969 resultados para Bulbar Muscular-atrophy


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar los cambios en la oxigenación muscular del recto anterior durante la realización del ejercicio de sentadilla según el tipo de recuperación. Para ello, 11 sujetos varones bien entrenados fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente a tres grupos experimentales: grupo que realiza recuperación pasiva con 2 minutos de descanso (GC), grupo que realiza recuperación activa hasta la estabilización de oxígeno (GA), grupo que realiza recuperación pasiva hasta la estabilización de oxígeno (GP). Todos realizaron la sentadilla hasta los 90º al 65% del 1RM con un 80% del carácter del esfuerzo (CE) (4x10). Los resultados muestran que el tiempo de reoxigenación (TrecSmO2) fue inferior significativamente en GA (77,94 ± 11,08) que en GC (p<0.001). En las inclinaciones medias de ejecución y reoxigenación el GA obtuvo los menores y mayores valores respectivamente y de forma significativa respecto a GC (p<0.001). Estas dos variables obtuvieron una relación inversamente proporcional con una r=-0.9585 (p<0.001). Estos resultados muestran una mejor reoxigenación en el grupo que realizó descanso de forma activa. Se muestra una relación inversamente proporcional entre la inclinaciones de ejecución y recuperación por lo que cuanto más rápida y completa sea la desoxigenación más lenta resultará la reoxigenación. Además, la saturación de oxígeno puede ser un factor de la fatiga neuromuscular y su control durante el entrenamiento de fuerza podría facilitar los objetivos de entrenamiento. Estos resultados muestran, a priori, una mejor recuperación entre series a nivel oxidativo cuando los sujetos realizan una recuperación de forma activa, en comparación con la pasiva.


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Objective: Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), caused by decreased levels of estrogen, is a common problem in aging women. Main symptoms of VVA are vaginal dryness and dyspareunia. First-line treatment consists of the application of local estrogen therapy (ET) or vaginal moisturizer. In some cases however, symptoms and signs persist despite those interventions. This case study describes a 77-year-old woman with severe VVA symptoms despite use of local ET and the addition of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training to her treatment. Methods: A patient with stress urinary incontinence and VVA was referred to a randomized clinical trial on PFM training. On pretreatment evaluation while on local ET, she showed VVA symptoms on the ICIQ Vaginal Symptoms questionnaire and the ICIQ-Female Sexual Matters associated with lower urinary tract Symptoms questionnaire, and also showed VVA signs during the physical and dynamometric evaluation of the PFM. She was treated with a 12-week PFM training program. Results: The patient reported a reduction in vaginal dryness and dyspareunia symptoms, as well as a better quality of sexual life after 12 weeks of PFM training. On posttreatment physical evaluation, the PFMs' tone and elasticity were improved, although some other VVA signs remained unchanged. Conclusions: Pelvic floor muscle training may improve some VVA symptoms and signs in women taking local ET. Further study is needed to investigate and confirm the present case findings and to explore mechanisms of action of this intervention for VVA.


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Antecedentes: Los trastornos musculo-esqueléticos son una de las primeras causas de ausentismo laboral y afectan con mayor frecuencia columna y miembros. El personal de enfermería está expuesto a riesgo biomecánico superior dado por la manipulación manual de pacientes. Estimar la magnitud de asociación entre dolor osteo-muscular y carga biomecánica por movilización de pacientes en personal de enfermería y, los factores que modifican tal efecto, es de gran importancia en el ámbito laboral en busca de estrategias de prevención de enfermedades de origen laboral. Objetivo: determinar los factores predictores de dolor osteo-muscular en trabajadores de enfermería en un centro hospitalario de alta complejidad. Materiales y métodos: Estudio analítico transversal, en el que participaron 141 personas, quienes otorgaron su consentimiento informado. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: edad≥ 18 años, estudiantes, practicantes, auxiliares y jefes de enfermería asistenciales de salas de cirugía y hospitalización, antigüedad mínima de 2 meses en el cargo. Se utilizaron como criterios de exclusión: personal de enfermería en cargos administrativos y de las áreas de urgencias y cuidados intensivos, trabajadores con diagnóstico establecido artrosis, osteoartritis o artritis reumatoide, mujeres gestantes. Para lograr los objetivos aplicó el Cuestionario Nórdico, el cuestionario internacional de actividad física IPAQ y la metodología MAPO. Resultados: La frecuencia global de dolor osteo-muscular en el último año fue de 55%, implicando más frecuentemente columna lumbar, columna dorsal y miembro superior. Se evaluaron los servicios de onco-hematología, hospitalización y salas de cirugía y las clasificaciones de MAPO fueron medio a alto, no hubo áreas con riesgo irrelevante. Mediante análisis de regresión logística multivariada, se pudo determinar que los principales predictores de dolor osteo-muscular son trabajar en un área con MAPO nivel alto (OR=2,236, con respecto a MAPO medio) y en el turno de la mañana (OR=2,355, con respecto a turno en la tarde/noche).


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Objetivo: Estimar la relación entre indicadores de desempeño muscular y estado nutricional con la velocidad/agilidad, en una muestra de escolares de instituciones educativas del Distrito de Bogotá, Colombia, perteneciente al estudio FUPRECOL. Materiales y Métodos: estudio transversal, en 2803 niños y 3952 niñas (58.5 %), entre 9 y 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas del sector oficial, en Bogotá, Colombia. La velocidad/agilidad se evaluó con la prueba de carrera de ida y vuelta 4x10 m y los indicadores de fuerza muscular fueron medidos por medio de fuerza prensil, salto longitudinal. Las asociaciones se estimaron por medio de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: el 74.6 % de las mujeres y el 68.6 % de los varones mostraron bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad; en mujeres, el modelo de regresión logística binario se observa que aquellas que tener bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad se asociaba con obesidad (OR 2.25 IC 95 % 1.53-3.11), sobrepeso (OR 1.43 IC 95 % 1.19-1.72), bajos niveles de salto longitudinal (OR 2.06 IC 95 % 1.73-2.44) y tener valores de fuerza prensi no saludable (OR 1.45 IC 95 % 1.25-1.88). En hombres, tener entre 9-12 años, (OR 1.89 IC 95% 1.53-2.53), padecer de sobrepeso (OR 2.11 IC 95% 1.63-2.74) u obesidad (OR 3.00 IC 95% 2.03-4.43), se asoció con bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad. Conclusión: se encontró que un alto porcentaje de la muestra estudiada tiene bajos niveles de velocidad/agilidad; adicionalmente, se observó una fuerte relación entre los indicadores de adiposidad y desempeño muscular, con los niveles de velocidad/agilidad. Se sugiere la implementación de programas escolares, que contrarresten la aparición de manifestaciones de riesgo cardiometabólico.


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A natação competitiva é uma modalidade onde os praticantes realizam grandes volumes de treino diário, na qual a força propulsiva é obtida essencialmente pelos membros superiores, sendo fácil perceber que poderá ocorrer uma sobrecarga do complexo articular do ombro, que promove o desequilíbrio muscular das suas estruturas (Kluemper, Uhl & Hazelrigg, 2006). As lesões na coifa dos rotadores são comuns em natação devido à realização de inúmeras repetições de gestos técnicos que envolvem o complexo articular em causa e afetam nadadores de todas as idades e de todos os níveis (Johnson, Gauvin & Fredericson, 2003), sendo mesmo a lesão músculo-esquelética que mais afeta os nadadores de competição (Walker, Gabbe, Wajswelner, Blanch & Bennell, 2012). A incidência das dores nos ombros atinge 52% dos nadadores de elite e 27% dos nadadores que não são de elite. Também 47% dos nadadores entre os 10 e os 18 anos de idade e 66% dos nadadores seniores, já teve um episódio de dor no ombro (Heinlein & Cosgarea, 2010). De acordo com a literatura consultada, são vários os fatores de risco para a ocorrência de lesões no ombro em nadadores: laxidão e amplitude de movimentos da articulação glenoumeral, discinesia escapular, desequilíbrios de força na coifa dos rotadores, o género, o nível de natação competitiva, técnica e distância de nado e o uso de palas durante os treinos (Walker et al., 2012). Os músculos rotadores dos ombros, desempenham um papel fundamental na mobilidade e estabilidade da articulação glenoumeral. Ligeiros desequilíbrios na relação entre os RI e os RE do ombro, podem potencializar disfunções ou lesões articulares (Batalha et al., 2012). Desequilíbrios musculares no ombro, indicados por um baixo valor de rácio entre os RE e os RI, têm sido observados em pacientes com instabilidade articular glenoumeral, sendo considerado um fator de risco de lesão no ombro (Niederbracht & Schim, 2008; Lin, Ko, Lee, Chen & Wang, 2015). O tratamento de uma lesão desportiva pode ser difícil, dispendioso e moroso, pelo que se justifica a implementação de atividades e programas de prevenção (Parkkari, Kujala & Kannus, 2001; Edouard et al., 2013; Leppänen et al., 2013). Ao nível da prevenção das diferentes patologias do complexo articular dos ombros, especialmente aquelas com incidência na coifa dos rotadores, diversos clínicos e investigadores enfatizaram a importância da realização de programas de treino de fortalecimento dos músculos RI e RE, devido ao seu papel critico no aporte de estabilidade dinâmica e produção de força ao complexo articular do ombro (Tovin, 2006; Jang & Oh, 2014; Kim & Oh, 2015). Num estudo recente, Batalha et al. (2015) demonstraram que um programa de treino de força compensatório tem efeitos benéficos nos músculos da coifa dos rotadores do ombro, proporcionando não só um aumento dos valores de força dos RE e dos RI, mas também aumentando o equilíbrio muscular entre eles. De igual modo Wanivenhaus et al. (2012), defendem que um programa completo que inclua exercícios de flexibilidade e fortalecimento muscular dos ombros, deve formar a base do regime de treino de qualquer atleta de natação competitiva. Complementarmente, Gaunt & Maffulli (2011) referem que qualquer programa de fortalecimento muscular para os ombros dos nadadores, deve tentar reproduzir um número elevado de repetições, bem como a capacidade de resistência muscular, semelhante à que é requerida pela natação pura desportiva. Os mesmos autores referem como exemplo, um mínimo de 3 séries de 10 repetições para cada exercício do programa de treino, defendendo que assim, a coifa dos rotadores irá ser alvo de uma melhor solicitação. Tendo em conta os estudos apresentados e também devido às exigências colocadas pela natação retratadas anteriormente, fará todo o sentido que os nadadores realizem programas de treino para prevenção de lesões no ombro, tendo por base o reforço muscular. Este treino de prevenção de lesões tem sido tema de estudo de vários autores, (Parkkari et al., 2001; Leppänen et al., 2013; Edouard et al., 2013), assente em estudos longitudinais, essencialmente na comprovação e demonstração da sua eficácia. Contudo, são poucos os estudos com nadadores e nenhum autor se debruçou sobre os efeitos a curto prazo, ou seja, os efeitos causados imediatamente após a realização de um programa de prevenção de lesões para os rotadores do ombro. Reportando-nos a estudos com treino de prevenção de lesões nos ombros realizados com nadadores (Batalha et al., 2015, Kluemper, Uhl & Hazelrigg, 2006; Van de Velde, De Mey, Maenhout, Calders, & Cools, 2011), podemos constatar que os programas de treino são realizados antes do treino aquático. Esta metodologia levanta-nos algumas questões acerca dos efeitos inerentes à realização do programa de treino de reforço muscular, nomeadamente ao nível da possível fadiga que se possa instalar, podendo ou não por em causa a realização do treino aquático que se segue nas melhores condições. Desta forma, pretendemos com este trabalho, avaliar os efeitos agudos da realização de um programa de treino de prevenção de lesões para a coifa dos rotadores. Para o efeito propomo-nos avaliar a força, resistência e o equilíbrio muscular nos rotadores dos ombros em nadadores de competição, antes e após a realização de um programa de treino de prevenção de lesões. Com os resultados obtidos, esperamos obter algumas indicações sobre se a realização de um programa de treino compensatório tem ou não algum impacto ao nível da coifa dos rotadores dos ombros, que possa por em causa os objetivos de treino aquático a realizar posteriormente.


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Introduction: A higher frequency of sleep and breathing disorders in Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) populations is documented in literature. The analysis of disease progression and prognosis in patients with sleep and breathing disorders could shed light on specific neuropathology and pathophysiology of MSA. Objective: To characterize sleep disorders and their longitudinal modifications during disease course in MSA patients, and to determine their prognostic value. Methods: This is a retrospective and prospective cohort study including 182 MSA patients (58.8% males). Type of onset was defined by the first reported motor or autonomic symptom/sign related to MSA. The occurrence of symptoms/signs and milestones of disease progression and their latency were collected. REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD) and stridor were video-polysomnography (VPSG)-confirmed. VPSG recordings were analysed in a standardized fashion during the disease course. Survival data were based on time to death from the first symptom of disease. Results: Isolated RBD represented the first MSA symptom in 30% of patients, preceding disease onset according to international criteria with a median of 3(1–5) years. Patients developing early stridor or presenting with RBD at disease onset showed a more rapid and severe disease progression. These features had independent negative prognostic value for survival. Sleep architecture was characterized by peculiar features which could represent negative markers in MSA prognosis. Patients with stridor treated with tracheostomy showed a reduced risk of death. Conclusions: This is one of the first studies focusing on longitudinal progression of sleep in MSA. Sleep disorders are key features of disease, playing a role in presentation, prognosis and progression. In our MSA cohort, RBD represented the most frequent mode of disease presentation. Moreover, some specific clinical and instrumental sleep features could represent a hallmark of MSA and could be involved in prognosis and, in particular, in sudden death and death during sleep.


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In the central nervous system, iron in several proteins is involved in many important processes: oxygen transportation, oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial respiration, myelin production, the synthesis and metabolism of neurotransmitters. Abnormal iron homoeostasis can induce cellular damage through hydroxyl radical production, which can cause the oxidation, modification of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, and DNA, lead to neurotoxicity. Moreover increased levels of iron are harmful and iron accumulations are typical hallmarks of brain ageing and several neurodegenerative disorders particularly PD. Numerous studies on post mortem tissue report on an increased amount of total iron in the substantia nigra in patients with PD also supported by large body of in vivo findings from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) studies. The importance and approaches for in vivo brain iron assessment using multiparametric MRI is increased over last years. Quantitative MRI may provide useful biomarkers for brain integrity assessment in iron-related neurodegeneration. Particularly, a prominent change in iron- sensitive T2* MRI contrast within the sub areas of the SN overlapping with nigrosome 1 were shown to be a hallmark of Parkinson's Disease with high diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, differential diagnosis between Parkinson's Disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian syndromes (APS) remains challenging, mainly in the early phases of the disease. Advanced brain MR imaging enables to detect the pathological changes of nigral and extranigral structures at the onset of clinical manifestations and during the course of the disease. The Nigrosome-1 (N1) is a substructure of the healthy Substantia Nigra pars compacta enriched by dopaminergic neurons; their loss in Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonian syndromes is related to the iron accumulation. N1 changes are supportive MR biomarkers for diagnosis of these neurodegenerative disorders, but its detection is hard with conventional sequences, also using high field (3T) scanner. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), an iron-sensitive technique, enables the direct detection of Neurodegeneration


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the structural and molecular effects of antiangiogenic therapies and finasteride on the ventral prostate of senile mice. 90 male FVB mice were divided into: Young (18 weeks old) and senile (52 weeks old) groups; finasteride group: finasteride (20mg/kg); SU5416 group: SU5416 (6 mg/kg); TNP-470 group: TNP-470 (15 mg/kg,) and SU5416+TNP-470 group: similar to the SU5416 and TNP-470 groups. After 21 days, prostate ventral lobes were collected for morphological, immunohistochemical and Western blotting analyses. The results demonstrated atrophy, occasional proliferative lesions and inflammatory cells in the prostate during senescence, which were interrupted and/or blocked by treatment with antiangiogenic drugs and finasteride. Decreased AR and endostatin reactivities, and an increase for ER-α, ER-β and VEGF, were seen in the senile group. Decreased VEGF and ER-α reactivities and increased ER-β reactivity were verified in the finasteride, SU5416 groups and especially in SU5416+TNP-470 group. The TNP-470 group showed reduced AR and ER-β protein levels. The senescence favored the occurrence of structural and/or molecular alterations suggesting the onset of malignant lesions, due to the imbalance in the signaling between the epithelium and stroma. The SU5416+TNP-470 treatment was more effective in maintaining the structural, hormonal and angiogenic factor balance in the prostate during senescence, highlighting the signaling of antiproliferation via ER-β.


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Disconnectivity between the Default Mode Network (DMN) nodes can cause clinical symptoms and cognitive deficits in Alzheimer׳s disease (AD). We aimed to examine the structural connectivity between DMN nodes, to verify the extent in which white matter disconnection affects cognitive performance. MRI data of 76 subjects (25 mild AD, 21 amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment subjects and 30 controls) were acquired on a 3.0T scanner. ExploreDTI software (fractional Anisotropy threshold=0.25 and the angular threshold=60°) calculated axial, radial, and mean diffusivities, fractional anisotropy and streamline count. AD patients showed lower fractional anisotropy (P=0.01) and streamline count (P=0.029), and higher radial diffusivity (P=0.014) than controls in the cingulum. After correction for white matter atrophy, only fractional anisotropy and radial diffusivity remained significantly lower in AD compared to controls (P=0.003 and P=0.05). In the parahippocampal bundle, AD patients had lower mean and radial diffusivities (P=0.048 and P=0.013) compared to controls, from which only radial diffusivity survived for white matter adjustment (P=0.05). Regression models revealed that cognitive performance is also accounted for by white matter microstructural values. Structural connectivity within the DMN is important to the execution of high-complexity tasks, probably due to its relevant role in the integration of the network.


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Basic phospholipases A2 (PLA2) are toxic and induce a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects, although the acidic enzyme types are not lethal or cause low lethality. Therefore, it is challenging to elucidate the mechanism of action of acidic phospholipases. This study used the acidic non-toxic Ba SpII RP4 PLA2 from Bothrops alternatus as an antigen to develop anti-PLA2 IgG antibodies in rabbits and used in vivo assays to examine the changes in crude venom when pre-incubated with these antibodies. Using Ouchterlony and western blot analyses on B. alternatus venom, we examined the specificity and sensitivity of phospholipase A2 recognition by the specific antibodies (anti-PLA2 IgG). Neutralisation assays using a non-toxic PLA2 antigen revealed unexpected results. The (indirect) haemolytic activity of whole venom was completely inhibited, and all catalytically active phospholipases A2 were blocked. Myotoxicity and lethality were reduced when the crude venom was pre-incubated with anti-PLA2 immunoglobulins. CK levels in the skeletal muscle were significantly reduced at 6 h, and the muscular damage was more significant at this time-point compared to 3 and 12 h. When four times the LD50 was used (224 μg), half the animals treated with the venom-anti PLA2 IgG mixture survived after 48 h. All assays performed with the specific antibodies revealed that Ba SpII RP4 PLA2 had a synergistic effect on whole-venom toxicity. IgG antibodies against the venom of the Argentinean species B. alternatus represent a valuable tool for elucidation of the roles of acidic PLA2 that appear to have purely digestive roles and for further studies on immunotherapy and snake envenoming in affected areas in Argentina and Brazil.


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In order to report the outcome of a patient who developed compartment syndrome after South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) envenomation, confirmed by subfascial pressure measurement and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A 63-year-old male was admitted 1 h after being bitten on the right elbow by a large snake, which was not brought for identification. Physical and laboratory features upon admission revealed two fang marks, local tense swelling, paresthesia, intense local pain, hypertension, coagulopathy, and CK = 1530 U/L (RV < 170 U/L). The case was initially treated with bothropic antivenom (80 mL, intravenously), with no improvement. Evolution within 13-14 h post-bite revealed generalized myalgia, muscle weakness, palpebral ptosis, and severe rhabdomyolysis (CK = 126,160 U/L) compatible with envenoming by C. d. terrificus. The patient was then treated with crotalic antivenom (200 mL, intravenously), fluid replacement, and urine alkalinization. Twenty-four-hour post-bite MRI showed marked muscular edema in the anterior compartment of the right forearm, with a high subfascial pressure (40 mmHg) being detected 1 h later. ELISA of a blood sample obtained upon admission, before antivenom infusion, revealed a high serum concentration of C. d. terrificus venom. No fasciotomy was performed and the patient was discharged seven days later without sequelae. Snakebite by C. d. terrificus with subfascial venom injection may lead to increased intracompartmental pressure.


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To identify risk factors associated with post-operative temporomandibular joint dysfunction after craniotomy. The study sample included 24 patients, mean age of 37.3 ± 10 years; eligible for surgery for refractory epilepsy, evaluated according to RDC/TMD before and after surgery. The primary predictor was the time after the surgery. The primary outcome variable was maximal mouth opening. Other outcome variables were: disc displacement, bruxism, TMJ sound, TMJ pain, and pain associated to mandibular movements. Data analyses were performed using bivariate and multiple regression methods. The maximal mouth opening was significantly reduced after surgery in all patients (p = 0.03). In the multiple regression model, time of evaluation and pre-operative bruxism were significantly (p < .05) associated with an increased risk for TMD post-surgery. A significant correlation between surgery follow-up time and maximal opening mouth was found. Pre-operative bruxism was associated with increased risk for temporomandibular joint dysfunction after craniotomy.


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Congenital muscular dystrophy with laminin α2 chain deficiency (MDC1A) is one of the most severe forms of muscular disease and is characterized by severe muscle weakness and delayed motor milestones. The genetic basis of MDC1A is well known, yet the secondary mechanisms ultimately leading to muscle degeneration and subsequent connective tissue infiltration are not fully understood. In order to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying MDC1A, we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of affected muscles (diaphragm and gastrocnemius) from laminin α2 chain-deficient dy(3K)/dy(3K) mice, using multidimensional protein identification technology combined with tandem mass tags. Out of the approximately 700 identified proteins, 113 and 101 proteins, respectively, were differentially expressed in the diseased gastrocnemius and diaphragm muscles compared with normal muscles. A large portion of these proteins are involved in different metabolic processes, bind calcium, or are expressed in the extracellular matrix. Our findings suggest that metabolic alterations and calcium dysregulation could be novel mechanisms that underlie MDC1A and might be targets that should be explored for therapy. Also, detailed knowledge of the composition of fibrotic tissue, rich in extracellular matrix proteins, in laminin α2 chain-deficient muscle might help in the design of future anti-fibrotic treatments. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000978 (http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD000978).