nacionais e internacionais, dependendo dos públicos-alvo, das temáticas, dos conteúdos, da carga horária e da solicitação da instituição parceira. A Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian foi o promotor financeiro privilegiado. Resultados – Decorreram várias intervenções em território nacional e internacional. Em 2010, em Angola, no Instituto Médio de Saúde do Bengo, formação de 10 bibliotecários sobre a construção e a gestão de uma biblioteca de saúde e introdução à literacia da informação (35h). Em 2014, decorrente do ERASMUS Intensive Programme, o OPTIMAX (Radiation Dose and Image Quality Optimisation in Medical Imaging) para 40 professores e estudantes de radiologia (oriundos de Portugal, Reino Unido, Noruega, Países Baixos e Suíça) sobre metodologia e pesquisa de informação na MEDLINE e na Web of Science e sobre o Mendeley, enquanto gestor de referências (4h). Os trabalhos finais deste curso foram publicados em formato de ebook (http://usir.salford.ac.uk/34439/1/Final%20complete%20version.pdf), cuja revisão editorial foi da responsabilidade dos bibliotecários. Ao longo de 2014, na Escola Superior de Educação, Escola Superior de Dança, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal e Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa e, ao longo de 2015, na Universidade Aberta, Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Instituto Egas Moniz, Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa e Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa foram desenhados conteúdos sobre o uso do ZOTERO e do Mendeley para a gestão de referências bibliográficas e sobre uma nova forma de fazer investigação. Cada uma destas sessões (2,5h) envolveu cerca de 25 estudantes finalistas, mestrandos e professores. Em 2015, em Moçambique, no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde, decorreu a formação de 5 bibliotecários e 46 estudantes e professores (70h). Os conteúdos ministrados foram: 1) gestão e organização de uma biblioteca de saúde (para bibliotecários); 2) literacia da informação: pesquisa de informação na MEDLINE, SciELO e RCAAP, gestores de referências e como evitar o plágio (para bibliotecários e estudantes finalistas de radiologia). A carga horária destinada aos estudantes incluiu a tutoria das monografias de licenciatura, em colaboração com mais duas professoras do projeto. Para 2016 está agendada formação noutras instituições de ensino superior nacionais. Perspetiva-se, ainda, formação similar em Timor-Leste, cujos conteúdos, datas e carga horária estão por agendar. Conclusões – Destas iniciativas beneficia a instituição (pela visibilidade), os bibliotecários (pelo evidenciar de competências) e os estudantes, professores e investigadores (pelo ganho de novas competências e pela autonomia adquirida). O projeto de literacia da informação da ESTeSL tem contribuído de forma efetiva para a construção e para a produção de conhecimento no meio académico, nacional e internacional, sendo a biblioteca o parceiro privilegiado nesta cultura de colaboração.
Background: Mammography is considered the best imaging technique for breast cancer screening, and the radiographer plays an important role in its performance. Therefore, continuing education is critical to improving the performance of these professionals and thus providing better health care services. Objective: Our goal was to develop an e-learning course on breast imaging for radiographers, assessing its efficacy , effectiveness, and user satisfaction. Methods: A stratified randomized controlled trial was performed with radiographers and radiology students who already had mammography training, using pre- and post-knowledge tests, and satisfaction questionnaires. The primary outcome was the improvement in test results (percentage of correct answers), using intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis. Results: A total of 54 participants were assigned to the intervention (20 students plus 34 radiographers) with 53 controls (19+34). The intervention was completed by 40 participants (11+29), with 4 (2+2) discontinued interventions, and 10 (7+3) lost to follow-up. Differences in the primary outcome were found between intervention and control: 21 versus 4 percentage points (pp), P<.001. Stratified analysis showed effect in radiographers (23 pp vs 4 pp; P=.004) but was unclear in students (18 pp vs 5 pp; P=.098). Nonetheless, differences in students’ posttest results were found (88% vs 63%; P=.003), which were absent in pretest (63% vs 63%; P=.106). The per-protocol analysis showed a higher effect (26 pp vs 2 pp; P<.001), both in students (25 pp vs 3 pp; P=.004) and radiographers (27 pp vs 2 pp; P<.001). Overall, 85% were satisfied with the course, and 88% considered it successful. Conclusions: This e-learning course is effective, especially for radiographers, which highlights the need for continuing education.
O projeto, financiado pelo Programa Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, decorreu entre 1 de agosto de 2011 e 31 de julho de 2013 e foi coordenado pelo Instituto de Administração Pública de Praga, tendo como parceiros a Escola de Economia e Direito de Berlim, a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública da Polónia e o INA, de Portugal. A coordenação portuguesa do estudo esteve a cargo da Prof. Doutora Helena Rato e da Dra. Matilde Gago, com a colaboração do Prof. Doutor César Madureira e da Dra. Margarida Quintela, ex investigadores do INA, atualmente na DGAEP.
In this work, we present a teaching-learning sequence on colour intended to a pre-service elementary teacher programme informed by History and Philosophy of Science. Working in a socio-constructivist framework, we made an excursion on the history of colour. Our excursion through history of colour, as well as the reported misconception on colour helps us to inform the constructions of the teaching-learning sequence. We apply a questionnaire both before and after each of the two cycles of action-research in order to assess students’ knowledge evolution on colour and to evaluate our teaching-learning sequence. Finally, we present a discussion on the persistence of deep-rooted alternative conceptions.
The concepts and instruments required for the teaching and learning of geometric optics are introduced in the didactic processwithout a proper didactic transposition. This claim is secured by the ample evidence of both wide- and deep-rooted alternative concepts on the topic. Didactic transposition is a theory that comes from a reflection on the teaching and learning process in mathematics but has been used in other disciplinary fields. It will be used in this work in order to clear up the main obstacles in the teachinglearning process of geometric optics. We proceed to argue that since Newton’s approach to optics, in his Book I of Opticks, is independent of the corpuscular or undulatory nature of light, it is the most suitable for a constructivist learning environment. However, Newton’s theory must be subject to a proper didactic transposition to help overcome the referred alternative concepts. Then is described our didactic transposition in order to create knowledge to be taught using a dialogical process between students’ previous knowledge, history of optics and the desired outcomes on geometrical optics in an elementary pre-service teacher training course. Finally, we use the scheme-facet structure of knowledge both to analyse and discuss our results as well as to illuminate shortcomings that must be addressed in our next stage of the inquiry.
The change of paradigm imposed by the Bologna process, in which the student will be responsible for their own learning, and the presence of a new generation of students with higher technological skills, represent a huge challenge for higher education institutions. The use of new Web Social concepts in teaching process, supported by applications commonly called Web 2.0, with which these new students feel at ease, can bring benefits in terms of motivation and the frequency and quality of students' involvement in academic activities. An e-learning platform with web-based applications as a complement can significantly contribute to the development of different skills in higher education students, covering areas which are usually in deficit.