819 resultados para Artéria oftálmica


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Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas em estudantes de escolas das redes pública e privada de Natal-RN. Métodos: Avaliação oftalmológica foi realizada em 990 alunos, de 5 a 21 anos, matriculados nas escolas das redes públicas e privada do município de Natal-RN, que estiveram cursando alguma série do ensino fundamental ou médio, no período de 03 a 06 de 2001. Resultados: Alterações fundoscópicas foram observadas em 5,3% dos estudantes. As anormalidades encontradas, por ordem de freqüência, foram: branco sem pressão, 1,0%; cicatriz de retinocoroidite sugestiva de toxoplasmose, 1,0%; atrofia do epitélio pigmentado da retina, 0,8%; nevos da coróide, 0,4%; escavação da cabeça do nervo óptico aumentada, 0,4%; degeneração em treliça, 0,3%; buraco operculado, 0,2%; fundus miópico, 0,2%; tortuosidade vascular aumentada, 0,2%; granuloma sugestivo de toxocaríase, 0,2%; hipoplasia da cabeça do nervo óptico, 0,1%; persistência da artéria hialoidea, 0,1%; persistência de fibras de mielina, 0,1%; retina sal e pimenta, 0,1%; retinosquise, 0,1%. Conclusão: Houve uma baixa prevalência de alterações fundoscópicas na população estudada


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Para avaliar os efeitos de diferentes tempos de pré-condicionamento isquêmico (IPC) em translocação bacteriana intestinal (BT). MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar pesando 280 ± 27g foram divididos em cinco grupos. No grupo IV (n = 6), a laparotomia foi realizada e a artéria mesentérica superior foi obstruído por um microclampe atraumática durante 30 minutos. Nos quatro grupos de pré-condicionamento (n = 6 cada) antes dos 30 minutos de isquemia-reperfusão (I / R), os ratos foram submetidos a IPC para duas, cinco, dez e 15 minutos, seguido pelo mesmo momento da reperfusão. A fim de avaliar se o tempo de pré-condicionamento influenciaram o surgimento de translocação bacteriana, as amostras de nódulos linfáticos mesentéricos, fígado e baço foram colhidas em condições estéreis, 24 horas após os procedimentos para a quantificação de unidades formadoras de colónias de bactérias por grama de tecido (CFU / g). O sangue foi recolhido para a medição de citoquinas. RESULTADOS: No grupo I / R, o total de CFU / g em gânglios linfáticos mesentéricos, baço, fígado, bem como o soro de TNF-a, IL-1A e IL-6 foram significativamente mais elevados do que nos outros grupos (p <0,05). Pré-condicionamento por 15 minutos significativamente atenuada BT e citocinas séricas quando comparado a outros períodos de pré-condicionamento (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Nossos dados sugerem que o pré-condicionamento como um fator chave para reduzir a translocação bacteriana intestinal em I / R. Numa escala de dois a 15 minutos, o melhor tempo de pré-condicionamento isquémico pela atenuação da translocação bacteriana foi de 15 minutos


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Analisar, em pacientes submetidos a simpaticotomia videotoracoscópica para tratamento da Hiperidrose Primária (HP), as conseqüências hemodinâmicas da desnervação vascular das artérias carótidas e vertebrais após a trans-secção cirúrgica da cadeia simpática torácica (simpaticotomia), através da mensuração de parâmetros ultra-sonográficos. Método: Vinte e quatro pacientes portadores de HP submetidos a quarenta e oito simpaticotomias torácicas endoscópicas foram avaliados através da mensuração da velocidade de pico sistólico (VPS), velocidade de pico diastólico (VPD), índice de pulsatibilidade (IP) e índice de resistência (IR) nas artérias carótidas comuns, internas e externas, além da artéria vertebral bilateralmente usando o eco-doppler duplex scan. As avaliações foram realizadas antes da intervenção cirúrgica e trinta dias após o procedimento. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado na análise das diferenças entre as variáveis antes e depois da simpaticotomia. Resultados: A simpaticotomia no nível de T3 foi a trans-secção mais realizada (95,83%), seja isoladamente (25%) ou associada a T4 (62,50%) ou a T2 (8,33%). Houve aumento significativo no IR e no IP da artéria carótida comum bilateralmente (p<0,05). A VPD da artéria carótida interna diminuiu em ambos os lados (p<0,05). A VPS e a VPD da artéria vertebral direita também aumentaram (p<0,05). Achados assimétricos foram observados, de modo que artérias do lado direito foram as mais freqüentemente afetadas. Conclusões: Alterações hemodinâmicas foram observadas nas artérias vertebral e carótida após simpaticotomia para tratamento de HP. VPS foi o parâmetro mais freqüentemente alterado, principalmente nas artérias do lado direito, representando alterações assimétricas significantes nas artérias carótida e vertebral. Entretanto, são necessárias pesquisas subseqüentes para verificar se essas alterações são definitivas ou temporárias, uma vez que as inferências clínicas somente terão validação se as alterações forem permanentes


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Foram estudados 20 pares de rins decutias (Dasyprocta prymnolopha Wagler, 1831), com o objetivo de descrever os segmentos anátomo-cirúrgicos arteriais. As artérias renais foram injetadas com solução de Vinilite corada, e os rins foram submetidos à corrosão ácida para a obtenção dos moldes vasculares. Observou-se que as artérias renais da cutia, sempre únicas, dividiram-se em artéria setorial ventral e artéria setorial dorsal, caracterizando dois setores renais separados por plano avascular. As artérias setoriais penetraram no hilo renal (100% dos casos). Estes vasos deram origem aos ramos segmentares responsáveis pela irrigação de territórios independentes em cada setor, os segmentos arteriais renais. No rim direito foram observados 3 (60%), 4 (35%) e 5 segmentos (5%) no setor arterial ventral e 3 (30%), 4 (45%), 5 (20%) e 6 (5%) segmentos no setor dorsal e, à esquerda, 2(10%), 3 (55%) e 4 (35%) segmentos no setor ventral e 3 (25%), 4 (50%) e 5 (25%) no dorsal. Com base na distribuição arterial nos rins de cutia, observaram-se setores e segmentos arteriais independentes, sendo possível, desta forma, a realização de setoriectomia e segmentectomia nesta espécie.


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Objective: To evaluate the differences between goblet cell density (GCD) and symptomatology after one month of orthokeratology lens wear. Methods: A pilot, short-term study was conducted. Twenty-two subjects (29.7. ±. 7.0 years old) participated voluntarily in the study. Subjects were divided into two groups: habitual silicone hydrogel contact lens wearers (SiHCLW) and new contact lens wearers (NCLW). Schirmer test, tear break up time (TBUT), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire and conjunctival impression cytology. GCD, mucin cloud height (MCH) and cell layer thickness (CLT) were measured. All measurements were performed before orthokeratology fitting and one month after fitting to assess the evolution of the changes throughout this time. Results: No differences in tear volume and TBUT between groups were found (p>0.05). However, the OSDI score was statistically better after one month of orthokeratology lens wear than the baseline for the SiHCLW group (p=0.03). Regarding the goblet cell analysis, no differences were found in CLT and MCH from the baseline visit to the one month visit for the SiHCLW compared with NCLW groups (p>0.05). At baseline, the GCD in the SiHCLW group were statistically lower than NCLW group (p<0.001). There was a significant increase in GCD after orthokeratology fitting from 121±140cell/mm2 to 254±130cell/mm2 (p<0.001) in the SiHCLW group. Conclusion: Orthokeratology improves the dry eye subject symptoms and GCD after one month of wearing in SiHCLW. These results suggest that orthokeratology could be considered a good alternative for silicone hydrogel contact lens discomfort and dryness. © 2016 British Contact Lens Association.


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Purpose.: To evaluate the levels of dinucleotides diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and diadenosine pentaphosphate (Ap5A) in tears of patients wearing rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses on a daily wear basis and of patients wearing reverse-geometry RGP lenses overnight for orthokeratology treatment. Methods.: Twenty-two young volunteers (10 females, 12 males; 23.47 ± 4.49 years) were fitted with an alignment-fit RGP lens (paflufocon B) for a month, and after a 15-day washout period they were fitted with reverse-geometry RGP lenses for corneal reshaping (paflufocon D) for another month. During each period, tears were collected at baseline day 1, 7, 15, and 28. Ap4A and Ap5A were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Additionally, corneal staining, break-up time (BUT), Schirmer test, and dryness symptoms were evaluated. Results.: Ap4A concentrations increased significantly from baseline during the whole period of daily wear of RGP lenses (P < 0.001); concentration was also significantly higher than in the orthokeratology group, which remained at baseline levels during the study period except at day 1 (P < 0.001) and day 28 (P = 0.041). While BUT and Schirmer remained unchanged in both groups, discomfort and dryness were significantly increased during alignment-fit RGP daily wear but not during the orthokeratology period. Conclusions.: Daily wear of RGP lenses increased the levels of Ap4A due to mechanical stimulation by blinking of the corneal epithelium, and this is associated with discomfort. Also, orthokeratology did not produce symptoms or signs of ocular dryness, which could be a potential advantage over soft contact lenses in terms of contact lens-induced dryness.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Objetivo/Método: Valorar la sensibilidad al contraste fotópica, sin y con deslumbramiento con un nuevo instrumento. Se estudiaron 78 ojos derechos de 49 adultos jóvenes y de 29 adultos entre 35 y 55 años. La sensibilidad al contraste se midió con el Contrast Glaretester CGT-1000 mediante una estrategia automatizada de reconocimiento para seis frecuencias espaciales. Resultados/Conclusiones: Los valores de sensibilidad al contraste fueron semejantes a los obtenidos con otros tests clínicos. El aumento de la edad disminuyó significativamente la sensibilidad al contraste sin y con deslumbramiento. Sin embargo, el deslumbramiento no modificó la sensibilidad al contraste fotópica.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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The foundations for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults are laid in childhood and accelerated by the presence of comorbid conditions. Early detection of manifestations of cardiovascular pathology is an important clinical objective to identify those at risk for subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and events, and to initiate behavioral and medical interventions to reduce risk. Children were once considered to be at low risk, but with the growing health concerns related to lifestyle, cardiovascular screening may be needed earlier. Several noninvasive procedures are available to assess the cumulative effect of these exposures. These include carotid ultrasound, flow-mediated dilation, pulse wave velocity and measures left ventricular mass. This dissertation analyzes the comorbid conditions that increase cardiovascular risk in youth, namely obesity and low physical fitness, using carotid intima-media thickness to objectively detect early manifestations of cardiovascular pathology. Until recently researchers have not used surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis to examine the role of a single bout of exercise. Utilizing the acute exercise model can be advantageous as it allows for an efficient manipulation of exercise variables and permits greater experimental control of confounding variables. It is possible that the effects of a bout of exercise can predict the effects of chronic exercise. We analyze the physiological factors pertinent to arterial stiffness using arterial distensibility and pulse wave velocity in the context of acute exercise in children and adults. In some instances, those who amend their trajectory by not maintaining risk factors into adulthood experience reductions in subclinical markers to levels associated with never having had the risk factor. Though avoidance of risk factors in youth is ideal, there is still a window for intervention where long-lasting cardiovascular effects might be avoided. In this dissertation we present preliminary findings linking modifiable youth risk factors to subclinical markers of CVD in adulthood.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2012


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In the study of the spatial characteristics of the visual channels, the power spectrum model of visual masking is one of the most widely used. When the task is to detect a signal masked by visual noise, this classical model assumes that the signal and the noise are previously processed by a bank of linear channels and that the power of the signal at threshold is proportional to the power of the noise passing through the visual channel that mediates detection. The model also assumes that this visual channel will have the highest ratio of signal power to noise power at its output. According to this, there are masking conditions where the highest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) occurs in a channel centered in a spatial frequency different from the spatial frequency of the signal (off-frequency looking). Under these conditions the channel mediating detection could vary with the type of noise used in the masking experiment and this could affect the estimation of the shape and the bandwidth of the visual channels. It is generally believed that notched noise, white noise and double bandpass noise prevent off-frequency looking, and high-pass, low-pass and bandpass noises can promote it independently of the channel's shape. In this study, by means of a procedure that finds the channel that maximizes the SNR at its output, we performed numerical simulations using the power spectrum model to study the characteristics of masking caused by six types of one-dimensional noise (white, high-pass, low-pass, bandpass, notched, and double bandpass) for two types of channel's shape (symmetric and asymmetric). Our simulations confirm that (1) high-pass, low-pass, and bandpass noises do not prevent the off-frequency looking, (2) white noise satisfactorily prevents the off-frequency looking independently of the shape and bandwidth of the visual channel, and interestingly we proved for the first time that (3) notched and double bandpass noises prevent off-frequency looking only when the noise cutoffs around the spatial frequency of the signal match the shape of the visual channel (symmetric or asymmetric) involved in the detection. In order to test the explanatory power of the model with empirical data, we performed six visual masking experiments. We show that this model, with only two free parameters, fits the empirical masking data with high precision. Finally, we provide equations of the power spectrum model for six masking noises used in the simulations and in the experiments.


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PURPOSE To investigate the cortical mechanisms that prevent diplopia in intermittent exotropia (X(T)) during binocular alignment (orthotropia). METHODS The authors studied 12 X(T) patients aged 5 to 22 years. Seventy-five percent had functional stereo vision with stereoacuity similar to that of 12 age-matched controls (0.2-3.7 min arc). Identical face images were presented to the two eyes for 400 ms. In one eye, the face was presented at the fovea; in the other, offset along the horizontal axis with up to 12° eccentricity. The task was to indicate whether one or two faces were perceived. RESULTS All X(T) patients showed normal diplopia when the nonfoveal face was presented to nasal hemiretina, though with a slightly larger fusional range than age-matched controls. However, 10 of 12 patients never experienced diplopia when the nonfoveal face was presented to temporal hemiretina (i.e., when the stimulus simulated exodeviation). Patients showed considerable variability when the single image was perceived. Some patients suppressed the temporal stimulus regardless of which eye viewed it, whereas others suppressed a particular eye even when it viewed the foveal stimulus. In two patients, the simulated exodeviation might have triggered a shift from normal to anomalous retinal correspondence. CONCLUSIONS Antidiplopic mechanisms in X(T) can be reliably triggered by purely retinal information during orthotropia, but the nature of these mechanisms varies between patients.


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RESUMO Os tumores do espaço parafaríngeo são raros e correspondem a menos de 1% de todas as neoplasias da cabeça e pescoço. Os tumores, benignos ou malignos, podem ter origem em qualquer uma das estruturas contidas no espaço parafaríngeo e geralmente apresentam-se como uma tumefação indolor no pescoço ou orofaringe, geralmente o diagnóstico definitivo é anatomo-patológico; contudo é importante reconhecer a possibilidade de ocorrência de lesões vasculares que obrigam à realização de estudos imagiologicos desta região antes de se proceder a biópsia ou excisão da lesão. Os autores relatam um caso de uma doente com uma volumosa tumefacção parafaringea esquerda com 3 meses de evolução, indolor e causadora de disfagia. O estudo imagiológico demonstrou um aneurisma da artéria carótida interna que foi tratado através de procedimentos endovasculares com oclusão do aneurisma.


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In a previous contribution [Appl. Opt. 51, 8599 (2012)], a coauthor of this work presented a method for reconstructing the wavefront aberration from tangential refractive power data measured using dynamic skiascopy. Here we propose a new regularized least squares method where the wavefront is reconstructed not only using tangential but also sagittal curvature data. We prove that our new method provides improved quality reconstruction for typical and also for highly aberrated wavefronts, under a wide range of experimental error levels. Our method may be applied to any type of wavefront sensor (not only dynamic skiascopy) able to measure either just tangential or tangential plus sagittal curvature data.