899 resultados para recreational drug use


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Enquadramento teórico: A realização deste trabalho surgiu da própria vivência profissional enquanto professor de Educação Física, lidando com alunos sem perspectivas de futuro, desmotivados, de comportamento agressivo, e com alto grau de indisciplina, caracterizando um perfil violento. A escola atualmente aparece como palco de tensões e a preocupação é evidente já que a escola deve ser um local onde as relações do dia-a-dia traduzem respeito, harmonia, socialização e aquisição de normas e valores, onde os alunos constroem a sua personalidade e uma identidade. Objetivos: Analisar os tipos e frequência da violência no contexto escolar de escolas da rede pública e particular de ensino na cidade de Maceió; Analizar os factores geradores da violência e projetos minimizadores da mesma. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, exploratório de natureza quantitativa, com 200 professores e 800 alunos de 6 escolas da Rede Pública e Particular de Ensino de Maceió-AL. Resultados: Predomínio de estudantes do sexo feminino, sendo 71,2% na escola pública e 58,% na escola particular, na faixa etária entre os 15-18 anos (65.5%) . Os professores foram de 65% do sexo feminino e 35% do sexo masculino na rede Publica e 45% e 55% na rede Particular, com idades entre os 20 e 60 anos, tendo sido 78% admitidos através de concurso público, com estabilidade vínculo efetivo nesta rede de ensino. Todos os professores da Rede Particular de Ensino atuam sob o regime de contrato com carteira assinada, seguindo a CLT (Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho). Forte predominância da violência verbal em ambos os tipos de instituições e em ambos os sexos e que se somadas perfazem um total superior a 75%. O sumatório de estudantes que em algum momento sofreu violência, nas duas escolas é de 11.4%. De realçar que 39,2% e 28% dos estudantes da escola pública e particular respectivamente informarem que ninguém o ajudou nestas situações. Na escola Publica os fatores mais relatados como geradores de violência foram: Uso de drogas com 14%, as famílias desestruturadas com 14% e a falta de educação doméstica com 13%. Na rede particular 45 % dos professores referem a desestruturação familiar e 35% a práticas de Bullying. Quando questionados sobre o sentimento de segurança na rede publica apenas 8% se sente seguro. Na rede particular, 65% afirmaram sentir-se seguros. Conclusões: A violência ocorre em ambas as escolas da rede pública ou particular, com menor proporção nas escolas da rede particular, tendo em vista que os projetos desenvolvidos, a estrutura física, e recursos humanos, estão presentes a contento. Ambos os públicos estudantis, convivem e se relacionam nesse mesmo cenário social extraescolar, e que carece ser ocupado em termos de políticas públicas que agreguem valor na formação desse jovem. Palavras-chave: violência, escola, juventude, família, políticas públicas.


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En la actualidad se han evaluado numerosas intervenciones preventivas de drogodependencias en el medio escolar. Sin embargo, en España son pocos los estudios que analizan la influencia precisa de cada uno de los componentes específicos a los programas con el fin de determinar cuáles se consideran cruciales para el cambio de conducta de consumo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de una nueva versión del programa de prevención del consumo de drogas Saluda en la que se prescinde del componente fomento del ocio saludable y las tareas para casa. Esta versión reducida fue dirigida a una muestra de 106 escolares (44.6 % chicos) entre 14 y 17 años (M = 15.20; DT = 0.92) de un centro de Educación Secundaria. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio de tipo cuasi experimental y un diseño pre-post de un único grupo. Se realizó diferencia de proporciones mediante la prueba Z y diferencia de medias mediante la prueba T para muestras relacionadas. Los resultados muestran una reducción en el porcentaje de episodios de embriaguez, así como un efecto de mejora significativa sobre las variables protectoras del consumo. Se discuten estos hallazgos y se realizan propuestas para la mejora de futuras intervenciones.


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The health of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) is nutritionally challenged in many nations of the world. The scourge has reduced socio-economic progress globally and more so in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where its impact has been compounded by poverty and food insecurity. Good nutrition with proper drug use improves the quality of life for those infected but it is not known how PLWHA exposed to chronic malnutrition and food shortages from developing nations adjust their nutrition with use of Anti-Retro-viral Drugs (ARVs). This study assessed nutritional status, dietary practices, and dietary management of common illnesses that hinder daily food intake by the patients and use of ARVs with food recommendations provided by the health care givers. A descriptive case study design was used to sample 120 HIV-infected patients using systematic sampling procedure. These patients sought health care from an urban slum, Kibera AMREF clinic. Data were collected by anthropometric measurements, bio-chemical analysis, semi-structured questionnaire and secondary data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and the Nutri-Survey software packages were used to analyze data. Dietary intakes of micro-nutrients were inadequate for >70% of the patients when compared to the Recommended Daily Requirements. When Body Mass Indices (BMI) were used, only 6.7% of the respondents were underweight (BMI<18.5kg/m2) and 9.2% were overweight (BMI> 25kg/m2), serum albumin test results (mean 3.34±0.06g/dl) showed 60.8% of the respondents were protein deficient and this was confirmed by low dietary protein intakes. The BMI was not related to dietary nutrient intakes, serum albumin and CD4 cell counts (p>0.05). It appeared that there was no significant difference in BMI readings at different categories of CD4 cell count (p>0.05) suggesting that the level of immunity did not affect weight gain with ARV as observed in many studies from developed countries. Malnutrition was, therefore, evident among the 60.8% of the cases as identified by serum albumin tests and food intake was not adequate (68%) for the patients as they ate once a day due to lack of food. National food and nutrition policy should incorporate food security boosting guidelines for the poor people infected with HIV and using ARVs.


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This dissertation shows a comparison between practices related to the body, to identities and to the health of young drug takers of synthetic and manipulated psychoactive substances living in Fortaleza. Through ethnographic accompaniment of parties and two social nets of young people I was able to verify the differences and similarities that make these addicted singular and plural in their notion of ethos and world vision. Notions of being hippie/alternative and being punk are present between these nets. Because their use and circulation are developed in environments usually distinct, it is possible to trace singular aspects between the nets and its actions. In parallel, on the attempt to build a triangulated data, I had information related to youth and drugs in local media and in governmental institutions bound to health mental and city security policies. With this junction of data I present a perspective to questions evolving formal and informal important controls to the conduction of their lives and identities. I present this as a sequel to well developed studies in Brasil about youth in interface to drug use, although still not very explored in the state of Ceará.


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Based on the proposal entitled anti-prohibitionist, contrary to prohibition and illegality of cannabis and its use, the anti-prohibitionist Collectives proposes to discuss the topic of drugs, especially marijuana, aiming decriminalization and legalization of this psychoactive. With this idea was articulated anti-prohibitionist movement in Natal, by organizing collectives that discuss issues related to drug use and conduct activities directed to this issue, such as Marijuana Marches and Cycles of Debates anti-prohibitionist. In this study we sought to understand the positioning in social and cultural terms, the marijuana users participating of the collectives, on the situation of illegality of their actions, in front of social, legal and moral question involved in the illicit psychoactive, through initiatives conferences, events and demonstrations for this purpose


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.


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Aims. The individual susceptibility to cocaine addiction, a factor of interest in the understanding and prevention of this disorder, may be predicted by certain behavioral traits. However, these are not usually taken into account in research, making it difficult to identify whether they are a cause or a consequence of drug use. Methods. Male C57BL/6J mice underwent a battery of behavioral tests (elevated plus maze, hole-board, novelty preference in the Y maze, episodic-like object recognition memory and forced swimming test), followed by a cocaine-conditioned place preference (CPP) training to assess the reinforcing effect of the drug. In a second study, we aimed to determine the existence of neurobiological differences between the mice expressing high or low CPP by studying the number of neurons in certain addiction-related structures: the medial prefrontal cortex, the basolateral amygdala and the ventral tegmental area. Results. Anxiety-like behaviors in the elevated plus maze successfully predicted the cocaine-CPP behavior, so that the most anxious mice were also more likely to search for cocaine in a CPP paradigm. In addition, these mice exhibited an increased number of neurons in the basolateral amygdala, a key structure in emotional response including anxiety expression, without differences in the others regions analyzed. Conclusions. Our results suggest a relevant role of anxiety as a psychological risk factor for cocaine vulnerability, with the basolateral amygdala as potential common neural center for both anxiety and addiction.


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Este relatório destina-se a descrever as acções desenvolvidas no estágio, do 1º Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem Comunitária, realizado na Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre. A intervenção comunitária, realizou-se na comunidade escolar de Portalegre, tendo tido duas vertentes: Educação sexual na adolescência; Promoção de comportamentos saudáveis nos estilos de vida dos adolescentes. As ações realizadas abordaram a educação sexual na adolescência, com base no diagnóstico de situação e, através da elaboração de um projecto de intervenção, aplicado em metodologia de planeamento em saúde. A intervenção comunitária teve como base a promoção de comportamentos saudáveis nos estilos de vida dos adolescentes, a alunos das escolas de Portalegre do 9º e 12º anos, na área de ciências e tecnologias. Todo este trabalho foi desenvolvido na fase teórica e suportou a nossa intervenção em estágio. Assim, após a conclusão deste diagnóstico, seguiu-se a fase de estabelecimento de prioridades, fixação dos objectivos, selecção de estratégias, preparação da execução e avaliação. Na adolescência, a educação sexual deverá ser orientada para a maturação psicossexual, para os afetos, para a contraceção e planeamento familiar e para a prevenção de doenças. É da responsabilidade dos profissionais de saúde, da escola, mas sobretudo da família, proporcionar um ambiente favorável à aprendizagem e ao diálogo. O realce da educação sexual, deverá ser colocado na igualdade de papéis, na tolerância face ao pluralismo de orientação e de condutas sexuais. Por outro lado, é também na adolescência, que se adquirem hábitos e comportamentos saudáveis. Assim, os profissionais de saúde, conjuntamente com a escola e a família, poderão ter um papel preponderante, capacitando os jovens de competências que lhes permitam optar por comportamentos saudáveis, a nível de alimentação, álcool, uso de drogas, prevenção de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e cidadania


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La introducción menciona que el suicidio es un epítome del Malestar en la Cultura. Pasa revista por sectores vulnerables, grupos indígenas, intelectuales, la relación con catástrofes económicas. Cita varios de los países propensos, mencionando algunas tasas de suicidio, deteniéndose en casos de suicidios colectivos de la historia. Menciona diversos métodos suicidas, épocas propensas, tanto como la relación eutanasia-suicidio y los cambios ocurridos según edad y género. Numerosas referencias son mencionadas de acuerdo a culturas, pueblos, religiones. Compara el suicidio humano con el mundo animal y alerta sobre criterios de prevención y uso de fármacos. Dada una publicación ofrecida en Ecuador, el artículo realiza una breve referencia sobre el tema. El colofón recuerda que el suicidio es el acontecimiento humano más estremecedor


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The concept of social carrying capacity, though opens to debate and critique, is a valuable tool that enhances the management of recreational use in protected natural areas. In this study, conducted in Sierra de las Nieves natural park (Spain), we first categorised the hikers making use of the park and then, from the profiles obtained, analysed their perception of crowding on the trails. This assessment was subsequently used to assess levels of user satisfaction and thus to determine the psychosocial carrying capacity of the park. The results obtained can be extrapolated to most of the Spanish natural parks in Mediterranean mountain areas, due to their comparable levels of visitor numbers and to the prevalence of recreational hiking use. The results suggest that management efforts should be directed toward relocating trails outside the core areas, such that user preferences may be satisfied while less impact is made on the areas of highest environmental value.


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El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “El consumo de drogas en el contexto de familiascon hijos adolescentes”, evidencia una investigación teórica y de prevención a esta realidad que constituye un problema de consideración para la sociedad, en el contexto de familias con hijos adolescentes. La investigación sobre el consumo de drogas en adolescentes ha sido abordada en la modalidad de monografía, dividida en tres temáticas: el consumo de drogas, factores de riesgo-proteccióny prevención. Cada una de estas temáticas tiene como finalidad determinarlas causas y consecuencias del consumo de las sustancias psicotrópicas, tipos dedroga y contribuir a la valoración del ser humano y su capacitación para evitar el consumo de drogas. Se incluye anexos de talleres para padres que debe aplicar el Orientador Familiar y materiales sobre eventos relacionados con la prevención a la sociedad ante el problema suscitado en las familias ante el consumo de drogas en los adolescentes.


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Background: Up-to-date evidence on levels and trends for age-sex-specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality is essential for the formation of global, regional, and national health policies. In the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 (GBD 2013) we estimated yearly deaths for 188 countries between 1990, and 2013. We used the results to assess whether there is epidemiological convergence across countries. Methods We estimated age-sex-specific all-cause mortality using the GBD 2010 methods with some refinements to improve accuracy applied to an updated database of vital registration, survey, and census data. We generally estimated cause of death as in the GBD 2010. Key improvements included the addition of more recent vital registration data for 72 countries, an updated verbal autopsy literature review, two new and detailed data systems for China, and more detail for Mexico, UK, Turkey, and Russia. We improved statistical models for garbage code redistribution. We used six different modelling strategies across the 240 causes; cause of death ensemble modelling (CODEm) was the dominant strategy for causes with sufficient information. Trends for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias were informed by meta-regression of prevalence studies. For pathogen-specific causes of diarrhoea and lower respiratory infections we used a counterfactual approach. We computed two measures of convergence (inequality) across countries: the average relative difference across all pairs of countries (Gini coefficient) and the average absolute difference across countries. To summarise broad findings, we used multiple decrement life-tables to decompose probabilities of death from birth to exact age 15 years, from exact age 15 years to exact age 50 years, and from exact age 50 years to exact age 75 years, and life expectancy at birth into major causes. For all quantities reported, we computed 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). We constrained cause-specific fractions within each age-sex-country-year group to sum to all-cause mortality based on draws from the uncertainty distributions. Findings Global life expectancy for both sexes increased from 65·3 years (UI 65·0-65·6) in 1990, to 71·5 years (UI 71·0-71·9) in 2013, while the number of deaths increased from 47·5 million (UI 46·8-48·2) to 54·9 million (UI 53·6-56·3) over the same interval. Global progress masked variation by age and sex: for children, average absolute differences between countries decreased but relative differences increased.For women aged 25-39 years and older than 75 years and for men aged 20-49 years and 65 years and older, both absolute and relative differences increased. Decomposition of global and regional life expectancy showed the prominent role of reductions in age-standardised death rates for cardiovascular diseases and cancers in high-income regions, and reductions in child deaths from diarrhoea, lower respiratory infections, and neonatal causes in low-income regions. HIV/AIDS reduced life expectancy in southern sub-Saharan Africa. For most communicable causes of death both numbers of deaths and age-standardised death rates fell whereas for most non-communicable causes, demographic shifts have increased numbers of deaths but decreased age-standardised death rates. Global deaths from injury increased by 10·7%, from 4·3 million deaths in 1990 to 4·8 million in 2013; but age-standardised rates declined over the same period by 21%. For some causes of more than 100 000 deaths per year in 2013, age-standardised death rates increased between 1990 and 2013, including HIV/AIDS, pancreatic cancer, atrial fibrillation and flutter, drug use disorders, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and sickle-cell anaemias. Diarrhoeal diseases, lower respiratory infections, neonatal causes, and malaria are still in the top five causes of death in children younger than 5 years. The most important pathogens are rotavirus for diarrhoea and pneumococcus for lower respiratory infections. Country-specific probabilities of death over three phases of life were substantially varied between and within regions. Interpretation For most countries, the general pattern of reductions in age-sex specific mortality has been associated with a progressive shift towards a larger share of the remaining deaths caused by non-communicable disease and injuries. Assessing epidemiological convergence across countries depends on whether an absolute or relative measure of inequality is used. Nevertheless, age-standardised death rates for seven substantial causes are increasing, suggesting the potential for reversals in some countries. Important gaps exist in the empirical data for cause of death estimates for some countries; for example, no national data for India are available for the past decade.


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Included among the topics: Cognitive development, learning, and drug use. Neurobiology of the action of drugs of abuse. Findings in adolescents with substance dependence based on neuroimaging tests.


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BACKGROUND: Drink driving is a significant public health concern, and contributes to many road fatalities worldwide. The current study is the first to examine the prevalence and correlates of drink driving behavior in a sample of night-time entertainment precinct attendees in Australia. METHODS: Interviews were conducted with 4214 night-time entertainment precinct attendees in two metropolitan and three regional cities in Australia. Seven correlates of self-reported drink driving were examined: gender, age, occupation, blood alcohol concentration (BAC), alcohol consumed prior to attending a licensed venue, energy drink consumption, and other drug consumption. RESULTS: Fourteen percent of night-time entertainment precinct attendees reported drink driving in the past three months. Bivariate logistic regression models indicated that males were significantly more likely than females to report drink driving in the past three months. Blue-collar workers and sales/clerical/administrative workers were significantly more likely to report drink driving behavior in the past three months than white-collar workers. The likelihood of reporting drink driving during the three months prior to interview significantly increased as BAC on the current night out increased, and when patrons reported engaging in pre-drinking or other drug use. The multivariate model presented a similar pattern of results, however BAC and pre-drinking on the night of the interview were no longer independent significant predictors. CONCLUSIONS: Males, blue collar/sales/clerical/administrative workers, and illicit drug consumers were more likely to report engaging in drink driving behavior than their counterparts. Interventions should focus on addressing the considerable proportion night-time entertainment precinct attendees who report engaging in drink driving behavior.


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Conducting research in the rapidly evolving fields constituting the digital social sciences raises challenging ethical and technical issues, especially when the subject matter includes activities of stigmatised populations. Our study of a dark-web drug-use community provides a case example of ‘how to’ conduct studies in digital environments where sensitive and illicit activities are discussed. In this paper we present the workflow from our digital ethnography and consider the consequences of particular choices of action upon knowledge production. Key considerations that our workflow responded to include adapting to volatile field-sites, researcher safety in digital environments, data security and encryption, and ethical-legal challenges. We anticipate that this workflow may assist other researchers to emulate, test and adapt our approach to the diverse range of illicit studies online. In this paper we argue that active engagement with stigmatised communities through multi-sited digital ethnography can complement and augment the findings of digital trace analyses.