971 resultados para Capacidade de carga


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Introduction: Physical exercise are related to high oxygen consumption, leading to increase on reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and subsequent oxidative stress. Concomitantly, physical training can improve the antioxidant defense systems, reducing the deleterious activity of ROS. The yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) has several bioactive compounds in its composition, providing important antioxidant activity in improving defense systems and reducing the damage caused by ROS. Few studies related to yerba mate with antioxidant effects during exercise. Objective: Evaluate whether the consumption-based drink yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is able to increase the total antioxidant performance (TAP) after an exhaustive test on a treadmill. Methods: The sample counted with 15 female soccers players from Botucatu-SP female soccer team with a mean age of 22.1 ± 4.2 years. For laboratory tests , it was evaluated: triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and fractions, glucose and gamma-GT were dosed by dry chemistry (Vitros® System, Johnson & Johnson). LDL-cholesterol was obtained by Friedwald formula. Total antioxidant performance (TAP) was obtained by the method of fluorescence assay for the measurement of plasma. Weight, height and body mass index (IMC) were measured, percentage of body fat was obtained by bioeletrical impedance analysis (Biodinâmics, modelo 450, USA). Arterial blood pressure was checked by auscultatory method and cardiorespiratory fitness was determined by ergoespirometric test (Ramp Protocol). Maltodextrin was supplemented (30 g in 400 ml) 30 minutes after M0 with placebo (400 ml) or mate (5 g in 400 ml of water). Statistical analysis: ANOVA for repeated measures followed by Tukey's test set, p<0.05. Results: There was a decrease in the pH after exhaustive testing for water and tea (p<0.0001), the same was observed for bicarbonate (p<0.0001). In both groups pO₂ increased for ...


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The study and selection of an equipment of air conditioner for any type of environment, should be made without overestimate or undersizing the project. The undersizing does not provide an adequate comfort temperature if the environment is too hot because the air conditioner does not remove all the heat necessary in the environment. But if the project is oversized, energy consumption is higher and there is an unnecessary cost. To prevent these failures is necessary to make a calculation of the thermal load on the environment and choose the equipment that has a higher cooling capacity than the calculated heat load and closer to the calculated heat load. In this graduate work will be chosen an air-conditioned equipment for bus, showing the calculations made for the thermal load for various types of heat gain in this type of vehicle. The thermal load on vehicles is more complicated to calculate than in areas because there are several factors that vary with the movement of the vehicle. It will also explain the compression refrigeration cycle, which is the cooling system used in vehicles because it is weightless, compact and lower cost. From the calculated heat load, it will be chosen an air conditioner that best suits the project and, finally, a brief presentation of the selected equipment will be made


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A Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) é considerada um problema mundial de saúde pública. O paciente com DRC apresenta baixa tolerância ao exercício físico e como conseqüência apresenta limitações na capacidade funcional e força muscular respiratória. O paciente com DRC em programa de hemodiálise pode sofrer impactos negativos na sua capacidade funcional. Objetivo: Avaliar a capacidade funcional e a força muscular respiratória associada ao exercício físico em pacientes com doença renal crônica que realizam hemodiálise. Metodologia: 28 pacientes de ambos os sexos com idade entre 40 e 60 anos participaram do estudo, em programa de hemodiálise no Instituto do Rim da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Presidente Prudente-SP. Os pacientes foram avaliados pela força muscular inspiratória (PImax) e força muscular expiratória (PEmax) pela manovacuometria e Teste de Caminhada de Seis Minutos (TC6’) para avaliar a capacidade funcional. Após as avaliações, os pacientes iniciaram o programa de atividade física, com duração de oito semanas, realizado 3 vezes por semana durante 40 minutos na hemodiálise. Ao final do programa de exercícios físicos, os pacientes foram reavaliados. Resultados: Na avaliação da força muscular respiratória o valor da PImax pós foi significativamente maior que o valor obtido na avaliação pré programa (p<0,05), para a variável PEmax não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os momentos pré e pós intervenção (p<0,05). As avaliações da capacidade funcional ou Teste de Caminhada de Seis Minutos (TC6’) inicial e após o programa de exercícios, não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p<0,05). Dados da Escala de Borg indicaram redução significativa do cansaço e dispnéia (p<0,05), após o programa de exercícios. Os indicadores relativos à dor foram reduzidos, após o programa, em relação ao pré (p<0,05). Conclusão:... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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With growing electricty demand, the importance of generation through hydropower, a renewable energy source, it’s of great importance. This demand derives from the country’s growth, as well as events that will occur in the coming years. The commission has a crucial role before the entry into operation of hydroelectric plant, sice, ensures a good operation of hydraulic and electrical systems, as well as the safety of the installation. This paper is a case study, commissioning in a PCH in especially the most important tests, such as range operation, índex tes and load rejection. In these trials we can get a Idea of the actual behavior of the unit, as well as future operation maneuvers, and evidence of real efficiency


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A formação do trombo arterial, composto predominantemente por plaquetas, se dá sob condições de estresse de cisalhamento elevado, nos locais de lesão aterosclerótica vascular e fluxo sanguíneo perturbado e tem como consequência diminuição ou obstrução do calibre dos vasos dos diferentes órgãos podendo levar a eventos isquêmicos. As doenças cardiovasculares são consideradas as principais causas de morte no mundo. Nesse contexto, estima-se que a aterosclerose/aterotrombose seja a causa primária de doença arterial coronariana e acidente vascular cerebral representado mais de 50% das causas de mortes em países ocidentais . É sabido que a aterosclerose, primeiro evento que predispõe à aterotrombose, é considerada um processo inflamatório crônico, e que a utilização de antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) COX-1, melhor estabilizam a estrutura da placa ateromatosa impedindo o rompimento e a consequente formação do trombo. Neste contexto, no presente trabalho foram obtidos de novos candidatos a fármacos com propriedades doadoras de NO e antiagregantes plaquetárias, através da estratégia de hibridação molecular dos AINEs contendo uma subunidade doadora de óxido nítrico, representada pelos furoxanos, e espaçada por uma subunidade N-acil hidrazônica. Dessa forma, a inibição da síntese de tromboxanos associada à doação de óxido nítrico permitiu atuação nas plaquetas através de um mecanismo múltiplo de ação com fins de diminuição da agregação plaquetária. Os produtos intermediários e finais apresentaram bons rendimentos e foram caracterizados por técnicas analíticas as quais predisseram que as estruturas propostas foram obtidas. Todos os compostos se como doadores de óxido nítrico. Os compostos 1a e 3a apresentaram atividade analgésica superior a dipirona, utilizada como controle. No ensaio de agregação plaquetária ―in vitro‖... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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In the eld of synthetical materials, often called in the literature as organic/molecular conductors or charge-transfer salts, the most prominient examples are the quasi onedimensional systems (TMTTF)2X and (TMTSF)2X, where TMTTF, TMTSF and X refers to tetrametiltetratiafuvaline, tetrametiltetraselenafuvaline and a monovalent anion (X = PF6


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Introdução: A lesão mais comumente encontrada na população ativa é a entorse de tornozelo. Cerca de 40% destes casos continuam a manifestar sensação de instabilidade articular mesmo após a fase aguda da lesão, caracterizando a instabilidade funcional do tornozelo (IFT). A IFT está relacionada com déficits proprioceptivos e redução na capacidade de produção de força e potência muscular. Haja vista que o basquetebol é um esporte com grande incidência de lesões no tornozelo faz-se necessário o entendimento de métodos de avaliação de baixo custo, que possam contribuir para a prevenção deste tipo de lesão em atletas. Objetivo: Nesse sentido, o presente estudo, tem como objetivo identificar os parâmetros de torque, atividade eletromiográfica, senso de reposicionamento articular e a pontuação em teste funcional em jogadoras de basquetebol com tornozelo estável. Correlacionar os valores de torque, atividade eletromiográfica e do senso de reposionamento articular com a pontuação dos testes funcionais em individuos saudáveis. Método: Participaram deste estudo 6 atletas do gênero feminino praticantes do basquetebol com idade entre 18 e 25 anos. As voluntárias realizaram os seguintes testes: torque isocinético concêntrico em inversão (INV) e eversão (EVE) nas velocidades de 60º e 120º, cinco testes funcionais e teste de reposicionamento articular com os ângulos-alvo de 10º e 20º de inversão. Após a verificação da normalidade de distribuição dos dados com o teste Shapiro-Wilk, utilizou-se o teste de Correlação Spearman para verificar a correlação dos testes funcionais com o pico de torque, o sinal EMG e o reposicionamento articular. Resultados: Não foi encontrados resultados esperados no estudo, exceto na correlação negativa para os valores de RMS do TA na velocidade de 120º nas contrações isocinética...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Solar energy can be considered the largest source of energy available on earth and has attracted in recent decades, attention and interest for its rational use. The use of energy sources in a sustainable manner is essential to the survival of future generations, due to the scarcity of natural resources and their exploitation in a disorderly way. Studies related to the applications of renewable sources becomes then relevant, given its great importance as regards the conscious use of resources provided by nature, with the least possible impact on it. The present study presents an evaluation of generation potential and feasibility of implementing a solar photovoltaic connected to the grid and connected to the roofs of some buildings of the Faculty of Engineering of Guaratinguetá - FEG, to supply the demand of electric energy consumption on campus and attempting to inject a possible surplus power generation in local power grid, increasing network capacity and reducing peak loads


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A presença de parasitas, que podem afetar inúmeros aspectos da biologia de seus hospedeiros, possivelmente levando a uma queda em seu desempenho. Entretanto, ao longo do estabelecimento da associação parasita-hospedeiro, alterações na fisiologia e morfologia deste último podem representar mecanismos compensatórios para os danos causados pelos parasitas. Sendo assim, carga parasitária deve ser um importante determinante do valor adaptativo (fitness) do hospedeiro. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estabelecer possíveis correlações entre carga parasitária, massas de diversos órgãos e desempenho locomotor no sapo-cururu, Rhinella ictericus (Anura: Bufonidae). O desempenho locomotor dos indivíduos capturados de R. ictericus foi medido através do uso de uma pista circular de madeira. Durante um período de 10 minutos, os animais foram forçados a manter desempenho locomotor constante e a distância total percorrida foi corrigida para o comprimento rostro-cloacal. Depois das medidas de desempenho locomotor, os órgãos internos foram dissecados, tendo seus parasitas contabilizados. As massas de todos os órgãos escalaram positivamente com a massa corpórea. O número de parasitas nos pulmões e o índice corpóreo também se mostraram positivamente relacionados à variação em massa corpórea. Indivíduos com maior carga parasitária intestinal foram também aqueles que apresentaram um maior número total de parasitas, sugerindo a existência de variação individual na susceptibilidade a diferentes parasitas. O desempenho locomotor foi negativamente associado à carga parasitária total, demonstrando um efeito deletério causado pelos parasitas ao hospedeiro em um aspecto crucial de sua história de vida. Hospedeiros com maior carga parasitária pulmonar apresentaram maior massa intestinal e renal, sugerindo possíveis mecanismos compensatórios dos possíveis danos causados pelos parasitas


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Due to greater productivity in the auto industry and the high competition in the current market, employees are required to perform repeated movements and often, with short intervals of rest. This daily exposure causes muscle tension and overloads occasional, thus creating problems and psychosocial stress. Currently companies are concerned with the welfare of the employee, where the main focus is product quality and life of the worker, thus justifying such a study. Therefore , this technical work to assist the master's thesis of graduate student Daniel Rodriguez , was developed with the objective is to analyze , develop, design and construct a coupled to a load cell device simulating a stitcher to be used in an industry the posts stapling upholstery of seats . Are the stages of design and construction detailed in this work and its positive results in relation to the technical part of the study


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Mood States are feelings auto regulation deliver to individual better quality of life and healthy aging. The declines of the aging process can be minimized with the regular practice of physical activity and systematized. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a dance program in mood states, depressive symptoms and functional capacity in elderly participants of PROFIT. METHOD: The sample was composed of 20 elderly people. The Training Group was formed by 15 elders who participated in a protocol of dance with duration of 1 hour, three times per week, for 12 weeks and the Control Group, composed of 5 elderly, did not attend any program of physical activity. The participants were evaluated by the List of States of Mind Reduced and Illustrated, Geriatric Depression Scale and the battery of tests of AAHPERD. For the mood states was used non-parametric analysis, according to the technique of Binomial Analysis. To compare the components of functional capacity between the groups was used analysis of variance for repeated measures two-way ANOVA and the level of significance was set at 5 %. RESULTS: The functional components remained favorable, highlighting Agility (pre = 21.03 ± 1.64 sec./ post = 18.63 ± 2.26 sec.) And aerobic endurance (pre = 495.94 ± 46.48 sec. / post = 448.01 ± 12.27 sec.). In the comparison between positive and negative functional levels and mood states showed no relationship between these variables, dealing with different aspects and has influence one another. The state post-dancing sessions mood in GT were more positive even for elderly patients with depressive symptoms even unproven statistically, depressive symptoms were maintained or reduced mostly. CONCLUSION: The dance practice maintains the functionality of components; modifies mood states to positive levels and reduces or prevents the onset of depressive symptoms and complications in elderly


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The technologies are advancing at a pace so expressive that allow the increase of the power quality from generation until the distribution to end customers. This improvement has been made possible through the automation of the energy that follows to a better quality of the energy provided, a lower energy supply disruptions and a very short recovery time. The trend of today and the near future is the distributed energy generation. To keep the automated control of the chain, the presence of Smart Grids is needed and that will be the most efficient and economical way to manage the entire system. Within this theme, is going to be necessary analyze the electric cars that promise to promote a more sustainable transport because it doesn’t uses fossil fuels, and more healthy because it does not emit pollutants into the atmosphere. The popularization of this type of vehicle is estimated to happen in a few decades and the case study analyzing its influence on the demand of the electrical system is something that will be very important in the near future. This paper presents a study of the influence of the inclusion of charges refering to electric cars


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This paper presents a case study in a largebeverage company,which suffers fromlack of inputs. Through 5 Whys analysis,it was possible to find the root causes of the problem: the bad fleet sizing deliveriesand low capacityof storage of inputs. Through the use of simulation, it was possible to determine theactual fleet required, and it was alsoquantified thespace required for thestorage ofloads.Based on these results andconsidering the cost, it waspossible todetermine which the most effective solutions toreducing the initialproblem: the increase of storage capacity, considered the best option, even demanding time, or the increase of the fleet, considered a stopgap measure to partially solve the problem until the first solution is finalized


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The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of previous exercise on the determination of critical power (CP). Seven apparently healthy nontrained males, of 18 to 25 years, participated of this study. The subjects were submitted, in different days to the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) one progressive test until voluntary exhaustion for the determination of lactate threshold (LL), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and its corresponding intensity (IVO2max); 2) six constant workload tests at 95,100 and 110% IVO2max until exhaustion with and without a previous exercise at 70% , in random order. The exhaustion times (tlim) at 95, 100 and 110% IVO2max were adjusted forme thress models of two parameters to estimate CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) [P=CTAn/tlim)+CP; tlim = CTAn/(P-PC); P=PC.tlim+ CTAn]. The model with the lowest standard error was considered for the estimation of CP. The tlim at 95% IVO2max was similar without (501 ± 140 s) and with previous exercise (473 ± 99 s). However, the tlim at 100% (381 ± 103 s and 334 ± 101 s) and 110% IVO2max (267 ± 163 s and 227 ± 68 s) was significantly longer with previous exercise. There was no significant difference in CP and AWCat conditions without (200 ± 27 W and 23 ± 11 kJ, respectively) and with previous exercise (212 ± 30 W and 18 ± 8 kJ, respectively). It can be concluded that the parameters of the relationship between power and time were not modified by the previous severe exercise