977 resultados para Atomic bomb.


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The relation between the fragility of glass-forming systems, a parameter which describes many of their key physical characteristics, and atomic scale structure is investigated by using neutron diffraction to measure the topological and chemical ordering for germania, or GeO2, which is an archetypal strong glass former. We find that the ordering for this and other tetrahedral network-forming glasses at distances greater than the nearest neighbor can be rationalized in terms of an interplay between the relative importance of two length scales. One of these is associated with an intermediate range, the other with an extended range and, with increasing glass fragility, it is the extended range ordering which dominates.


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The electrocopolymerization of carbazole and acrylamide on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) from ACN solutions via cyclovoltammetry (CV) was studied in order to evaluate the possibility to deposit uniform and thin but pinhole-free and still reactive coatings onto graphite-like substrates. The morphology of the coatings was investigated using atomic force microscopy and the coating thicknesses and optical parameters were measured using ellipsometry. It was found that under the chosen conditions thin (coating thickness hf>180 nm) and relatively smooth (root mean square surface roughness RMS<150 nm) P(Cz-co-AAm)-coatings exhibiting a uniform globuoidal morphology can be deposited onto graphite. From a certain coating thickness (hf>50 nm) no pinholes could be detected. It was found that the thickness of the deposited coatings increases almost linearly with increasing number of CV-cycles while keeping all other experimental parameters (scan rate and comonomer concentration ratio) constant. No influence of the comonomer concentration ratio on the film thickness and coating appearance could be observed, however, at quite low initial concentrations. However, the CV-scanning rate has quite a significant influence on the thickness of the deposited coatings. Higher scan rates (100 mV/s) result in thin (hf≈22 nm) coatings whereas at lower scan rates (<50 mV/s) coatings with thicknesses of approximately 50 nm were obtained. The optical coating parameters (the refractive index n and extinction coefficient k) seem to be independent of the deposition parameters and therefore averaged values of n̄=1.54±0.03 and k̄=0.08±0.03 were obtained.


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Sol-gel-synthesized bioactive glasses may be formed via a hydrolysis condensation reaction, silica being introduced in the form of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), and calcium is typically added in the form of calcium nitrate. The synthesis reaction proceeds in an aqueous environment; the resultant gel is dried, before stabilization by heat treatment. These materials, being amorphous, are complex at the level of their atomic-scale structure, but their bulk properties may only be properly understood on the basis of that structural insight. Thus, a full understanding of their structure-property relationship may only be achieved through the application of a coherent suite of leading-edge experimental probes, coupled with the cogent use of advanced computer simulation methods. Using as an exemplar a calcia-silica sol-gel glass of the kind developed by Larry Hench, in the memory of whom this paper is dedicated, we illustrate the successful use of high-energy X-ray and neutron scattering (diffraction) methods, magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR, and molecular dynamics simulation as components to a powerful methodology for the study of amorphous materials.


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The general method for determining organomercurials in environmental and biological samples is gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). However, tedious sample work up protocols and poor chromatographic response show the need for the development of new methods. Here, Atomic Fluorescence-based methods are described, free from these deficiencies. The organomercurials in soil, sediment and tissue samples are first released from the matrices with acidic KBr and cupric ions and extracted into dichloromethane. The initial extracts are subjected to thiosulfate clean up and the organomercury species are isolated as their chloride derivatives by cupric chloride and subsequent extraction into a small volume of dichloromethane. In water samples the organomercurials are pre-concentrated using a sulfhydryl cotton fiber adsorbent, followed by elution with acidic KBr and CuSO 4 and extraction into dichloromethane. Analysis of the organomercurials is accomplished by capillary column chromatography with atomic fluorescence detection.


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A production of low velocity and monoenergetic atomic beams would increase the resolution in spectroscopic studies and many other experiments in atomic physics. Laser Cooling uses the radiation pressure to decelerate and cool atoms. The effusing from a glow discharge metastable argon atomic beam is affected by a counterpropagating laser light tuned to the cycling transition in argon. The Zeeman shift caused by a spatially varying magnetic field compensates for the changing Doppler shift that takes the atoms out of resonance as they decelerated. Deceleration and velocity bunching of atoms to a final velocity that depends on the detuning of the laser relative to a frequency of the transition have been observed. Time-of-Flight (TOF) spectroscopy is used to examine the velocity distribution of the cooled atomic beam. These TOF studies of the laser cooled atomic beam demonstrate the utility of laser deceleration for atomic-beam "velocity selection".


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We report the detailed characterization of high quality vanadium oxide (VOx) nanotubes (NTs) and highlight the zipping of adjacent vanadate layers in such NTs formed on remarkable nanourchin structures. These nanostructures consist of high-density spherical radial arrays of NTs. The results evidence vanadate NTs with unprecedented uniformity and evidences the first report of vanadate atomic layer zipping. The NTs are ∼2 μm in length with inner diameters of 20-30 nm. The tube walls comprise scrolled triplet-layers of vanadate intercalated with organic surfactant. Such high-volume structures might be useful as open-access electrolyte scaffolds for lithium insertion-based charge storage devices.


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We report the results of a study into the quality of functionalized surfaces for nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent post-etch pattern definition and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111} oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. A detailed study of the self-assembly mechanism using molecular resolution AFM and STM has shown that the monolayer is composed of domains with sizes typically of 5-25 nm, and multiple molecular domains can exist within one Au grain. Exposure of the SAM to an optically-cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks ans also standing wave optical masks allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per SAM molecule) and the realization of < 50 nm structures. The SAM monolayer contains many non-uniformities such as pin-holes, domain boundaries and monoatomic depressions which are present in the Au surface prior to SAM adsorption. These imperfections limit the use of alkanethiols as a resist in atomic nanolithography experiments. These studies have allowed us to realize an Atom Pencil suitable for deposition of precision quantities of material at the microand nanoscale to an active surface.


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Cs atom beams, transversely collimated and cooled, passing through material masks in the form of arrays of reactive-ion-etched hollow Si pyramidal tips and optical masks formed by intense standing light waves, write submicron features on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Features with widths as narrow as 43 ± 6 nm and spatial resolution limited only by the grain boundaries of the substrate have been realized in SAMs of alkanethiols. The material masks write two-dimensional arrays of submicron holes; the optical masks result in parallel lines spaced by half the optical wavelength. Both types of feature are written to the substrate by exposure of the masked SAM to the Cs flux and a subsequent wet chemical etch. For the arrays of pyramidal tips, acting as passive shadow masks, the resolution and size of the resultant feature depends on the distance of the mask array from the SAM, an effect caused by the residual divergence of the Cs atom beam. The standing wave optical mask acts as an array of microlenses focusing the atom flux onto the substrate. Atom 'pencils' writing on SAMs have the potential to create arbitrary submicron figures in massively parallel arrays. The smallest features and highest resolutions were realized with SAMs grown on smooth, sputtered gold substrates.