989 resultados para Associações, instituições, etc.
Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly
Les initiatives du gouvernement ayant pour finalité une réorganisation de la structure urbaine de la ville au début du XXème siècle reflètent le désir vécu par les membres de l'élite locale d'encadrer Natal dans les moules des grands centres urbains de la même période. Les élites désiraient transformer Natal dans une ville moderne. Dans ce but, le gouvernement s'est engagé dans la reformulation de quelques espaces physiques de la ville. Néanmoins, il fallait aussi d autres que les transformations urbaines, la ville devrait passer par des réformes sociales. De cette façon, ces groupes ont créées des nouvelles institutions et espaces de sociabilité qui affirmeraient la capitale de l'État comme une ville moderne. Les institutions formelles avaient un rôle imortant dans la construction de cette nouvelle ville convoitée par l'élite locale. Ainsi, à travers celles-ci, se diffusaient des nouvelles pratiques sociales qui seraient reflétées dans les espaces urbains. Dans des places tels, des cafés, des clubs et associations sportives, l'élite se distinguait du populaire. Dans ces places, leurs pratiques étaient légitimées, en contrepoint avec les pratiques populaires. C était dans les clubs et par les activités pratiquées par leurs membres que les idéals de l'élite circulaient, c était par là que l'élite se formait et se transformait. De cette façon, les aspirations d'un groupe social reflétaient dans l'organisation sociale des espaces de la ville
The elaboration of this thesis aimed at getting to know the structure of the psychological well-being (PWB) at work and analysing the differences in the PWB levels among technical-administrative servants in public and private Institutions of Higher Education (IES) in the municipality of João Pessoa. Two hundred and thirty-three public and private IES male and female servants of João Pessoa participated in the research, replying to an instrument composed of questionnaires referring to the elaborated model. Factorial and regression analyses were accomplished in order to test the hypotheses in respect of the proposed model. The results showed that the PWB related with the work is composed of indicators such as affection, vitality, anxiety, depression, satisfaction at work and aspiration for accomplishment and reduction of the self-efficiency. The observed PWB predictors at work were the IES type, presence of children, age and the escape and back-out facing strategy. These predictors possess relationship of moderation among them in the explanation of PWB. On comparing the PWB experienced by the technical-administrative servants, it was observed that those linked to private IES showed higher PWB rates. Furthermore, there are differences among PWB predictors in accordance with the IES type. The applicability of the results of this thesis is wide as regards social interventions in the search of health improvement under a psycho-sociological perspective. Eventually, the thematic of this thesis intends to reinforce the studies on the worker s health, since by knowing what would lead him into a feeling of accomplishment and well-being will result in more chances of promoting him, while creating opportunities of a sounder life for these people in psychological terms
De que forma a evolução da estrutura institucional do Mercosul, desde sua criação até sua atual conformação, facilita a transformação de conflitos econômico-comerciais, de menor e maior grau, em conflitos políticos. Acredita-se que uma parte significativa dos conflitos no Mercosul poderia ser solucionada tecnicamente, sem resvalar nas relações políticas globais dos Estados membros, como tem ocorrido regularmente.
The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation
The present study has addressed the issues surrounding the Solidarity Economy and Tourism, their perspectives and contributions to the development process of local communities, as well as the connection point between the two. This study evaluated the extent to which social economy through cooperatives and associations in tourism has generated socio-economic improvements for the artisans of the tourist Seridó. The study made as to their objectives, was exploratory and descriptive, since it involved both standard techniques of data collection, questionnaires and systematic observation, and secondary research and case studies, which characterizes an exploratory research, according to Castro (2008 ). The results indicate significant improvements offered by the inclusion of members in groups (associations and cooperatives) in matters concerning health, education, interpersonal relationships, and access to consumer credit to the artisans. Through this study, one might also note that the inclusion of products and services in tourism is not a relevant factor for the socio-economic improvements observed for the elevated presence of middlemen in the marketing process
The generation of direction, sensemaking, is the process where the actors start to perceive the events around them establishing and creating meanings in their actions that they play daily. At the moment where they happen the interactions in a net business-oriented between the actors are that sensemaking is generated. A business-oriented example of a relationship net is the work developed for the Committee of Associations and Regional Cooperatives of Handcraft of Seridó - CRACAS. This organization, with headquarters in the city of Caicó - Rio Grande of North exists with the objective to manage the net of craftsmen of the region of the norteriograndense Seridó. The present inquiry had as objective generality to understand the generation of sensible of the activities carried through for the organizational, inserted actors in the CRACAS in Caicó/RN, directed toward the use of the resources in its daily business-oriented. The specific objectives had been) To identify the resources used for the organizational actors of the CRACAS; b) To apprehend the way for which the craftsmen play activities directed toward the control and use of the available resources in its environment business-oriented; c) To identify the role played for the organizational actors (craftsmen) in its business-oriented daily activities; d) To understand as the organizational actors of the CRACAS they generate sensible of its business-oriented activities and finally e) To verify the principles that guide the interactions of the craftsmen. Of this process of empirical inquiry, the methodology used in the inquiry consisted of a Study of Case in the CRACAS and the seven Associations of the Embroidering it. It was concluded that sensemaking happens during the accomplishment of the activity as during the confection of the products. In accordance with craftsman the financial resources do not come from the CRACAS. One evidenced that the seven cities of the business-oriented embroidering interact as a net of the handcraft and that it exists a lack of resources and infrastructure in the associations
O papel da tecnologia na produção contemporânea em artes cênicas vem influenciando profundamente as formas de recepção e produção de Teatro, Dança, espetáculos de Circo, shows musicais, entre outras manifestações espetaculares organizadas. Sua aplicação se estende amplamente a outras áreas que necessitam enfatizar o caráter cênico de seus processos de fruição como é o caso dos museus, feiras de ciências, exibições e mostras em artes visuais e o aparato tecnológico de luz, som e configuração espacial usados para estes fins. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento deste tipo de tecnologia vem gerando e alimentando cadeias produtivas que movimentam uma economia da produção cultural e criam uma rede de relações articuladas em diferentes níveis de atuação, envolvendo produtores de equipamento, fornecedores, lighting designers, cenógrafos, profissionais de sonorização, arquitetos, técnicos de montagem e operação, instituições ensino especializadas, associações de área, entre outros. O foco deste trabalho se concentra em demonstrar como a análise de demandas de tecnologia cênica articuladas pelos sistemas de produção cultural, em particular na região Nordeste do Brasil, possibilitam compreender modelos de organização em curso, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma reflexão multidisciplinar acerca dos processos de produção artística de natureza cênica e como esta produção é afetada pelos limites e possibilidades dos aspectos que caracterizam uma economia destas produções
La présentation des logiques territoriales du développement, objet du présent article, résulte de la compilation de lectures systématisées, dont l'objectif est présenter les principales associations entre des théories, concepts et typologies. La relation exprimée, hypothétiquement, la possibilité d'une action collective intentionnelle des agents et les institutions pour le développement.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A produção do conhecimento em universidades é analisada como resultante da experiência individual em contexto histórico e sociocultural. Há fatores determinantes, de base epistemológica, e outros, condicionantes, na produção do conhecimento. Esta passa a adquirir significado estratégico para o país, inserido em uma economia globalizada. A aquisição de competitividade pelas nossas universidades dependerá de formas inovadoras de gestão de talentos.
Dans cet article, nous envisageons traiter une série de questions concernant le contexte urbain de la ville de São Paulo. Notre objectif est d'identifier: a) comment s'organisent les principaux groupes privés en vue de situer le secteur tertiaire moderne; b) comment leur organisations font pression sur le pouvoir public afin d'obtenir des bénéfices d'infrastructure d'équipements urbains; c) quelles sont les réponses concrètes du pouvoir public; d) quels sont les principaux groupes sociaux, issus des classes populaires qui sont pourtant atteints par ce jeu d'intérêts.
Objective Dogs play an important role as infection source of human cryptosporidiosis. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp. in dogs as well as to compare two techniques of fecal analysis.Methods Four-hundred and fifty canine fecal samples from the city of São Paulo were analyzed between 2003 and 2004. Fecal samples were randomly selected from dogs housed in a university veterinary hospital (group 1, n=200) and private kennels (group 2, n=250). The detection of Cryptosporidium was performed using modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-tailed test of significance at 5% confidence interval (z critical=+/- 1.645).Results Only Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were found the prevalences found by light microscopy examination and PCR techniques were 8.8% and 9.5%, respectively. Young animals showed a lower frequency (5.5%) compared to adults (10.1%). There was no statistically significant difference in Cryptosporidium prevalence between males and females.Conclusions the prevalence of C. parvum in the canine population studied was similar to that one found in the literature and affects equally males and females. The use of PCR allowed the detection of more positive cases than light microscopy.
The aim of this paper is to describe the patterns of associations between fish species and their distribution in lotic habitats at basin level. Samples were accomplished in 27 localities of Iguatemi river basin, distributed in four environments (Iguatemi river, Jogui river, Puitã river and streams). The presence/absence data of those species which occurred in 2 or more sites were submitted at multivariate methods with the aim to describe the major species associations. The species distribution was considered determinative in these communities (C-score = 17,33; P = 0,000), with significant difference among the studied environments (ANOSIM r = 0,082; P = 0,012), with verified difference between Iguatemi river and streams (P = 0,001) and also streams and Jogui river (P = 0,014). We verified a strong segregation among species from headstreams and more discharge river stretches or even larger streams.
Dermatophytosis on skin, hair and nails are the most common infectious process in the world. A total of 94 individuals from Public Institutions from the city of Araraquara - Sao Paulo/Brazil, with suspected of dermatophytic lesions were examined in order to determine the incidence and etiology of dermatophytosis. 105 specimens were collected from August to December of 2001 in the Mycology Laboratory of the Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas. It was observed that 47 samples were positive for dermatophytes. Trichophyton rubrum was the prevalent specie (59.6%), followed by Microsporum canis (17%), T. tonsurans (10.6%), T. mentagrophytes (8.5%) and Epidermophyton floccosum (4.3%). T. rubrum was the most frequent in interdigital lesions (81.5%) and M. canis was the main dermatophyte involved in scalp lesions (58.3%). Therefore, it was observed a predominance of antropophilic and zoophilic species, respectively. These results are in agreement with statistical data from South and Southeast regions of Brazil, as well as from other parts of the world in which these fungi were the most frequently isolates from tinea pedis and tinea capitis. In this study, it was also observed a high percentage of T. tonsurans (41.7%) in tinea capitis and this result was different from the statistical data collected until now in our region.