999 resultados para Algas Marinas-Tamaulipas


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[ES] Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson es una fanerógama marina que crece en fondos arenosos bien iluminados, dando lugar a las praderas submarinas (sebadales), hábitat que tiene una importante función ecológica y repercusiones económicas, por su beneficio para las poblaciones de peces. Las actividades humanas en el litoral amenazan a las comunidades de fanerógamas marinas, lo que ha llevado a la regresión de estos ecosistemas y al detrimento de la calidad de sus aguas. De forma natural, la especie sólo responde mediante la propagación vegetativa a estas alteraciones, ya que, estudios sobre la germinación de las semillas en Cymodocea nodosa muestran que, en relación con el alto número de frutos generalmente encontrados en el sedimento, sólo son detectadas un bajo número de plántulas con un rizoma desarrollado, y la viabilidad natural de estas nuevas plántulas es, además, baja. Ante tal situación natural, el empleo de técnicas de micropropagación puede contribuir a las labores que se realizan para la restauración o reimplantación de sebadales. Habiéndose comprobado que existen limitaciones para la propagación in vitro a partir de fragmentos de la planta (ej. rizoma, se ha pensado en incrementar la capacidad germinativa, venciendo i) la dormancia que presenta la semilla, aclimatando en acuarios y transplantando al mar nuevas plántulas, como primera medida, y ii) la inducción de embriogénesis somática, como segunda medida estratégica que asegure la provisión permanente de nuevas plántulas.


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We carried out 84 trawls in 41 seagrass meadows composed of the phanerogam Cymodocea nodosa at three islands of the Canarian Archipelago, during June to September 2003, in order to describe the associated ichthyofauna (composition, richness, and abundance), to analyze the role that this habitat can play in fish recruitment, and to determine the potential relationship between the spatial structure of the seagrass meadow and the patterns of richness and abundance of the fish assemblage. A total of 8298 individuals were captured. The five most relevant species, in terms of abundance and frequency, were Spondyliosoma cantharus, Diplodus annularis, Syngnathus typhle, Mullus surmuletus, and Pagellus erythrinus. Gran Canaria had the largest species richness (36 species) and mean number of species per sample (8.69 ± 0.49; mean ± SE). Lanzarote had the largest number of individuals (64.83% of the total registered) and mean total abundance per sample (168.39 ± 30.91). High densities of individuals were registered (95.86 ± 13.5) and 92.91% of fishes were juveniles. Our data showed that the physical configuration of the seagrass meadows did not significantly affect the patterns of richness and abundance of the associated fish assemblage. In conclusion, the C. nodosa meadows exhibited a singular ichthyofauna and they contribute to the maintenance of the diversity of the coastal fish assemblages in the Canarian Archipelago. This habitat constitutes, during spring and summer, a nursery habitat for juvenile fishes of many species, several of them commercially targeted.


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[EN]The present work describes the evolution of Seriolla dumerilli stock in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas from year 2006 to 2009. Nine sub adults of kingfish were captured by local fisherman in the south coast of Gran Canaria in may 2006, fish were transported in a truck and transferred to on land facilities. Adaptation to tanks and inert food was successfully carried out one month after the capture. After 3 year kept in captivity 100% survival was obtained. Initial fish weight (1,66kg), was increased over to 8,0 kg nowadays. Every year fish were sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. In addition, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was established by ovarian biopsy. Oocites over 500 microns were observed in year 2008 in one of the females with an average weight of 3,8kg. In year 2009, mature fish were observed, but natural spawn was unsuccessful, however the use of hormonal injection (LHRH) results in two successful spawn with around 0,5 millions eggs (99% unfertilized eggs).


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The almaco jack Seriola rivoliana belongs to the Carangidae family of fishes. These species are an important resource for recreational and commercial fisheries worldwide. Among other attributes, almaco jack has being identified as potentially aquaculture species due to their fast growth, excellent flesh quality and significant market opportunities internationally. The present work describes the establishment of broodstock of Seriola rivoliana in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas from year 2006 to 2009 and subsequent maturation and spawning. Twenty sub adults were captured by local fisherman in the South coast of Gran Canaria in may 2006. Adaptation to culture conditions in tanks and inert food was successfully carried out just after one moth of capture. Initial fish weight (1,76± 0,25kg), was increased to 6,0±1,1kg in july 2009. Every year fish were sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. In addition, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was established by gonadal biopsy. In July 2009, the use of hormonal injection (LHRH) results in two successful spawns with 42% of viable eggs.


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[EN]The present work describes the procedures for capture, maintenance and evolution of a Pseudocaranx dentex stock in the Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas. Forty fish captured in a commercial off-shore fish farm, were transferred to on land facilities, acclimatation to tanks and inert food was successfully carried out, with 100% survival after 1 year. Initial fish weight (4,15kg) was , followed and sampled to determine individual growth in weight and size. Also, the evolution of its sexual maturity state was evaluated at capture and one year after to determine the maturation of fish for future juvenile production. Fish mature in captivity, but natural spawn was unsuccessful


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[EN]The age and growth of the sand sole Pegusa lascaris from the Canarian Archipelago were studied from 2107 fish collected between January 2005 and December 2007. To find an appropriate method for age determination, sagittal otoliths were observed by surface-reading and frontal section and the results were compared. The two methods did not differ significantly in estimated age but the surface-reading method is superior in terms of cost and time efficiency. The sand sole has a moderate life span, with ages up to 10 years recorded. Individuals grow quickly in their first two years, attaining approximately 48% of their maximum standard length; after the second year, their growth rate drops rapidly as energy is diverted to reproduction. Males and females show dimorphism in growth, with females reaching a slightly greater length and age than males. Von Bertalanffy, seasonalized von Bertalanfy, Gompertz, and Schnute growth models were fitted to length-at-age data. Akaike weights for the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth model indicated that the probability of choosing the correct model from the group of models used was >0.999 for males and females. The seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated were: L? = 309 mm standard length, k = 0.166 yr?1, t0 = ?1.88 yr, C = 0.347, and ts = 0.578 for males; and L? = 318 mm standard length, k = 0.164 yr?1, t0 = ?1.653 yr, C = 0.820, and ts = 0.691 for females. Fish standard length and otolith radius are closely correlated (R2 = 0.902). The relation between standard length and otolith radius is described by a power function (a = 85.11, v = 0.906)


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Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos. VI Máster Internacional en Acuicultura. Trabajo presentado como requisito parcial para la obtención del Título de Máster Oficial en Cultivos Marinos, otorgado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), el Instituto Canario de Ciencias Marinas (ICCM), y el Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronómicos Mediterráneos de Zaragoza (CIHEAM). Premio al mejor trabajo de investigación del CIHEAM 2011


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[ES] Las aguas que rodean a las islas Canarias albergan una impresionante biodiversidad marina que nos sitúa como uno de los territorios más excepcionales a nivel mundial. Se hace necesario el establecimiento de una red de áreas marinas protegidas para garantizar la sostenibilidad de las actividades económicas ligadas a los recursos biológicos costeros y para que podamos trasladar a las genraciones futuras este rico patrimonio natural marino.


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[ES] Los "beachrocks" estudiados afloran en la costa SO de la isla de La Palma, entre el pueblo de Punta Naos y el faro de Fuencaliente. Texturalmente son conglomerados, microconglomerados y arenitas, cementados por distintos tipos de cementos de aragonito y calcita. Los datos de geoquímica elemental e isotópica de estos cementos sugieren que su formación se produjo a partir de aguas marinas con una ligera influencia de aguas meteóricas. Sus edades oscilan entre 33.000 años ("beachrock" de Charco Verde) a menos de 350 años ("beachrock" de Echentive). La formación y posterior exhumación de estos depósitos se explica a partir de las siguientes etapas: I) Desarrollo de las playas, II) Formación de los "beachrocks", y III) Retrogradación y/o erosión de las playas.


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Máster Oficial en Gestión Costera


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[ES] La radiación UV puede producir efectos perjudiciales en la salud humana. Los fotoprotectores tópicos reducen las dosis eritemáticas aminorando el daño potencial de la radiación UV. Inicialmente las cremas fotoprotectoras se diseñaron para filtrar la radiación UV-B (l=280-320 nm) por su efecto fotocarcinogénico, pero actualmente también se incluyen filtros contra la radiación UV-A (l=320-400 nm), porque al favorecer el daño oxidativo esta banda de radiación tiene un efecto directo sobre el fotoenvejecimiento de la piel pero también indirecto sobre la fotocarcinogénesis. Entre las nuevas sustancias naturales con alta capacidad de filtración de UV-A y con propiedades antioxidantes se encuentran los aminoácidos tipo micosporina (MAAs) presentes especialmente en macroalgas rojas. Los MAAs se estimulan por radiación UV y al ser sustancias nitrogenadas, el contenido interno está también modulado por la disponibilidad de nitrato o amonio. Se ha conseguido duplicar los contenidos internos de MAAs en algas crecidas en altas concentraciones de amonio (>150). Por otro lado se ha demostrado una alta capacidad antioxidante en varios MAAs aislados de líquenes (micosporina-glicina) y de algas rojas (porphyra-334, chinorina y asterina-330). Estas dos propiedades, alta capacidad de filtración de la radiación UV y actividad antioxidante, hacen que los MAAs sean unos excelentes candidatos para su aplicación como fotoprotectores en preparados cosméticos. La limitación se encuentra en la necesidad de producir y garantizar biomasa suficiente para la extracción del producto. La recolección de algas del medio natural resulta insostenible y está sujeta a variaciones estacionales. Ahí es donde la acuicultura multitrófica integrada (AMTI) aparece como una estrategia alternativa muy interesante ya que los nutrientes (especialmente amonio) de los efluentes de las acuiculturas animales son aprovechados por las macroalgas para incrementar la producción de biomasa e inducen la acumulación de compuestos nitrogenados entre los que se encuentran los MAAs.


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[EN] Nitrogen (N) is essential for life, but its availability is frequently limited in ocean ecosystems. Among all the compounds which influence the N pool, ammonium (NH4+) represents the major source of N for autotrophs. This NH4+ is provided by bacterial remineralization and heterotrophic grazers, with the mesozooplankton responsible for 12% to 33% of the total NH4+ recycled.  Quantifying the excretion physiology of zooplankton is then, necessary to understand the basis of an aquatic ecosystem’s productivity.
The measurement of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity has been widely used to assess the NH4+ excretion rates in planktonic communities. However, its relationship with the physiology varies with temperature and the nutritional status of the organisms, among other variables. Here we compare the GDH/RNH4+ ratio between oceanic regions with different trophic conditions.  Strengthening our knowledge of the relationship between GDH activities and the NH4+ excretion rates will lead to more meaningful interpretations of the mesoscale variations in planktonic NH4+ excretion.


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[EN]Nitrogen (N) is essential for life, but its availability is frequently limited in ocean ecosystems. Among all the compounds which influence the N pool, ammonium (NH4+) represents the major source of N for autotrophs. This NH4+ is provided by bacterial remineralization and heterotrophic grazers, with the mesozooplankton responsible for 12% to 33% of the total NH4+ recycled. Quantifying the excretion physiology of zooplankton is then, necessary to understand the basis of an aquatic ecosystem?s productivity. The measurement of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity has been widely used to assess the NH4+ excretion rates in planktonic communities. However, its relationship with the physiology varies with temperature and the nutritional status of the organisms, among other variables. Here we compare the GDH/RNH4+ ratio between oceanic regions with different trophic conditions. Strengthening our knowledge of the relationship between GDH activities and the NH4+ excretion rates will lead to more meaningful interpretations of the mesoscale variations in planktonic NH4+ excretion.


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Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC). Doctorado en oceanografía. Con mención de Calidad de la ANECA