999 resultados para rectangular hollow section beam
To what extent do people behave in immersive virtual environments as they would in similar situations in a physical environment? There are many ways to address this question, ranging from questionnaires, behavioral studies, and the use of physiological measures. Here, we compare the onsets of muscle activity using surface electromyography (EMG) while participants were walking under three different conditions: on a normal floor surface, on a narrow ribbon along the floor, and on a narrow platform raised off the floor. The same situation was rendered in an immersive virtual environment (IVE) Cave-like system, and 12 participants did the three types of walking in a counter-balanced within-groups design. The mean number of EMG activity onsets per unit time followed the same pattern in the virtual environment as in the physical environment-significantly higher for walking on the platform compared to walking on the floor. Even though participants knew that they were in fact really walking at floor level in the virtual environment condition, the visual illusion of walking on a raised platform was sufficient to influence their behavior in a measurable way. This opens up the door for this technique to be used in gait and posture related scenarios including rehabilitation.
Due to source contamination and wearing of instrument components problems caused by the direct insertion probe technique, a new way of introduction of low volatile compounds into mass spectrometer was tested. This new scheme comprises the introduction of the low volatile compounds solutions via a six port valve connected to a particle beam interface. Solutions of isatin were injected into this system and the best results were obtained with CH2Cl2, CH3OH and CH3CN. The solution inlet system has shown to be advantageous over the conventional way of direct insertion probe introduction.
Mobilding-hanke toteutettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston tietoliikennetekniikan laitoksella vuosien 2006 – 2008 aikana. Hankkeen alkuperäisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä menetelmillä voidaan hallita rakennukseen liittyvät tiedot koko sen elinkaaren ajalta alkaen suunnittelusta, jatkuen läpi elementtivalmistuksen ja rakennusvaiheen sekä myöhemmin koko rakennuksen käyttöiän. Myöhemmin hankkeessa tehtiin kuitenkin elinkaaren osalta rajaus niin, että tarkasteltava elementtien elinkaari katsotaan alkavaksi rakennuksen suunnittelusta ja tarkasteltava elinkaari päättyy rakennuksen valmistumiseen, kun elementit ovat asennettu niille kuuluville paikoilleen ja jälkitarkastus on suoritettu. Yksi hankkeen johtavia ajatuksia oli aiemmin Etap II-hankkeen yhteydessä testatun RFID-etätunnistustekniikan (Radio Frequency Identification) hyödyntäminen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Kiinteänä osana tähän liittyy tiedon kerääminen ja sen hyödyntäminen mobiililaitteiden avulla. Tämä tieto voi olla esimerkiksi elementin dimensio-, paikka tai tilatietoa. Jotta tuotettavaa tietoa pystytään hyödyntämään ja jakamaan hankkeen muille osapuolille, toteutettiin keskitetty Mobilding-tietojärjestelmä, joka sisältää erillisiä rajapintoja myös muihin elementin ja rakennushankkeen elinkaaren aikana käytettäviin järjestelmiin.
Cesarean section (CS) is now the most common major surgical procedure performed on women worldwide. A quarter of deliveries in Spain are performed by cesarean section. With the increasing rates of the operation, there is the need to use evidence-based techniques to optimize outcomes and minimize complications. The goal of this study is to employ a well-designed randomized controlled trial to evaluate the intraoperative blood loss of two surgical techniques for cesarean section, the Pelosi-type and the modified Misgav-Ladach. The trial will take place in Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta From 2014 to 2015, 512 pregnant women undergoing delivery by their first lower segment cesarean section in this center will be selected through a consecutive nonprobability sampling. We will collect the main obstetrical characteristics, intraoperative outcomes, short-term outcomes for the baby and postoperative outcomes. We will evaluate the intraoperative blood loss by comparing the changes in hemoglobin levels, pre and postoperatively. Patients will be followed during the postoperative period and in a two-week postoperative appointment. We will analyze the continuous variables, such as the differences in hemoglobin levels, using an unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test, while for the categorical variables Fischer’s exact test will be used
1826 (T5).
1824 (T2).
Variante(s) de titre : Bulletin universel des sciences et de l'industrie. 4e section, Sciences agricoles et économiques
1826 (T6).
1825 (T3).
1825 (T4).
1827 (T7).
1827 (T8).
1824 (T1).
1926/12 (N2).