821 resultados para Architecture and energy conservation.
Scientific studies exploring the environmental and experiential elements that help boost human happiness have become a significant and expanding body of work. Some urban designers, architects and planners are looking to apply this knowledge through policy decisions and design, but there is a great deal of room for further study and exploration. This paper looks at definitions of happiness and happiness measurements used in research. The paper goes on to introduce six environmental factors identified in a literature review that have design implications relating to happiness: Nature, Light, Surprise, Access, Identity, and Sociality. Architectural precedents are examined and design strategies are proposed for each factor, which are then applied to a test case site and building in Baltimore, Maryland. It is anticipated that these factors and strategies will be useful to architects, urban designers and planners as they endeavor to design positive user experiences and set city shaping policy.
It is recognized that sedentary behavior (SB) has deleterious effects on numerous health outcomes and it appears that physiological mechanisms underlying these harms are distinct from the ones explaining moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) benefits. Sedentary behavior represents a large portion of human’s life and is increasing with technological development. A new current of opinion supports the idea that the manner SB is accumulated plays an important role. This dissertation presents six research studies conducted under the scope of SB. In the methodological area, the first study highlighted the magnitude of potential errors in estimating SB and its patterns from common alternative methods (accelerometer and heart rate monitor) compared to ActivPAL. This study presented the accelerometer as a valid method at a group level. Two studies (2 and 5) were performed in older adults (the most sedentary group in the population) to test the associations for SB patterns with abdominal obesity using accelerometry. The findings showed positive graded associations for prolonged sedentary bouts with abdominal obesity and showed that those who interrupted SB more frequently were less likely to present abdominal obesity. Therefore, public health recommendations regarding breaking up SB more often are expected to be relevant. The associations between sedentary patterns and abdominal obesity were independent of MVPA in older adults. However, the low MVPA in this group makes it unclear whether this independent relationship still exists if highly active persons are analysed. Study 3 inovates by examining the association of SB with body fatness in highly trained athletes and found SB to predict total fat mass and trunk fat mass, independently of age and weekly training time. Study 4 also brings novelty to this research field by quantifying the metabolic and energetic cost of the transition from sitting to standing and then sitting back down (a break), informing about the modest energetic costs (0.32 kcal·min−1). Finally, from a successful multicomponent pilot intervention to reduce and break up SB (study 6), an important behavioral resistance to make more sit/stand transitions despite successfully reducing sitting time (~ 1.85 hours·day-1) was found, which may be relevant to inform future behavioral modification programs. The present work provides observational and experimental evidence on the relation for SB patterns with body composition outcomes and energy regulation that may be relevant for public health interventions.
El ejercicio físico continuo conduce al atleta a mantener un equilibrio inestable entre la ingesta dietética, el gasto de energía y las exigencias adicionales de un alto grado de actividad física. Por lo tanto, una evaluación precisa del estado nutricional es esencial para optimizar el rendimiento, ya que afecta a la salud, la composición corporal, y la recuperación del atleta. Aspectos específicos como tipo de deporte, especialidad o posición de juego, programa de entrenamiento y calendario de competiciones, la categoría, objetivos específicos, que difieran de la población en general, deben ser tenidos en cuenta. La evaluación bioquímica nos puede dar una idea general del estado nutricional, del perfil lipídico, del funcionamiento de hígado o riñón, de si la dieta es demasiado alta en proteínas o grasas, así como las posibles deficiencias nutricionales y la necesidad de suplementación. La cineantropometría deportiva tiene gran utilidad ya que permite la evaluación de la masa corporal, altura, longitud, diámetro, perímetro y pliegues cutáneos, donde la información se procesa mediante la aplicación de diferentes ecuaciones, obteniendo información sobre el somatotipo, la composición corporal y la proporcionalidad de las distintas partes del cuerpo. Para poder dar una orientación nutricional adecuada, las necesidades de energía de los atletas deben ser conocidas. Si la medición objetiva no es posible, existen tablas que incluyen los requerimientos de energía teóricamente establecidos para diferentes deportes. La evaluación dietética debe incluir información sobre el consumo de alimentos y nutrientes para establecer la relación entre la dieta, el estado de salud y el rendimiento del atleta. Por otro lado, un estado adecuado de hidratación en los atletas es esencial para mantener un rendimiento óptimo. Se debe valorar específicamente la ingesta de líquidos por parte del deportista. La deshidratación puede causar efectos nocivos en la salud de los atletas. Como no existe un método “gold standard”, la gravidez y el color de la orina son los métodos más extendidos para analizar el estado de hidratación. Hay consenso en que la combinación de diferentes métodos asegura una captura efectiva de datos para la valoración nutricional del deportista que permitirá proceder a la intervención dietética y nutricional.
SpicA FAR infrared Instrument, SAFARI, is one of the instruments planned for the SPICA mission. The SPICA mission is the next great leap forward in space-based far-infrared astronomy and will study the evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. SPICA will utilize a deeply cooled 2.5m-class telescope, provided by European industry, to realize zodiacal background limited performance, and high spatial resolution. The instrument SAFARI is a cryogenic grating-based point source spectrometer working in the wavelength domain 34 to 230 μm, providing spectral resolving power from 300 to at least 2000. The instrument shall provide low and high resolution spectroscopy in four spectral bands. Low Resolution mode is the native instrument mode, while the high Resolution mode is achieved by means of a Martin-Pupplet interferometer. The optical system is all-reflective and consists of three main modules; an input optics module, followed by the Band and Mode Distributing Optics and the grating Modules. The instrument utilizes Nyquist sampled filled linear arrays of very sensitive TES detectors. The work presented in this paper describes the optical design architecture and design concept compatible with the current instrument performance and volume design drivers.
Because males and females of a species express many homologous traits, sex-specific selection on these traits can shift the opposite sex away from its phenotypic optimum. This mode of sexually antagonistic selection, known as intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC), arises when the evolution of sexual dimorphism is constrained by the two sexes sharing a common gene pool. As IaSC has been historically overlooked, many outstanding questions remain. For example, what is its contribution in maintaining genetic variation for fitness in populations? What characters underlie this variation in fitness? How does the selection history of the population influence the standing genetic variation? I used the model organism Drosophila melanogaster to attempt to resolve some of these questions. The first part of my Master’s project involved assessing the detectability of sexually antagonistic alleles in populations at different stages of adaptation to the laboratory. For the second part of my Master’s project, I looked for evidence of conflict during the development of body size, a well-known sexually dimorphic trait. While the first part of my thesis proved inconclusive, the second part revealed a surprising source of sexual conflict in pre-adult stages of D. melanogaster.
TESLA project (Transfering Energy Save Laid on Agroindustry) financed by the European Commission, had the main goals of evaluating the energy consumption and to identify the best available practices to improve energy efficiency in key agro-food sectors, such as the olive oil mills. A general analysis of energy consumptions allowed identifying the partition between electrical and thermal energy (approximately 50%) and the production processes responsible for the higher energy consumptions, as being the in the mill and paste preparation and the phases separation. Some measures for reducing energy waste and for improving energy efficiency were identified and the impact was evaluated by using the TESLA tool developed by Circe and available at the TESLA website.
This is much more than a mere compilation of texts about Corbusian architecture. The articles gathered here focus on Le Corbusier’s reflections about the public space of earlier times and its influence upon his own output, the relationship of his designs with the pre-existing city, and other subjects drawn from all periods of his career and training that clarify the affinity that he established with the past through urban design. They are very heterogeneous, pointing off in different directions and marking the most diverse interests. But at the same time they are interconnected, in that they seek to shed light on the affinity that Le Corbusier established with the past from the point of view of urban design, and open up new perspectives about the public space in his work and its controversial relationship with history. This special issue thus bears witness once again to Le Corbusier’s inexhaustible legacy, but also to the usefulness of research on his work and thought – a subject about which it seemed that everything had already been said when, paradoxically, we now know that there is still almost everything left to say.
The present study deals with the development of systematic conservation planning as management instrument in small oceanic islands, ensuring open systems of governance, and able to integrate an informed and involved participation of the stakeholders. Marxan software was used to define management areas according a set of alternative land use scenarios considering different conservation and management paradigms. Modeled conservation zones were interpreted and compared with the existing protected areas allowing more fused information for future trade-outs and stakeholder's involvement. The results, allowing the identification of Target Management Units (TMU) based on the consideration of different development scenarios proved to be consistent with a feasible development of evaluation approaches able to support sound governance systems. Moreover, the detailed geographic identification of TMU seems to be able to support participated policies towards a more sustainable management of the entire island
This thesis presents advances in integration of photovoltaic (PV) power and energy in practical systems, such as existing power plants in buildings or directly integrated in the public electrical grid. It starts by providing an analyze of the current state of PV power and some of its limitations. The work done in this thesis begins by providing a model to compute mutual shading in large PV plants, and after provides a study of the integration of a PV plant in a biogas power plant. The remainder sections focus on the work done for project PVCROPS, which consisted on the construction and operation of two prototypes composed of a PV system and a novel battery connected to a building and to the public electrical grid. These prototypes were then used to test energy management strategies and validate the suitability of the two advanced batteries (a lithium-ion battery and a vanadium redox ow battery) for households (BIPV) and PV plants. This thesis is divided in 7 chapters: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to explain and develop the main research questions studied for this thesis; Chapter 2 presents the development of a ray-tracing model to compute shading in large PV elds (with or without trackers); Chapter 3 shows the simulation of hybridizing a biogas plant with a PV plant, using biogas as energy storage; Chapters 4 and 5 present the construction, programming, and initial operation of both prototypes (Chapter 4), EMS testing oriented to BIPV systems (Chapter 5). Finally, Chapters 6 provides some future lines of investigation that can follow this thesis, and Chapter 7 shows a synopsis of the main conclusions of this work; Resumo: Avanços na integracão de potência fotovoltaica e producão de energia em sistemas práticos Esta tese apresenta avanços na integração de potência e energia fotovoltaica (PV) em sistemas práticos, tais como centrais existentes ou a rede eléctrica pública. Come ça por analisar o estado corrente do fotovoltaico no mundo e aborda algumas das suas limitações. O trabalho feito para esta tese de doutoramento começou pelo desenvolvimento de um modelo para calcular os sombreamentos que ocorrem em grandes campos fotovoltaicos, e depois apresenta um estudo sobre a integração um sistema fotovoltaico em uma central eléctrica a bióg as. As ultimas secções da tese focam-se no trabalho feito para o projecto PVCROPS, que consistiu na construção e operação de dois demonstratores, cada um formado por um sistema fotovoltaico e bateria conectados a um edíficio e a rede eléctrica pública. Estes protótipos foram posteriormente utilizados para testar estratégias de gestão de energia (EMS) e para validar a operação de duas baterias avançadas (bateria de Iões de Li tio e bateria de Fluxo Redox de Van adio) e a sua utiliza ção para habitações e centrais PV. A tese está dividida em 7 capitulos: O capitulo 1 apresenta uma introdução para explicar e desenvolver as principais questões que foram investigadas nesta tese; O capitulo 2 mostra o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em traçados de raios para calcular sombreamentos mútuos em grandes centrais PV (com e sem seguidores); O capitulo 3 mostra a simulação da hibridização de uma central electrica a biogas com uma central PV, e utilizando o biógas como armazenamento de energia. Os capitulos 4 e 5 apresentam a construção, programação e operação inicial dos dois demonstradores (Capitúlo 4), o teste de EMS orientadas para sistemas PV em habitações (Capítulo 5). Finalmente, o capítulo 6 sugere algumas futuras linhas de investigação que poderão seguir esta tese, e o Capítulo 7 faz uma sinopse das principais conclusões deste trabalho.
Vegetation series, defined as the sequence of stages in a sucession, and know as sigmetum (synassociation), describes the set of plant communities or stages that can be found in similar tesselar spaces as a result of the sucession process. This establishes the concept of vegetation series; a climatophilous series is one that depends on the climate, whereas an edaphoxerophilous series depends on the dryness of the soil, and is found on crests, spurs, ledges and limestone and siliceous rock fields. Edaphohygrophilous series are located in valleys, dry water courses and river terraces, and depend on the water present in the soil, which may become temporarily flooded and thus condition the temporihygrophilous series; they represent the transition between the clearly edaphohygrophilous and climatophilous series. The vegetation permaseries represents the perennial communities of permatesselae or similar permatesselar complexes, as occurs in polar territories, hyperdesert, high-mountain peaks, and non-stratified communities lacking in serial communities. The edaphoxerophilous series may include -in addition to the series head- permaseries (permanent communities) and other habitats, such as annual and crevice habitats. A territory behaves undergoes soil-loss phenomena it may become an edaphoseries, if the loss of the soil factor produces a situation of rocky crest. Thus the edaphoseries may act as dynamic transitional stage between the climatophilous series and the permaseries.
In “La mancata fortuna del romanzo italiano” (1995), Calvino discusses the reasons why the romance did not assert itself as a genre, counteracting the “fearless and adventurous” texts from other literatures. After assuring the fatherhood of the genre in Italy to Manzoni, he observes that what was missing was in fact one of his main characteristics: the adventure. From this finding, Calvino asks how it would be, nowadays, the Italian adventure romance. The questioning made around the 1950s (the text above is from 1953) sketches, to our understanding, a practical response 25 years later in the romance called Se um viajante numa noite de inverno (1979), in which Calvino narrates the "adventure" of the Reader who dives into a tangling romanesque discourses that never complete themselves. Such seduction strategy is associated to the actual narrative construction of Calvino, who conceives the romance as a "machine envisaged to tell a story that fascinates the readers." (CALVINO apud NETO, 1997, p. 141). Calvino's words express two aspects of utmost importance in his literature - which will be fundamental in Se um viajante numa noite de inverno: the concern with the narrative architecture and the fascination that the plot must exert on the reader. In this reading of Se um viajante numa noite de inverno we intend to highlight how these two aspects are imbricated in the romance, enabling Calvino to make true his so-dreamed Italian "adventure romance" from the problematization of the relation writer and public-reader.
Young children are the most vulnerable and most at risk of environmental challenges, current and future. Yet, early learning around environment and sustainability issues and topics has been neglected and underrated in early childhood education even though there is an expanding body of research literature – from economics, neuroscience, sociology and health – that shows that early investments in human capital offer substantial returns for individuals and for communities and have a long reach into the future. Early childhood education for sustainability (ECEfS) - a synthesis of early childhood education (ECE) and education for sustainability (EfS) - builds on groundings in play, outdoor learning and nature education, but takes a stronger focus on learning about, and engagement with, environmental and sustainability issues. Child participation and agency is central to ECEfS and can relate, for example, to local environmental problem-solving such as water and energy conservation or waste reduction in a childcare centre, kindergarten or preschool, or young children’s social learning for Indigenous Reconciliation and cultural inclusivity. While the ECE field has been much slower than other educational sectors in taking up the challenges of sustainability, this situation is rapidly changing as early childhood practitioners begin to engage – it is fast moving from the margins of early childhood curriculum and pedagogic decision-making into the mainstream. This presents challenges, however, as ECEfS is somewhat misunderstood and misrepresented and, as a new field, is under-researched and under-theorised.
The temperature variation in the insulation around an electronic component, mounted on a horizontal circuit board is studied numerically. The flow is assumed to be laminar and fully developed. The effect of mixed convection and two different types of insulation are considered. The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations in the fluid and conduction equation in the insulation are solved using the SIMPLER algorithm. Computations are carried out for liquid Freon and water, for different conductivity ratios, and different Rayleigh numbers. It is demonstrated that the temperature variation within the insulation becomes important when the thermal conductivity of the insulation is less than ten times the thermal conductivity of the cooling medium.