954 resultados para Central Iberian Zone
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es intentar conseguir, mediante la energía que ofrece el mar, un sistema de energía eléctrica autónoma para un pueblo de la Costa Vasca. Para ello, es necesario un estudio que permita obtener el flujo de potencia y la dirección óptima donde situar la central undimotriz, así como el mejor sistema para su aprovechamiento.
220 p.
This paper presents results related to a study of toxic heavy metals concentrations (Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn) in Crassostrea gasar (mangrove oyster). A comparative study is made between samples collected in urban region (Abidjan) and those from rural areas (Assinie-Mafia and Assouindé). Toxic metals concentrations in oyster samples collected in urban zone are higher than those in rural samples, as a result of chemical pollution due to urban and industrial wastes. Correlations between pollutants-weight of organisms and pollutants are good.
beta-Ga2O3: Cr single crystals were grown by floating zone technique. Absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra were measured at room temperature. The values of field splitting parameter Dq and Racah parameter B were obtained by the peak values of absorption spectra. The value 10Dq/B=23.14 manifests that in beta-Ga2O3 crystals Cr3+ ions are influenced by low energy crystal field. After high temperature annealing in air, the Cr3+ intrinsic emission was enhanced and the green luminescence disappeared. The strong and broad 691 nm emission was obtained at 420 nm excitation due to the electron transition occurred from T-4(2) to (4)A(2). The studies manifest that the beta-Ga2O3 crystals have the potential application for tunable laser.
[ES]El siguiente trabajo de fin de grado tiene por objeto la realización de un plan de marketing para la empresa Bilbao Central Hostel con el que pueda afrontar la apertura de un hostel en la ciudad de Vitoria – Gasteiz. Para la realización de este plan, me he basado en importantes referencias bibliográficas que describen como ha de desarrollarse un plan de marketing con el fin de definir los objetivos comerciales de Bilbao Central Hostel en un tiempo determinado detallando las estrategias y acciones que se van a seguir. Se iniciará con un análisis del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello se llevará a cabo de forma estructurada con el fin de que pueda afrontar la nueva apertura en la ciudad de Vitoria – Gasteiz.
A presente pesquisa sobre o gozo na clínica com mulheres devastadas teve como foco o lugar ocupado pelo gozo em seu aspecto mortífero, de excesso e falta de medida, que se manifesta no âmbito das parcerias amorosas. Partindo das experiências relatadas por algumas analisandas, que as descrevem como "sair do corpo", "ficar louca", "descontrolada" ou "fora de si", e das formulações psicanalíticas a respeito do gozo feminino, buscou-se discutir a questão a partir dos referenciais propostos por Freud e Lacan no que diz respeito à constituição da feminilidade e do feminino, tais como a catástrofe e a devastação na ligação com a mãe e com o parceiro, a forma erotomaníaca de amar, além das duas formas de gozo nas mulheres. Entre os temas abordados nesta dissertação destacam-se as operações da castração e do Complexo de Édipo, juntamente com o seu elemento central, o falo, que permitem trazer à discussão algumas consequências para as mulheres, sobretudo as posições implicadas, a saber: o falo e a mascarada. O conceito de gozo é examinado através de três ser mascarada articulações principais. Primeiramente, a tentativa de Freud, que parece a mais antiga na psicanálise, de circunscrever um gozo propriamente feminino, ligado à satisfação da pulsão pela via da zona vaginal; em segundo lugar, o pensamento de Lacan em Diretrizes para um congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina (1958), em que ele recupera a questão freudiana do congresso sobre a sexualidade feminina gozo feminino, e posteriormente no Seminário 7:a ética da psicanálise (1959-1960), desenvolvido durante o período de preparação para o referido congresso, no qual Lacan eleva o gozo ao estatuto de conceito. Como desdobramento, encontram-se algumas articulações clínicas acerca do gozo devastador nos relacionamentos amorosos, tomando como referência a personagem da Erwartung, op. 17 , de Arnold Schoenberg e as mulheres que encontramos no dia a dia da clínica.
Geryon quinquedens is present along the West African continental slope at depths from 300 to 1000 m, on silt-clay sediments. Geryon is a cold and rather poorly oxygenated water loving species. It is easily caught by traps as it is a scavenger and predatory crustacea. In a given area its distribution does not appear to be homogeneous: for example, densities of red crabs are higher in the eastern and western region of Côte d'Ivoire than in the central zone. Similar observations can be made off Congo, Angola and United States. It can be assumed that there is a relation between the abundance of Geryon and the productivity level of the area. Geographical variations of sex ratio are suspected to be correlated with the density distribution. Males and females have not the same bathymetric distribution: females are only common in the shallower waters (300-500 m) whereas males are present in the whole biotope. Seasonal migrations occur down and up the slope in both the sexes and are certainly related to the reproductive biology. Knowledge of the reproductive biology is also necessary to understand fishing-trap catch rate: egg maturation extends over several months and ovigerous females are exceptionally caught by traps; males also are less available during the same period (March to August) when migrations are less important; in this period, mean size increases and probably this happens at the end of a moult. From September to February the catch-rates increase. Growth is slow compared with other littoral Guinean Crustacea (Peneides). Females become sexually mature at a size of 80 mm (carapace width): modification in the allometric relations of abdomen and carapace are then conspicuous.
An Echo-Integration survey on the equator made during he GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment indicated an important biomass in the layer 0/100m. The changes of that biomass have been connected to hydrological conditions. Measurements of target strength have been made, and the biggest schools have been measured.
Foram aplicadas as técnicas de petrografia orgânica e palinologia no testemunho do poço TMB-01-SP, localizado na porção central da Bacia de Taubaté. A análise visual de 41 lâminas organopalinológicas e palinológicas permitiu individualizar três palinofácies e posicionar temporalmente a seção. A partir dos resultados das análises quantitativas do conteúdo orgânico, observou-se o predomínio de matéria orgânica amorfa de origem lacustre determinada pela presença de algas Botryococcus braunii e Pediastrum sp. Subordinadamente, verificou-se também a presença de grãos de pólen, esporos, fitoclastos e tecidos cutículares. Devido ao predomínio de matéria orgânica amorfa e algas lacustres com contribuições menores de material proveniente de vegetais superiores, foi possível classificar o querogênio como sendo dos tipos I e III. A matéria orgânica amorfa apresentou fluorescência moderada a alta na maior parte da seção (palinofácies 1 e 3) indicando um ambiente de sedimentação redutor predominante. Os resultados do índice de coloração de esporos (ICE) entre 1,5 e 2,5 indicaram zona imatura de geração de hidrocarbonetos. A partir das análises palinológicas foi possível observar uma rica e diversificada associação com 49 espécies identificadas, incluindo grãos de pólen, esporos, algas e fungos. Os resultados palinoestratigráficos permitiram correlacionar a seção analisada à palinozona Parvisaccites? sp. (Regali et al., 1974) que corresponde ao Oligoceno. Entre os palinomorfos diagnósticos de idade e ambiente deposicional foram identificados: Catinipollis geiseltalensis, Cicatricosisporites dorogensis, Dacrydiumites florinii, Echitriletes muelleri, Ephedripites tertiarius, Perisyncolporites pokornyi, Podocarpidites marwickii, Polypodiaceiosporites potoniei, Psilatricolporites operculatus, Quadraplanus sp., Ulmodeipites krempii e Verrucatosporites usmensis. Os sedimentos estudados foram depositados em um paleoambiente lacustre raso sob condições redutoras ao longo de praticamente toda a seção.
Redd counting is an integral part of most Fishery Officers duties. The number and distribution of salmonid redds throughout salmonid catchments provides invaluable information on the range and extent of spawning by both salmon and sea trout. A project was initiated by the Fisheries Science and Management Team of Central Area, North West Region in England in liaison with the Flood Defence function. The main objective of this project was to assess redd count data for Central Area and attempt to quantify these data in order to produce a grading system that would highlight key salmonid spawning areas. By showing which were the main areas for salmon and sea trout spawning, better informed decisions could be made on whether or not in-stream Flood Defence works should be given the go-ahead. The main salmonid catchments in Central Area were broken into individual reaches, approximately 1 km in length. The number of redds in these individual reaches were then calculated and a density per lkm value was obtained for each reach. A grading system was devised which involved looking at the range of density per km values and dividing this by five to produce 5 classes, A - E. A sixth class (F) was used where the density per Ion value was 0.00. This grading system was calculated at two levels of detail. Grades for salmon and sea trout were produced for each individual catchment and also on an Area-wide level. Maps were produced using a range of colours to represent the grade for each reach. These maps provide a highly useful overview of the status of salmonid spawning for each catchment over individual years and highlight the key salmon and sea trout spawning areas in each catchment. These maps and the associated summary data should now provide Flood Defence and Fisheries staff with a fairly detailed overview of the status of spawning in any location within the. main salmonid catchments in Central Area. Although these maps are very useful they should only be used as a guide. The current practice of consulting with the local Fishery Officer should be continued to ensure that expert local knowledge is taken into account.
The purpose of this report is to record key events/data and to outline the activities of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function during 1994. The Rivers looked at include the Ribble, Lune, Hodder and Wyre. The issues that the report looks at includes Hydrological and meterological data, catch data for salmon and sea trout, fish kills, and fish stocking. It also lists the Micro-tag returns for 1994 and the six key objectives that the Central Area Fisheries Function has set itself for 1995. The report uses a range of different graphs and tables to display their data.
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1995. Rivers include the Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also looks at rod and net catches for salmon and sea trout, micro-tag returns, the drought, the results of the 1995 objectives set the year before and the key objectives for 1996.
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1996. Rivers are Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, promotional events that it was involved with; communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also includes catch data for net and rod catches for Salmon and Sea trout; the results of the objectives made last year and key objectives for next year.
From 2001 to 2006, 71 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on five species of pelagic shark (blue shark [Prionace glauca]; shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]; silky shark [Carcharhinus falciformis]; oceanic whitetip shark [C. longimanus]; and bigeye thresher [Alopias superciliosus]) in the central Pacific Ocean to determine species-specific movement patterns and survival rates after release from longline fishing gear. Only a single postrelease mortality could be unequivocally documented: a male blue shark which succumbed seven days after release. Meta-analysis of published reports and the current study (n=78 reporting PSATs) indicated that the summary effect of postrelease mortality for blue sharks was 15% (95% CI, 8.5–25.1%) and suggested that catch-and-release in longline fisheries can be a viable management tool to protect parental biomass in shark populations. Pelagic sharks displayed species-specific depth and temperature ranges, although with significant individual temporal and spatial variability in vertical movement patterns, which were also punctuated by stochastic events (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Pelagic species can be separated into three broad groups based on daytime temperature preferences by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging clustering on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dmax distance matrix: 1) epipelagic species (silky and oceanic whitetip sharks), which spent >95% of their time at temperatures within 2°C of sea surface temperature; 2) mesopelagic-I species (blue sharks and shortfin makos, which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 9.7° to 26.9°C and from 9.4° to 25.0°C, respectively; and 3) mesopelagic-II species (bigeye threshers), which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 6.7° to 21.2°C. Distinct thermal niche partitioning based on body size and latitude was also evident within epipelagic species.