906 resultados para social ecological model
This article was delivered as an area-paper to the Critical Political Science Meeting of Bilbao, November the 15th 2008, which was organized by the Political Science Department of the UPV (University of the Basque Country). The paper introduces an updated and synthetic version of the model designed by S.M. Lipset and S. Rokkan in 1967 in order to identify the confrontational divides distinctive of European modernization and, in this way, trace the origins of modern party systems. The expanded model proposed is applied, on the one hand, to a variety of empirical cases, prominently the postransitional Spanish case; and on the other, shows its usefulness in order to better understand the distinctive structure of the social conflict of the globalization era.
The problem of using information available from one variable X to make inferenceabout another Y is classical in many physical and social sciences. In statistics this isoften done via regression analysis where mean response is used to model the data. Onestipulates the model Y = µ(X) +ɛ. Here µ(X) is the mean response at the predictor variable value X = x, and ɛ = Y - µ(X) is the error. In classical regression analysis, both (X; Y ) are observable and one then proceeds to make inference about the mean response function µ(X). In practice there are numerous examples where X is not available, but a variable Z is observed which provides an estimate of X. As an example, consider the herbicidestudy of Rudemo, et al. [3] in which a nominal measured amount Z of herbicide was applied to a plant but the actual amount absorbed by the plant X is unobservable. As another example, from Wang [5], an epidemiologist studies the severity of a lung disease, Y , among the residents in a city in relation to the amount of certain air pollutants. The amount of the air pollutants Z can be measured at certain observation stations in the city, but the actual exposure of the residents to the pollutants, X, is unobservable and may vary randomly from the Z-values. In both cases X = Z+error: This is the so called Berkson measurement error model.In more classical measurement error model one observes an unbiased estimator W of X and stipulates the relation W = X + error: An example of this model occurs when assessing effect of nutrition X on a disease. Measuring nutrition intake precisely within 24 hours is almost impossible. There are many similar examples in agricultural or medical studies, see e.g., Carroll, Ruppert and Stefanski [1] and Fuller [2], , among others. In this talk we shall address the question of fitting a parametric model to the re-gression function µ(X) in the Berkson measurement error model: Y = µ(X) + ɛ; X = Z + η; where η and ɛ are random errors with E(ɛ) = 0, X and η are d-dimensional, and Z is the observable d-dimensional r.v.
RESUMO: A economia solidária é aqui apresentada como um movimento social emancipatório e como uma das formas de resistências das trabalhadoras e trabalhadores ao modelo de desenvolvimento capitalista. O movimento contemporâneo de economia solidária abrange o processo de produção, comercialização e finanças. A economia solidária é caracterizada pela posse coletiva dos meios de produção e pelo controle dos trabalhadores dos empreendimentos através de autogestão, cooperação e solidariedade. Os empreendimentos econômicos solidários se organizam sob a forma de cooperativas, associações e grupos informais. Um dos maiores desafios da economia solidária está no campo educativo, porque impõe a desconstrução dos princípios individualistas e privatistas preponderantes na maioria das relações econômicas, e exige a construção de outra cultura pautada na solidariedade. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa realizada, tem como objeto de estudo as metodologias de incubação fomentadas pelas universidades nas ações de economia solidária. Para isso, analisamos as experiências da Incubadora de Economia Solidária da Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Brasil e da Incubadora na Universidade de Kassel- Alemanha – Verein für Solidarische Ökonomie e.V. A pesquisa buscou conhecer e analisar as práticas de incubagem das universidades na economia solidária, como processos de mudança social. A coleta de informações foi realizada, tendo por base, uma revisão bibliográfica, relatórios das Incubadoras, registros fotográficos, observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados da análise indicam que as metodologias de incubação na economia solidaria, por terem um caráter aberto e participativo, por considerarem os condicionamentos históricos e as diferentes culturas, fazem-nas portadoras de mudanças sociais. Esta metodologia pode ser utilizada por diferentes atores, em lugares e situações distintas. A pesquisa indica ainda, a centralidade da questão ecológica como elemento que poderá unificar o movimento internacional de economia solidária.
Social bookmark tools are rapidly emerging on the Web. In such systems users are setting up lightweight conceptual structures called folksonomies. The reason for their immediate success is the fact that no specific skills are needed for participating. In this paper we specify a formal model for folksonomies and briefly describe our own system BibSonomy, which allows for sharing both bookmarks and publication references in a kind of personal library.
In a household or nations production system, social capital has been recognized as an input having major implications for project design as well as policy development. Using a structured questionnaire, household level data was obtained from a representative sample of 300 rural households in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal. This study employed the conventional household economic behaviour model under constrained utility maximisation to examine the effect of social capital on the welfare of household, testing the hypothesis that the possession of social capital improves household welfare. The result shows that social capital endowments have a statistically significant positive effect on household welfare, in addition to the some household’s demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The study concluded that, access to social capital among other factors, is very crucial for improved rural household welfare and poverty reduction. It is therefore important for government to have knowledge of existing social groups and networks as this will improve the effectiveness of the present strategies aimed at reducing poverty.
The Palma Project is an experiment in the use of cultural identity as a social trigger to address ecological degradation. The research methodology draws from environmental, social and urban analyses to unveil the best strategy to address the ecological, river restoration and water treatment challenges in Berkeley, California’s “Sister City” in southeast Cuba, Palma Soriano. The objective is to provide a better quality of life and to create new opportunities for the local community to reconnect with natural cycles of water and the cultivation of their own land. The project aim is to promote the strength and capacity of local communities to protect their own environment based upon a master plan, which includes natural wastewater treatment, reforestation, urban agriculture and the facilitation and utilization of a public space bordering the major river which flows by Palma Soriano, the Cauto. This project will contribute and produce healthy water recycling for Palma, provide a potable water source for the city, encourage ecological restoration of the riparian zone of the Cauto, and provide new opportunities for food production. It is designed to preserve the cultural identity of the local community, and to restore the essential balance between the community’s need to sustain both itself and the natural environment.
Almost all Latin American countries are still marked by extreme forms of social inequality – and to an extent, this seems to be the case regardless of national differences in the economic development model or the strength of democracy and the welfare state. Recent research highlights the fact that the heterogeneous labour markets in the region are a key source of inequality. At the same time, there is a strengthening of ‘exclusive’ social policy, which is located at the fault lines of the labour market and is constantly (re-)producing market-mediated disparities. In the last three decades, this type of social policy has even enjoyed democratic legitimacy. These dynamics challenge many of the assumptions guiding social policy and democratic theory, which often attempt to account for the specificities of the region by highlighting the purported flaws of certain policies. We suggest taking a different perspective: social policy in Latin American should not be grasped as a deficient or flawed type of social policy, but as a very successful relation of political domination. ‘Relational social analysis’ locates social policy in the ‘tension zone’ constituted by the requirements of economic reproduction, demands for democratic legitimacy and the relative autonomy of the state. From this vantage point, we will make the relation of domination in question accessible for empirical research. It seems particularly useful for this purpose to examine the recent shifts in the Latin American labour markets, which have undergone numerous reforms. We will examine which mechanisms, institutions and constellations of actors block or activate the potentials of redistribution inherent in such processes of political reform. This will enable us to explore the socio-political field of forces that has been perpetuating the social inequalities in Latin America for generations.
La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), es un tema que en la actualidad está inserto en discusión de diferentes sectores que conforman las sociedades en torno a la temática sobre el rol que le compete a las organizaciones para su buena gestión en prácticas sociales. Es por esto, que involucrar socialmente a la empresa en prácticas socialmente responsables, es actualmente un imperativo estratégico y comercial, no solo por el rol social que debe cumplir, sino como una herramienta que si bien no logra constituir una ventaja competitiva en si, permitirá fomentar la competitividad, siendo esto visto como un activo estratégico de importancia que será percibido por su talento humano, consumidores y grupos de interés involucrados en la buena gestión de la organización. Con este trabajo de investigación se busca que las empresas no sean ajenas a este tema de RSE y comiencen desde ya a percibir, no solo en palabras, sino que apliquen esta acción social dentro de la organización. De esta manera, actuar socialmente responsable no es una actitud idealista que arroja beneficios sólo sociales, medio ambientales y humanos, sino que representa para la empresa una inversión que repercute en ventaja competitiva.
La presente monografía examina los alcances reales del Control Social a la Gestión Pública estatal desde el análisis de factores de éxito y fracaso, tomando como caso de estudio a la Red ciudadana de control social en Bienestar componente discapacidad en Bogotá D.C. Este tipo de control fue concebido en marco normativo del país para prevenir actos corruptos y para que contribuyera al mejoramiento de la administración pública, haciéndola más acorde a las necesidades de la ciudadanía. Ahora bien, por lo que implica cumplir estas funciones, el control social se enfrenta a múltiples circunstancias que lo influyen positiva y negativamente, que determinan los efectos que pueda producir a nivel estatal y ciudadano. Para cumplir con este objetivo y a la luz del Enfoque Sistémico, se diseñó un modelo que permitiera identificar factores de éxito y fracaso basado en tres elementos básicos (organización, conocimiento y comunicación) que posibilitan caracterizar factores reconocidos en la bibliografía y otros nuevos que los provee el análisis de la experiencia, y que resultan hallazgos importantes por cuanto no se habían incluido hasta el momento en ningún recurso bibliográfico. En conclusión, se demuestra que mediante ciertas prácticas y acciones concretas los ciudadanos pueden incidir lícitamente en las actividades estatales, transformando la gestión pública y produciendo una mayor apropiación de lo público por parte de los ciudadanos.
Resumen tomado del autor
Contiene fotograf??as y esquemas. Resumen tomado del autor
En una sociedad donde el crecimiento económico está aislado del crecimiento social, se tiende a observar, en gran proporción, una calidad de vida marginada, marcada por la exclusión social y la falta de pertenencia, en donde el desempleo, la pobreza, el desplazamiento, etc., son fenómenos que amenazan a largo plazo los procesos competitivos y productivos del país. De cierta forma, el Gobierno, a través de sus instituciones, ha trabajado en la disminución de estas anomalías y ha obtenido resultados no muy significativos; en cierto sentido, cuando se habla de un 48,3% de personas pobres y un 12% de personas desempleadas en Colombia [DANE, 2009], es comprensible. En esta situación, toma importancia el rol en la empresa del sector privado; aquel conjunto de organizaciones con una nueva tendencia en su pensamiento: social en su visión, pública en su imagen y privada en su operación [Restrepo, 2009]. Esta nueva alternativa de adaptación crea escenarios para la aplicación de un modelo que mida la cohesión social ejercida por la empresa y, por consiguiente, una red que genere más impacto en el crecimiento social de la sociedad, equiparable con su crecimiento económico.
Resumen tomado del autor