948 resultados para silicone coating


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Nanotechnology-based textile coating is a combined approach to textile engineering which mainly relies on using nanoscale materials and novel methods to produce smart finishing. Several methods have been introduced to generate smart coatings on textiles including the sol–gel technique, layer-by-layer technique, cross-linking by polymers, and thin film deposition. Nanofibre coating of different metallic and nonmetallic substrates has been intensively considered for sensory and infrastructure purposes. This chapter provides an overview of nanotechnology-based coating approaches with a detailed discussion of applications in practical and potential fields. Future trends of new types of smart coatings on textiles are also presented.


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A novel experimental assembly consisting of a specially designed tensile testing rig and a standard electrochemical flat cell has been designed for simulating buried high pressure pipeline environmental conditions in which a coating gets damaged and degrades under mechanical strain, and for studying the influence of mechanically induced damages such as the cracking of a coating on its anti-corrosion property. The experimental assembly is also capable of applying a cathodic protection (CP) potential simultaneously with the mechanical strain and environmental exposure. The influence of applied mechanical strain as well as extended exposure to the corrosive environment, coupled with the application of CP, has been investigated based on changes in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Preliminary results show that the amplitude of the coating impedance decreases with an increase in the applied strain level and the length of environmental exposure. The EIS characteristics and changes are found to correlate well with variations in coating cracking and degradation features observed on post-test samples using both optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. These results demonstrate that this new experimental method can be used to simulate and examine coating behaviour under the effects of complex high pressure pipeline mechanical, electrochemical and environmental conditions.


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This paper presents design and fabrication of an electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) device using a novel electrode shape and a multi-layer dielectric coating that reduce the actuation voltage of the device to less than 12.6 V. The fabrication of the EWOD electrodes is carried out in several steps including laser exposure, wet developing, etching, and stripping. A high-dielectric-constant multi-layer dielectric coating containing a 770 nm thick Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) layer and a 1 µm thick Cyanoethyl pullulan (CEP) layer, is deposited on the EWOD electrodes for insulation. This multi-layer dielectric structure exhibits a high capacitance per unit area, and the novel electrode shape changes the actuation force at the droplet contact line reducing the voltage required to operate the device. In addition, an overlaying Teflon layer of 50 nm is placed on top of the dielectric structure to provide a hydrophobic surface for droplet manipulation. It is observed from the experiments that the electrode shape and the dielectric structure have contributed to the reduction of the actuation voltage of the EWOD device.


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I materiali bioceramici, in base alla loro capacità d’interazione con l’osso e i tessuti del corpo umano, possono essere classificati in bioinerti e bioattivi. I materiali bioinerti, una volta impiantati, formano uno strato fibroso, non aderente, all’interfaccia con l’osso. Tale strato è una forma naturale di protezione che l’organismo adotta per isolare il materiale che viene, inizialmente, percepito come estraneo. Al contrario, i materiali bioattivi, una volta impiantati, mostrano una risposta biologica immediata, creando un legame attivo con l’osso e i tessuti nel quale vengono impiantati, favorendo e velocizzando la guarigione. La zirconia è un materiale ceramico altamente biocompatibile, definito come bioinerte per la sua scarsa capacità d’integrazione con l’osso ed i tessuti dell’organismo umano. Questa sua particolarità può, nel lungo termine, comprometterne la funzione fino ad arrivare, in alcuni casi, al totale malfunzionamento dell’impianto. Negli ultimi anni, diversi studi sono stati condotti con lo scopo di aumentare la capacità di biointegrazione della zirconia ed alcuni brevetti sono stati depositati. L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di condurre un’analisi bibliografica ed una ricerca brevettuale sul tema dei coating bioattivi su zirconia per impianti dentali ed ortopedici. La necessità di condurre questo studio deriva dalla crescente richiesta di utilizzo della zirconia, in particolare, nel settore dentale. La zirconia rappresenta, infatti, ad oggi, il migliore candidato per la sostituzione dei metalli negli impianti dentali. Le buone proprietà meccaniche, l’eccellente biocompatibilità e l’aspetto estetico molto simile a quello dei denti naturali, rendono questo materiale particolarmente adatto a questo genere di applicazioni. La possibilità di rendere la sua superficie bioattiva rappresenta un importante miglioramento delle prestazioni in termini di biointegrazione, durabilità, sicurezza ed affidabilità.


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An apparatus for continuously forming a thin-film layer of organic or inorganic functional material on one or both sides of a flexible substrate via plasma enhanced vacuum vapour deposition.


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A purified commercial double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) sample was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetry (TG), and Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, the heat capacity of the DWCNT sample was determined by temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry in the range of temperature between -50 and 290 °C. The main thermo-oxidation characterized by TG occurred at 474 °C with the loss of 90 wt% of the sample. Thermo-oxidation of the sample was also investigated by high-resolution TG, which indicated that a fraction rich in carbon nanotube represents more than 80 wt% of the material. Other carbonaceous fractions rich in amorphous coating and graphitic particles were identified by the deconvolution procedure applied to the derivative of TG curve. Complementary structural data were provided by TEM and Raman studies. The information obtained allows the optimization of composites based on this nanomaterial with reliable characteristics.


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This article reports an enhanced solvent casting/particulate (salt) leaching (SCPL) method developed for preparing three-dimensional porous polyurethane (PU) scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering. The solvent for the preparation of the PU scaffolds was a mixture of dimethylformamide (DFM) and tetrahydrofuran (THF). The enhanced method involved the combination of a conventional SCPL method and a step of centrifugation, with the centrifugation being employed to improve the pore uniformity and the pore interconnectivity of scaffolds. Highly porous three-dimensional scaffolds with a well interconnected porous structure could be achieved at the polymer solution concentration of up to 20% by air or vacuum drying to remove the solvent. When the salt particle sizes of 212-295, 295-425, or 425-531 µm and a 15% w/v polymer solution concentration were used, the porosity of the scaffolds was between 83-92% and the compression moduli of the scaffolds were between 13 kPa and 28 kPa. Type I collagen acidic solution was introduced into the pores of a PU scaffold to coat the collagen onto the pore walls throughout the whole PU scaffold. The human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs) cultured in the collagen-coated PU scaffold for 2 weeks were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that the enhanced SCPL method and the collagen coating resulted in a spatially uniform distribution of cells throughout the collagen-coated PU scaffold.


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Cosmetically tinted soft contact lenses are an attractive option for contact lens wearers. Data that we have gathered from annual contact lens fitting surveys demonstrate that those wearing tinted lenses are more likely to be female (4.6% of all soft lenses fitted vs. 1.6% for males; p < 0.0001) and younger (27 11 years vs. 33 13 years for those wearing non-tinted lenses; p < 0.0001). Tinted lenses tend to be worn more on a part-time basis and are replaced less frequently than non-tinted lenses. The decline in fitting tinted lenses over the past 12 years may be due to (a) the current limited availability of tinted lenses in silicone hydrogel materials and daily disposable replacement frequencies, which together represent a significant majority (78%) of new soft lenses fits today, (b) growing concerns among lens wearers and practitioners relating to the risks of complications associated with the wearing of tinted lenses, and (c) reduced promotion of such lenses by the contact lens industry.


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Despite the current market popularity of silicone hydrogel contact lenses, conventional hydrogel lenses still represent a significant proportion of the overall contact lens market. Data gathered from annual UK contact lens fitting surveys over the past 13 years indicate that 64% of hydrogel lenses prescribed during this period were of low/medium water content (<60% water). Whereas, in the past, practitioners would choose the water content of a hydrogel lens to meet specific clinical needs, this choice appears today to be largely governed by product availability.


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The degradation of high voltage electrical insulation is a prime factor that can significantly influence the reliability performance and the costs of maintaining high voltage electricity networks. Little information is known about the system of localized degradation from corona discharges on the relatively new silicone rubber sheathed composite insulators that are now being widely used in high voltage applications. This current work focuses on the fundamental principles of electrical corona discharge phenomena to provide further insights to where damaging surface discharges may localize and examines how these discharges may degrade the silicone rubber material. Although water drop corona has been identified by many authors as a major cause of deterioration of silicone rubber high voltage insulation until now no thorough studies have been made of this phenomenon. Results from systematic measurements taken using modern digital instrumentation to simultaneously record the discharge current pulses and visible images associated with corona discharges from between metal electrodes, metal electrodes and water drops, and between waters drops on the surface of silicone rubber insulation, using a range of 50 Hz voltages are inter compared. Visual images of wet electrodes show how water drops can play a part in encouraging flashover, and the first reproducible visual images of water drop corona at the triple junction of water air and silicone rubber insulation are presented. A study of the atomic emission spectra of the corona produced by the discharge from its onset up to and including spark-over, using a high resolution digital spectrometer with a fiber optic probe, provides further understanding of the roles of the active species of atoms and molecules produced by the discharge that may be responsible for not only for chemical changes of insulator surfaces, but may also contribute to the degradation of the metal fittings that support the high voltage insulators. Examples of real insulators and further work specific to the electrical power industry are discussed. A new design concept to prevent/reduce the damaging effects of water drop corona is also presented.


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Particle emissions, volatility, and the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were investigated for a pre-Euro I compression ignition engine to study the potential health impacts of employing ethanol fumigation technology. Engine testing was performed in two separate experimental campaigns with most testing performed at intermediate speed with four different load settings and various ethanol substitutions. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) was used to determine particle size distributions, a volatilization tandem differential mobility analyzer (V-TDMA) was used to explore particle volatility, and a new profluorescent nitroxide probe, BPEAnit, was used to investigate the potential toxicity of particles. The greatest particulate mass reduction was achieved with ethanol fumigation at full load, which contributed to the formation of a nucleation mode. Ethanol fumigation increased the volatility of particles by coating the particles with organic material or by making extra organic material available as an external mixture. In addition, the particle-related ROS concentrations increased with ethanol fumigation and were associated with the formation of a nucleation mode. The smaller particles, the increased volatility, and the increase in potential particle toxicity with ethanol fumigation may provide a substantial barrier for the uptake of fumigation technology using ethanol as a supplementary fuel.


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Insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) are prime regulators of IGF-action in numerous cell types including the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE performs several functions essential for vision, including growth factor secretion and waste removal via a phagocytic process mediated in part by vitronectin (Vn). In the course of studying the effects of IGFBPs on IGF-mediated VEGF secretion and Vn-mediated phagocytosis in the RPE cell line ARPE-19, we have discovered that these cells avidly ingest synthetic microspheres (2.0 μm diameter) coated with IGFBPs. Given the novelty of this finding and the established role for endocytosis in mediating IGFBP actions in other cell types, we have explored the potential role of candidate cell surface receptors. Moreover, we have examined the role of key IGFBP structural motifs, by comparing responses to three members of the IGFBP family (IGFBP-3, IGFBP-4 and IGFBP-5) which display overlapping variations in primary structure and glycosylation status. Coating of microspheres (FluoSpheres®, sulfate modified polystyrene filled with a fluorophore) was conducted at 37 °C for 1 h using 20 μg/mL of test protein, followed by extensive washing. Binding of proteins was confirmed using a microBCA assay. The negative control consisted of microspheres treated with 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and all test samples were post-treated with BSA in an effort to coat any remaining free protein binding sites, which might otherwise encourage non-specific interactions with the cell surface. Serum-starved cultures of ARPE-19 cells were incubated with microspheres for 24 h, using a ratio of approximately 100 microspheres per cell. Uptake of microspheres was quantified using a fluorometer and was confirmed visually by confocal fluorescence microscopy. The ARPE-19 cells displayed little affinity for BSA-treated microspheres, but avidly ingested large quantities of those pre-treated with Vn (ANOVA; p < 0.001). Strong responses were also observed towards recombinant formulations of non-glycosylated IGFBP-3, glycosylated IGFBP-3 and glycosylated IGFBP-5 (all p < 0.001), while glycosylated IGFBP-4 induced a relatively minor response (p < 0.05). The response to IGFBP-3 was unaffected in the presence of excess soluble IGFBP-3, IGF-I or Vn. Likewise, soluble IGFBP-3 did not induce uptake of BSA-treated microspheres. Antibodies to either the transferrin receptor or type 1 IGF-receptor displayed slight inhibitory effects on responses to IGFBPs and Vn. Heparin abolished responses to Vn, IGFBP-5 and non-glycosylated IGFBP-3, but only partially inhibited the response to glycosylated IGFBP-3. Our results demonstrate for the first time IGFBP-mediated endocytosis in ARPE-19 cells and suggest roles for the IGFBP-heparin-binding domain and glycosylation status. These findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of IGFBP actions on the RPE, and in particular suggest a role for IGFBP-endocytosis.


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National culture is deeply rooted in values, which are learned and acquired when we are young (2007, p. 6), and „embedded deeply in everyday life. (Newman & Nollen, 1996, p. 754). Values have helped to shape us into who we are today. In other words, as we grow older, the cultural values we have learned and adapted to will mould our daily practices. This is reflected in our actions, behaviours, and the ways in which we communicate. Based on the previous assertion, it can be suggested that national culture may also influence organisational culture, as our „behaviour at work is a continuation of behaviour learned earlier. (Hofstede, 1991, p. 4). Cultural influence in an organisation could be evidenced by looking at communication practices: how employees interact with one another as they communicate in their daily practices. Earlier studies in organisational communication see communication as the heart of an organisation in which it serves, and as „the essence of organised activity and the basic process out of which all other functions derive. (Bavelas and Barret, cited in Redding, 1985, p. 7). Hence, understanding how culture influences communication will help with understanding organisational behaviour. This study was conducted to look at how culture values, which are referred to as culture dimensions in this thesis, influenced communication practices in an organisation that was going through a change process. A single case study was held in a Malaysian organisation, to investigate how Malaysian culture dimensions of respect, collectivism, and harmony were evidenced in the communication practices. Data was collected from twelve semi-structured interviews and five observation sessions. Guided by six attributes identified in the literature, (1) acknowledging seniority, knowledge and experience, 2) saving face, 3) showing loyalty to organisation and leaders, 4) demonstrating cohesiveness among members, 5) prioritising group interests over personal interests, and 6) avoiding confrontations of Malaysian culture dimensions, this study found eighteen communication practices performed by employees of the organisation. This research contributes to the previous cultural work, especially in the Malaysian context, in which evidence of Malaysian culture dimensions of respect, collectivism, and harmony were displayed in communication practices: 1) acknowledging the status quo, 2) obeying orders and directions, 3) name dropping, 4) keeping silent, 5) avoiding questioning, 6) having separate conversations, 7) adding, not criticising, 8) sugar coating, 9) instilling a sense of belonging, 10) taking sides, 11) cooperating, 12) sacrificing personal interest, 13) protecting identity, 14) negotiating, 15) saying „yes. instead of „no., 16) giving politically correct answers, 17) apologising, and 18) tolerating errors. Insights from this finding will help us to understand the organisational challenges that rely on communication, such as during organisational change. Therefore, data findings will be relevant to practitioners to understand the impact of culture on communication practices across countries.