917 resultados para uskonnolliset liikkeet - Elämän Sana


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El presente trabajo se constituye en un estudio sobre la pobreza y las desigualdades socio territoriales en el Brasil, problematizando la perspectiva territorial de las políticas públicas sociales observando la distribución espacial del Índice de Desarrollo de las familias (IDF) en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN, así como las principales políticas sociales, a ejemplo del Programa Bolsa Familia. En este sentido, el objetivo principal de esa disertación se dió en la tentativa de comprender la importancia de la lectura previa del territorio para la reflexión sobre la pobreza en su aspecto multidimensional y para la territorialización de las políticas Públicas sociales construidas en el intento de minimizar la problemática de la desigualdad social, observando la distribución espacial do IDF en el municipio de Pau dos Ferros/RN. A partir del objetivo general trazado, hicimos una revisión teórica sobre los temas, pobreza, desigualdades sociales y políticas públicas, en el primero caso atentando para el aspecto multidimensional de esta, abogando la importancia de analizarnos la pobreza no apenas por el nivel de rienda, pero considerando otras dimensiones que corroboran para la constitución del ser pobre, como habitaciones precarias, falta de saneamiento básico e infraestructura, el no acceso a la salud, la educación y los otros servicios que posibilitan el individuo vivir con el mejor dignidad. Comprendiendo la importancia del conocimiento previo del territorio para que ocurra las debidas reflexiones e intervenciones en la realidad territorial buscamos reflexionar acerca de ese concepto en sus nexos con la construcción e implementación de las políticas públicas sociales teniendo la Política Nacional de Asistencia Social (PNAS) como política esencial y también el el Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF), una vez que buscamos compreender su importancia a partir de la visión del sujeto, o sea las beneficiadas del PBF en el Municipio de Pau dos Ferros. Para tanto, hicimos entrevistas orales con las beneficiadas del PBF que fueron elegidas aislada a partir de los equipos del CRAS, además de la aplicación de cuestionarios semiesctructurados y abiertos con gestores y asistentes sociales del muninicipio.Buscamos además trabajar con algunos datos del CadÚnico para el município en estudio proponiendo analisar las condiciones sociales y económicas de las famílias cadastradas. Algunos resultados fueron posibles, a saber, es necesario interpretarse la pobreza a partir de varias dimensiones para no tener el riesgo de quedarnos solamente en la perspectiva financiera, o sea de la rienda, que mismo sirva para lo emergencial no es suficiente para transformar las condiciones de vida de las famílias; PNAS puede ser considerada como un avanzo de la política social en el Brasil una vez que posuye importancia fundamental en la familia. Sin embargo, es preciso avanzar en la interpretación del territorio que en la política y en el habla de los agentes sociales , es interpretación apenas como un recorte donde deberán ocurrir las acciones para minimizar la pobreza ; al fin, o PBF es un programa de urgencia moral una vez que combate lo mas emergencial que es el directo de sobrevivir , pero aun no conseguió transformar de una manera significativa la pobreza en el país


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Cognitive Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary area of research that combines measurement of brain activity (mostly by means of neuroimaging) with a simultaneous performance of cognitive tasks by human subjects. These investigations have been successful in the task of connecting the sciences of the brain (Neurosciences) and the sciences of the mind (Cognitive Sciences). Advances on this kind of research provide a map of localization of cognitive functions in the human brain. Do these results help us to understand how mind relates to the brain? In my view, the results obtained by the Cognitive Neurosciences lead to new investigations in the domain of Molecular Neurobiology, aimed at discovering biophysical mechanisms that generate the activity measured by neuroimaging instruments. In this context, I argue that the understanding of how ionic/molecular processes support cognition and consciousness cannot be made by means of the standard reductionist explanations. Knowledge of ionic/molecular meclianisms can contribute to our understanding of the human mind as long as we assume an alternative form of explanation, based on psycho-physical similarities, together with an ontological view of mentality and spirituality as embedded in physical nature (and not outside nature, as frequently assumed in western culture).


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The discovery of participation of astrocytes as active elements in glutamatergic tripartite synapses (composed by functional units of two neurons and one astrocyte) has led to the construction of models of cognitive functioning in the human brain, focusing on associative learning, sensory integration, conscious processing and memory formation/retrieval. We have modelled human cognitive functions by means of an ensemble of functional units (tripartite synapses) connected by gap junctions that link distributed astrocytes, allowing the formation of intra- and intercellular calcium waves that putatively mediate large-scale cognitive information processing. The model contains a diagram of molecular mechanisms present in tripartite synapses and contributes to explain the physiological bases of cognitive functions. It can be potentially expanded to explain emotional functions and psychiatric phenomena. © MSM 2011.


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The field of affective neuroscience has emerged from the efforts of Jaak Panksepp in the 1990s and reinforced by the work of, among others, Joseph LeDoux in the 2000s. It is based on the ideas that affective processes are supported by brain structures that appeared earlier in the phylogenetic scale (as the periaqueductal gray area), they run in parallel with cognitive processes, and can influence behaviour independently of cognitive judgements. This kind of approach contrasts with the hegemonic concept of conscious processing in cognitive neurosciences, which is based on the identification of brain circuits responsible for the processing of (cognitive) representations. Within cognitive neurosciences, the frontal lobes are assigned the role of coordinators in maintaining affective states and their emotional expressions under cognitive control. An intermediary view is the Damasio-Bechara Somatic Marker model, which puts cognition under partial somatic-affective control. We present here our efforts to make a synthesis of these views, by proposing the existence of two interacting brain circuits; the first one in charge of cognitive processes and the second mediating feelings about cognitive contents. The coupling of the two circuits promotes an endogenous feedback that supports conscious processes. Within this framework, we present the defence that detailed study of both affective and cognitive processes, their interactions, as well of their respective brain networks, is necessary for a science of consciousness.© MSM 2013.


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De Sousa′s comprehensive two-part review of a diversity of contemporary approaches to the study of consciousness is highly welcome. He makes us aware of a proliferation of theoretical and empirical approaches targeting a common theme, but diverging in many ways. He skilfully accomplishes a classification of kinds of approach, identification of the main representatives, their contributions, and respective limitations. However, he does not show how the desired integration could be accomplished. Besides summarising de Sousa′s efficient analytical work, I make critical comments and briefly report my contribution for the integration project.© MSM 2013.


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In the last thirty years, a relatively large group of cognitive scientists have begun characterising the mind in terms of two distinct, relatively autonomous systems. To account for paradoxes in empirical results of studies mainly on reasoning, Dual Process Theories were developed. Such Dual Process Theories generally agree that System 1 is rapid, automatic, parallel, and heuristic-based and System 2 is slow, capacity-demanding, sequential, and related to consciousness. While System 2 can still be decently understood from a traditional cognitivist approach, I will argue that it is essential for System 1 processing to be comprehended in an Embodied Embedded approach to Cognition.© MSM 2013.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Includes bibliography


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La edición número 101 de Notas de Población contiene nueve artículos sobre temas de gran actualidad y relevancia futura en el campo de la investigación sociodemográfica en América Latina y el Caribe. La variada gama de asuntos que se abordan en la presente edición empieza con la aplicación del modelo de transición logística y las proyecciones de población, pasando por el análisis de la transición epidemiológica de la mortalidad infantil en América Latina y los determinantes de la fecundidad adolescente y su relación con la distribución territorial. Continúa con el envejecimiento, su relación con las condiciones de la vivienda, la migración calificada y el análisis del ciclo vital de las personas en relación con una esperanza de vida sana. Concluye con la percepción de la alteridad en la declaración del color y la raza en la encuesta de empleo del Brasil.


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Versión revisada y actualizada de la publicación “Seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en cuatro países andinos: una propuesta de seguimiento y análisis”, Serie Políticas Sociales, Nº 187 (LC/L.3750), Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), Santiago, 2014.


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A good night sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, children and adolescents replace sleeping hours by several other activities. This project aimed to disseminate information about sleeping and stimulate some reflections about the risk factors to health arising frompersonal and collective habits. A group of 1014 junior high school students from five schools in the city of Assis-SP, participated in the project. The students visited an exhibition about the theme "sleeping and health" and took part of group assignments. Issues related to sleeping and alternatives to promote healthy sleeping habits in day-life context were discussed. The activities were planned and executed by six trainees under the supervision of the responsible teacher. The majority of the visitors reported pleasure (90% of students) and interest in the subject; (85%) enjoyed learning new information about it (93%). Among the activities performed, 25% of visitors particularly enjoyed playful educational activities, 19% the oral presentation and 23% all the activities without distinction. Group discussion on everyday situations encouraged the adolescents to reevaluate previous experiences and knowledge that were not always consistent with current scientific knowledge. Undergraduate students had a rich practical opportunity that stimulated them to create health education strategies for adolescents. Some adolescents got more involved in the activities and others were more stimulated by the change of school routine. The activities were feasible and can be designed according to the target public. Certainly individual experience was sporadic and we suggest that future projects might be improved by stimulating bigger schools and more teachers to participate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)