911 resultados para Blood Alcohol Test Equipment.


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Objective: To identify the prevalence of alcohol consumption in Psychology students of a higher education institution in the city of Montes Claros, MG. Methods: Quantitative crosssectional descriptive research conducted from September to October 2014. The population consisted of 116 Psychology students from the city of Montes Claros, MG. Data were collected using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), the Inventário de Expectativas e Crenças Pessoais Acerca do Álcool – IECPA (Inventory of Expectations and Personal Beliefs about Alcohol), the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST) and the Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social – ESSS (Social Support Satisfaction Scale). Descriptive analysis of data was performed using SPSS 19.0. Results: The sample had a predominance of female gender (82.75%, n=96), pardos (65.51%, n=76) and single (60.34%, n=70) individuals. Regarding the AUDIT risk classification, it was found that 49.13% (n=57) of the respondents were in the level 4, considered alcohol dependence. They reported occasional use of alcohol, smoking and other substances, which refer to ASSIST level 1 classification, with 94.82% (n=110). Regarding the IECPA, 87.06% (n=101) of the individuals were classified as level 1, with low vulnerability to the effects of alcohol. As to the ESSS, 68.10% (n=79) of the students showed high social support. Conclusion: Regarding the sample studied, it was found a high prevalence of dependence on alcohol and other legal and illegal drugs.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality, and a growing global public health concern, with up to one-third of the world’s population affected. Despite the vast amount of evidence for the benefits of blood pressure (BP) lowering accumulated to date, elevated BP is still the leading risk factor for disease and disability worldwide. It is well established that hypertension and BP are common complex traits, where multiple genetic and environmental factors contribute to BP variation. Furthermore, family and twin studies confirmed the genetic component of BP, with a heritability estimate in the range of 30-50%. Contemporary genomic tools enabling the genotyping of millions of genetic variants across the human genome in an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective manner, has transformed hypertension genetics research. This is accompanied by the presence of international consortia that have offered unprecedentedly large sample sizes for genome-wide association studies (GWASs). While GWAS for hypertension and BP have identified more than 60 loci, variants in these loci are associated with modest effects on BP and in aggregate can explain less than 3% of the variance in BP. The aims of this thesis are to study the genetic and environmental factors that influence BP and hypertension traits in the Scottish population, by performing several genetic epidemiological analyses. In the first part of this thesis, it aims to study the burden of hypertension in the Scottish population, along with assessing the familial aggregation and heritialbity of BP and hypertension traits. In the second part, it aims to validate the association of common SNPs reported in the large GWAS and to estimate the variance explained by these variants. In this thesis, comprehensive genetic epidemiology analyses were performed on Generation Scotland: Scottish Family Health Study (GS:SFHS), one of the largest population-based family design studies. The availability of clinical, biological samples, self-reported information, and medical records for study participants has allowed several assessments to be performed to evaluate factors that influence BP variation in the Scottish population. Of the 20,753 subjects genotyped in the study, a total of 18,470 individuals (grouped into 7,025 extended families) passed the stringent quality control (QC) criteria and were available for all subsequent analysis. Based on the BP-lowering treatment exposure sources, subjects were further classified into two groups. First, subjects with both a self-reported medications (SRMs) history and electronic-prescription records (EPRs; n =12,347); second, all the subjects with at least one medication history source (n =18,470). In the first group, the analysis showed a good concordance between SRMs and EPRs (kappa =71%), indicating that SRMs can be used as a surrogate to assess the exposure to BP-lowering medication in GS:SFHS participants. Although both sources suffer from some limitations, SRMs can be considered the best available source to estimate the drug exposure history in those without EPRs. The prevalence of hypertension was 40.8% with higher prevalence in men (46.3%) compared to women (35.8%). The prevalence of awareness, treatment and controlled hypertension as defined by the study definition were 25.3%, 31.2%, and 54.3%, respectively. These findings are lower than similar reported studies in other populations, with the exception of controlled hypertension prevalence, which can be considered better than other populations. Odds of hypertension were higher in men, obese or overweight individuals, people with a parental history of hypertension, and those living in the most deprived area of Scotland. On the other hand, deprivation was associated with higher odds of treatment, awareness and controlled hypertension, suggesting that people living in the most deprived area may have been receiving better quality of care, or have higher comorbidity levels requiring greater engagement with doctors. These findings highlight the need for further work to improve hypertension management in Scotland. The family design of GS:SFHS has allowed family-based analysis to be performed to assess the familial aggregation and heritability of BP and hypertension traits. The familial correlation of BP traits ranged from 0.07 to 0.20, and from 0.18 to 0.34 for parent-offspring pairs and sibling pairs, respectively. A higher correlation of BP traits was observed among first-degree relatives than other types of relative pairs. A variance-component model that was adjusted for sex, body mass index (BMI), age, and age-squared was used to estimate heritability of BP traits, which ranged from 24% to 32% with pulse pressure (PP) having the lowest estimates. The genetic correlation between BP traits showed a high correlation between systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (G: 81% to 94%), but lower correlations with PP (G: 22% to 78%). The sibling recurrence risk ratio (λS) for hypertension and treatment were calculated as 1.60 and 2.04 respectively. These findings confirm the genetic components of BP traits in GS:SFHS, and justify further work to investigate genetic determinants of BP. Genetic variants reported in the recent large GWAS of BP traits were selected for genotyping in GS:SFHS using a custom designed TaqMan® OpenArray®. The genotyping plate included 44 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been previously reported to be associated with BP or hypertension at genome-wide significance level. A linear mixed model that is adjusted for age, age-squared, sex, and BMI was used to test for the association between the genetic variants and BP traits. Of the 43 variants that passed the QC, 11 variants showed statistically significant association with at least one BP trait. The phenotypic variance explained by these variant for the four BP traits were 1.4%, 1.5%, 1.6%, and 0.8% for SBP, DBP, MAP, and PP, respectively. The association of genetic risk score (GRS) that were constructed from selected variants has showed a positive association with BP level and hypertension prevalence, with an average effect of one mmHg increase with each 0.80 unit increases in the GRS across the different BP traits. The impact of BP-lowering medication on the genetic association study for BP traits has been established, with typical practice of adding a fixed value (i.e. 15/10 mmHg) to the measured BP values to adjust for BP treatment. Using the subset of participants with the two treatment exposure sources (i.e. SRMs and EPRs), the influence of using either source to justify the addition of fixed values in SNP association signal was analysed. BP phenotypes derived from EPRs were considered the true phenotypes, and those derived from SRMs were considered less accurate, with some phenotypic noise. Comparing SNPs association signals between the four BP traits in the two model derived from the different adjustments showed that MAP was the least impacted by the phenotypic noise. This was suggested by identifying the same overlapped significant SNPs for the two models in the case of MAP, while other BP traits had some discrepancy between the two sources


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Hypertension (HTN) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases including stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD), chronic renal failure, peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and premature death. The prevalence of HTN in Scotland is very high and although a high proportion of the patients receive antihypertensive medications, blood pressure (BP) control is very low. Recommendations for starting a specific antihypertensive class have been debated between various guidelines over the years. Some guidelines and HTN studies have preferred to start with a combination of an antihypertensive class instead of using a single therapy, and they have found greater BP reductions with combination therapies than with monotherapy. However, it has been shown in several clinical trials that 20% to 35% of hypertensive patients could not achieve the target BP, even though they received more than three antihypertensive medications. Several factors were found to affect BP control. Adherence and persistence were considered as the factors contributing the most to uncontrolled hypertension. Other factors such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), alcohol intake, baseline systolic BP (SBP), and the communication between physicians and patients have been shown to be associated with uncontrolled BP and resistant hypertension. Persistence, adherence and compliance are interchangeable terms and have been used in the literature to describe a patient’s behaviour with their antihypertensive drugs and prescriptions. The methods used to determine persistence and adherence, as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria, vary between persistence and adherence studies. The prevalence of persistence and adherence have varied between these studies, and were determined to be high in some studies and low in others. The initiation of a specific antihypertensive class has frequently been associated with an increase or decrease in adherence and persistence. The tolerability and efficacy of the initial antihypertensive class have been the most common methods of explaining this association. There are also many factors that suggest a relationship with adherence and persistence. Some factors in previous studies, such as age, were frequently associated with adherence and persistence. On the other hand, relationships with certain factors have varied between the studies. The associations of age, sex, alcohol use, smoking, baseline systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), the presence of comorbidities, an increase in the number of pills and the relationship between patients and physicians with adherence and persistence have been the most commonly investigated factors. Most studies have defined persistence in terms of a patient still taking medication after a period of time. A medication possession ratio (MPR) ≥ 80 has been used to define compliance. Either of these terminologies, or both, have been used to estimate adherence. In this study, I used the same definition for persistence to identify patients who have continued with their initial treatment, and used persistence and MPR to define patients who adhered to their initial treatment. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of persistence and adherence in Scotland. Also, factors that could have had an effect on persistence and adherence were studied. The number of antihypertensive drugs taken by patients during the study and factors that led to an increase in patients being on a combination therapy were also evaluated. The prevalence of resistance and BP control were determined by taking the BP after the last drug had been taken by persistent patients during five follow-up studies. The relationship of factors such as age, sex, BMI, alcohol use, smoking, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and albumin levels with BP reductions for each antihypertensive class were determined. Information Services Division (ISD) data, which includes all antihypertensive drugs, were collected from pharmacies in Scotland and linked to the Glasgow Blood Pressure Clinic (GBPC) database. This database also includes demographic characteristics, BP readings and clinical results for all patients attending the GBPC. The case notes for patients who attended the GBPC were reviewed and all new antihypertensive drugs that were prescribed between visits, BP before and after taking drugs, and any changes in the hypertensive drugs were recorded. A total of 4,232 hypertensive patients were included in the first study. The first study showed that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and beta-blockers (BB) were the most prescribed antihypertensive classes between 2004 and 2013. Calcium channel blockers (CCB), thiazide diuretics and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) followed ACEI and BB as the most prescribed drugs during the same period. The prescription trend of the antihypertensive class has changed over the years with an increase in prescriptions for ACEI and ARB and a decrease in prescriptions for BB and diuretics. I observed a difference in antihypertensive class prescriptions by age, sex, SBP and BMI. For example, CCB, thiazide diuretics and alpha-blockers were more likely to be prescribed to older patients, while ACEI, ARB or BB were more commonly prescribed for younger patients. In a second study, 4,232 and 3,149 hypertensive patients were included to investigate the prevalence of persistence in the Scottish population in 1- and 5-year studies, respectively. The prevalence of persistence in the 1-year study was 72.9%, while it was only 62.8% in the 5-year study. Those patients taking ARB and ACEI showed high rates of persistence and those taking diuretics and alpha blockers had low rates of persistence. The association of persistence with clinical characteristics was also investigated. Younger patients were more likely to totally stop their treatment before restarting their treatment with other antihypertensive drugs. Furthermore, patients who had high SBP tended to be non-persistent. In a third study, 3,085 and 1,979 patients who persisted with their treatment were included. In the first part of the study, MPR was calculated, and patients with an MPR ≥ 80 were considered as adherent. Adherence rates were 29.9% and 23.4% in the 1- and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who initiated the study with ACEI were more likely to adhere to their treatments. However, patients who initiated the study with thiazide diuretics were less likely to adhere to their treatments. Sex, age and BMI were different between the adherence and non-adherence groups. Age was an independent factor affecting adherence rates during both the 1- and 5-year studies with older patients being more likely to be adherent. In the second part of the study, pharmacy databases were checked with patients' case notes to compare antihypertensive drugs that were collected from the pharmacy with the antihypertensive prescription given during the patient’s clinical visit. While 78.6% of the antihypertensive drugs were collected between clinical visits, 21.4% were not collected. Patients who had more days to see the doctor in the subsequent visit were more likely to not collect their prescriptions. In a fourth study, 3,085 and 1,979 persistent patients were included to calculate the number of antihypertensive classes that were added to the initial drug during the 1-year and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who continued with treatment as a monotherapy and who needed a combination therapy were investigated during the 1- and 5-year studies. In all, 55.8% used antihypertensive drugs as a monotherapy and 44.2% used them as a combination therapy during the 1-year study. While 28.2% of patients continued with treatment without the required additional therapy, 71.8% of the patients needed additional therapy. In all, 20.8% and 46.5% of patients required three different antihypertensive classes or more during the 1-year and 5-year studies, respectively. Patients who started with ACEI, ARB and BB were more likely to continue as monotherapy and less likely to need two more antihypertensive drugs compared with those who started with alpha-blockers, non-thiazide diuretics and CCB. Older ages, high BMI levels, high SBP and high alcohol intake were independent factors that led to an increase in the probability of patients taking combination therapies. In the first part of the final study, BPs were recorded after the last drug had been taken during the 5 year study. There were 815 persistent patients who were assigned for this purpose. Of these, 39% had taken one, two or three antihypertensive classes and had controlled BP (controlled hypertension [HTN]), 29% of them took one or two antihypertensive classes and had uncontrolled BP (uncontrolled HTN), and 32% of the patients took three antihypertensive classes or more and had uncontrolled BP (resistant HTN). The initiation of an antihypertensive drug and the factors affecting BP pressure were compared between the resistant and controlled HTN groups. Patients who initiated the study with ACEI were less likely to be resistant compared with those who started with alpha blockers and non-thiazide diuretics. Older patients, and high BMI tended to result in resistant HTN. In the second part of study, BP responses for patients who initiated the study with ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB and thiazide diuretics were compared. After adjusting for risk factors, patients who initiated the study with ACEI and ARB were more respondent than those who took CCB and thiazide diuretics. In the last part of this study, the association between BP reductions and factors affecting BP were tested for each antihypertensive drug. Older patients responded better to alpha blockers. Younger patients responded better to ACEI and ARB. An increase in BMI led to a decreased reduction in patients on ACEI and diuretics (thiazide and non-thiazide). An increase in albumin levels and a decrease in eGFR led to decreases in BP reductions in patients on thiazide diuretics. An increase in eGFR decreased the BP response with ACEI. In conclusion, although a high percentage of hypertensive patients in Scotland persisted with their initial drug prescription, low adherence rates were found with these patients. Approximately half of these patients required three different antihypertensive classes during the 5 years, and 32% of them had resistant HTN. Although this study was observational in nature, the large sample size in this study represented a real HTN population, and the large pharmacy data represented a real antihypertensive population, which were collected through the support of prescription data from the GBPC database. My findings suggest that ACEI, ARB and BB are less likely to require additional therapy. However, ACEI and ARB were better tolerated than BB in that they were more likely to be persistent than BB. In addition, users of ACEI, and ARB have good BP response and low resistant HTN. Linkage patients who participated in these studies with their morbidity and mortality will provide valuable information concerning the effect of adherence on morbidity and mortality and the potential benefits of using ACEI or ARB over other drugs.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of malaria parasite among blood donors at the Police Clinic Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. The standard parasitological techniques using both thick and thin blood films from the donors for the detection of malaria parasite was followed. Venous blood was collected from 200 blood donors and films were made on clean greese-free glass slide and stained with 10%Giemsa stains and viewed under the microscope using the oil immersion objective. Of the 200 samples examined, 56 (28.00%) were positive with Plasmodium falciparium . The highest prevalence among the males 53(26.50%) and between the ages 21-30years and only 3 (1.50%) of females were positive. Donors having the blood group O were more infected (60.70%) than the other blood groups and the lowest was blood group AB (5.40%). This result shows that there is a relatively high prevalence of malaria parasite among the blood donors in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. It is, therefore, recommended that malaria parasite screening test be included among other blood screening tests before any transfusion to avert the deleterious effects of malaria on recipients.


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Background In 2009 Malawi introduced a new protocol to screen potential blood donors for anaemia, using the WHO Haemoglobin Colour Scale (HCS) for initial screening. Published studies of the accuracy of the HCS to screen potential blood donors show varying levels of accuracy and opinion varies whether this is an appropriate screening test. The aim of the study was to assess the validity of the HCS, as a screening test, by comparison to HemoCue in potential blood donors in Malawi. Study design and Methods This was a blinded prospective study in potential blood donors aged over 18 years, at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service in Blantyre, Malawi. Capillary blood samples were analysed using the HCS and HemoCue, independent of each other. The sensitivity and specificity of correctly identifying ineligible blood donors (Hb≤12g/dL) were calculated. Results From 242 participants 234 (96.7%) were correctly allocated and 8 (3.3%), were wrongly allocated on the basis of the Haemoglobin Colour Scale (HCS) compared to HemoCue, all were subjects that were wrongly accepted as donors when their haemoglobin results were ≤12.0g/dL. This gave a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 96.7% to detect donor eligibilty. The negative predictive value of the HCS was 100% but the positive predictive value to identify ineligible donors on the basis of anaemia was only 20%. Conclusions Initial screening with the HCS correctly predicts eligibility for blood donation in the majority of potential blood donors at considerable cost saving compared with use of HemoCue as the first line anaemia screening test, however, by this method a small number of anaemic patients were allowed to donate blood.


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Background The 2011 Malawi HIV guidelines promote CD4 monitoring for pre-ART assessment and considering HIVRNA monitoring for ART response assessment, while some clinics used CD4 for both. We assessed clinical ordering practices as compared to guidelines, and determined whether the samples were successfully and promptly processed. Methods We conducted a retrospective review of all patients seen in from August 2010 through July 2011,, in two urban HIV-care clinics that utilized 6-monthly CD4 monitoring regardless of ART status. We calculated the percentage of patients on whom clinicians ordered CD4 or HIVRNA analysis. For all samples sent, we determined rates of successful labprocessing, and mean time to returned results. Results Of 20581 patients seen, 8029 (39%) had at least one blood draw for CD4 count. Among pre-ART patients, 2668/2844 (93.8%) had CD4 counts performed for eligibility. Of all CD4 samples sent, 8082/9207 (89%) samples were successfully processed. Of those, mean time to processing was 1.6 days (s.d 1.5) but mean time to results being available to clinician was 9.3 days (s.d. 3.7). Regarding HIVRNA, 172 patients of 17737 on ART had a blood draw and only 118/213 (55%) samples were successfully processed. Mean processing time was 39.5 days (s.d. 21.7); mean time to results being available to clinician was 43.1 days (s.d. 25.1). During the one-year evaluated, there were multiple lapses in processing HIVRNA samples for up to 2 months. Conclusions Clinicians underutilize CD4 and HIVRNA as monitoring tools in HIV care. Laboratory processing failures and turnaround times are unacceptably high for viral load analysis. Alternative strategies need to be considered in order to meet laboratory monitoring needs.


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Propósito y Método de Estudio: El propósito fue identificar la relación que existe de la Sensibilidad Ética y el consumo de alcohol en el personal de enfermería de un hospital de salud pública del área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León. El diseño del estudio fue descriptivo correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 325 enfermeros de ambos sexos de una institución de salud pública en el área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León. Se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio simple y el tamaño de la muestra se determinó a través del paquete estadístico n’Query Advisor Versión 4.0 ® (Elashoff, Dixon, Crede y Fothenringham, 1997). Se estimó la muestra para una proporción con un intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95%, usando un enfoque conservador (p=q=½) con un límite de error de estimación de .05 (±5%). Se determinó, una muestra final de 219 enfermeros. Se utilizó una Cédula de Datos Personales y Laborales y de Prevalencia de Consumo de Alcohol y los instrumentos: Cuestionario de Sensibilidad Ética [MSQ] que obtuvo un Coeficiente de Confiabilidad de .73 y el Test de Identificación de Trastornos Asociados al Consumo del Alcohol [AUDIT] que presentó una consistencia interna de .80. Se aplicó la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov con corrección de Lilliefors y se utilizó estadística no paramétrica: U de Mann-Whitney, H de Kruskal-Wallis y Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman. Contribución y Conclusiones: La edad promedio del consumo de alcohol fue de 18 años con un consumo de 3 bebidas alcohólicas en un día típico. La prevalencia global del consumo de alcohol fue de 84.5% con un IC 95% [79-89], la prevalencia lápsica del 70.3% con un IC 95% [64-76], la prevalencia actual fue del 50.2% con un IC 95% [43-56] y la prevalencia instantánea fue del 22.7% con un IC 95% [17-28]. El consumo de alcohol mostró diferencias significativas por sexo (X2=28.6, p=.001) el sexo femenino presentó mayor consumo sensato (64.9%) y el consumo dependiente y dañino fue mayor para el sexo masculino (42.1%, 35.1%). Así mismo se encontraron diferencias significativas de consumo de alcohol por edad (X2=12.47, p=.014), donde le personal de 35 años o más presentó mayor consumo sensato (58.8%) y dañino (18.8%) y el consumo dependiente fue mayor para el grupo de 25 a 34 años (40.4%).


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Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito del estudio fue conocer la relación entre la violencia escolar y el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de secundaria del área metropolitana de Monterrey, Nuevo León. El diseño fue descriptivo correlacional, el muestreo fue aleatorio con asignación proporcional al tamaño del estrato, conformado por cada grado escolar. El tamaño de muestra se determinó en base a una correlación considerando un nivel de confianza de 95%, para una prueba bilateral. Se obtuvo una muestra de 420 estudiantes. Se utilizó una Cedula de Datos Personales y de Consumo de Alcohol, el test AUDIT y los Indicadores de la Calidad de la Convivencia en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. El estudio se apegó al Reglamento de la Ley General en materia de Investigación para la Salud (1987). Contribución y Conclusiones: La prevalencia de violencia escolar en los estudiantes fue de 42.4%, para el indicador de victimización fue de 12.4%, para agresión 11.9% y para percepción de confrontación 34.5%. Así mismo, se reporta que la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol alguna vez en la vida fue de 45.5%, la prevalencia de consumo en el último año fue de 23.8%, el consumo en el último mes fue de 10.7% y el consumo en los últimos siete días fue de 4.5%. Los estudiantes comenzaron a beber alcohol en promedio a los 12 años de edad. En cuanto a los tipos de consumo de alcohol, el 63% presentó un consumo sensato, 23% un consumo dependiente y 14% un consumo dañino. De acuerdo a los resultados se encontró que a medida que avanza la edad, se presenta mayor violencia escolar (H= 31.58, p< .001). Además de acuerdo al coeficiente de correlación de Spearman se encontró relación positiva y significativa entre la variable de violencia escolar y el consumo de alcohol (rs= .236, p <.001), es decir, a mayor violencia escolar mayor consumo de alcohol. En cuanto a los indicadores de victimización, igualmente mostraron relación positiva y significativa con el consumo de alcohol (rs= .349, p <.001), lo cual demuestra que a mayor victimización mayor consumo de alcohol. Por otra parte el indicador de agresión no mostró dicha relación (rs= .171, p= .20), al igual que el indicador de percepción de confrontación (rs= .177, p=.10).


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Introduction Cerebral misery perfusion represents a failure of cerebral autoregulation. It is animportant differential diagnosis in post-stroke patients presenting with collapses in the presence of haemodynamically significant cerebrovascular stenosis. This is particularly the case when cortical or internal watershed infarcts are present. When this condition occurs, further investigation should be done immediately. Case presentation A 50-year-old Caucasian man presented with a stroke secondary to complete occlusion of his left internal carotid artery. He went on to suffer recurrent seizures. Neuroimaging demonstrated numerous new watershed-territory cerebral infarcts. No source of arterial thromboembolism was demonstrable. Hypercapnic blood-oxygenation-level-dependent-contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to measure his cerebrovascular reserve capacity. The findings were suggestive of cerebral misery perfusion. Conclusions Blood-oxygenation-level-dependent-contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging allows the inference of cerebral misery perfusion. This procedure is cheaper and more readily available than positron emission tomography imaging, which is the current gold standard diagnostic test. The most evaluated treatment for cerebral misery perfusion is extracranial-intracranial bypass. Although previous trials of this have been unfavourable, the results of new studies involving extracranial-intracranial bypass in high-risk patients identified during cerebral perfusion imaging are awaited. Cerebral misery perfusion is an important and under-recognized condition in which emerging imaging and treatment modalities present the possibility of practical and evidence-based management in the near future. Physicians should thus be aware of this disorder and of recent developments in diagnostic tests that allow its detection.


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Background: Nosocomial sepsis (NS) in newborns (NBs) is associated with high mortality rates and low microbial recovery rates. To overcome the latter problem, new techniques in molecular biology are being used. Objectives: To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of SeptiFast test for the diagnosis of nosocomial sepsis in the newborn. Materials and Methods: 86 blood specimens of NBs with suspected NS (NOSEP-1 Test > 8 points) were analyzed using Light Cycler SeptiFast (LC-SF) a real-time multiplex PCR instrument. The results were analyzed with the Roche SeptiFast Identification Software. Another blood sample was collected to carry out a blood culture (BC). Results: Sensitivity (Sn) and specificity (Sp) of 0.69 and 0.65 respectively, compared with blood culture (BC) were obtained for LC-SF. Kappa index concordance between LC-SF and BC was 0.21. Thirteen (15.11%) samples were BC positive and 34 (31.39%) were positive with LC-SF tests. Conclusions: Compared with BC, LC-SF allows the detection of a greater number of pathogenic species in a small blood sample (1 mL) with a shorter response time.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Poster presented at the 17th Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology. Baltimore, 27-30 September 2015


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Este estudio fue motivado por la necesidad de encontrar una técnica alternativa no tradicional, que sea de fácil manejo y barata, ante la pobreza de resultados terapéuticos en pacientes con dependencia al alcohol; decidimos utilizar la "Hipnosis Clásica" como herramienta terapéutica para provocar el trance hipnótico, ya logrado este se utilizó imaginería, relacionando con bienestar personal, familiar y laboral, cabe recalcar qu en ningún momento se mencionó las palabras alcoholismo, adicción, enfermedad, etc. El presente es un estudio clínico cuasi experimental, que se realizó en el C.R.A. en 32 pacientes, ingresados en octubre, noviembre y diciembre del 2000, se tomó como grupo testigo a 32 pacientes del mismo centro que ingresaron en abril, mayo, junio, julio y agosto del mismo año, se realizaron valoraciones en los siguientes campos: Etapa de alcoholismo, mediante las etapas de proceso de cambio de Prochaska y Diclemente; Funcionamiento familiar, mediante el Test de Appar Familiar; El efecto terapéutico, valorando abstinencia y recaída. Se obtuvo resultados positivos en el grupo que recibió la hipnoterapia en los dos controles, a los 3 y 6 meses de haber recibo la terapia, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas. En el grado de hipnotizabilidad relacionado con el efecto terapéutico, no se encontró diferencias significativas, los que corrobora con otros estudios. Se concluye que la Hipnosis Clásica es de utilidad en pacientes con trastorno de dependencia al alcohol


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Identificar los casos de abuso de alcohol y desarrollar una estrategia de prevención mediante fortalecimiento de las habilidades sociales desde un enfoque cognitivo-conductual. Material y métodos: Se desarrolló un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo y de intervención. Se incluyó a 232 estudiantes matriculados en el colegio Ezequiel Cárdenas Espinoza, de la ciudad de Azogues, que aceptaron participar mediante el asentimiento informado y que no presentaban enfermedades físicas o mentales. Se aplicó el test Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) y los CAPs para evaluar los conocimientos, actitudes y las prácticas. Se aplicó un programa psicoterapéutico con enfoque cognitivo-conductual para fortalecer las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes seleccionados, en 16 sesiones con los subtemas específicos, mediante talleres participativos y motivacionales. Resultados: Los 232 estudiantes tuvieron la edad media de 14.9 ± 2.07 años. El 47% sexo masculino y el 53% sexo femenino; Según el SRQ, el 23.3% (n=54) de estudiantes consumía alcohol con patrón que sugiere consumo problemático, los varones consumen más que las mujeres en relación 3 a 1. Con la estrategia de prevención de enfoque cognitivo-conductual se obtuvo cambios estadísticamente significativos en conocimientos y actitudes (p < 0.05), no así en el cambio de prácticas (p > 0.05). Conclusión: La prevalencia de abuso de alcohol en los estudiantes del colegio Ezequiel Cárdenas es más alto que el reportado en otros estudios. La intervención con enfoque cognitivo-conductual mediante fortalecimiento de habilidades sociales produjo mejoría en conocimientos y actitudes