961 resultados para Carboxyl-terminal Fragment


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo fornecer elementos para que outros estudos venham a se desenvolver, como forma de aperfeiçoar e/ou complementá-los. A preocupação primordial que orientou este trabalho foi fornecer, tanto aos investidores, quanto aos executivos que atuam ou pretendem atuar na área, subsídios sobre a problemática gerada no mercado imobiliário, com especial atenção ao mercado de apartamentos residenciais. Assim, foram estabelecidos conceitos teóricos de "marketing", que identificam os problemas a serem tratados. No Capítulo II, mostra-se que à medida que evolui o ambiente onde atuam as empresas, um maior número de fatores passa a influenciar as decisões mercadológicas. Por conseguinte, torna-se necessário adotar procedimentos para uma adequada percepção e aproveitamento das oportunidades que o mercado oferece.


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It is a Cross-sectional and multi-disciplinary study whose population selection was made by department of human resources (composed by a Manager, an Oncologist and a Psychologist) from the hospital where this research was realized. They also collaborated with important information about the work of that professionals in the hospital. We also counted on a Statistic who made study design calculating the sample and analyzing data. This research issued Evaluating health professionals anxiety levels who care for cancer terminally ill and their feelings about that work as well as identifying the factors which have influence on it. 100 health professionals from the Hospital which is a reference on cancer caring in Brazil situated in the city of Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, participated of this research. There was a sample loss of 21%. Data were collected through a questionnaire and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Results showed that 15% of the professionals have low State Anxiety levels, 70% Medium State Anxiety levels and 15% high State anxiety levels. The Number of Patients and Working in another Institution have interfered in the anxiety levels. Doctors and Nursing Assistants and Technicians have got the highest high State Anxiety percentage (25%). 73% of them declare to feel some sort of different behavior and/or feelings in caring for terminally ill. The most remarkable professionals feelings were Suffering and Sadness, and Terminally ill Children was the most difficult age group to care for. We conclude that work overload and having more than one job can interfere in professional stress levels and anxiety. Dealing with terminally ill, specially children one, can cause on the professionals psychological suffering. It s recommended the development of supporting and training strategies to reduce and/or to prevent Stress and Anxiety high levels


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Fluorescence amplified fragment length polymorphism (fAFLP) was used to assess the genetic relatedness of 40 Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human and animal skin samples in seven dairy farms with manual milking. S. aureus was isolated from 11 out of 30 (36%) human skin samples and from 29 out of 100 (29%) teat skin samples from apparently healthy cows. Genomic DNA from each isolate was double-digested with EcoRI and MseI and complementary oligonucleotide adaptors were ligated to the restriction fragments. Pre-selective and selective, amplification reactions were performed, the amplified fragments were separated by electrophoresis in an ABI377 sequencer and analysed using GeneScan 3.1 and Genotyper 2.5. Three single isolates (a-c), a predominant cluster with 35 isolates (d) and another cluster with two isolates (e) were identified. Both clusters d and e included human and animal isolates genetically related, because the profiles had 90-100% homology. Since no cluster was comprised uniquely of human or animal isolates and given the close genetic relatedness among human and animal samples in the farms, the present findings support the. hypothesis that dairy workers can spread S. aureus through manual milking. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Bola-DRB3 gene participates in the development of the immune response and is highly polymorphic. For these reasons, it has been a candidate gene in studies of the genetic basis of disease resistance and in population genetic analysis. South American native cattle breeds have been widely replaced by improved exotic breeds leading to a loss of genetic resources. In particular South American native breeds have high levels of fertility and disease resistance. This work describes genetic variability in the BoLA-DRB3 gene in native (Caracu, Pantaneiro, Argentinean Creole) and exotic (Holstein, Jersey, Nelore, Gir) cattle breeds in Brazil and Argentina. PCR-RFLP alleles were identified by combining the restriction patterns for the BoLA-DRB3.2 locus obtained with RsaI, BstY, and HaeIII restriction enzymes. Allelic frequencies and deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were also calculated. Analysis of the 24 BoLA-DRB3 PCR-RFLP alleles identified showed differences in the allele distributions among breeds.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O LMV ocorre em todo o mundo e é considerado um dos patógenos mais importantes para a cultura da alface. de acordo com a habilidade em contornar os genes de resistência mo1¹ e mo1² encontrados em alface, os isolados de LMV podem ser dividos em dois sub-grupos: LMV-Most, capazes de contornar a resistência propiciada por estes genes e de serem transmitidos pela semente nestas cutivares, e LMV-Common, que não são capazes de causar sintomas nestes cultivares, além de serem transmitidos pela semente somente em cultivares suscetíveis. Para avaliar a ocorrência destes dois tipos de isolados de LMV foram coletadas, durante 2002-2005, amostras de alface com sintomas de mosaico em áreas de produção de alface comercial das regiões de Campinas, Mogi das Cruzes e Bauru no estado de São Paulo. O RNA total foi utilizado para detecção por RT-PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos universais para LMV que amplificam a porção N-terminal variável da capa protéica, localizada no terminal 3´do genoma. As amostras positivas foram analisadas por um segundo primer que amplifica um fragmento da região central (CI-VPg) do genoma viral. Um total de 1362 amostras foram avaliadas, tendo sido detectado o LMV em 504 amostras (37,29%). O LMV-Common prevaleceu em variedades suscetíveis (77,3%). O LMV-Most foi encontrado frequentemente associado a variedades portadoras do gene de tolerância mo1¹. Apesar da existência dos LMV-Most capazes de contornar a resistência em alface, estes não predominam em nossa condições.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os significados que alunos de medicina atribuem à experiência de cuidar de pacientes em fase terminal. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas individuais com vinte e quatro estudantes de medicina de uma universidade paulista. As convergências dos depoimentos dos participantes foram agrupadas em três categorias: a) deparando-se com o mundo da doença terminal/morte; b) relação com o paciente e sua família; c) reflexão sobre o cuidar do paciente terminal. Nos depoimentos, os estudantes expressam ansiedade ao cuidar deste tipo de paciente, assim como as dificuldades em lidar com os próprios sentimentos. Consideram-se pouco preparados para relacionar-se com esses pacientes, mas aprenderam com a experiência vivida. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a necessidade de se introduzirem, na formação médica, conteúdos visando desenvolver competências interpessoais e capacidade de reflexão sobre questões de ética e deontologia médica, envolvendo a terminalidade da vida.


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Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.


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Speciation of Taenia in human stool is important because of their different clinical and epidemiological features. DNA analysis has recently become possible which overcomes the problems of differentiating human taeniid cestodes morphologically. In the present study, we evaluated PCR coupled to restriction fragment length polymorphism to differentiate Taenia solium from Taenia saginata eggs present in fecal samples from naturally infected patients. A different Dral-RFLP pattern: a two-band pattern (421 and 100 bp) for T saginata and a three-band pattern (234, 188, and 99 bp) for T solium was observed allowing the two species to be separated.. The lower detection limit of the PCR-RFLP using a non-infected fecal sample prepared with a given number of T saginata eggs was 34 eggs in 2 g stool sediment. The 521 bp mtDNA fragment was detected in 8 out of 12 Taenia sp. carriers (66.6%). of these, three showed a T solium pattern and five a T saginata pattern. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dental trauma is more common in young patients and its sequelae may impair the establishment and accomplishment of an adequate treatment plan. This paper reports a case of complicated crown-root fracture in a young adult that was treated using adhesive tooth fragment reattachment and orthodontic root extrusion. Considering the time elapsed to follow up, the fracture extension, the amount of remaining root portion and the patient's low socioeconomic status, the treatment approach proposed for this case provided good functional and aesthetic outcomes. Clinical and radiographic results after 2 years were successful. This case report demonstrates the importance of establishing a multidisciplinary approach for a successful dental trauma management.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The social wasp P. paulista is relatively common in southeast Brazil causing many medically important stinging incidents. The seriousness of these incidents is dependent on the amount of venom inoculated by the wasps into the victims, and the characteristic envenomation symptoms are strongly dependent on the types of peptides present in the venom. In order to identify some of these naturally occurring peptides available in very low amounts, an analytical protocol was developed that uses a combination of reversed-phase and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of wasp venom for peptide purification, with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight post-source decay mass spectrometry (MALDI-Tof-PSD-MS) and low-energy collision-induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (QTof-MS/MS) instrument for peptide sequencing at the sub-picomole level. The distinction between Leu and Ile was achieved both by observing d-type fragment ions obtained under CID conditions and by comparison of retention times of the natural peptides and their synthetic counterparts (with different combinations of I and/or L at N- and C-terminal positions). To distinguish the isobaric residues K and Q, acetylation of peptides was followed by Q-Tof-MS analysis. The primary sequences obtained were INWLKLGKMVIDAL-NH2 (MW 1611.98Da) and IDWLKLGKMVMDVL-NH2 (MW 1658.98Da). Micro-scale bioassay protocols characterized both peptides as presenting potent hemolytic action, mast cell degranulation, and chemotaxis of poly-morphonucleated leukocyte (PMNL) cells. The primary sequences and the bioassay results suggest that these toxins constitute members of a new sub-class of mastoparan toxins, directly involved in the occurrence of inflammatory processes after wasp stinging. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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The establishment of plant species depends crucially on where the seeds are deposited. However, since most studies have been conducted in continuous forests, not much is known about the effects of forest fragmentation on the maintenance of abiotic and biotic characteristics in microhabitats and their effects on seed survival. in this study, we evaluated the effects of forest fragmentation on the predation upon the seeds of the palm Syagrus romanzoffiana in three microhabitats (interior forest, forest edge and gaps) in eight fragments of semi-deciduous Atlantic forest ranging in size from 9.5 ha to 33,845 ha in southeastern Brazil. Specifically, we examined the influence of the microhabitat structure, fauna and fragment size on the pattern of seed predation. Fragments < 100 ha showed similar abiotic and biotic characteristics to those of the forest edge, with no seed predation in these areas. Forest fragments 230-380 ha in size did not present safe sites for S. romanzoffiana seed survival and showed high seed predation intensity in all microhabitats evaluated. In fragments larger than 1000 ha, the seed predation was lower, with abiotic and biotic differences among gaps, interior forests and forest edges. In these fragments, the survival of S. romanzoffiana seeds was related to squirrel abundance and interior forest maintenance. Based on these results, we concluded that there are no safe sites for S. romanzoffiana seed establishment in medium- and small-sized fragments as result of the biotic and abiotic pressure, respectively We suggest that on these forest fragments, management plans are needed for the establishment of S. romanzoffiana, such as interior forest improvement and development in small-sized sites in order to minimize the edge effects, and on medium-sized fragments, we suggest post-dispersal seed protection in order to avoid seed predation by vertebrates. our findings also stress the importance of assessing the influence of forest fragmentation on angiosperm reproductive biology as part of the effective planning for the management of fragmented areas. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.