984 resultados para super-orbital re-entry


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A presena de algumas substncias na gua, como pigmentos fotossintetizantes, particulados, etc., afeta sua cor, provocando mudanas na radincia da gua registrada por sensores orbitais. Nesse sentido, o sensoriamento remoto pode se constituir em uma fonte complementar de dados para o monitoramento da qualidade da gua em grandes reservatrios (Novo et al., 1994). No contexto de um projeto de pesquisa realizado na AES Tiet S.A., com o objetivo de desenvolver tcnicas para a avaliao da rea com infestao de plantas aquticas, imagens orbitais multiespectrais foram usadas tanto para mapear a disperso espacial e estimar a rea de ocorrncia de macrfitas aquticas, em duas pocas distintas, quanto para orientar a definio de pontos de amostragem in loco, visando a coleta e posterior anlise da gua e de sedimentos nos reservatrios. Este trabalho apresenta uma descrio do procedimento metodolgico adotado na anlise das imagens multiespectrais, bem como os resultados obtidos na caracterizao dos reservatrios de Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promisso e Nova Avanhandava, em termos de seu dimensionamento, variabilidade espectral da gua e presena de macrfitas emersas, nas duas pocas do ano consideradas.


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Social media is very current topic in todays society and organisations. In the times of economic challenges, companies are looking for efficient ways to resource workforce. In addition, there is competition of competent workforce in employment markets. Employer image plays important role in recruitment as people seek to organisations they find interesting and have a reputation as a good employer. This study concerns the discussion on utilising social media in recruitment and employer image in a corporate enterprise. I will find solutions how to utilize social media in recruitment, in which channels and methods that can be done and what these actions require from a company doing social recruitment. I bring up the discussion and challenges that relate to starting to take social media into use in an organization overall and in recruitment. The qualitative material has been gathered with interviews of eighteen persons and the material available about the topic in the enterprise intranet. According to the study, social media is seen both as an opportunity to reach large amount of people quickly and cost-efficiently, but then again it brings news aspects for controlling the employer image and communication towards the audience. Taking social media into use as part of recruiters and managers daily work requires both finding the right channels and attention to the internal communication culture and resourcing. Social recruitment requires a strategy and a proper plan to be able to work in a company. There are several social media channels that enable to reach people, but they dont do the social recruitment alone.


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After the economic reform, China has undergone fast economic growth, urbanization and adopted the western lifestyle. Global enterprises are investing in China and Finnish companies began to enter the Chinese market after the 1980s. Fast economic growth has downside effects like pollution and thus more cleantech solutions are needed. There are different kinds of entry modes that companies are using when entering the Chinese market. This thesis focuses on export tire entry mode. The purpose of this study is to examine cleantech companies opinions about the export tire operations. The background of this study is built by combining the written knowledge about the history of the Chinese industry and market entry modes. The empirical part of the study is a semi-structured, qualitative analysis of five case companies that are operating together in a particular export tire and represent the highest Finnish cleantech knowledge. The results of this study indicate that the export tire entry is an easy and cost effective way to enter new markets or market segment. Export tire is really dependent on the leader who in this particular case succeeded well.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Julkaisussa: Le petit atlas maritime : recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde en cinq volumes. Vol. I


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Julkaisussa: Relation du voyage d'Adam Olearius en Moscovie, Tartarie, et Perse. Vol I


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Julkaisussa: Cartes generales de la geographie ancienne et nouvelle, ou les empires, monarchies, royaumes, estats, republiques, et peuples. Vol I


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Outward current oscillations associated with transient membrane hyperpolarizations were induced in murine macrophage polykaryons by membrane depolarization in the absence of external Na+. Oscillations corresponded to a cyclic activation of Ca2+-dependent K+ currents (IKCa) probably correlated with variations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Addition of external Na+ (8 mM) immediately abolished the outward current oscillations, suggesting that the absence of the cation is necessary not only for their induction but also for their maintenance. Oscillations were completely blocked by nisoldipine. Ruthenium red and ryanodine reduced the number of outward current cycles in each episode, whereas quercetin prolonged the hyperpolarization 2- to 15-fold. Neither low molecular weight heparin nor the absence of a Na+ gradient across the membrane had any influence on oscillations. The evidence suggests that Ca2+ entry through a pathway sensitive to Ca2+ channel blockers is elicited by membrane depolarization in Na+-free medium and is essential to initiate oscillations, which are also dependent on the cyclic release of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+-sensitive stores; Ca2+ ATPase acts by reducing intracellular Ca2+, thus allowing slow deactivation of IKCa. Evidence is presented that neither a Na+/Ca2+ antiporter nor Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores participate directly in the mechanism of oscillation


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Julkaisussa: Atlas van zeevaert en koophandel door de geheele weereldt


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Julkaisussa: Le petit atlas maritime : recueil de cartes et plans des quatre parties du monde en cinq volumes. Vol. III