937 resultados para second language reading
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L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi fou estudiar longitudinalment l'adquisició lectora (català i castellà), de 2n. a 5è. cursos d'Educació Primària, en una mostra de 214 alumnes (101 nenes i 113 nens) d'una escola pública catalana, a partir dels resultats obtinguts en les Proves Psicopedagògiques d'Aprenentatges Instrumentals (P.P.A.I.; Canals, Carbonell, Estaún i Añaños, 1988), aplicades a principi i final de cada curs. Les P.P.A.I. valoren la velocitat i exactitud de descodificació lectora a través de la lectura de textos diferents per a cada curs, i la comprensió lectora mitjançant exercicis diferents per a cada curs (ordenar frases, executar ordres escrites, respondre qüestions sobre el contingut d'un text...). Els resultats van ser: -La majoria de la mostra, escolaritzada en català, amb independència de la llengua més parlada a casa (català o castellà), van desenvolupar progressivament i de forma similar les habilitats lectores (català i castellà) iniciades en cursos anteriors, aconseguint a finals de 5è. l'automatització dels procés de descodificació lectora en ambdues llengües. -La velocitat lectora pràcticament es va triplicar, passant d'unes 40 paraules/minut inicials a unes 130 paraules /minut a finals de 5è. - L'exactitud lectora també va augmentar i, a finals de 5è., la majoria de la mostra llegien sense quasi errors d'exactitud. -La comprensió lectora cada cop fou més elaborada i la majoria es van afrontar progressivament, amb èxit, a activitats més complexes de comprensió lectora. -En general, el desenvolupament de les habilitats lectores va ser bastant similar en els dos sexes, però a finals de 5è. es van detectar més nens que nenes amb nivell baix (descodificació i/o comprensió) i més nenes que nens amb nivell alt (descodificació i/o comprensió). -Els subjectes que es van situar en un nivell mig (descodificació i/o comprensió) a 2n., van ser els que més es van mantenir en el mateix nivell fins a 5è. En canvi, els que a 2n. mostraven nivells extrems (alt o baix), van evolucionar de forma més variable. -Es va observar que les habilitats adequades de descodificació lectora no van implicar, necessàriament, haver desenvolupat un bon nivell de comprensió lectora. I al revés, un bon nivell de comprensió no sempre va correlacionar amb un nivell correcte de descodificació. -Després de classificar la mostra en tres subgrups (mig, alt i baix) a partir dels resultats en descodificació i comprensió en català de l'última valoració de 5è., es van observar evolucions bastant paral·leles entre els subgrups en velocitat i comprensió, mantenint-se cada subgrup en el nivell que els definia al llarg dels diferents cursos. Però un 6,54% de la mostra, amb dificultats de comprensió lectora en català a finals de 5è, va experimentar, respecte la mostra i el seu propi rendiment en la primera valoració de 5è., una important disminució de la comprensió lectora a finals de 5è.
This Study examines the relationship between scores on adolescents’ self-generated narratives and standardized reading-comprehension scores. This relationship is also compared with the more simple language metrics: vocabulary and syntax.
S.P.I.R.E., at use at Central Institute for the Deaf, is a comprehensive, multi-sensory systematic reading and language program that targets at risk and struggling students. The purpose of this project was to write additional stories and sentences for students who are hearing impaired through reader 2 that may be used in conjunction with the exiting stories and supplements.
This paper discusses a project to compile a set of reading materials for parents of young children who are enrolled in speech or language therapy.
France is known for being a champion of individual rights as well as for its overt hostility to any form of group rights. Linguistic pluralism in the public sphere is rejected for fear of babelization and Balkanization of the country. Over recent decades the Conseil Constitutionnel (CC) has, together with the Conseil d’État, remained arguably the strongest defender of this Jacobin ideal in France. In this article, I will discuss the role of France’s restrictive language policy through the prism of the CC’s jurisprudence. Overall, I will argue that the CC made reference to the (Jacobin) state-nation concept, a concept that is discussed in the first part of the paper, in order to fight the revival of regional languages in France over recent decades. The clause making French the official language in 1992 was functional to this policy. The intriguing aspect is that in France the CC managed to standardise France’s policy vis-à-vis regional and minority languages through its jurisprudence; an issue discussed in the second part of the paper. But in those regions with a stronger tradition of identity, particularly in the French overseas territories, the third part of the paper argues, normative reality has increasingly become under pressure. Therefore, a discrepancy between the ‘law in courts’ and the compliance with these decisions (‘law in action’) has been emerging over recent years. Amid some signs of opening of France to minorities, this contradiction delineates a trend that might well continue in future.
We construct a mapping from complex recursive linguistic data structures to spherical wave functions using Smolensky's filler/role bindings and tensor product representations. Syntactic language processing is then described by the transient evolution of these spherical patterns whose amplitudes are governed by nonlinear order parameter equations. Implications of the model in terms of brain wave dynamics are indicated.
Push-pull nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores containing thiazole and benzothiazole acceptors were synthesized and characterized. Using these chromophores a series of second-order NLO polyimides were Successfully prepared from 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphthalic anhydride (6FDA), pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 3,3'4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) by a standard condensation polymerization technique. These polyimides exhibit high glass transition temperatures ranging from 160 to 188 degrees C. UV-vis spectrum of polyimide exhibited a slight blue shift and decreases in absorption due to birefringence. From the order parameters, it was found that chromophores were aligned effectively. Using in situ poling and temperature ramping technique, the optical temperatures for corona poling were obtained. It was found that the optimal temperatures of polyimides approach their glass transition temperatures. These polyimides demonstrate relatively large d(33) values range between 35.15 and 45.20 pm/V at 532 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
While the academic literature has demonstrated the importance of social networks in relation to the process of migration, investigations have rarely examined in detail the personal-social adjustment issues that migrants and return migrants face. This study examines the context and types of friendship pattern that young return migrants from Britain cultivate in Barbados. The research centres on a wholly under-researched demographic groupyoung return migrants or second-generation Barbadians who have decided to return to the birthplace of their parents. The investigation is based on 51 in-depth interviews carried out with these young returnees to Barbados. Presenting a taxonomy of friendship types, it is argued that, for the 'Bajan-Brits' under study, the cultivation of new friendships is highly problematic. The research identifies what we refer to as the 'insular transnational', the 'we are different' and the 'all-inclusive transnational' friendship types among the young returnees. Our analysis also shows that problems of friendship are highly gendered, with females reporting the most problems due to what is perceived as sexual and workplace competition. It is stressed that these circumstances exemplify the essentially 'hybrid', 'liminal' and 'in-between' positionality of these second-generation migrants within contemporary Barbadian society.
This paper illustrates the opportunities afforded by the adoption of postcolonial discourse in development geography, drawing specifically on issues of transnationalism, hybridity and inbetweeness. The utility of such notions and associated approaches is illustrated by the authors' current research on the migration of young, second generation and foreign-born 'Bajan-Brits' to the small Caribbean island nation of Barbados, the homeland of their parents. Focussing on issues of 'race' and gender, the paper examines the experiences of return migration among this cohort from an interpretative perspective framed within postcolonial discourse. It argues that notwithstanding the considerable sociocultural problems of adjustment encountered, these Bajan-Brit 'returnees' may be seen as occupying positions of relative economic privilege. Theirs is a liminal space derived by virtue of having been born and/or raised in the UK and being of the black 'race'. Accordingly, they are demonstrated to be both advantaged and disadvantaged; both transnational and national; and black but, in some senses, symbolically white.