964 resultados para sodium carbonate and steam catalytic gasification
The replacement of phenol with sodium lignosulfonate and formaldehyde with glutaraldehyde in the preparation of resins resulted in a new resol-type phenolic resin, sodium lignosulfonate-glutaraldehyde resin, in addition to sodium lignosulfonate-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde resins. These resins were then used to prepare thermosets and composites reinforced with sisal fibers. Different techniques were used to characterize raw materials and/or thermosets and composites, including inverse gas chromatography, thermogravimetric analysis, and mechanical impact and flexural tests. The substitution of phenol by sodium lignosulfonate in the formulation of the composite matrices increased the impact strength of the respective composites from approximately 400 Jm(-1) to 800 J m(-1) and 1000 J m(-1), showing a considerable enhancement from the replacement of phenol with sodium lignosulfonate. The wettability of the sisal fibers increased when the resins were prepared from sodium lignosulfonate, generating composites in which the adhesion at the fiber-matrix interface was stronger and favored the transference of load from the matrix to the fiber during impact. Results suggested that the composites experienced a different mechanism of load transfer from the matrix to the fiber when a bending load was applied, compared to that experienced during impact. The thermogravimetric analysis results demonstrated that the thermal stability of the composites was not affected by the use of sodium lignosulfonate as a phenolic-type reagent during the preparation of the matrices.
Objectives. To evaluate if the incorporation of antimicrobial compounds to chelating agents or the use of chelating agents with antimicrobial activity as 7% maleic acid and peracetic acid show similar disinfection ability in comparison to conventional irrigants as sodium hypochlorite or iodine potassium iodide against biofilms developed on dentin. Materials and methods. The total bio-volume of live cells, the ratio of live cells and the substratum coverage of dentin infected intra-orally and treated with the irrigant solutions: MTAD, Qmix, Smear Clear, 7% maleic acid, 2% iodine potassium iodide, 4% peracetic acid, 2.5% and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite was measured by using confocal microscopy and the live/dead technique. Five samples were used for each irrigant solution. Results. Several endodontic irrigants containing antimicrobials as clorhexidine (Qmix), cetrimide (Smear Clear), maleic acid, iodine compounds or antibiotics (MTAD) lacked an effective antibiofilm activity when the dentin was infected intra-orally. The irrigant solutions 4% peracetic acid and 2.5–5.25% sodium hypochlorite decrease significantly the number of live bacteria in biofilms, providing also cleaner dentin surfaces (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Several chelating agents containing antimicrobials could not remove nor kill significantly biofilms developed on intra-orally infected dentin, with the exception of sodium hypochlorite and 4% peracetic acid. Dissolution ability is mandatory for an appropriate eradication of biofilms attached to dentin.
The purpose of the PhD research was the identification of new strategies of farming and processing, with the aim to improve the nutritional and technological characteristics of poultry meat. Part of the PhD research was focused on evaluation of alternative farming systems, with the aim to increase animal welfare and to improve the meat quality and sensorial characteristics in broiler chickens. It was also assessed the use of innovative ingredients for marination of poultry meat (sodium bicarbonate and natural antioxidants) The research was developed by studying the following aspects: - Meat quality characteristics, oxidative stability and sensorial traits of chicken meat obtained from two different farming systems: free range vs conventional; - Meat quality traits of frozen chicken breast pre-salted using increasing concentrations of sodium chloride; - Use of sodium bicarbonate in comparison with sodium trypolyphosphate for marination of broiler breast meat and phase; - Marination with thyme and orange essential oils mixture to improve chicken meat quality traits, susceptibility to lipid oxidation and sensory traits. The following meat quality traits analyseswere performed: Colour, pH, water holding capacity by conventional (gravimetric methods, pressure application, centrifugation and cooking) and innovative methods (low-field NMR and DSC analysis) ability to absorb marinade soloutions, texture (shear force using different probes and texture profile analysis), proximate analysis (moisture, proteins, lipids, ash content, collagen, fatty acid), susceptibility to lipid oxidation (determinations of reactive substances with thiobarbituric acid and peroxide value), sensorial analysis (triangle test and consumer test).
In a world focused on the need to produce energy for a growing population, while reducing atmospheric emissions of carbon dioxide, organic Rankine cycles represent a solution to fulfil this goal. This study focuses on the design and optimization of axial-flow turbines for organic Rankine cycles. From the turbine designer point of view, most of this fluids exhibit some peculiar characteristics, such as small enthalpy drop, low speed of sound, large expansion ratio. A computational model for the prediction of axial-flow turbine performance is developed and validated against experimental data. The model allows to calculate turbine performance within a range of accuracy of ±3%. The design procedure is coupled with an optimization process, performed using a genetic algorithm where the turbine total-to-static efficiency represents the objective function. The computational model is integrated in a wider analysis of thermodynamic cycle units, by providing the turbine optimal design. First, the calculation routine is applied in the context of the Draugen offshore platform, where three heat recovery systems are compared. The turbine performance is investigated for three competing bottoming cycles: organic Rankine cycle (operating cyclopentane), steam Rankine cycle and air bottoming cycle. Findings indicate the air turbine as the most efficient solution (total-to-static efficiency = 0.89), while the cyclopentane turbine results as the most flexible and compact technology (2.45 ton/MW and 0.63 m3/MW). Furthermore, the study shows that, for organic and steam Rankine cycles, the optimal design configurations for the expanders do not coincide with those of the thermodynamic cycles. This suggests the possibility to obtain a more accurate analysis by including the computational model in the simulations of the thermodynamic cycles. Afterwards, the performance analysis is carried out by comparing three organic fluids: cyclopentane, MDM and R245fa. Results suggest MDM as the most effective fluid from the turbine performance viewpoint (total-to-total efficiency = 0.89). On the other hand, cyclopentane guarantees a greater net power output of the organic Rankine cycle (P = 5.35 MW), while R245fa represents the most compact solution (1.63 ton/MW and 0.20 m3/MW). Finally, the influence of the composition of an isopentane/isobutane mixture on both the thermodynamic cycle performance and the expander isentropic efficiency is investigated. Findings show how the mixture composition affects the turbine efficiency and so the cycle performance. Moreover, the analysis demonstrates that the use of binary mixtures leads to an enhancement of the thermodynamic cycle performance.
Environmental decay in porous masonry materials, such as brick and mortar, is a widespread problem concerning both new and historic masonry structures. The decay mechanisms are quite complex dependng upon several interconnected parameters and from the interaction with the specific micro-climate. Materials undergo aesthetical and substantial changes in character but while many studies have been carried out, the mechanical aspect has been largely understudied while it bears true importance from the structural viewpoint. A quantitative assessment of the masonry material degradation and how it affects the load-bearing capacity of masonry structures appears missing. The research work carried out, limiting the attention to brick masonry addresses this issue through an experimental laboratory approach via different integrated testing procedures, both non-destructive and mechanical, together with monitoring methods. Attention was focused on transport of moisture and salts and on the damaging effects caused by the crystallization of two different salts, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. Many series of masonry specimens, very different in size and purposes were used to track the damage process since its beginning and to monitor its evolution over a number of years Athe same time suitable testing techniques, non-destructive, mini-invasive, analytical, of monitoring, were validated for these purposes. The specimens were exposed to different aggressive agents (in terms of type of salt, of brine concentration, of artificial vs. open-air natural ageing, …), tested by different means (qualitative vs. quantitative, non destructive vs. mechanical testing, punctual vs. wide areas, …), and had different size (1-, 2-, 3-header thick walls, full-scale walls vs. small size specimens, brick columns and triplets vs. small walls, masonry specimens vs. single units of brick and mortar prisms, …). Different advanced testing methods and novel monitoring techniques were applied in an integrated holistic approach, for quantitative assessment of masonry health state.
Understanding the origins of the mechanical properties and its correlation withrnthe microstructure of gel systems is of great scientific and industrial interest. Inrngeneral, colloidal gels can be classified into chemical and physical gels, accordingrnto the life time of the network bonds. The characteristic di↵erences in gelationrndynamics can be observed with rheological measurements.rnAs a model system, a mixture of sodium silicate and low concentration sulfuric acidrnwas used. Nano-sized silica particles grow and aggregate to a system-spanning gelrnnetwork. The influence of the finite solubility of silica at high pH on the gelationrnwas studied with classical and piezo rheometer. The storage modulus of therngel grew logarithmically with time with two distinct growth laws. A relaxationrnat low frequency was observed in the frequency dependent measurements. I attributernthese two behaviors as a sign of structural rearrangements due to the finiternsolubility of silica at high pH. The reaction equilibrium between formation andrndissolution of bonds leads to a finite life time of the bonds and behavior similar tornphysical gel. The frequency dependence was more pronounced for lower water concentrations,rnhigher temperatures and shorter reaction times. With two relaxationrnmodels, I deduced characteristic relaxation times from the experimental data. Besidesrnrheology, the evolution of silica gels at high pH on di↵erent length scales wasrnstudied by NMR and dynamic light scattering. The results revealed that the primaryrnparticles existed already in sodium silicate and aggregated after the mixingrnof reactants due to a chemical reaction. Throughout the aggregation process thernsystem was in its chemical reaction equilibrium. Applying large oscillatory shearrnstrain to the gel allowed for modifying the gel modulus. The e↵ect of shear andrnshear history on the rheological properties of the gel were investigated. The storagernmodulus of the final gel increased with increasing strain. This behavior can be explained with (i) shear-induced aggregate compaction and (ii) combination ofrnbreakage and new formation of bonds.rnIn comparison with the physical gel-like behavior of the silica gel at high pH, typicalrnchemical gel features were exhibited by other gels formed from various chemicalrnreactions. Influences of the chemical structure modification on the gelation wererninvestigated with the piezo-rheometer. The external stimuli can be applied to tunernthe mechanical properties of the gel systems.
Die biologische Stickstofffixierung durch Molybdän-haltige Nitrogenasen sowie die Erforschung des zugrundeliegenden komplexen Mechanismus (N2-Aktivierung an Metall-Zentren, 6-fache Protonierung und Reduktion, N–N Bindungsspaltung unter Bildung von Ammoniak) ist von erheblichem Interesse. Insbesondere Molybdän-Komplexe wurden bereits erfolgreich als Modellverbindungen für die Untersuchung elementarer Einzelschritte der N2-Aktivierung eingesetzt. Durch die Verwendung von Triamidoamin-Liganden ist es Schrock et al. sogar gelungen mehrere Katalysezyklen zu durchlaufen und einen Mechanismus zu formulieren. Trotz der sterisch anspruchsvollen Substituenten in den Schrock-Komplexen ist die Umsatzrate dieses homogenen Katalysators, aufgrund Komplex-Deaktivierung infolge intermolekularer Reaktionen wie Dimerisierung und Disproportionierung, limitiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden einige dieser Herausforderungen angegangen und die aktiven Spezies auf einer Festphase immobilisiert, um intermolekulare Reaktionen durch räumliche Isolierung der Komplexe zu unterdrücken.rnEin Polymer-verankertes Analogon des Schrock Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes wurde auf einem neuen Reaktionsweg synthetisiert. Dieser beinhaltet nur einen einzigen Reaktionsschritt, um die funktionelle Gruppe „MoN“ einzuführen. Protonierung des immobilisierten Nitrido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplexes LMoVIN (L = Polymer-verankerter Triamidoamin-Ligand) mit 2,6-Lutidinium liefert den entsprechenden Imido-Molybdän(VI)-Komplex. Durch anschließende Ein-Elektronen-Reduktion mit Cobaltocen wird der Polymer-angebundene Imido-Molybdän(V)-Komplex erhalten, bewiesen durch EPR-Spektroskopie (g1,2,3 = 1.989, 1.929, 1.902). Durch die Immobilisierung und die effektive räumliche Separation der Reaktionszentren auf der Festphase werden bimolekulare Nebenreaktionen, die oft in homogenen Systemen auftreten, unterdrückt. Dies ermöglicht zum ersten Mal die Darstellung des Imido-Molybdän(V)-Intermediates des Schrock-Zyklus.rnEPR-Spektren des als Spin-Label eingeführten immobilisierten Nitrato-Kupfer(II)-Komplexes wurden unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (Lösungsmittel, Temperatur) aufgenommen, wobei sich eine starke Abhängigkeit zwischen der Zugänglichkeit und Reaktivität der immobilisierten Reaktionszentren und der Art des Lösungsmittels zeigte. Somit wurde die Reaktivität von LMoVIN gegenüber Protonen und Elektronen, welches zur Bildung von NH3 führt, unter Verwendung verschiedener Lösungsmittel untersucht und optimiert. Innerhalb des kugelförmigen Polymers verläuft die Protonierung und Reduktion von LMoVIN stufenweise. Aktive Zentren, die sich an der „äußeren Schale“ des Polymers befinden, sind gut zugänglich und reagieren schnell nach H+/e− Zugabe. Aktive Zentren im „Inneren des Polymers“ hingegen sind schlechter zugänglich und zeigen langsame diffusions-kontrollierte Reaktionen, wobei drei H+/e− Schritte gefolgt von einer Ligandenaustausch-Reaktion erforderlich sind, um NH3 freizusetzen: LMoVIN LMoVNH LMoIVNH2 LMoIIINH3 und anschließender Ligandenaustausch führt zur Freisetzung von NH3.rnIn einem weiteren Projekt wurde der Bis(ddpd)-Kupfer(II)-Komplex EPR-spektroskopisch in Hinblick auf Jahn−Teller-Verzerrung und -Dynamik untersucht. Dabei wurden die EPR-Spektren bei variabler Temperatur (70−293 K) aufgenommen. Im Festkörperspektrum bei T < 100 K erscheint der Kupfer(II)-Komplex als gestreckter Oktaeder, wohingegen das EPR-Spektrum bei höheren Temperaturen g-Werte aufzeigt, die einer pseudo-gestauchten oktaedrischen Kupfer(II)-Spezies zuzuordnen sind. Diese Tatsache wird einem intramolekularen dynamischen Jahn−Teller Phänomen zugeschrieben, welcher bei 100 K eingefroren wird.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe striated muscle disease due to the absence of dystrophin. Dystrophin deficiency results in dysfunctional sodium channels and conduction abnormalities in hearts of mdx mice. Disease progression in the mdx mouse only modestly reflects that of DMD patients, possibly due to utrophin up-regulation. Here, we investigated mice deficient in both dystrophin and utrophin [double knockout (DKO)] to assess the role of utrophin in the regulation of the cardiac sodium channel (Na(v)1.5) in mdx mice.
The effect of zeolite amendment for enhanced sorption capacity on the consolidation behavior and hydraulic conductivity, k, of a typical soil-bentonite (SB) backfill for vertical cutoff walls was evaluated via laboratory testing. The consolidation behavior and k of test specimens containing fine sand, 5.8 % (dry wt.) sodium bentonite, and 0, 2, 5, or 10 % (dry wt.) of one of three types of zeolite (clinoptilolite, chabazite-lower bed, or chabazite-upper bed) were measured using fixed-ring oedometers, and k also was measured on separate specimens using a flexible-wall permeameter. The results indicated that addition of a zeolite had little impact on either the consolidation behavior or the k of the backfill, regardless of the amount or type of zeolite. For example, the compression index, Cc, for the unamended backfill specimen was 0.24, whereas values of Cc for the zeolite amended specimens were in the range 0.19 ≤ Cc ≤ 0.23. Similarly, the k for the unamended specimen based on flexible-wall tests was 2.4 x 10-10 m/s, whereas values of k for zeolite amended specimens were in the range 1.2 x 10-10 ≤ k ≤ 3.9 x 10-10 m/s. The results of the study suggest that enhancing the sorption capacity of typical SB backfills via zeolite amendment is not likely to have a significant effect on the consolidation behavior or k of the backfill, provided that the amount of zeolite added is small (≤ 10 %).
Human development causes degradation of stream ecosystems due to impacts on channel morphology, hydrology, and water quality. Urbanization, the second leading cause of stream impairment, increases the amount of impervious surface cover, thus reducing infiltration and increasing surface runoff of precipitation, which ultimately affects stream hydrologic process and aquatic biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to assess the overall health of Miller Run, a small tributary of the Bull Run and Susquehanna River watersheds, through an integrative hydrologic and water quality approach in order to determine the degree of Bucknell University’s impact on the stream. Hydrologic conditions, including stage and discharge, and water quality conditions, including total suspended solids, ion, nutrient, and dissolved metal concentrations, specific conductivity, pH, and temperature, were measured and evaluated at two sampling sites (upstream and downstream of Bucknell’s main campus) during various rain events from September 2007 to March 2008. The primary focus of the stream analysis was based on one main rain event on 26 February 2008. The results provided evidence that Miller Run is impacted by Bucknell’s campus. From a hydrologic perspective, the stream’s hydrograph showed the exact opposite pattern of what would be expected from a ‘normal’ stream. Miller run had a flashier downstream hydrograph and a broader upstream hydrograph, which was more than likely due to the increased amount of impervious surface cover throughout the downstream half of the watershed. From a water quality perspective, sediment loads increased at a faster rate and were significantly higher downstream compared to upstream. These elevated sediment concentrations were probably the combined result of sediment runoff from upstream and downstream construction sites that were being developed over the course of the study. Sodium, chloride, and potassium concentrations, in addition to specific conductivity, also significantly increased downstream of Bucknell’s campus due to the runoff of road salts. Calcium and magnesium concentrations did not appear to be impacted by urbanization, although they did demonstrate a significant dilution effect downstream. The downstream site was not directly affected by elevated nitrate concentrations; however, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations tended to increase downstream and ammonium concentrations significantly peaked partway through the rain event downstream. These patterns suggest that Miller Run may be impacted by nutrient runoff from the golf course, athletic fields, and/or fertilizers applications on the main campus. Dissolved manganese and iron concentrations also appeared to slightly increase downstream, demonstrating the affect of urban runoff from roads and parking lots. pH and temperature both decreased farther downstream, but neither showed a significant impact of urbanization. More studies are necessary to determine how Miller Run responds to changes in season, climate, precipitation intensity, and land-use. This study represents the base-line analysis of Miller Run’s current hydrologic and water quality conditions; based on these initial findings, Bucknell should strongly consider modifications to improve storm water management practices and to reduce the campus’s overall impact on the stream in order to enhance and preserve the integrity of its natural water resources.
11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD) enzymes catalyze the conversion of biologically inactive 11-ketosteroids into their active 11beta-hydroxy derivatives and vice versa. Inhibition of 11beta-HSD1 has considerable therapeutic potential for glucocorticoid-associated diseases including obesity, diabetes, wound healing, and muscle atrophy. Because inhibition of related enzymes such as 11beta-HSD2 and 17beta-HSDs causes sodium retention and hypertension or interferes with sex steroid hormone metabolism, respectively, highly selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors are required for successful therapy. Here, we employed the software package Catalyst to develop ligand-based multifeature pharmacophore models for 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors. Virtual screening experiments and subsequent in vitro evaluation of promising hits revealed several selective inhibitors. Efficient inhibition of recombinant human 11beta-HSD1 in intact transfected cells as well as endogenous enzyme in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes and C2C12 myotubes was demonstrated for compound 27, which was able to block subsequent cortisol-dependent activation of glucocorticoid receptors with only minor direct effects on the receptor itself. Our results suggest that inhibitor-based pharmacophore models for 11beta-HSD1 in combination with suitable cell-based activity assays, including such for related enzymes, can be used for the identification of selective and potent inhibitors.
BACKGROUND: To overcome the ototoxicity of cisplatin, single bolus infusions were replaced by repeated prolonged infusions of lower doses or by continuous infusions at still lower infusion rates. However, considering ototoxicity little is, in fact, known about the tolerance of repeated prolonged or continuous infusion in children. PROCEDURE: Auditory function was monitored along with plasma concentrations of free and total platinum (Pt), and with standard serum parameters (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, chloride, and creatinine) in 24 children receiving cisplatin by continuous infusion for the treatment of neuroblastoma and osteosarcoma or by repeated 1 or 6 hr infusions for the treatment of germ cell tumors. RESULTS: Hearing deteriorated in 10/15 osteosarcoma patients, 2/3 neuroblastoma patients, and 1/6 patients with germ cell tumors. Ototoxicity occurred after cumulative doses between 120 and 360 mg/m(2) cisplatin. In osteosarcoma patients, ototoxicity was associated with a comparatively higher mean plasma concentration of free Pt. However, Pt plasma concentrations did not discriminate between patients with or without ototoxicity. In patients experiencing ototoxicity serum creatinine increased by 45% compared to pre-treatment levels (mean). Serum creatinine increased by 26% in patients without ototoxicity (P < 0.05, Mann-Whitney Rank sum test). Despite standardized hydration, discrete but significant changes of potassium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphate were observed during and/or after cisplatin infusion, which, however, did not discriminate between patients with and without ototoxicity. CONCLUSIONS: While continuous cisplatin infusions are less nephrotoxic than repeated prolonged infusions, we observed considerable ototoxicity in patients treated with continuous cisplatin infusions, which necessitates further evaluations on the tolerance of continuous cisplatin infusions in children.
ZnO has proven to be a multifunctional material with important nanotechnological applications. ZnO nanostructures can be grown in various forms such as nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, nanocombs etc. In this work, ZnO nanostructures are grown in a double quartz tube configuration thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) system. We focus on functionalized ZnO Nanostructures by controlling their structures and tuning their properties for various applications. The following topics have been investigated: 1. We have fabricated various ZnO nanostructures using a thermal CVD technique. The growth parameters were optimized and studied for different nanostructures. 2. We have studied the application of ZnO nanowires (ZnONWs) for field effect transistors (FETs). Unintentional n-type conductivity was observed in our FETs based on as-grown ZnO NWs. We have then shown for the first time that controlled incorporation of hydrogen into ZnO NWs can introduce p-type characters to the nanowires. We further found that the n-type behaviors remained, leading to the ambipolar behaviors of hydrogen incorporated ZnO NWs. Importantly, the detected p- and n- type behaviors are stable for longer than two years when devices were kept in ambient conditions. All these can be explained by an ab initio model of Zn vacancy-Hydrogen complexes, which can serve as the donor, acceptors, or green photoluminescence quencher, depend on the number of hydrogen atoms involved. 3. Next ZnONWs were tested for electron field emission. We focus on reducing the threshold field (Eth) of field emission from non-aligned ZnO NWs. As encouraged by our results on enhancing the conductivity of ZnO NWs by hydrogen annealing described in Chapter 3, we have studied the effect of hydrogen annealing for improving field emission behavior of our ZnO NWs. We found that optimally annealed ZnO NWs offered much lower threshold electric field and improved emission stability. We also studied field emission from ZnO NWs at moderate vacuum levels. We found that there exists a minimum Eth as we scale the threshold field with pressure. This behavior is explained by referring to Paschen’s law. 4. We have studied the application of ZnO nanostructures for solar energy harvesting. First, as-grown and (CdSe) ZnS QDs decorated ZnO NBs and ZnONWs were tested for photocurrent generation. All these nanostructures offered fast response time to solar radiation. The decoration of QDs decreases the stable current level produced by ZnONWs but increases that generated by NBs. It is possible that NBs offer more stable surfaces for the attachment of QDs. In addition, our results suggests that performance degradation of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on ITO is due to the increase in resistance of ITO after the high temperature growth process. Hydrogen annealing also improve the efficiency of the solar cells by decreasing the resistance of ITO. Due to the issues on ITO, we use Ni foil as the growth substrates. Performance of solar cells made by growing ZnO NWs on Ni foils degraded after Hydrogen annealing at both low (300 °C) and high (600 °C) temperatures since annealing passivates native defects in ZnONWs and thus reduce the absorption of visible spectra from our solar simulator. Decoration of QDs improves the efficiency of such solar cells by increasing absorption of light in the visible region. Using a better electrolyte than phosphate buffer solution (PBS) such as KI also improves the solar cell efficiency. 5. Finally, we have attempted p-type doping of ZnO NWs using various growth precursors including phosphorus pentoxide, sodium fluoride, and zinc fluoride. We have also attempted to create p-type carriers via introducing interstitial fluorine by annealing ZnO nanostructures in diluted fluorine gas. In brief, we are unable to reproduce the growth of reported p-type ZnO nanostructures. However; we have identified the window of temperature and duration of post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas which leads to suppression of native defects. This is the first experimental effort on post-growth annealing of ZnO NWs in dilute fluorine gas although this has been suggested by a recent theory for creating p-type semiconductors. In our experiments the defect band peak due to native defects is found to decrease by annealing at 300 °C for 10 – 30 minutes. One of the major future works will be to determine the type of charge carriers in our annealed ZnONWs.
Global warming issue becomes more significant to human beings and other organisms on the earth. Among many greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) has the largest contribution to global warming. To find an effective way to utilize the greenhouse gas is urgent. It is the best way to convert CO2 to useful compounds. CO2 reforming of methane is an attractive process to convert CO2 and methane into synthesis gas (CO/H2), which can be used as a feedstock for gasoline, methanol, and other hydrocarbons. Nickel and cobalt were found to have good activity for CO2 reforming. However, they have a poor stability due to carbon deposition. This research developed efficient Ni-Co solid solution catalysts with excellent activities and high stability for CO2 reforming of methane. First, the structure of binary oxide solid solution of nickel and cobalt was investigated. It was found that while the calcination of Ni(NO3)2 and Co(NO3)2 mixture with 1:1 molar ratio at a high temperature above 800 oC generated NiO-CoO solid solution, only Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solution was observed after the calcination at a low temperature of 500 oC. Furthermore, if the calcination was carried out at a medium temperature arranged from 600 to 700 oC, both NiO-CoO and Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solutions can be formed. This occurred because Co3O4 can induce the formation of Ni3O4, whereas NiO can stabilize CoO. In addition, the lattice parameter of Ni3O4, which was predicted by using Vegard’s Law, is 8.2054 Å. As a very important part of this dissertation, Ni-Co solid solution was evaluated as catalysts for CO2 reforming of methane. It was revealed that nickel-cobalt solid solution showed excellent catalytic performance and high stability for CO2 reforming of methane. However, the stability of Ni-Co solid solution catalysts is strongly dependent on their composition and preparation condition. The optimum composition is 50%Ni-50%Co. Furthermore, the structure of Ni-Co catalysts was characterized by XRD, Vvis, TPR, TPD, BET, AES, TEM, XANES and EXAFS. The relationship between the structure and the catalytic performance was established: (1) The reduced NiO-CoO solid solution possesses better catalytic performance and stability than the reduced Ni3O4-Co3O4 solid solution. (2) Ni is richer on surface in Ni-Co catalysts. And (3) the reduction of Ni-Co-O solid solution generated two types of particles, small and large particles. The small ones are dispersed on large ones as catalytic component.
Graphene, which is a two-dimensional carbon material, exhibits unique properties that promise its potential applications in photovoltaic devices. Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a representative of the third generation photovoltaic devices. Therefore, it is important to synthesize graphene with special structures, which possess excellent properties for dye-sensitized solar cells. This dissertation research was focused on (1) the effect of oxygen content on the structure of graphite oxide, (2) the stability of graphene oxide solution, (3) the application of graphene precipitate from graphene oxide solution as counter electrode for DSSCs, (4) the development of a novel synthesis method for the three-dimensional graphene with honeycomb-like structure, and (5) the exploration of honeycomb structured graphene (HSG) as counter electrodes for DSSCs. Graphite oxide is a crucial precursor to synthesize graphene sheets via chemical exfoliation method. The relationship between the oxygen content and the structures of graphite oxides was still not explored. In this research, the oxygen content of graphite oxide is tuned by changing the oxidation time and the effect of oxygen content on the structure of graphite oxide was evaluated. It has been found that the saturated ratio of oxygen to carbon is 0.47. The types of functional groups in graphite oxides, which are epoxy, hydroxyl, and carboxylgroups, are independent of oxygen content. However, the interplanar space and BET surface area of graphite oxide linearly increases with increasing O/C ratio. Graphene oxide (GO) can easily dissolve in water to form a stable homogeneous solution, which can be used to fabricate graphene films and graphene based composites. This work is the first research to evaluate the stability of graphene oxide solution. It has been found that the introduction of strong electrolytes (HCl, LiOH, LiCl) into GO solution can cause GO precipitation. This indicates that the electrostatic repulsion plays a critical role in stabilizing aqueous GO solution. Furthermore, the HCl-induced GO precipitation is a feasible approach to deposit GO sheets on a substrate as a Pt-free counter electrode for a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC), which exhibited 1.65% of power conversion efficiency. To explore broad and practical applications, large-scale synthesis with controllable integration of individual graphene sheets is essential. A novel strategy for the synthesis of graphene sheets with three-dimensional (3D) Honeycomb-like structure has been invented in this project based on a simple and novel chemical reaction (Li2O and CO to graphene and Li2CO3). The simultaneous formation of Li2CO3 with graphene not only can isolate graphene sheets from each other to prevent graphite formation during the process, but also determine the locally curved shape of graphene sheets. After removing Li2CO3, 3D graphene sheets with a honeycomb-like structure were obtained. This would be the first approach to synthesize 3D graphene sheets with a controllable shape. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the 3D Honeycomb-Structured Graphene (HSG) possesses excellent electrical conductivity and high catalytic activity. As a result, DSSCs with HSG counter electrodes exhibit energy conversion efficiency as high as 7.8%, which is comparable to that of an expensive noble Pt electrode.