983 resultados para Allergies multiples


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BACKGROUND Ambrosia artemisiifolia (short name = Ambrosia common ragweed) pollen is a potent allergen and has recently been found in Switzerland, spreading from the southwest of the country. The aim of this study is to describe Ambrosia sensitisation rates in the population-based SAPALDIA cohort (Swiss Study on Air Pollution And Lung Diseases In Adults) and to test whether an increase in these rates could be observed. METHODS Among the 6345 participants from 8 areas who provided blood samples in 1991 and 2002, 5823 had valid results for specific IgE against common inhalant allergens tested with Phadiatop. In 2002 Ambrosia sensitisation was measured and positive tests were analysed for Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). Blood samples taken in 1991 in Ticino and Geneva were also tested for Ambrosia. RESULTS Sensitisation rate (Phadiatop) did not increase significantly between the two surveys and sensitisation was found in 30% of the participants. A proportion of 7.9% showed specific IgE to Ambrosia pollen. The sensitisation rate in Lugano and Geneva had not changed substantially since 1991. Among those sensitised to Ambrosia 82% also showed specific IgE against Artemisia, suggesting a high rate of cross-reactivity. Only 1.3% were sensitized to Ambrosia alone. The incidence of asthma or hay fever in participants with specific IgE to Ambrosia pollen was not higher than in the general study population. CONCLUSION Currently Ambrosia pollen does not appear to be an important cause of inhalant allergies in Switzerland. Sensitisation rates are low and have not increased since 1991. Due to cross-reactivity Ambrosia sensitisation may be a consequence of primary sensitisation to Artemisia. Elimination of Ambrosia plants is nevertheless mandatory to avoid a future increase.


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AIM The autonomic innervation of the heart consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres, and fibres of the intrinsic ganglionated plexus with noradrenaline and acytylcholine as principal neurotransmitters. The fibres co-release neuropeptides to modulate intracardiac neurotransmission by specific presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors. The coexpression of angiotensin II in sympathetic fibres of the human heart and its role are not known so far. METHODS Autopsy specimens of human hearts were studied (n=3; ventricles). Using immunocytological methods, cryostat sections were stained by a murine monoclonal antibody (4B3) directed against angiotensin II and co-stained by polyclonal antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase, a catecholaminergic marker. Visualisation of the antibodies was by confocal light microscopy or laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS Angiotensin II-positive autonomic fibres with and without a catecholaminergic cophenotype (hydroxylase-positive) were found in all parts of the human ventricles. In the epicardium, the fibres were grouped in larger bundles of up to 100 and more fibres. They followed the preformed anatomic septa and epicardial vessels towards the myocardium and endocardium where the bundles dissolved and the individual fibres spread between myocytes and within the endocardium. Generally, angiotensinergic fibres showed no synaptic enlargements or only a few if they were also catecholaminergic. The exclusively catechalominergic fibres were characterised by multiple beaded synapses. CONCLUSION The autonomic innervation of the human heart contains angiotensinergic fibres with a sympathetic efferent phenotype and exclusively angiotensinergic fibers representing probably afferents. Angiotensinergic neurotransmission may modulate intracardiac sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and thereby influence cardiac and circulatory function.


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Immunotherapy for type I allergies is well established and is regarded to be the most efficient treatment option besides allergen avoidance. As of today, different forms of allergen preparations are used in this regard, as well as different routes of application. Virus-like particles (VLPs) represent a potent vaccine platform with proven immunogenicity and clinical efficacy. The addition of toll-like receptor ligands and/or depot-forming adjuvants further enhances activation of innate as well as adaptive immune responses. CpG motifs represent intensively investigated and potent direct stimulators of plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B cells, while T cell responses are enhanced indirectly through increased antigen presentation and cytokine release. This article will focus on the function of VLPs loaded with DNA rich in nonmethylated CG motifs (CpGs) and the clinical experience gained in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, demonstrating clinical efficacy also if administered without allergens. Several published studies have demonstrated a beneficial impact on allergic symptoms by treatment with CpG-loaded VLPs. Subcutaneous injection of VLPs loaded with CpGs was tested with or without the adjuvant alum in the presence or absence of an allergen. The results encourage further investigation of VLPs and CpG motifs in immunotherapy, either as a stand-alone product or as adjuvants for allergen-specific immunotherapy.


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Drugs targeting the immune system such as corticosteroids, antihistamines and immunosuppressants have been widely exploited in the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and autoimmune disorders during the second half of the 20th century. The recent advances in immunopharmacological research have made available new classes of clinically relevant drugs. These comprise protein kinase inhibitors and biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies, that selectively modulate the immune response not only in cancer and autoimmunity but also in a number of other human pathologies. Likewise, more effective vaccines utilizing novel antigens and adjuvants are valuable tools for the prevention of transmissible infectious diseases and for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Consequently, immunopharmacology is presently considered as one of the expanding fields of pharmacology. Immunopharmacology addresses the selective regulation of immune responses and aims to uncover and exploit beneficial therapeutic options for typical and non-typical immune system-driven unmet clinical needs. While in the near future a number of new agents will be introduced, improving the effectiveness and safety of those currently in use is imperative for all researchers and clinicians working in the fields of immunology, pharmacology and drug discovery. The newly formed ImmuPhar (http://iuphar.us/index.php/sections-subcoms/immunopharmacology) is the Immunopharmacology Section of the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR, http://iuphar.us/). ImmuPhar provides a unique international expert-lead platform that aims to dissect and promote the growing understanding of immune (patho)physiology. Moreover, it challenges the identification and validation of drug targets and lead candidates for the treatment of many forms of debilitating disorders, including, among others, cancer, allergies, autoimmune and metabolic diseases.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY The impact of assisted reproductive technology (ART) on Swiss demography was quantified. From 1993 to 2012 the number of deliveries, including multiples, generated by ART was compared with overall delivery numbers. Swiss experts in ART collaborated in a consensus to increase successful outcomes, to reduce the incidence of complications of ART and to validate recommendations through statistical review of available data. METHODS Data generated between 1993 and 2012 and published by the Federal Office of Statistics (BfS) were compared with the Swiss database on ART (FIVNAT-CH) as organised by the Swiss Society of Reproductive Medicine (SGRM). From these analyses a panel of Swiss experts in ART extracted recommendations to improve current practice, to prevent complications related to ART and to recommend changes in current Swiss legislation dealing with ART. RESULTS Since 1993 the age of women giving birth rose together with the number of women asking for ART. This demographic trend was reflected in a rise in the number of deliveries generated by ART (in 2012: 2.2%) and the proportion of multiple births (in 2012: 17.6%). The outcome of ART was most negatively influenced by the age of the treated patient. The number of retrieved oocytes decisively impacted the likelihood of delivery, the risk of multiple births and the incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. CONCLUSIONS Optimal ovarian stimulation should be designed for the retrieval of 10 to 15 oocytes per treatment. Swiss legislation should enable and stimulate a policy of elective single embryo transfer to avoid multiple births.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was first to assess whether first-trimester serum concentrations of placental growth factor (PlGF) differ between patients with and without gestational diabetes (GDM) and second to test whether there is a correlation between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), a factor recently shown to be useful in predicting GDM, and PlGF. METHODS PlGF was measured at 8-14 weeks with the Kryptor Immunoassay Analyzer (Brahms, Berlin, Germany). Absolute values were converted to multiples of the median using the software provided by the Fetal Medicine Foundation London. GDM was diagnosed using internationally accepted criteria. HbA1c levels were quantified using the TOSOH G7 automated hemoglobin analyzer. RESULTS From January to December 2014, 328 women were included in the study, 51 (15.5%) of whom developed GDM. First-trimester PlGF quantification does not discriminate between women at risk to develop GDM and controls, while HbA1c is able to do so. No correlation was found between PlGF and HbA1c. CONCLUSION Our findings do not lend support to the hypothesis that early PlGF values are different in women who later develop GDM.


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Zielsetzung: Das Ziel dieser Studie war, den Einfluss von drei Politursystemen auf die Oberflächenrauigkeit von verschiedenen Materialien für computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Restaurationen mittels Profilometrie sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften der Materialien mittels Mikrohärtemessgerät zu analysieren. Materialien und Methoden: Von dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 (3M ESPE), der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II (VITA Zahnfabrik) und den CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate (3M ESPE), VITA ENAMIC (VITA Zahnfabrik) und AMBARINO High-Class (Creamed) wurden je 60 Prüfkörper zugeschnitten, gekennzeichnet und standardisiert aufgerauht. Die standardisierte Aufrauhung wurde mit Baseline-Rauigkeitsmessungen überprüft (Ra und Rz; µm). Die Prüfkörper wurden mit einem von drei Politursystemen poliert (n=20 pro CAD/CAM-Material): 1) Sof-Lex Scheiben (Disc-System, 3 Politurschritte: medium, fein und superfein; 3M ESPE), 2) VITA Polishing Set Clinical (Silikonpolitursystem, 2 Politurschritte: medium und fein; VITA Zahnfabrik) oder 3) KENDA Nobilis (Silikonpolierer, 1 Politurschritt (universal); KENDA Dental). Nach Politur der Prüfkörper wurden Ra und Rz sowie die mikromechanischen Eigenschaften Oberflächenhärte (VHN; Vickers Härte) und Elastizitätsmodul (EM; GPa) gemessen. In den darauf folgenden sechs Monaten wurden die Prüfkörper in Leitungswasser gelagert und insgesamt sechs Mal einem maschinellem Zahnbürsten zugeführt. Anschliessend wurden erneut Ra und Rz sowie VHN und EM gemessen. Ra-, Rz-, VHN- und EM-Werte wurden mittels nichtparametrischer ANOVA global analysiert und die p-Werte mittels Bonferroni-Holm Korrektur für multiples Testen korrigiert. Als post-hoc Tests wurden Kruskal-Wallis-Tests sowie exakte Wilcoxon Rangsummen-Tests verwendet und die p-Werte wurden nicht korrigiert. Das Signifikanzniveau wurde auf α=0,05 festgelegt. Resultate: Für alle drei CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben nach der Politur die tiefste Oberflächenrauigkeit (d. h. die tiefsten Ra- und Rz-Werte), gefolgt von KENDA Nobilis und von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei dem CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial sowie bei der CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik ergaben Sof-Lex Scheiben und KENDA Nobilis ähnliche Resultate, gefolgt von dem VITA Polishing Set Clinical. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahnbürsten und Lagerung signifikant höhere Ra- und Rz-Werte. Die CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten unabhängig des Politursystems und der Lagerung signifikant verschiedene VHN- und EM-Werte. Bei einigen CAD/CAM-Materialien zeigten sich – zum Teil ebenfalls in Abhängigkeit des Politursystems – nach maschinellem Zahn-bürsten und Lagerung signifikant tiefere VHN- und EM-Werte. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Wahl des Politursystems beeinflusste die Oberflächenrauigkeit der CAD/CAM-Materialien markant, wobei Sof-Lex Scheiben insgesamt die besten Politurresultate zeigten, gefolgt von dem Silikonpolierer KENDA Nobilis. Von der Verwendung des Silikonpolitursystems VITA Polishing Set Clinical muss eher abgeraten werden. Das CAD/CAM-Kompositmaterial Paradigm MZ100 und die CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterialien Lava Ultimate und AMBARINO High-Class als weichere und elastischere Materialien liessen sich insgesamt besser polieren, waren aber bezüglich mechanischer Eigenschaften anfälliger auf Lagerung als die härtere CAD/CAM-Feldspatkeramik VITABLOCS Mark II und das CAD/CAM-Hybridmaterial VITA ENAMIC.


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Food allergies are a global health issue with increasing prevalence. Allergic reactions can range from mild local symptoms to severe anaphylactic reactions. Significant progress has been made in diagnostic tools such as component-resolved diagnostics and its impact on risk stratification as well as in therapeutic approaches including biologicals. However, a cure for food allergy has not yet been achieved and patients and their families are forced to alter eating habits and social engagements, impacting their quality of life. New technologies and improved in vitro and in vivo models will advance our knowledge of the pathogenesis of food allergies and multicenter-multinational cohort studies will elucidate interactions between genetic background, lifestyle, and environmental factors. This review focuses on new insights and developments in the field of food allergy and summarizes recently published articles.


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Limited research has been conducted on the collection of bioaerosols and their health effects on individuals in the El Paso area. A year long study was conducted in the region to evaluate indoor bioaerosol concentrations (Mota et al., unpublished data). As part of the study, air samples were collected during each season for a year from 38 homes from the El Paso area. The main objective of the study was to assess seasonality differences in bioaerosol concentrations. The air samples were then cultured and analyzed for bacterial and fungal concentrations. As a supplement to that study, a health questionnaire was given during each seasonal air sampling to the participating resident to complete regarding their health status. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health questionnaire and assess any associations between the collected bioaerosol concentrations and the self-reported respiratory symptoms of the participating home residents. Symptom frequencies were tabulated and basic descriptive statistics, along with logistic regressions, were conducted on the relationship between “High” reporters of symptoms and bioaerosol concentrations and environmental factors. The most commonly reported symptoms by homeowners were nasal symptoms and allergies. In addition, there was evidence to support an association between indoor respirable bacteria concentrations and homeowners that report greater than or equal to 8 respiratory symptoms (OR=1.10, p=0.045). Smoking status, indoor humidity and season also displayed associations with homeowners that report greater than or equal to 8 respiratory symptoms (OR=3.3, p=0.045; OR=71.0, p=0.030; OR=7.2, 3.2, p=0.001, 0.008). With such a strong association, future assessment of symptoms, bioaerosol concentrations and environmental factors is needed to further establish their relationship. ^


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Despite extensive research, the etiology of adult glioma remains largely unknown. We sought to further explore the role of immune and genetic factors in glioma etiology using data from the Harris County Brain Tumor Study and the first U.S. genome-wide association study of glioma. First, using a case-control study design, we examined the association between adult glioma risk and surrogates of the timing and frequency of common early childhood infections, birth order and sibship size, respectively. We found that each one-unit increase in birth order was associated with a 12% decreased risk of glioma development in adulthood (OR=0.88, 95% CI=0.81-0.96); however, sibship size was not associated with adult glioma risk (OR=0.96, 95% CI=0.91-1.02). Second, we used a multi-strategic approach to explore the relationships between glioma risk, history of asthma/allergies, and 23 functional SNPs in 11 inflammation genes. We found three inflammation gene SNPs to be significantly associated with glioma risk (COX2/PTGS2 rs20417 [OR=1.41]; IL10 rs1800896 [OR=1.57]; and IL13 rs20541 [OR=0.39]). Joint effects analysis of the risk-conferring alleles of these three SNPs revealed a trend of increasing risk with increasing number of adverse alleles among those without asthma/allergies (p<0.0001). Finally, we conducted a case-only study to explore pairwise SNP-SNP interactions in immune-related pathways among a population of 1304 non-Hispanic white glioma cases. After correction for multiple comparisons, we found 279 significant SNP-SNP interactions among polymorphisms of immune-related genes, many of which have not been previously examined. Our results, cumulatively, suggest an important role for immune and genetic factors in glioma etiology and provide several new hypotheses for future studies.^


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Bullying needs to be understood and positioned as a form of child abuse – peer abuse. For too many people, bullying is a benign term. This article will include information collected from a wide-range of researchers and discussions with over 50,000 students that I have facilitated during the past twenty years. The content will focus on new morbidities related to bullying such as depression and suicide, obesity, eating disorders, food allergies, juvenile diabetes, truancy, and substance and alcohol abuse. Making a cultural change in our society will require identified Change Agents, along with recommendations for collaboration, policies, projects and legislation.


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In weakly indurated, nannofossil-rich, deep-sea carbonates compressional wave velocity is up to twice as fast parallel to bedding than normal to it. It has been suggested that this anisotropy is due to alignment of calcite c-axes perpendicular to the shields of coccoliths and shield deposition parallel to bedding. This hypothesis was tested by measuring the preferred orientation (fabric) of calcite c-axes in acoustic anisotropic, calcareous DSDP sediment samples by X-ray goniometry, and it was found that the maximum c-axis concentrations are by far too low to explain the anisotropies. The X-ray method is subject to a number of uncertainties due to preparatory and technical shortcomings in weakly indurated rocks. The most serious weaknesses are: sample preparation, volume of measured sample (fraction of a mm3), beam defocusing and background intensity corrections, combination of incomplete pole figures, and necessity of recalculation of the c-axis orientations from other crystallographic directions. Goniometry using thermal neutrons overcomes most of these difficulties, but it is time consuming. We test the interferences made about velocity anisotropy by X-ray studies about the concentration of c-axes in deep-sea carbonates by employing neutron texture goniometry to eight DSDP samples comprising mostly nannofossil material. Fabric and sonic velocity were determined directly on the core specimens, thus from the same rock volume and requiring no preparation. The c-axis orientation is obtained directly from the [0006] calcite diffraction peak without corrections. The fabrics are clearly defined, but weak (1.1 to 1.86 times uniform) with the maximum about normal to bedding. They have crudely orthorhombic symmetry, but are not axisymmetric around the bedding normal. The observed c-axis intensities, although higher than determined by the X-ray method on other samples, are by far too low to explain the observed acoustic anisotropies.


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En la actualidad, la agricultura familiar ha tomado visibilidad tanto en trabajos académicos como en el diseño de políticas públicas. Si bien se reconocen características propias que la diferencian de la producción empresarial, se presentan de acuerdo al tipo de producción y el territorio donde se inserta, particularidades que permiten definirlas y analizarlas. En el caso de la producción hortiflorícola familiar que abastece de productos frescos a los grandes centros urbanos, la especificidad del sistema productivo intensivo en trabajo, las tecnologías utilizadas, las características de los productos obtenidos, su comercialización y localización, difiere sustancialmente de otros sistemas productivos del país. De acuerdo a diagnósticos elaborados por INTA (2004) y otros trabajos cualitativos en el periurbano bonaerense, las dificultades que afrontan estas unidades familiares son de carácter múltiple. Entre las más importantes se mencionan la subordinación en la cadena comercial y acceso al financiamiento. Este trabajo busca dar cuenta de un proyecto de desarrollo territorial en la región periurbana del Gran La Plata, en el cual se aborda desde una perspectiva integral aspectos de financiamiento y comercialización a productores familiares. El mismo se focaliza en 30 productores familiares de La Plata y Berazategui pertenecientes al proyecto "Banco Social" implementado desde la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la UNLP; avanzando en un análisis respecto al acceso al financiamiento y las estrategias comerciales llevadas por los productores familiares bajo estudio


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La escritura de la historia en las primeras etapas de construcción del Estado nacional mexicano estuvo marcada por los múltiples efectos negativos que supuso la inestabilidad política y la invasión extranjera; no obstante, hubo diversos esfuerzos para considerar la necesidad y la utilidad de una historia nacional, así como la urgencia de implementar instituciones que fomentaran y crearan las condiciones de factibilidad para estudiar el pasado nacional mexicano; para ejemplificar estas situaciones se indicarán los esfuerzos de la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografía y Estadística, las propuestas de Manuel Larráinzar y la publicación de México a través de los siglos.


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En la actualidad, la agricultura familiar ha tomado visibilidad tanto en trabajos académicos como en el diseño de políticas públicas. Si bien se reconocen características propias que la diferencian de la producción empresarial, se presentan de acuerdo al tipo de producción y el territorio donde se inserta, particularidades que permiten definirlas y analizarlas. En el caso de la producción hortiflorícola familiar que abastece de productos frescos a los grandes centros urbanos, la especificidad del sistema productivo intensivo en trabajo, las tecnologías utilizadas, las características de los productos obtenidos, su comercialización y localización, difiere sustancialmente de otros sistemas productivos del país. De acuerdo a diagnósticos elaborados por INTA (2004) y otros trabajos cualitativos en el periurbano bonaerense, las dificultades que afrontan estas unidades familiares son de carácter múltiple. Entre las más importantes se mencionan la subordinación en la cadena comercial y acceso al financiamiento. Este trabajo busca dar cuenta de un proyecto de desarrollo territorial en la región periurbana del Gran La Plata, en el cual se aborda desde una perspectiva integral aspectos de financiamiento y comercialización a productores familiares. El mismo se focaliza en 30 productores familiares de La Plata y Berazategui pertenecientes al proyecto "Banco Social" implementado desde la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales de la UNLP; avanzando en un análisis respecto al acceso al financiamiento y las estrategias comerciales llevadas por los productores familiares bajo estudio