952 resultados para Cerro Gordo, batalla de, 1847


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Direction repulsion describes the phenomenon in which observers typically overestimate the direction difference between two superimposed motions moving in different directions (Marshak & Sekuler, Science 205(1979) 1399). Previous research has found that, when a relatively narrow range of distractor speeds is considered, direction repulsion of a target motion increases monotonically with increasing speed of the distractor motion. We sought to obtain a more complete measurement of this speed-tuning function by considering a wider range of distractor speeds than has previously been used. Our results show that, contrary to previous reports, direction repulsion as a function of distractor speed describes an inverted U-function. For a target of 2.5deg/s, we demonstrate that the attenuation of repulsion magnitude with high-speed disractors can be largely explained in terms of the reduced apparent contrast of the distractor. However, when we reduce target motion speed, this no longer holds. When considered from the perspective of Edwards et al.s (Edwards, Badcock, & Smith, Vision Research 38 (1998) 1573) two global-motion channels, our results suggest that direction repulsion is speed dependent when the distractor and target motions are processed by different globalmotion channels, but is not speed dependent when both motions are processed by the same, high-speed channel. The implications of these results for models of direction repulsion are discussed.


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Mural cells (smooth muscle cells and pericytes) regulate blood flow and contribute to vessel stability. We examined whether mural cell changes accompany age-related alterations in the microvasculature of the central nervous system. The retinas of young adult and aged Wistar rats were subjected to immunohistofluorescence analysis of a-smooth muscle actin (SMA), caldesmon, calponin, desmin, and NG2 to identify mural cells. The vasculature was visualized by lectin histochemistry or perfusion of horse-radish peroxidase, and vessel walls were examined by electron microscopy. The early stage of aging was characterized by changes in peripheral retinal capillaries, including vessel broadening, thickening of the basement membrane, an altered length and orientation of desmin filaments in pericytes, a more widespread SMA distribution and changes in a subset of pre-arteriolar sphincters. In the later stages of aging, loss of capillary patency, aneurysms, distorted vessels, and foci of angiogenesis were apparent, especially in the peripheral deep vascular plexus. The capillary changes are consistent with impaired vascular autoregulation and may result in reduced pericyte-endothelial cell contact, destabilizing the capillaries and rendering them susceptible to angiogenic stimuli and endothelial cell loss as well as impairing the exchange of metabolites required for optimal neuronal function. This metabolic uncoupling leads to reactivation of


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The aim of this work is to show the type of media coverage done by the newspapers La Razón, El País and Público about the 15-M social movement during the time that the camping at Sol took place. Specifically, in terms of how the characterization of the “indignados” (outraged) got made. Based on our previous descriptive observations, we approached a visual analysis of the photographs published on the paper editions of those mainstream media from May 15-June 12 of the 2011. we started from a total sample of 379 items, developing:1) A content analysis of La Razón, El País, and Público; the most frequents words of each media, articles classifications from the reviews found on them (expositive, positive-evaluation, negative-evaluation).2) An analysis of the 408 images obtained from the total sample, which establishes a clear evolution of the “indignados” profile and how differently each media took the movement as such. That’s, when they stop naming them “indignados”, and recognize its nature as social movement by calling it: “Movimiento 15-M"...


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Nadie cuestiona que una fuente de aprendizaje es el propio ámbito de trabajo, en el que todo profesional resuelve las funciones y tareas a las que se enfrenta diariamente a partir de su formación y de su experiencia. Reconocer esta experiencia en las titulaciones de Grado es un tema aún no resuelto. Pero este reconocimiento exige un proceso de evaluación, apoyado en metodologías y herramientas fiables y válidas, a partir del cual se valide que una persona ha adquirido un determinado nivel de logro en unas competencias en el marco de una cualificación profesional determinada. A raíz de los resultados obtenidos en 2 convocatorias dirigidas al reconocimiento de la experiencia profesional en el Grado en Educación Social impartido por la UNED, este articulo lleva a cabo un análisis de carácter descriptivo y en perspectiva comparada, entre ambas ediciones (2011-12 y 2012-13), con el fin de valorar la pertinencia de este proceso y la calidad de los resultados obtenidos. Con una muestra de 421 estudiantes hemos inferido la validez del procedimiento propuesto. Además, esta realidad nos muestra cuáles son las áreas de intervención más demandadas, los puntos fuertes y débiles de estos profesionales, las competencias más y menos consolidadas de acuerdo a la titulación que se imparte, etc. Disponer de estos datos, además de favorecer el desarrollo profesional de nuestros estudiantes, aporta una información clave para perfilar mejor las competencias específicas del título, trabajar de forma coordinada y colaborativa entre el mundo académico y el profesional, a la vez que responder a un derecho de nuestros estudiantes. 


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Aims. The aim of this work is to constrain the size, composition and surface properties of asteroids (2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia, targets of the Rosetta mission. Rosetta is en route to rendezvous with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Methods. Thermal-Infrared N-band observations for Lutetia and Steins were obtained using, respectively, TIMMI2 on the ESO 3.6-m telescope at La Silla and VISIR at the UT3 VLT telescope on Cerro Paranal; visible light curves for Steins were obtained using NTT+SUSI2, while R-band photometry for Lutetia was obtained with the 2.0-m Faulkes Telescope North on Haleakala. For Steins, the NEATM model was used to constrain its visible geometric albedo and beaming parameter. A detailed thermophysical model was implemented and used to analyze our set of observations of Lutetia as well as previous reported measurements.

Results. The visible photometry of Steins was used along with data from the literature to yield a slope parameter of G=0.32(-0.11)(+0.14). Problems during the observations led to the loss of measurements on two of the three N-band filters requested for Steins. Using the remaining data and the polarimetric albedo recently published, we were able to constrain the thermal beaming parameter as eta > 1.2, which is more similar to near-Earth asteroids and suggests either high thermal inertia or a very rough surface. For Lutetia, the best fit visible geometric albedo obtained with our model and the reported observation is p(nu)=0.129, significantly lower than that obtained if one applies the same model to previously reported measurements. The discrepancy cannot be explained solely by assuming inhomogeneities in the surface properties and we suggest that the most plausible explanation is the presence of one or more large craters on the northern hemisphere. For both sets of measurements, the implied single scattering albedo of Lutetia is compatible with laboratory measurements of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.


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El exilio es un tema recurrente en la obra de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman, miembro del llamado grupo hispanomexicano. La visión del exilio en su obra incluye no solo el exilio republicano sino también el del pueblo judío. Por eso, diferentes Diásporas históricas se superponen enriqueciendo el significado de la experiencia. En su ensayo El canto del peregrino: hacia una poética del exilio (1999) desarrolla sus pensamientos sobre el exilio y analiza numerosos trabajos de autores exiliados (judíos y republicanos españoles) centrándose en como cada uno reflejó la vivencia del exilio en su trabajo.En mi opinión, las ideas desarrolladas en el ensayo se pueden encontrar en su novela El sefardí romántico: la azarosa vida de Mateo Alemán II (2005). El título de la novela establece una conexión directa con la novela picaresca y la vida judía aludiendo al autor converso de Guzmán de Alfarache (1599-1604). Siguiendo el patrón establecido por la novela picaresca clásica, el protagonista de Muñiz-Huberman viaja por España y Europa denunciando la intolerancia que llevó a la Guerra Civil española y a la II Guerra Mundial. Las circunstancias lo llevan al exilio en México, como en el caso de Mateo Alemán. Según la teoría de Ulrich Wicks, pícaros y exiliados tienen mucho en común en su búsqueda continua de libertad, libertad que el exiliado puede encontrar solo en el idioma, como expone Muñiz-Huberman en su ensayo.


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An array-based approach is put forward to obtain insight into reactivity under mechanochemical solvent-free conditions. We describe a survey of sixty potential reactions between twelve metal salts MX2 {(M = Cu, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (HCO2)(2), (F3CCO2)(2), (acac)(2), (F(6)acac)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Ni, X-2 = (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2), SO4; M = Zn, X-2 (OAc)(2), (NO3)(2)} and five bridging organic ligands {isonicotinic acid (HINA), 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (H2BDC), acetylenedicarboxylic acid (H(2)ADC), 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (H3BTC), 4,4'-bipyridyl (BIPY). Reaction conditions involved a ball mill, applied for 15 min at 30 Hz, without external heating. When examined by XRPD, forty of the combinations gave detectable reactions, thirty-eight with crystalline products. Of these, twenty-nine reactions were quantitative (consuming all of at least one reactant). Comparison of XRPD patterns with patterns simulated from single crystal X-ray diffraction data in the Cambridge Structural Database allowed structural identification of six products. Of particular interest are the microporous framework materials [Cu(INA)(2)] and [Cu-3(BTC)(2)] (HKUST-1) obtained by reaction of the corresponding carboxylic acids with copper acetate. Other non-porous polymers with 3-dimensional connectivity, [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)], or 1-dimensional connectivity, [Cu(acac)(2)(BIPY)] and [Cu(F6acac)(BIPY)] were also obtained. Reaction between zinc acetate and H2ADC gave a new product which had not previously been characterised by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, but whose XRPD pattern suggests that it is isostructural with the known nickel polymer [Ni(ADC)(H2O)(4)]. Two further isostructural nickel and zinc products were obtained in reactions between HINA and nickel nitrate and zinc nitrate. Trends observed within the array are discussed. Copper acetate and copper formate were the most effective starting materials for reaction with carboxylic acids, potentially related to the basicity of their anions and the solvating effects of the formic and acetic acid byproducts. Amongst the ligands there was a general negative corelation between melting point and reactivity. The issue of pore templating in microporous phases and the generation of new structures is also discussed in relation to the Cu(INA)(2), Cu-3(BTC)(2) and nickel nitrate-BIPY systems. Overall, the study suggests that mechanochemical reactivity between metal salts and organic ligands under solvent free conditions is remarkably general. Use of array-based approaches as demonstrated here is advocated a useful way to reveal underlying trends in reactivity under solvent free mechanochemical conditions and to highlight particular cases for more detailed study.


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In this paper we present the first data from the research conducted to determine the relationship between traditional visual arts and other forms of visual culture closer to the experiences of high school youth. The hypothesis of this research is that while students are nurtured and live primarily with the images provided by the media culture, their textbooks basically refer to the more traditional art images. The research has been limited to a review and analysis of the most common educational materials for teaching visual arts in high school. After the systematization and analysis of the images appeared in textbooks, we have detected three major types: the artistics, those who belong to media culture and others. The most relevant conclusions indicate that: there are hardly any connections between different types of images, they offer a very traditional view of art and they are far removed from the experiences of young book users.


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Based on the analysis model favored by the study of the conditions in which the seventeenth century Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes took place, we examine the case of confrontation between realism and abstraction, which occurred in the context of Spanish art in the nineties of the twentieth century. Connections are established with other aesthetic conflicts which are considered part of a genealogy whose most explicit antecedent could be placed in the before mentioned complaint, such as the confrontation between realism and abstraction in the American art scene, which occurred in the fifties of the last century, and the more recent controversy on pluralism and the end of art.


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Chitons are often referred to as “living fossils” in part because they are proposed as one of the earliest-diverging groups of living molluscs, but also because the gross morphology of the polyplacophoran shell has been conserved for hundreds of millions of years. As such, the analysis of evolution and radiation within polyplacophorans is of considerable interest not only for resolving the shape of pan-molluscan phylogeny but also as model organisms for the study of character evolution. This study presents a new, rigorous cladistic analysis of the morphological characters used in taxonomic descriptions for chitons in the living suborder Lepidopleurina Thiele, 1910 (the earliest-derived living group of chitons). Shell-based characters alone entirely fail to recover any recognized subdivisions within the group, which may raise serious questions about the application of fossil data (from isolated shell valves). New analysis including characters from girdle armature and gill arrangements recovers some genera within the group but also points to the lack of monophyly within the main genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847. Additional characters from molecular data and soft anatomy, used in combination, are clearly needed to resolve questions of chiton relationships. However, the data sets currently available already provide interesting insights into the analytical power of traditional morphology as well as some knowledge about the early evolution and radiation of this group.


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We discuss the properties of the lifetime or the time-delay matrix Q(E) for multichannel scattering, which is related to the scattering matrix S(E) by Q = i?S(dS†/dE). For two overlapping resonances occurring at energies E with widths G(? = 1, 2), with an energy-independent background, only two eigenvalues of Q(E) are proved to be different from zero and to show typical avoided-crossing behaviour. These eigenvalues are expressible in terms of the four resonance parameters (E , G) and a parameter representing the strength of the interaction of the resonances. An example of the strong and weak interaction in an overlapping double resonance is presented for the positronium negative ion. When more than two resonances overlap (? = 1, ..., N), no simple representation of each eigenvalue has been found. However, the formula for the trace of the Q-matrix leads to the expression d(E) = -?arctan[(G/2)/(E - E)] + d(E) for the eigenphase sum d(E) and the background eigenphase sum d(E), in agreement with the known form of the state density. The formulae presented in this paper are useful in a parameter fitting of overlapping resonances. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Lepidopleurida is the earliest diverged group of living polyplacophoran molluscs. They are found predominantly in the deep sea, including sunken wood, cold seeps, other abyssal habitats, and a few species are found in shallow water. The group is morphologically identified by anatomical features of their gills, sensory aesthetes, and gametes. Their shell features closely resemble the oldest fossils that can be identified as modern polyplacophorans. We present the first molecular phylogenetic study of this group, and also the first combined phylogenetic analysis for any chiton, including three gene regions and 69 morphological characters. The results show that Lepidopleurida is unambiguously monophyletic, and the nine genera fall into five distinct clades, which partly support the current view of polyplacophoran taxonomy. The genus Hanleyella Sirenko, 1973 is included in the family Protochitonidae, and Ferreiraellidae constitutes another distinct clade. The large cosmopolitan genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847 is not monophyletic; Leptochiton and Leptochitonidae sensu stricto are restricted to North Atlantic and Mediterranean taxa. Leptochitonidae s. str. is sister to Protochitonidae. The results also suggest two separate clades independently inhabiting sunken wood substrates in the south-west Pacific. Antarctic and other chemosynthetic-dwelling species may be derived from wood-living species. Substantial taxonomic revision remains to be done to resolve lepidopleuran classification, but the phylogeny presented here is a dramatic step forward in clarifying the relationships within this interesting group.


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Chitons are often referred to as "living fossils" in part because they are proposed as one of the earliest-diverging groups of living molluscs, but also because the gross morphology of the polyplacophoran shell has been conserved for hundreds of millions of years. As such, the analysis of evolution and radiation within polyplacophorans is of considerable interest not only for resolving the shape of pan-molluscan phylogeny but also as model organisms for the study of character evolution. This study presents a new, rigorous cladistic analysis of the morphological characters used in taxonomic descriptions for chitons in the living suborder Lepidopleurina Thiele, 1910 (the earliest-derived living group of chitons). Shell-based characters alone entirely fail to recover any recognized subdivisions within the group, which may raise serious questions about the application of fossil data (from isolated shell valves). New analysis including characters from girdle armature and gill arrangements recovers some genera within the group but also points to the lack of monophyly within the main genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847. Additional characters from molecular data and soft anatomy, used in combination, are clearly needed to resolve questions of chiton relationships. However, the data sets currently available already provide interesting insights into the analytical power of traditional morphology as well as some knowledge about the early evolution and radiation of this group.


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We present new results from SEPPCoN, a Survey of Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. This project is currently surveying 100 Jupiter-family comets (JFCs) to measure the mid-infrared thermal emission and visible reflected sunlight of the nuclei. The scientific goal is to determine the distributions of radius, geometric albedo, thermal inertia, axial ratio, and color among the JFC nuclei. In the past we have presented results from the completed mid-IR observations of our sample [1]; here we present preliminary results from ongoing, broadband visible-wavelength observations of nuclei obtained from a variety of ground-based facilities (Mauna Kea, Cerro Pachon, La Silla, La Palma, Apache Point, Table Mtn., and Palomar Mtn.), including contributions from the Near Earth Asteroid Telescope project (NEAT) archive. The nuclei were observed at high heliocentric distance (usually over 4 AU) and so many comets show either no or little contamination from dust coma. While several nuclei have been observed as snapshots, we have multiepoch photometry for many of our targets. With our datasets we are building a large database of photometry, and such a database is essential to the derivation of albedo and shape of a large number of nuclei, and to the understanding of biases in the survey. Support for this work was provided by NSF and the NASA Planetary Astronomy program. Reference: [1] Fernandez, Y.R., et al. 2007, BAAS 39, 827.


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It is compulsory that domestic football/soccer teams in UEFA competitions organise players' pre-participation medicals. Although screening guidelines have been established, these remain controversial. The findings of medical examinations can have lasting consequences for athletes and doctors. No previous studies have reported UEFA pre-participation screening results in semi-professional footballers. This study aims to further knowledge regarding 'normal' data in this population.

Retrospective audit and analysis of records of pre-season medicals for all male first-team players at one semi-professional Northern Ireland Premiership team between 2009-2012. Medicals were conducted by the club doctor following the UEFA proforma. Height, weight, blood pressure (BP), full blood count (FBC), dipstick urinalysis and resting electrocardiogram (ECG) were conducted by an independent nurse. Only one ECG must be documented during a player's career; other tests are repeated yearly.

89 medicals from 47 players (6 goalkeepers, 11 defenders, 22 midfielders and 8 attackers; mean age 25.0 years (SD 4.86)) were reviewed. Mean height of the players was 179.3 cm (SD 5.90) with a mean weight of 77.6 kg (SD 10.5). Of 89 urine dipsticks, 7 were positive for protein; all 7 were normal on repeat testing following 48 hours of rest. Of 40 ECGs (mean ventricular rate 61.2 bpm (SD 11.6)), one was referred to cardiology (right bundle branch block; prolonged Q-T interval). No players were excluded from participation.

This study provides important information about 'normal' values in a population of semi-professional footballers. Urinalysis showing protein is not uncommon but is likely to be normal on repeat testing.