981 resultados para 821.134.2(81)-1


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OBJECTIVE To analyze whether sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related data are associated with the use of hearing protection devices at work, according to gender. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2006, using a random sample of 2,429 workers, aged between 18 and 65 years old, from residential sub-areas in Salvador, BA, Northeastern Brazil. Questionnaires were used to obtain sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related data. Workers who reported that they worked in places where they needed to shout in order to be heard were considered to be exposed to noise. Exposed workers were asked whether they used hearing protection devices, and if so, how frequently. Analyses were conducted according to gender, with estimates made about prevalence of the use of hearing protection devices, prevalence ratios, and their respective 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS Twelve percent (12.3%) of study subjects reported that they were exposed to noise while working. Prevalence of the use of hearing protection devices was 59.3% for men and 21.4% for women. Men from higher socioeconomic levels (PR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.14;1.90) and who had previous audiometric tests (PR = 1.47; 95%CI 1.15;1.88) were more likely to use hearing protection devices. For women, greater perceived safety was associated with the use of protection devices (PR = 2.92; 95%CI 1.34;6.34). This perception was specifically related to the presence of supervisors committed to safety (PR = 2.09; 95%CI 1.04;4.21), the existence of clear rules to prevent workplace injuries (PR = 2.81; 95%CI 1.41;5.59), and whether they were informed about workplace safety (PR = 2.42; 95%CI 1.23;4.76). CONCLUSIONS There is a gender bias regarding the use of hearing protection devices that is less favorable to women. The use of such devices among women is positively influenced by their perception of a safe workplace, suggesting that gender should be considered as a factor in hearing conservation programs.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of sexual initiation and contraceptive use at the last sexual intercourse of Brazilian adolescents, according to sociodemographic features. METHODS The data were obtained from the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), a national school-based cross-sectional study. We included 74,589 adolescents from 32 geographic strata (27 capitals and five sets of municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants of each of the five macro-regions of the Country). Information on sexual initiation and contraceptive use at the last sexual intercourse (male condom and oral contraceptive pill) has been used. We have estimated prevalence and confidence intervals (95%CI) considering sample weights according to sex, age, type of school, residence status, macro-region and capitals. RESULTS We observed that 28.1% (95%CI 27.0-29.2) of the adolescents had already initiated sexual life, with higher prevalence among those aged 17 years (56.4%, 95%CI 53.9-58.9), males (33.5%, 95%CI 31.8-35.2), studying at public schools (29.9%, 95%CI 28.5-31.4), and from the Northern region (33.9%, 95%CI 32.3-35.4), mainly from Macapa, Manaus, and Rio Branco. Among those who had started their sexual life, 82.3% (95%CI 81.1-83.4) reported the use of contraceptive methods at the last intercourse, and the prevalence of use was higher among adolescents aged 17 years (85.3%, 95%CI 82.7-87.6), females (85.2%, 95%CI 83.8-86.5) and those living in the Southern region (85.9%, 95%CI 82.9-88.5). Male condom was used by 68.8% (95%CI 66.9-70.7), with no difference by type of school or macro-regions; the contraceptive pill was used by 13.4% (CI95% 12.2-14.6), and more frequently used among women (24.7%, 95%CI 22.5-27,0) and 17-year-old adolescents (20.8%, 95%CI 18.2-23.6) from urban settings(13.7%, 95%CI 12.5-14.9) and from the Southern region (22.6%, 95%CI 19.0-26.8), and less often in the Northern region. CONCLUSIONS ERICA’s data analysis on sexuality and contraception shows heterogeneities in the prevalence of sexual initiation and use of contraceptive methods among Brazilian adolescents, depending on their age, where they live, and the type of school they study at. Younger adolescents and those living in the Northern region seem to be more vulnerable to the consequences of unprotected sexual intercourses.


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IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2258 – 2261, Seattle, EUA


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Due to their detrimental effects on human health, the scientific interest in ultrafine particles (UFP) has been increasing, but available information is far from comprehensive. Compared to the remaining population, the elderly are potentially highly susceptible to the effects of outdoor air pollution. Thus, this study aimed to (1) determine the levels of outdoor pollutants in an urban area with emphasis on UFP concentrations and (2) estimate the respective dose rates of exposure for elderly populations. UFP were continuously measured over 3 weeks at 3 sites in north Portugal: 2 urban (U1 and U2) and 1 rural used as reference (R1). Meteorological parameters and outdoor pollutants including particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were also measured. The dose rates of inhalation exposure to UFP were estimated for three different elderly age categories: 64–70, 71–80, and >81 years. Over the sampling period levels of PM10, O3 and NO2 were in compliance with European legislation. Mean UFP were 1.7 × 104 and 1.2 × 104 particles/cm3 at U1 and U2, respectively, whereas at rural site levels were 20–70% lower (mean of 1 ×104 particles/cm3). Vehicular traffic and local emissions were the predominant identified sources of UFP at urban sites. In addition, results of correlation analysis showed that UFP were meteorologically dependent. Exposure dose rates were 1.2- to 1.4-fold higher at urban than reference sites with the highest levels noted for adults at 71–80 yr, attributed mainly to higher inhalation rates.


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A new biomimetic sensor for leucomalachite green host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The artificial host was imprinted in methacrylic acid or acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid-based polymers. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and trapped in poly(vinyl chloride). The potentiometric sensors exhibited a near-Nernstian response in steady state evaluations, with slopes and detection limits ranging from 45.8 to 81.2 mV and 0.28 to 1.01 , respectively. They were independent from the pH of test solutions within 3 to 5. Good selectivity was observed towards drugs that may contaminate water near fish cultures, such as oxycycline, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, trimethoprim, creatinine, chloramphenicol, and dopamine. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of leucomalachite green in river samples. The method offered the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to colored and turbid samples, and automation feasibility.


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INTRODUCTION: A growing body of evidence shows the prognostic value of oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES), a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) parameter derived from the logarithmic relationship between O(2) consumption (VO(2)) and minute ventilation (VE) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic value of a new CPET parameter - peak oxygen uptake efficiency (POUE) - and to compare it with OUES in patients with CHF. METHODS: We prospectively studied 206 consecutive patients with stable CHF due to dilated cardiomyopathy - 153 male, aged 53.3±13.0 years, 35.4% of ischemic etiology, left ventricular ejection fraction 27.7±8.0%, 81.1% in sinus rhythm, 97.1% receiving ACE-Is or ARBs, 78.2% beta-blockers and 60.2% spironolactone - who performed a first maximal symptom-limited treadmill CPET, using the modified Bruce protocol. In 33% of patients an cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy device (CRT-D) was implanted during follow-up. Peak VO(2), percentage of predicted peak VO(2), VE/VCO(2) slope, OUES and POUE were analyzed. OUES was calculated using the formula VO(2) (l/min) = OUES (log(10)VE) + b. POUE was calculated as pVO(2) (l/min) / log(10)peakVE (l/min). Correlation coefficients between the studied parameters were obtained. The prognosis of each variable adjusted for age was evaluated through Cox proportional hazard models and R2 percent (R2%) and V index (V6) were used as measures of the predictive accuracy of events of each of these variables. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves from logistic regression models were used to determine the cut-offs for OUES and POUE. RESULTS: pVO(2): 20.5±5.9; percentage of predicted peak VO(2): 68.6±18.2; VE/VCO(2) slope: 30.6±8.3; OUES: 1.85±0.61; POUE: 0.88±0.27. During a mean follow-up of 33.1±14.8 months, 45 (21.8%) patients died, 10 (4.9%) underwent urgent heart transplantation and in three patients (1.5%) a left ventricular assist device was implanted. All variables proved to be independent predictors of this combined event; however, VE/VCO2 slope was most strongly associated with events (HR 11.14). In this population, POUE was associated with a higher risk of events than OUES (HR 9.61 vs. 7.01), and was also a better predictor of events (R2: 28.91 vs. 22.37). CONCLUSION: POUE was more strongly associated with death, urgent heart transplantation and implantation of a left ventricular assist device and proved to be a better predictor of events than OUES. These results suggest that this new parameter can increase the prognostic value of CPET in patients with CHF.


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A gravidez nas mulheres insuficientes renais crónicas tratadas com diálise é pouco frequente, mas tem aumentado nos últimos anos e o seu prognóstico tem melhorado. Uma gravidez bem-sucedida é mais frequente nas mulheres com função residual, sobretudo se a concepção ocorre antes de iniciar diálise ou se estão em diálise há menos de 1 ano. No entanto, numa doente com insuficiência renal moderada a grave, há risco de deterioração acelerada da função renal. Os resultados são semelhantes com ambas as modalidades de substituição da função renal, hemodiálise ou diálise peritoneal. A prescrição dialítica deve visar uma ureia inferior a 100mg/dl. As complicações maternas, que incluem hipertensão, anemia, perturbações do metabolismo fósfo-cálcico e deficits nutricionais, devem ser prevenidas e/ou tratadas atempadamente. A prematuridade e as perdas fetais são frequentes. A sobrevivência do recém-nascido e o bem-estar da mãe impõem a cooperação estreita entre médicos, enfermeiros e nutricionistas das áreas da obstetrícia, nefrologia e neonatologia.


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Introdução: Durante um internamento podem ser necessários procedimentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos, e as crianças e os pais contactam com vários profissionais de saúde. Será que as informações fornecidas pelos médicos são suficientes e claras? Objectivos: Avaliar a opinião dos pais relativamente às informações fornecidas pelos médicos e a influência que podem ter factores socioeconómicos e culturais na compreensão destas informações. Métodos: Recolheram-se dados demográficos e avaliou-se o grau de conhecimento sobre o diagnóstico, exames e tratamentos, data da alta, nome do médico assistente e opinião quanto à clareza e frequência das informações. Resultados: Considerámos 300 entrevistas. A maioria dos pais tinha uma correcta percepção sobre o diagnóstico(74,8%), tratamento (70,3%) e exames realizados (78,0%), mas apenas 18,7% sabiam a data provável da alta. Em 65,0% dos casos as informações tinham sido fornecidas pelo médico responsável e a maioria considerou a informação clara(87,0%) e suficiente (81,0%). Em serviços de Cirurgia registou-se uma melhor informação relativamente ao diagnóstico (80,4% vs 69,9%, p=0,042) e nome do médico responsável (70,6% vs 55,5%, p=0,008). Os entrevistados com maior escolaridade conheciam melhor o médico (70,4% vs 56,6%, p=0,016) e os tratamentos efectuados às crianças (79,6% vs 69,8%, p<0,001). Os pais de nacionalidade portuguesa e de meio socioeconómico mais elevado conheciam melhor o diagnóstico (79,7% vs 61,8%, p=0,004), (80,7% vs 65,7%, p=0,007) e tratamento (76,3% vs 50,0%, p<0,001), (81,3% vs 49,0%, p=<0,001). Adicionalmente, o grupo socialmente mais diferenciado conhecia melhor o médico responsável (55,9% vs 67,7%, p=0,050). Quando as informações eram transmitidas pelo médico responsável os entrevistados consideravam-nas mais claras (92,3% vs 81,1%, p=0,001) e suficientes (89,7% vs 64,2%, p<0,001).Conclusão: Este estudo identifica a importância do médico assistente na comunicação com os pais das crianças e a necessidade de adequar a informação ao nível sociocultural da família ao longo do internamento.


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Introduction: Entamoeba histolytica infections were investigated in residents of the Ariquemes and Monte Negro municipalities in Rondônia State, Brazil. Methods: Stool samples of 216 individuals were processed by the spontaneous sedimentation method and analyzed by microscopy for detection of the E. histolytica/E. dispar complex, followed by the immunoassay method using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based kit for the E. histolytica stool antigen. Results: E. histolytica/E. dispar cysts were present in 61% (50/82) and 44% (59/134) of the samples from Ariquemes and Monte Negro respectively, with a significant difference in the occurrence of infection between the two populations [p < 0.05; χ2 = 5.2; odds ratio = 2.0 (1.1 - 3.6)]. The E. histolytica antigen detection rate was 36.6% (30/82) for stool samples from Ariquemes, and 19.4% (26/134) for stool taken from the residents of Monte Negro. The rate of the occurrence of amoebiasis was significantly higher in the population from Ariquemes [p < 0.05; χ2 = 7.8; odds ratio = 2.4 (1.2 - 4.7)]. Discussion: Due to the high occurrence of E. histolytica infected residents diagnosed in the region and the unavailability in local clinics of a test to distinguish between the two Entamoeba species, physicians should consider treating E. histolytica/E.dispar infections. Conclusion: The results indicate that E. histolytica infection is highly endemic in the studied areas.


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A sibilância recorrente na infância é uma entidade clínica prevalente e heterogénea do pontode vista da história natural e do prognóstico. Efectuou-se um estudo prospectivo com 8 anos de duração, com o objectivo de relacionar a evolução clínica da sibilância recorrente nos primeiros anos de vida, com factores de prognóstico associados com a persistência da sintomatologia. Uma coorte de 308 crianças com sibilância recorrente, com idade ≤6 anos, foi incluída no estudo em 1993. Foi aplicado um questionário clínico, realizados testes cutâneos por prick e efectuado doseamento sérico de IgE total. Em 1996 procedeu-se a uma primeira reavaliação sistemática destas crianças. Em 2001 foi efectuada nova reavaliação sistemática, possível em 81% destas crianças (n=249), com repetição dos testes cutâneos e realização de avaliação funcional respiratória,em período intercrise, com espirometria com prova de broncodilatação (BD). As crianças reavaliadas apresentavam média etária de 11 anos (8-14 anos) e relação sexo M/F de 1.7/1. Permaneciam sintomáticas em 61% dos casos. A prevalência de atopia foi de 48% em 1993, 65% em 1996 e 75% em 2001. Pela realização de um modelo de regressão logística múltiplo foram identificados como factores de risco para asma activa em idade escolar: história pessoal de rinite alérgica (OR=15.8, IC95%=6.1-40.8; p<0.001), asma paterna (OR=7.2, IC95%=1.7-29.7; p=0.007), história pessoal de eczema atópico (OR=5.9, IC95%=2.2-15.7; p<0.001), asma materna (OR=5.4, IC95%=1.7-17.1; p=0.004), evidência de sensibilização alergénica (OR=3.4, IC95%=1.2-10.4;p=0.03) e início dos sintomas ≥2 anos de idade (OR=2.1, IC95%=1.1-4.8; p=0.04); a frequência de infantário antes dos 12 meses de idade foi identificada como factor protector (OR=0.4, IC95%=0.2- 0.9; p=0.04). Desenvolveram sensibilização alergénica de novo (ácaros do pó >80%) 66 das 128 crianças não atópicas em 1993 (52%). Apresentavam obstrução brônquica 36% das crianças: 47% das sintomáticas e 18% das assintomáticas (p<0.001). A prova de BD foi positiva em 35%: 47% nos sintomáticos e 13% nos assintomáticos (p<0.001). Concluindo, foram identificados como factores de mau prognóstico, antecedentes pessoais de doença alérgica, história parental de asma, presença de sensibilização alergénica e início dos sintomas na segunda infância. Os sintomas clínicos podem preceder em anos a sensibilização alergénica, realçando a importância da instituição precoce de medidas de controlo ambiental. Alterações nas provas funcionais respiratórias, mais frequentes nas asmas activas, estavam também presentes em crianças actualmente sem clínica, reforçando a necessidade de valorizar marcadores objectivos nesta cada vez mais prevalente doença respiratória crónica.


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The clinical application of CCR5 antagonists involves first determining the coreceptor usage by the infecting viral strain. Bioinformatics programs that predict coreceptor usage could provide an alternative method to screen candidates for treatment with CCR5 antagonists, particularly in countries with limited financial resources. Thus, the present study aims to identify the best approach using bioinformatics tools for determining HIV-1 coreceptor usage in clinical practice. Proviral DNA sequences and Trofile results from 99 HIV-1-infected subjects under clinical monitoring were analyzed in this study. Based on the Trofile results, the viral variants present were 81.1% R5, 21.4% R5X4 and 1.8% X4. Determination of tropism using a Geno2pheno[coreceptor] analysis with a false positive rate of 10% gave the most suitable performance in this sampling: the R5 and X4 strains were found at frequencies of 78.5% and 28.4%, respectively, and there was 78.6% concordance between the phenotypic and genotypic results. Further studies are needed to clarify how genetic diversity amongst virus strains affects bioinformatics-driven approaches for determining tropism. Although this strategy could be useful for screening patients in developing countries, some limitations remain that restrict the wider application of coreceptor usage tests in clinical practice.


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Encontram -se publicados múltiplos trabalhos sobre o papel das determinações do óxido nítrico no ar exalado (FENO) no âmbito do estudo da inflamação brônquica que nos permitem afirmar que se trata duma medição simples, não invasiva e de grande utilidade na avaliação do doente asmático.No decurso de um estudo prospectivo sobre o impacto da poluição do ar sobre a saúde da população na cidade de Viseu (Projecto Saud’AR), foram identificadas crianças com história clínica de sibilância, mediante a aplicação de questionários do International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood (ISAAC). As crianças foram submetidas posteriormente a um questionário padronizado, testes cutâneos prick para aeroalergénios, espirometria com prova de broncodilatação e medição de FENO. A idade média era de 7,8±1,1 anos. Comparando os doentes com queixas de sibilância e/ou dispneia nos 6 meses anteriores à avaliação (n=27) com os que não apresentaram estes sintomas, observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o ΔFEV1 (mediana: 4,5% vs 8%, p=0,0399) e para o FENO (mediana: 12 ppb vs 23 ppb, p=0,0195, respectivamente). Se olharmos para as crianças que recorreram a broncodilatador nos seis meses anteriores à avaliação (n=19) e as compararmos com as que não necessitaram, encontramos diferenças para o FENO: mediana de 27 ppb versus mediana de 11 ppb, respectivamente; p<0,0001. Ao compararmos as crianças que recorreram a uma consulta de urgência nos seis meses anteriores à avaliação(n=9) e as compararmos com as que não recorreram, encontramos também diferenças estatisticamente significativas para o FENO: mediana de 28 ppb versus mediana de 13 ppb, p=0.0029. Constatou -se assim que a existência de sintomas se associou melhor com o FENO de que com a espirometria.


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The identification of predictors for the progression of chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) is essential to ensure adequate patient management. This study looked into a non-concurrent cohort of 165 CCC patients between 1985 and 2010 for independent predictors for CCC progression. The outcomes were worsening of the CCC scores and the onset of left ventricular dysfunction assessed by means of echo-Doppler cardiography. Patients were analyzed for social, demographic, epidemiologic, clinical and workup-related variables. A descriptive analysis was conducted, followed by survival curves based on univariate (Kaplan-Meier and Cox’s univariate model) and multivariate (Cox regression model) analysis. Patients were followed from two to 20 years (mean: 8.2). Their mean age was 44.8 years (20-77). Comparing both iterations of the study, in the second there was a statistically significant increase in the PR interval and in the QRS duration, despite a reduction in heart rates (Wilcoxon < 0.01). The predictors for CCC progression in the final regression model were male gender (HR = 2.81), Holter monitoring showing pauses equal to or greater than two seconds (HR = 3.02) increased cardiothoracic ratio (HR = 7.87) and time of use of digitalis (HR = 1.41). Patients with multiple predictive factors require stricter follow-up and treatment.


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SUMMARY Infection by Candidaspp. is associated with high mortality rates, especially when treatment is not appropriate and/or not immediate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the genus and species of Candida. The aim of this study was to compare the identification of 89 samples of Candida spp. by the manual methods germ tube test, auxanogram and chromogenic medium in relation to the ID 32C automated method. The concordances between the methods in ascending order, measured by the Kappa index were: ID 32C with CHROMagar Candida(κ = 0.38), ID 32C with auxanogram (κ = 0.59) and ID 32C with germ tube (κ = 0.9). One of the species identified in this study was C. tropicalis,which demonstrated a sensitivity of 46.2%, a specificity of 95.2%, PPV of 80%, NPV of 81.1%, and an accuracy of 80.9% in tests performed with CHROMagar Candida;and a sensitivity of 76.9%, a specificity of 96.8%, PPV of 90.9%, NPV of 91%, and an accuracy of 91% in the auxanogram tests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and limitations of methods to choose the best combination between them for a fast and correct identification of Candidaspecies.


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Os autores fizeram a revisão dos casos de hérnia diafragmática congénita admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais do Hospital de Dona Estefânia de Janeiro de 1984 a Dezembro de 1993 (10 anos). Neste período foram internados 53 recém-nascidos (RN) com hérnia diafragmática congénita tipo Bochdalek. A pesquisa incidiu sobre os índices de gravidade clínicos, radiológico, ventilatório, de oxigenação e mortalidade. Em 54,7% dos RN houve asfixia neonatal. A dificuldade respiratória teve início antes das 6 horas de vida em 43 dos RN (81.1%), mas o início dos sintomas foi imediato em 31. A hérnia localizava-se à esquerda em 77.4% dos casos. Em 5 casos não foi possível a correcção cirúrgia do defeito diafragmático. A mortalidade global foi 47.2%. Dos 48 RN operados faleceram 20 (41.7%). Em todas as crianças que faleceram, excepto numa, houve início imediato dos sintomas. A mortalidade dos RN com índice radiológico >6 foi de 81.5%. O índice ventilatório >1000 e o índice de oxigenação >40 tiveram valor preditivo de morte (mortalidade de 100% em ambos os casos). Nesta casuística, os achados que melhor se correlacionaram com o prognóstico foram: início imediato dos sintomas, I.R. >6, I.V.> 1000 e I.O.> 40.