971 resultados para ACCRETION, ACCRETION DISKS


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We investigate how a droplet of a complex liquid is modified by its internal nanoscale structure. As the liquid passes from an isotropic disordered state to an anisotropic layered morphology, the droplet shape switches from a smooth spherical cap to a terraced hyperbolic profile, which can be modeled as a stack of thin concentric circular disks with a repulsion between adjacent disk edges. Our ability to resolve the detailed shape of these defect-free droplets offers a unique opportunity to explore the underlying physics.


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The transforming growth factorβ(TGFβ) superfamily plays an important role in the myocardial response to hypertrophy. We have investigated the protein expression of TGFβ1,β2andβ3in left ventricular tissue, and determined their subcellular distribution in myocytes by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry during the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), using isoform specific antibodies to TGFβ1,β2andβ3. LVH was produced in rats by aortic constriction (AC) and LV tissue was obtained at days (d)0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 42 following operation. Compared with age matched sham-operated controls (SH), TGFβ1levels in LV tissue of AC rats increased significantly from d1–d14 (P<0.03) concomitant with the adaptive growth of LV tissue. In contrast, TGFβ3levels decreased in LV tissue of AC rats from d3 post-operation (significant from d14–d42,P<0.03). No significant difference in TGFβ2levels were observed from SH and AC rats after operation. Antibodies to TGFβ1stained intercalated disks, sarcolemmal membranes and cytoplasm, but not nuclei, of cardiomyocytes on LV sections from untreated and SH rats. However, a trans-localisation of TGFβ1to the nuclei of cardiomyocytes was observed in AC hearts. Antibodies to TGFβ3stained T tubules, cytoplasm and the nuclei of cardiomyocytes from untreated and SH rats. However, by d7 post-AC operation, TGFβ3expression was lost rapidly from nuclei of cardiomyocytes followed by a reduction in total TGFβ3immunofluorescence in myocytes. Antibodies to TGFβ2stained sarcolemmal membranes of cardiomyocytes from both SH and AC rats without significant difference between groups. Thus, the differential pattern of protein expression and subcellular distribution of TGFβ1,β2andβ3in myocytes during the development of LVH suggests that these molecules play different roles in the response of cardiomyocytes to LVH.


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Detailed observations of the solar system planets reveal a wide variety of local atmospheric conditions. Astronomical observations have revealed a variety of extrasolar planets none of which resembles any of the solar system planets in full. Instead, the most massive amongst the extrasolar planets, the gas giants, appear very similar to the class of (young) Brown Dwarfs which are amongst the oldest objects in the universe. Despite of this diversity, solar system planets, extrasolar planets and Brown Dwarfs have broadly similar global temperatures between 300K and 2500K. In consequence, clouds of different chemical species form in their atmospheres. While the details of these clouds differ, the fundamental physical processes are the same. Further to this, all these objects were observed to produce radio and X-ray emission. While both kinds of radiation are well studied on Earth and to a lesser extent on the solar system planets, the occurrence of emission that potentially originate from accelerated electrons on Brown Dwarfs, extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks is not well understood yet. This paper offers an interdisciplinary view on electrification processes and their feedback on their hosting environment in meteorology, volcanology, planetology and research on extrasolar planets and planet formation.


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Background: This study aimed to compare the cytotoxicity of base-metal dental alloys and to evaluate if the casting method could influence their cytotoxicity. Methods: Disks of base-metal dental alloys were cast by two methods: plasma, under argon atmosphere, injected by vacuum-pressure; and oxygen-gas flame, injected by centrifugation, except Ti-6Al-4V and commercially pure titanium (cpTi), cast only by plasma. SCC9 cells were cultured in culture media D-MEM/Ham`s F12 supplemented, at 37 degrees C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% carbon dioxide and 95% air, on the previously prepared disks. At subconfluence in wells without disks (control), cell number and viability were evaluated. Results: In plasma method, cpTi and Ti-6Al-4V were similar to control and presented higher number of cells than all other alloys, followed by Ni-Cr. In oxygen-gas name method, all alloys presented fewer cells than control. Ni-Cr presented more cells than any other alloy, followed by Co-Cr-Mo-W which presented more cells than Ni-Cr-Ti, Co-Cr-Mo, and Ni-Cr-Be. There were no significant differences between casting methods related to cell number. Cell viability was not affected by either chemical composition or casting methods. Conclusion: cpTi and Ti-6Al-4V were not cytotoxic while Ni-Cr-Be was the most cytotoxic among tested alloys. The casting method did not affect cytotoxicity of the alloys. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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A detailed study was performed for a sample of low-mass pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars, previously identified as weak-line T Tauri stars, which are compared to members of the Tucanae and Horologium Associations. Aiming to verify if there is any pattern of abundances when comparing the young stars at different phases, we selected objects in the range from 1 to 100 Myr, which covers most of PMS evolution. High-resolution optical spectra were acquired at European Southern Observatory and Observatorio do Pico dos Dias. The stellar fundamental parameters effective temperature and gravity were calculated by excitation and ionization equilibria of iron absorption lines. Chemical abundances were obtained via equivalent width calculations and spectral synthesis for 44 per cent of the sample, which shows metallicities within 0.5 dex solar. A classification was developed based on equivalent width of Li I 6708 angstrom and Ha lines and spectral types of the studied stars. This classification allowed a separation of the sample into categories that correspond to different evolutive stages in the PMS. The position of these stars in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram was also inspected in order to estimate their ages and masses. Among the studied objects, it was verified that our sample actually contains seven weak-line T Tauri stars, three are Classical T Tauri, 12 are Fe/Ge PMS stars and 21 are post-T Tauri or young main-sequence stars. An estimation of circumstellar luminosity was obtained using a disc model to reproduce the observed spectral energy distribution. Most of the stars show low levels of circumstellar emission, corresponding to less than 30 per cent of the total emission.


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FS CMa type stars are a recently described group of objects with the B[e] phenomenon which exhibits strong emission-line spectra and strong IR excesses. In this paper, we report the first attempt for a detailed modeling of IRAS 00470+6429, for which we have the best set of observations. Our modeling is based on two key assumptions: the star has a main-sequence luminosity for its spectral type (B2) and the circumstellar (CS) envelope is bimodal, composed of a slowly outflowing disklike wind and a fast polar wind. Both outflows are assumed to be purely radial. We adopt a novel approach to describe the dust formation site in the wind that employs timescale arguments for grain condensation and a self-consistent solution for the dust destruction surface. With the above assumptions we were able to satisfactorily reproduce many observational properties of IRAS 00470+6429, including the Hi line profiles and the overall shape of the spectral energy distribution. Our adopted recipe for dust formation proved successful in reproducing the correct amount of dust formed in the CS envelope. Possible shortcomings of our model, as well as suggestions for future improvements, are discussed.


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Aims: To determine the prevalence and expression of metallo-beta-lactamases (MBL)-encoding genes in Aeromonas species recovered from natural water reservoirs in southeastern Brazil. Methods and Results: Eighty-seven Aeromonas isolates belonging to Aeromonas hydrophila (n = 41) and Aer. jandaei (n = 46) species were tested for MBL production by the combined disk test using imipenem and meropenem disks as substrates and EDTA or thioglycolic acid as inhibitors. The presence of MBL genes was investigated by PCR and sequencing using new consensus primer pairs designed in this study. The cphA gene was found in 97.6% and 100% of Aer. hydrophila and Aer. jandaei isolates, respectively, whereas the acquired MBL genes bla(IMP), bla(VIM) and bla(SPM-1) were not detected. On the other hand, production of MBL activity was detectable in 87.8% and 10.9% of the cphA-positive Aer. hydrophila and Aer. jandaei isolates respectively. Conclusions: Our results indicate that cphA seems to be intrinsic in the environmental isolates of Aer. hydrophila and Aer. jandaei in southeastern Brazil, although, based on the combined disk test, not all of them are apparently able to express the enzymatic activity. Significance and Impact of the Study: These data confirm the presence of MBL-producing Aeromonas species in natural water reservoirs. Risk of water-borne diseases owing to domestic and industrial uses of freshwater should be re-examined from the increase of bacterial resistance point of view.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different light-curing units on the bond strength (push-out) of glass fiber posts in the different thirds of the root (cervical, middle and apical) with different adhesive luting resin systems (dual-cure total-etch; dual-cured and self-etch bonding system; and dual-cure self-adhesive cements), Disks of the samples (n = 144) were used, with approximately 1 mm of thickness of 48 bovine roots restored with glass fiber posts, that were luted with resin cements photo-activated by halogen LCU (QTH, Optilux 501) and blue LED (Ultraled), with power densities of 600 and 550 mW/cm(2), respectively. A universal testing machine (MTS 810 Material Test System) was used with a 1 mm diameter steel rod at cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until post extrusion, with load cell of 50 kg, for evaluation of the push-out strength in the different thirds of each sample. The push-out strength values in kgf were converted to MPa and analyzed through Analysis of Variance and Tukey`s test, at significance level of 5%. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the QTH and LED LCUs. The self-adhesive resin cement had lower values of retention. The total-etch and self-adhesive system resin cements seem to be a possible alternative for glass fiber posts cementation into the radicular canal and the LED LCU can be applied as an alternative to halogen light on photo-activation of dual-cured resin cements.


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Titanium alloys, alloys, especially beta-type alloys containing beta-stabilizing elements, constitute a highly versatile category of metallic materials that have been under constant development for application in orthopedics and dentistry. This type of alloy generally presents a high mechanical strength-to-weight ratio, excellent corrosion resistance and low elastic modulus. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cytotoxicity and adhesion of fibroblast cells on titanium alloy substrates containing Nb, Ta, Zr, Cu, Sn and Mo alloying elements. Cells cultured on polystyrene were used as controls. In vitro results with Vero cells demonstrated that the tested materials, except Cu-based alloy, presented high viability in short-term testing. Adhesion of cells cultured on disks showed no differences between the materials and reference except for the Ti-Cu alloy, which showed reduced adhesion attributed to poor metabolic activity. Titanium alloys with the addition of Nb, Ta, Zr, Sn and Mo elements show a promising potential for biomedical applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nitrocarburised H13 disks were tested in dry, sliding wear against a stationary ruby ball (pin). Three different 4 h nitrocarburising treatments were compared, using N2/NH3/CO2, N2/NH3/natural gas and N2/NH3 gas mixtures, resulting in compound layers of varying thickness, hardness, porosity and oxide morphology. During mild, oxidative wear, with the formation of abrasive wear debris, the most brittle and oxidised surfaces performed poorly. Polishing to a bright, reflective finish greatly reduced wear. However, the N2/NH3/CO2 sample also frequently maintained a 'very mild' wear regime, owing to the formation of a protective film between the wear surfaces, and resulting in a lowering of the friction coefficient. This treated surface was porous and covered in a complex layer of coarse oxide+epsi-carbonitride. Nitrocarburised samples and wear tracks were characterised by optical microscopy, SEM, atomic force microscopy and stylus profilometry.


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Some aspects of numerical simulation of Lamb wave propagation in composite laminates using the finite element models with explicit dynamic analysis are addressed in this study. To correctly and efficiently describe the guided-wave excited/received by piezoelectric actuators/sensors, effective models of surface-bounded flat PZT disks based on effective force, moment and displacement are developed. Different finite element models for Lamb wave excitation, collection and propagation in isotropic plate and quasi-isotropic laminated composite are evaluated using continuum elements (3-D solid element) and structural elements (3-D shell element), to elaborate the validity and versatility of the proposed actuator/sensor models.


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Parallel file systems offer improved performance over traditional file systems by allowing processes to access file data, stored over a number of disks, in parallel. When this file is to be accessed by many processes at the same time for reading and writing, the problem of maintaining file consistency is introduced. The general approach to maintaining file consistency is through the use locks which grant a single process exclusive access to the file. Existing studies have found parallel file systems and associated applications rarely experience conflict, resulting in unnecessary overheads from locks being acquired. This paper examines an alternate approach to maintaining file consistency, which is based on optimistic concurrency control. This approach was shown to have a much smaller overhead when compared with traditional lock-based approaches; especially in situations when there is little contention. This paper presents the design, implementation and initial testing results of an optimistic based concurrency control mechanism.


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The performance of a series of novel room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) based on the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphoniumcation (P66614 +) and a number of novel anions have been studied in pin-on-disk tests using a 100Cr6 steel ball on AA2024 aluminium disks.

The anions coupled to the (P66614 +) cation include diphenyl phosphate (DPP-), dibutyl phosphate (DBP-), bis (2,4,4-trimethyl pentyl) phosphinate (M3PPh-) and bis(2-ethyl hexyl) phosphate (BEH-).

More traditional anions such as bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide (NTf2 -) and bromide (Br-) were also investigated. Experiments were conducted at various loads to assess the IL film forming abilities.

The results suggest that the structure of the anion is important in forming a surface film that reduces the friction and wear of the aluminium disk. At 30N five of the six ILs tested showed a 30-90% reduction in wear, as determined from wear scar depth measurements, compared to fully formulated diesel oil.

The IL lubricant with a diphenyl phosphate anion achieved the lowest wear coefficient, showing a better performance than a typical fluorine-containing IL anion, NTf2.

To further investigate wear mechanisms and surface interactions the wear scars were analysed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS).


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We present a new generic strategy to fabricate nanoparticles in the “cages” within the fibrous networks of supramolecular soft materials. As the cages can be acquired by a design-and-production manner, the size of nanoparticles synthesized within the cages can be tuned accordingly. To implement this idea, both selenium and silver were chosen for the detailed investigation. It follows that the sizes of selenium and silver nanoparticles can be controlled by tuning the pore size of the fiber networks in the material. When the concentration of the gelator is high enough, monodisperse nanoparticles can be prepared. More interestingly, the morphology of the nanoparticles can be altered: silver disks can be formed when the concentrations of both the gelator and silver nitrate are sufficiently low. As the fiber network serves as a physical barrier and semisolid support for the nanoparticles, the stability in the aqueous media and the ease of application of these nanoparticles can be substantially enhanced. This robust surfactant-free approach will not only allow the controlled fabrication of nanoparticles, but also can be applied to the fabrication of composite materials for robust applications.


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Recent growth in broadband access and proliferation of small personal devices that capture images and videos has led to explosive growth of multimedia content available everywhereVfrom personal disks to the Web. While digital media capture and upload has become nearly universal with newer device technology, there is still a need for better tools and technologies to search large collections of multimedia data and to find and deliver the right content to a user according to her current needs and preferences. A renewed focus on the subjective dimension in the multimedia lifecycle, fromcreation, distribution, to delivery and consumption, is required to address this need beyond what is feasible today. Integration of the subjective aspects of the media itselfVits affective, perceptual, and physiological potential (both intended and achieved), together with those of the users themselves will allow for personalizing the content access, beyond today’s facility. This integration, transforming the traditional multimedia information retrieval (MIR) indexes to more effectively answer specific user needs, will allow a richer degree of personalization predicated on user intention and mode of interaction, relationship to the producer, content of the media, and their history and lifestyle. In this paper, we identify the challenges in achieving this integration, current approaches to interpreting content creation processes, to user modelling and profiling, and to personalized content selection, and we detail future directions. The structure of the paper is as follows: In Section I, we introduce the problem and present some definitions. In Section II, we present a review of the aspects of personalized content and current approaches for the same. Section III discusses the problem of obtaining metadata that is required for personalized media creation and present eMediate as a case study of an integrated media capture environment. Section IV presents the MAGIC system as a case study of capturing effective descriptive data and putting users first in distributed learning delivery. The aspects of modelling the user are presented as a case study in using user’s personality as a way to personalize summaries in Section V. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper with a discussion on the emerging challenges and the open problems.