828 resultados para BUTYL BUTYRATE


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A novel method to fabricate chemically linked conducting polymer–biopolymer composites that are intrinsically flexible and conducting for functional electrode applications is presented. Polypyrrole was synthesised in situ during the cellulose regeneration process using the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid as a solvent medium. The obtained polypyrrole–cellulose composite was chemically blended and showed flexible polymer properties while retaining the electronic properties of a conducting polymer. Addition of an ionic liquid such as trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, enhanced the flexibility of the composite. The functional application of these materials in the electrochemically controlled release of a model drug has been demonstrated. This strategy opens up a new design for a wide spectrum of materials for smart electronic device applications wherein the functionality of doping and de-doping of conducting polymers is retained and their processability issue is addressed by exploiting an ionic liquid route.


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The knowledge of thermodynamic high-pressure speed of sound in ionic liquids (ILs) is a crucial way either to study the nature of the molecular interactions, structure and packing effects or to determine other key thermodynamic properties of ILs essential for their applications in any chemical and industrial processes. Herein, we report the speed of sound as a function temperature at pressures up to 101 MPa in four ultrapure ILs: 1-propyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, 1-pentyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide, taking into consideration their relaxation behavior. Additionally, to further improve the reliability of the speed of sound results, the density, isentropic compressibility, and isobaric heat capacity as a function of temperature and pressure are calculated using an acoustic method.


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Mercury scrubbing from gas streams using a supported 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chlorocuprate(II) ionic liquid ([C4mim]2[Cu2Cl6]) has been studied using operando EXAFS. Initial oxidative capture as [HgCl3]– anions was confirmed, this was then followed by the unanticipated generation of mercury(I) chloride through comproportionation with additional mercury from the gas stream. Combining these two mechanisms leads to net one electron oxidative extraction of mercury from the gas with increased potential capacity and efficiency for supported ionic liquid mercury scrubbers.


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ALVES, Ana Paula de Melo et al. Synthesis and characterization of hybrids derived from vermiculite chloropropyl and aliphatic diamines. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v.87, n. 3, p.771–774, 2007.


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L’ingénierie des biomatériaux a connu un essor prodigieux ces dernières décennies passant de matériaux simples à des structures plus complexes, particulièrement dans le domaine cardiovasculaire. Cette évolution découle de la nécessité des biomatériaux de permettre la synergie de différentes propriétés, dépendantes de leurs fonctions, qui ne sont pas forcément toutes compatibles. Historiquement, les premiers matériaux utilisés dans la conception de dispositifs médicaux étaient ceux présentant le meilleur compromis entre les propriétés physico-chimiques, mécaniques et biologiques que nécessitait leur application. Cependant, il se peut qu’un tel dispositif possède les bonnes propriétés physico-chimiques ou mécaniques, mais que sa biocompatibilité soit insuffisante induisant ainsi des complications cliniques. Afin d’améliorer ces propriétés biologiques tout en conservant les propriétés de volume du matériau, une solution est d’en modifier la surface. L’utilisation d’un revêtement permet alors de moduler la réponse biologique à l’interface biomatériau-hôte et de diminuer les effets indésirables. Ces revêtements sont optimisés selon deux critères principaux : la réponse biologique et la réponse mécanique. Pour la réponse biologique, les deux approches principales sont de mettre au point des revêtements proactifs qui engendrent l’adhérence, la prolifération ou la migration cellulaire, ou passifs, qui, principalement, sont inertes et empêchent l’adhérence de composés biologiques. Dans certains cas, il est intéressant de pouvoir favoriser certaines cellules et d’en limiter d’autres, par exemple pour lutter contre la resténose, principalement due à la prolifération incontrôlée de cellules musculaires lisses qui conduit à une nouvelle obstruction de l’artère, suite à la pose d’un stent. La recherche sur les revêtements de stents vise, alors, à limiter la prolifération de ces cellules tout en facilitant la ré-endothélialisation, c’est-à-dire en permettant l’adhérence et la prolifération de cellules endothéliales. Dans d’autres cas, il est intéressant d’obtenir des surfaces limitant toute adhérence cellulaire, comme pour l’utilisation de cathéter. Selon leur fonction, les cathéters doivent empêcher l’adhérence cellulaire, en particulier celle des bactéries provoquant des infections, et être hémocompatibles, principalement dans le domaine vasculaire. Il a été démontré lors d’études précédentes qu’un copolymère à base de dextrane et de poly(méthacrylate de butyle) (PBMA) répondait aux problématiques liées à la resténose et qu’il possédait, de plus, une bonne élasticité, propriété mécanique importante due à la déformation que subit le stent lors de son déploiement. L’approche de ce projet était d’utiliser ce copolymère comme revêtement de stents et d’en améliorer l’adhérence à la surface en formant des liens covalents avec la surface. Pour ce faire, cela nécessitait l’activation de la partie dextrane du copolymère afin de pouvoir le greffer à la surface aminée. Il était important de vérifier pour chaque étape l’influence des modifications effectuées sur les propriétés biologiques et mécaniques des matériaux obtenus, mais aussi d’un point de vue de la chimie, l’influence que cette modification pouvait induire sur la réaction de copolymérisation. Dans un premier temps, seul le dextrane est considéré et est modifié par oxydation et carboxyméthylation puis greffé à des surfaces fluorocarbonées aminées. L’analyse physico-chimique des polymères de dextrane modifiés et de leur greffage permet de choisir une voie de modification préférentielle qui n’empêchera pas ultérieurement la copolymérisation. La carboxyméthylation permet ainsi d’obtenir un meilleur recouvrement de la surface tout en conservant la structure polysaccharidique du dextrane. Le greffage du dextrane carboxyméthylé (CMD) est ensuite optimisé selon différents degrés de modification, tenant compte aussi de l’influence que ces modifications peuvent induire sur les propriétés biologiques. Finalement, les CMD précédemment étudiés, avec des propriétés biologiques définies, sont copolymérisés avec des monomères de méthacrylate de butyle (BMA). Les copolymères ainsi obtenus ont été ensuite caractérisés par des analyses physico-chimiques, biologiques et mécaniques. Des essais préliminaires ont montrés que les films de copolymères étaient anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des cellules, ce qui a permis de trouver de nouvelles applications au projet. Les propriétés élastiques et anti-adhérentes présentées par les films de copolymères CMD-co-PBMA, les rendent particulièrement intéressants pour des applications comme revêtements de cathéters.


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The reaction of the Schiff base (3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (H3L) with a copper(II) salt of a base of a strong acid, i.e., nitrate, chloride or sulphate, yielded the mononuclear complexes [Cu(H2L)(NO3)(H2O)] (1), [Cu(H2L)Cl]center dot 2MeOH (2) and the binuclear complex [{Cu(H2L)}(2)(mu-SO4)]center dot 2MeOH (3), respectively, with H2L- in the keto form. Compounds 1-3 were characterized by elemental analysis, Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, Electrospray Ionisation-Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS) and single crystal X-ray crystallography. All compounds act as efficient catalysts towards the peroxidative oxidation of cyclohexane to cyclohexyl hydroperoxide, cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone, under mild conditions. In the presence of an acid promoter, overall yields (based on the alkane) up to 25% and a turnover number (TON) of 250 (TOF of 42 h(-1)) after 6 h, were achieved.


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ALVES, Ana Paula de Melo et al. Synthesis and characterization of hybrids derived from vermiculite chloropropyl and aliphatic diamines. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v.87, n. 3, p.771–774, 2007.


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Infant formula is consumed by the majority of infants in the United States for at least part of the first year of life. Infant formula lacks many of the bioactive compounds that are naturally occurring in breast milk. Because of this, there has been an increased interest by the companies that manufacture infant formula to include additives that would potentially allow formula to more closely mimic breast milk activity. One such ingredient currently being added to infant formula is prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth of specific healthful bacteria in the colon. It is speculated that prebiotics replicate the activity of breast milk oligosaccharides, which through the production of butyrate by intestinal microbiota, may interact with the Wnt/BMP pathways. The Wnt/BMP pathways regulate intestinal stem cells, which determine the growth, development and maintenance of the intestine. Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore the effects that the addition of prebiotics to formula have on the regulation of the Wnt/BMP pathways when fed to neonatal piglets, a model commonly used in the study of infant nutrition. Piglets (n=5) were randomized into sow-reared (SR), fed control formula (F), or fed formula with added prebiotics (F+P). Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (2 g/L) and polydextrose (PDX) (2 g/L) were chosen as the prebiotics for this study, because this combination had been less studied than other combinations. Ileum and ascending colon were collected at 7 and 14 days-of-age. Dry matter content, pH, and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) content was measured. The mRNA expression of β-catenin, sFRP3, sFRP4, frizzled 6, DKK1 (Wnt pathway), gremlin (BMP pathway), TNF-a, HNF-4α and osteopontin (OPN) was measured by RT-qPCR. Piglets fed the F+P diet had greater acetate concentration and lower pH in the ileum at day 14 and in the colon at day 7 and day 14 than F piglets. Butyrate concentrations were highest in SR with F+P not differing from F in ileum at day 14 and colon at day 7 and day 14. Effects of age were seen in all genes, with the exception of OPN, sFRP-3 and sFRP-4. On day 7, no effect of diet was observed in the ileum, however, mRNA expression of DKK1 and frizzled 6 were greater in F+P than SR (p≤0.05). On day 14, gremlin expression was lower and OPN was greater in the ileum of SR piglets compared to F and F+P. Also on day 14, HNF-4α mRNA expression was greater in both ileum and colon of F+P piglets and sFRP3 mRNA expression was greater in the colon than F or SR . In summary, differences were observed between gene expression of F+P and SR piglet intestines, but the supplementation of 2 g/L scFOS and 2 g/L PDX to formula did not shift expression of genes in the Wnt/BMP pathways to be more similar to SR than F. As the Wnt/BMP pathway is known to exist in a gradient along the crypt-villus axis, with Wnt expression dominating in the crypt region and BMP expression dominating in the villi, it was possible that pooling whole tissue reduced our ability to detect treatment effects that would be concentrated in either region. A method was therefore developed to remove intestinal epithelial cells along the villus-to-crypt axis. Twenty-five-day-old F and SR piglets were euthanized and ileal tissue was collected and placed in a dissociation buffer in a shaking water bath. Exfoliated cells were removed at increasing time points from 5 to 100 minutes in order to remove cells along the villus-to-crypt axis. After the final incubation, remaining mucosal tissue was removed using a sterile glass microscope slide and pooled with the final exfoliated cell isolation. After each cell collection, a section of tissue was fixed in formalin for histomorphological examination. Expression of genes in the Wnt/BMP pathways, along with crypt marker genes (CDK5 and v-myb), were measured in both whole ileal tissue, pooled epithelial cells, and separate epithelial cell isolations from the same piglet. The expression of β-catenin, HNF-4α, TNF-α, TGF-β and the crypt marker v-myb matched the expected villus-to-crypt pattern in cells collected after 10 (incubation 1), 30 (incubation 2) and 60 (incubation 3) minutes. However, expression of expression in cells collected after 100 minutes (incubation 4) was variable, which may be due to the fact that crypt cells were not efficiently removed and the presence of unwanted non-epithelial tissue. Gremlin, OPN, DKK1, sFRP3 and sFRP4 expression was not statistically different along the villus-to-crypt axis. Frizzled 6 and CDK5 did not express as we had predicted, with expression highest towards the villi. In summary, the epithelial cell collection method used was not entirely successful. While much of the gene data suggests that cells were removed along the villus-to-crypt axis through the first three incubations, the last incubation, which involved scraping the tissue, removed non-epithelial components of the mucosa, while leaving the crypts intact. In conclusion, the addition of 2 g/L PDX and 2 g/L scFOS did not cause gene expression of the Wnt/BMP pathways to mirror either F or SR expression. New isolation methods to extract cells along the crypt-villus axis should be considered, including the use of a laser capture microdissection. While this combination of prebiotics did not yield the intended effects, future research should be done on other combinations, such as the inclusion of galactooligosaccharides (GOS), which is commonly added to food products including infant formula.


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A novel, anaerobic, chemo-organotrophic bacterium, designated strain Ra1766HT, was isolated from sediments of the Guaymas basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) taken from a depth of 2002 m. Cells were thin, motile, Gram-stain-positive, flexible rods forming terminal endospores. Strain Ra1766H(T) grew at temperatures of 25-45 degrees C (optimum 30 degrees C), pH 6.7-8.1 (optimum 7.5) and in a salinity of 5-60 g l(-1) NaCl (optimum 30 g l(-1)). It was an obligate heterotrophic bacterium fermenting carbohydrates (glucose and mannose) and organic acids (pyruvate and succinate). Casamino acids and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate and glycine) were also fermented. The main end products from glucose fermentation were acetate, butyrate, ethanol, H-2 and CO2. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur, fumarate, nitrate, nitrite and Fe(III) were not used as terminal electron acceptors. The predominant cellular fatty acids were C-14 : 0, C-16:1 omega 7, C-16:1 omega 7 DMA and C-16:0. The main polar lipids consisted of phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phospholipids. The G +C content of the genomic DNA was 33.7 molo/o. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence indicated that strain Ra1766H(T) was affiliated to cluster XI of the order Clostridia les, phylum Firmicutes. The closest phylogenetic relative of Ra1766H(T) was Geosporobacter subterraneus (94.2% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). On the basis of phylogenetic inference and phenotypic properties, strain Ra1766H(T) (=DSM 27501(T)=JCM 19377(T)) is proposed to be the type strain of a novel species of a novel genus, named Crassaminicella pro funda.


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Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists or more commonly known as synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) were originally created to obtain the medicinal value of THC but they are an emerging social problem. SCs are mostly produced coated on herbal materials or in powder form and marketed under a variety of brand names, e.g. “Spice”, “K2”. Despite many SCs becoming controlled under drug legislation, many of them remain legal in some countries around the world. In Scotland, SCs are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 that only cover a few early SCs. In Saudi Arabia, even fewer are controlled. The picture of the SCs-problem in Scotland is vague due to insufficient prevalence data, particularly that using biological samples. Whilst there is evidence of increasing use of SCs throughout the world, in Saudi Arabia, there is currently no data regarding the use of products containing SCs among Saudi people. Several studies indicate that SCs may cause serious toxicity and impairment to health therefore it is important to understand the scale of use within society. A simple and sensitive method was developed for the simultaneous analysis of 10 parent SCs (JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-250, JWH-200, AM-1248, UR-144, A-796260, AB-FUBINACA, 5F-AKB-48 and 5F-PB-22) in whole blood and 8 corresponding metabolites (JWH-018 4-OH pentyl, JWH-073 3-OH butyl, JWH-250 4-OH pentyl, AM-2201 4-OH pentyl, JWH-122 5-OH pentyl, JWH-210 5-OH pentyl, 5F-AKB-48 (N-4 OH pentyl), 5F-PB-22 3-carboxyindole)in urine using LLE and LC-MS/MS. The method was validated according to the standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology (SWGTOX, May 2013). All analytes gave acceptable precision, linearity and recovery for analysing blood and urine samples. The method was applied to 1,496 biological samples, a mixture of whole blood and urine. Blood and/or urine samples were analysed from 114 patients presenting at Accident and Emergency in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, in spring 2014 and JuneDecember 2015. 5F-AKB-48, 5F-PB-22 and MDMB-CHMICA were detected in 9, 7 and 9 cases respectively. 904 urine samples from individuals admitted to/liberated from Scottish prisons over November 2013 were tested for the presence of SCs. 5F-AKB-48 (N-4 OH pentyl) was detected in 10 cases and 5F-PB-22 3-carboxyindole in 3 cases. Blood and urine samples from two post-mortem cases in Scotland with suspected ingestion of SCs were analysed. Both cases were confirmed positive for 5F-AKB-48. A total of 463 urine samples were collected from personnel who presented to the Security Forces Hospital in Ryiadh for workplace drug testing as a requirement for their job during July 2014. The results of the analysis found 2 samples to be positive for 5F-PB-22 3carboxyindole. A further study in Saudi Arabia using a questionnaire was carried out among 3 subpopulations: medical professionals, members of the public in and around smoking cafes and known drug users. With regards to general awareness of Spice products, 16%, 11% and 22% of those participants of medical professionals, members of the public in and around smoking cafes and known drug users, respectively, were aware of the existence of SCs or Spice products. The respondents had an overall average of 4.5% who had a friend who used these Spice products. It is clear from the results obtained in both blood and urine testing and surveys that SCs are being used in both Scotland and Saudi Arabia. The extent of their use is not clear and the data presented here is an initial look into their prevalence. Blood and urine findings suggest changing trends in SC use, moving away from JWH and AM SCs to the newer 5F-AKB-48, 5-F-PB-22 and MDMBCHMICA compounds worldwide. In both countries 5F-PB-22 was detected. These findings clarify how the SCs phenomenon is a worldwide problem and how the information of every country regarding what SCs are seized can help and is not specific for that country. The analytes included in the method were selected due to their apparent availability in both countries, however it is possible that some newer analytes have been used and these would not have been detected. For this reason it is important that methods for testing SCs are updated regularly and evolve with the ever-changing availability of these drugs worldwide. In addition, there is little published literature regarding the concentrations of these drugs found in blood and urine samples and this work goes some way towards understanding these.


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Tese (doutorado)–Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Short chain fatty acids (SCFA), including propionate, are produced by the bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates in the colon. Propionate has many potential roles in health, including inhibiting cholesterol synthesis, de novo lipogenesis and increasing satiety. The profile of SCFA produced is determined by both the substrate available and the bacteria present and may be influenced by environmental conditions within the lumen of the colon. Whilst it may be beneficial to increase colonic propionate production, dietary strategies to achieve this are unproven. Adding propionate to food leads to poorer organoleptic properties, and oral propionate is absorbed in the small intestine. The optimum way to selectively increase colonic propionate would be to select fermentable carbohydrates that selectively promote propionate production. To date, few studies have undertaken a systematic assessment of the factors leading to increased colonic propionate production making the selection of propiogenic carbohydrates challenging. The aim of this thesis was to identify the best carbohydrates for selectively increasing propionate production, and to explore the factors which control propionate production. This work started with a systematic review of the literature for evidence of candidate carbohydrates, which led to a screen of ‘propiogenic’ substrates using in vitro batch fermentations and mechanistic analysis of the impact of pH, bond linkage and orientation using a range of sugars, polysaccharides and fibre sources. A new unit for SCFA production was developed to allow comparison of results from in vitro studies encompassing a range different methodologies found in the literature. The systematic review found that rhamnose yielded the highest rate and proportion of propionate production whereas, for polysaccharides, β-glucan ranked highest for rate and guar gum ranked highest for molar production, but this was not replicated across all studies. Thus, no single NDC was established as highly propiogenic. Some substrates appeared more propiogenic than others and when these were screened in vitro. Laminarin, and other β-glucans ranked highest for propionate production. Legume fibre and mycoprotein fibre were also propiogenic. A full complement of glucose disaccharides were tested to examine the role glycosidic bond orientation and position on propionate production. Of the glucose disaccharides tested, β(1-4) bonding was associated with increased proportion of propionate and α(1-1) and β(1-4) increased the rate and proportion of butyrate production. In conclusion, it appears that for fibre to affect satiety, high intakes of fibre are needed, and which a major mechanism is thought to occur via propionate. Within this thesis it was identified that rather than selecting specific fibres, increasing overall intakes of highly fermentable carbohydrates is as effective at increasing propionate production. Selecting carbohydrates with beta-bonding, particularly laminarin and other β(1-4) fermentable carbohydrates leads to marginal increases in propionate production. Compared with targeted delivery of propionate to the colon, fermentable carbohydrates examined in this thesis have lesser and variable effects on propionate production. A more complete understanding of the impact of bond configurations in polysaccharides, rather than disaccharides, may help selection or design of dietary carbohydrates which selectively promote colonic propionate production substrates for inclusion in functional foods. Overall this study has concluded that few substrates are selectively propiogenic and the evidence suggests that similar changes in propionate production may be achieved by modest changes in dietary fibre intake


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Tese (doutorado)–Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Biodiesel is an alternative diesel fuel that is produced from vegetable oils and animal fats. Currently, most biodiesel is made from oils, methanol, and an alkaline catalyst. Conventional catalysts is commonly used for catalyzing esterification of fatty acid to produce biodiesel. However, a better and greener method was found. An ionic liquid (IL) is a molten salt consisting of a cation and an anion, with low melting temperature. It offers a better solution than sulfuric acid, because it can be recycled and reused in subsequent runs after recovery steps. In this study, a Brønsted acidic IL, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate ([BMIM][HSO4]) was used as a catalyst in the esterification of oleic acid with methanol into biodiesel. The effect of different operation parameters such as methanol to oil molar ratio, amount of catalyst, reaction temperature, and reaction time were tested. The optimum conditions for esterification of oleic acid were identified as oleic acid/methanol molar ratio of 1/10, amount of catalyst 10 wt%, reaction time of 4 h, and reaction temperature of 90oC. FAME content of produced biodiesel was analyzed and confirmed using GC chromatography.