863 resultados para professor de educação física


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This paper deals with psychological aspects involving bodybuilders nowadays, through their interests, motivations, factors that favor them to practice physical activity, frequent body image disorders, and major benefits that can be acquired when weight training the right way, whether physical or psychological. During the work is addressed to the Theory of Self-Determination and its characteristics, and behavioral aspects of the individual. We explore the types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and their regulatory mechanisms. Did the relationship with weight training and the environment that surrounds it as the interaction between those involved in practice between the student and teacher performance and results and the effects that this interference can have on motivation and individual behavior. Also we relate body image factors, the perception of bodybuilders in relation to his own body, and the possible disorders that can promote. Describe the Vigorexia and their characteristics, we made a list of body image and self-esteem, approach standards set by society, the aesthetic influence and media disclosure. Finally, we explore the key benefits that well-directed physical activity can provide its practitioners. Physical, mental and social beneficial, improved self-esteem and in one's relationship skills. We address the growing strength in recent years, and their improvements in the various age groups and the population's quality of life


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Pesquisas apontam que 15% das crianças brasileiras, entre 5 e 9 anos, são obesas. Os fatores indicados como responsáveis desse cenário são a má alimentação e a falta de exercício físico. Hábitos como alimentação saudável e prática de atividades físicas são, em sua maioria, constituídos na infância, principalmente em crianças com idade escolar e tendem a estender para a vida adulta. Considerando que as crianças passam mais de um terço de sua infância na escola, acredita-se que esse ambiente seja um facilitador para a mudança do comportamento saudável dos alunos. Este estudo tem por objetivo realizar um levantamento de pesquisas sobre aquisição de hábitos saudáveis na escola, mapeando a produção no campo da Educação Física, com ênfase em intervenções sobre atividade física e hábitos alimentares. Foi realizada uma revisão da produção de conhecimentos em teses e dissertações bem como da publicação de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais publicados entre os anos de 2004 até 2014, com os seguintes descritores e variações destes: educação física, hábitos saudáveis, escola. Foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: Banco Digital de Teses e Dissertações, Banco de Teses da Capes e Bireme. Com resultado foram encontradas 27 teses e dissertações, sendo apenas sete pertencentes a Educação Física, das quais três apresentavam intervenção. Quanto aos artigos, entre os sete recuperados, apenas dois apresentam intervenções com interfaces nas aulas de Educação Física. Em termos de impacto, os resultados dessas intervenções variam de baixo à efetivo, sendo que apenas um dos trabalhos apresenta um resultado efetivamente positivo. Dessa forma pode-se perceber o baixo número de publicações sobre a temática na área da Educação Física, além da existência de barreiras para um resultado positivo nessas intervenções. As pesquisas apontaram mais barreiras que facilitadores...


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This study was qualitative in nature and aimed to investigate the possible interference of spiritual experiences with the subjective perception of quality of life. The perspectives of civil servants in education and health services were compared. The study was developed through bibliographic and exploratory research, and the instrument used for data collection for the exploratory research was the WHOQOL-bref, which was applied in two stages: before and after experiences with spiritual activities. The purposive sample used in this study was composed of civil servants working in health and education administrative sectors of the Brazilian Unified Health System and a State University, respectively, with the intention of broadening the understanding about the perception of quality of life in civil servants from different sectors. The exploratory research of the study was carried out in three stages. The first was a two-phase data collection, before and after experiences with spiritual activities offered to civil servants who worked in the health care field, as well as the analysis of the results of this step. The second stage was the collection of data before and after experiences with spiritual activities offered to civil servants who worked in the administrative sector of education in a public university, besides the analysis of the results of this step. The third stage consisted of a comparison of the results obtained in the preceding two steps. The data resulting from the use of the research instrument for both samples were analyzed via Thematic Content Analysis. A questionnaire containing 26 questions based on four main themes was used. The first two questions were related to perceived quality of life and health satisfaction and they were not part of the specific domains. The other 24 questions were divided between the four themes: physical domain, psychological domain, domain of social relations, and environmental domain. The results...


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The aims of this literature review were to analyze the relationship between elderly quality of life - by means of the verification of the major measure instruments - with the physical activity, the sensibility of these questionnaires to the physical activity and the relationship between the type of physical activity and the quality of life in older persons. Comparisons of papers selected by the key words quality of life, exercise, and aging, reveal the components of quality of life assessed by the WHOQOL-BREF and SF-36 questionnaires. Based on the searched literature, we can conclude that: (i) active elderly seems to have better subjective perception of their quality of life than non active older persons; (ii) experimental studies did not showed strong evidence about the effects of physical exercise in the subjective perception of quality of life; (iii) none of the questionnaires is sensible to the practice of physical activity; (iv) the studies' results about the relationship between the type of physical activity and the elderly quality of life are inconclusive


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The research examines the relationship between drug use and physical activity in school. We used an anonymous self-questionnaire among students in elementary and middle school in a Brazilian city. The mean age was 15.1 ± 1.5 years. There was no significant difference between energy expenditure and drug use, crack use except in life that related to significantly higher values of energy expenditure and habitual for the past thirty days, cocaine use was associated with higher energy expenditure habitual (p <0.05). We emphasize the need investigations addressing specific features of involvement in school and extracurricular activities, physical activity, drug use and their contributions to school health.


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Handball is a team sport invasion, much practiced in Brazilian schools. There are different teaching methods of team sport, and with them different evaluation methods, this study aims to analyze the shared evaluation process of building course with students of a handball design of a municipal school in Bauru in sports initiation and at the end submit an evaluation process. For this study students of a municipal school participants handball classes in the opposite time of curricular classes underwent an interview, besides having been recorded them playing a handball game with number of small participants at the beginning of the post holiday classes July and another three months later as a form of evaluation. After reviewing the videos and interviews, it was concluded that some students had a game performance improves when they were part of the attack, and also had a behavioral improvement, both from actions taken in the game, as respect to the next, thus interpreted by the students themselves. Although it is a difficult task to analyze and quantify the performance of students in Physical Ed classes can complete some improvements, moreover is valid Professor hear the views of students to understand the vision that students have of themselves during the game


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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Handball is a team sport invasion, much practiced in Brazilian schools. There are different teaching methods of team sport, and with them different evaluation methods, this study aims to analyze the shared evaluation process of building course with students of a handball design of a municipal school in Bauru in sports initiation and at the end submit an evaluation process. For this study students of a municipal school participants handball classes in the opposite time of curricular classes underwent an interview, besides having been recorded them playing a handball game with number of small participants at the beginning of the post holiday classes July and another three months later as a form of evaluation. After reviewing the videos and interviews, it was concluded that some students had a game performance improves when they were part of the attack, and also had a behavioral improvement, both from actions taken in the game, as respect to the next, thus interpreted by the students themselves. Although it is a difficult task to analyze and quantify the performance of students in Physical Ed classes can complete some improvements, moreover is valid Professor hear the views of students to understand the vision that students have of themselves during the game


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This research is part of the field of teacher training, especially developed the topic of continuing education. There is, according to the literature, the importance of this training for teachers as a sort of continuum, trajectory in which the teacher will (re) building their knowledge throughout their lives, in order to provide knowledge and values that add to your practice teaching. However, often the training activities are designed for knowledge transmitter model forming agent for the teacher, disregarding the different contexts of school communities, this strategy which hardly reaches the real needs of teachers in their daily lives. It is evident, too, the need to provide, in training moments, spaces to engage in dialogue and reflect on the teachers profession today, (re) building thus their teacher identity. In this context, the objective of this research is to examine whether the continued formation is configured as a collective construction and as a space for reflection on what it means to be a teacher. The research is characterized by a qualitative approach, and to collect data, we used the semi-structured interview technique. Participants were five teachers in the areas of Physical Education, History, English, Portuguese and Mathematics, a state school Treble city education (SP). The results show the importance of continuing education for teachers, which provides reflections, discussions, acquisition of knowledge and skills that contribute to its performance, motivating and developing strategies to enable them to face the challenges of everyday life and reflect collectively on what it means to be a teacher. It was concluded that continuing education for this group of teachers is configured as a space for collective construction, which together with other teachers rethink, reflect and continuously reconstruct their practices and objectives, and enables reflection on the teaching profession constantly. It will be essential, therefore...


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O processo ensino-aprendizagem pode ser visto como um sistema constituído pela interação de três componentes - professor, aluno e matéria - que tem por meta promover mudanças efetivas nos comportamentos, capacidades e competências do aluno. Como numa visão sistêmica do processo ensino-aprendizagem, a função de um determinado componente implica sempre o estabelecimento de relação entre os dois componentes que restam, o papel principal do professor é estabelecer relação entre o aluno e a matéria. Neste contexto, a questão central é saber em que se basear para estabelecer essa relação. O presente ensaio parte da assunção de que o conhecimento sobre o desenvolvimento motor constitui um elemento fundamental quando a matéria de ensino é o esporte, discute uma fase desse processo que tem sido sistematicamente esquecida procurando identificar as suas possíveis causas e consequências e apresenta algumas sugestões para trabalhar com essa fase.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a atitude crítica em relação à atividade física dos idosos do Programa Autonomia para Atividade Física. Participaram do estudo 18 sujeitos que responderam duas questões abertas após vivência das seguintes aulas: atividade rítmica, yoga, dança circular, tai chi chuan, dança de salão, aerobox e atividades para idosos orientadas através dedeo. A análise qualitativa resultou em duas categorias de respostas: reflexão sobre necessidades pessoais e reconhecimento de inadequações nas atividades propostas. Dessas respostas, 43% indicam reflexão crítica e 37% apontam inadequações. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria das respostas não demonstra atitude crítica em relação às aulas vivenciadas. Entretanto, uma das limitações deste estudo foi a dificuldade dos alunos no procedimento da escrita, indicando a necessidade de criar outras estratégias para avaliar a população idosa que é heterogênea em termos de escolarização e experiências de vida.


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Quando o profissional da área de Educação Física está ensinando uma habilidade motora, ele procura avaliar o movimento realizado pelo aluno e reflete sobre quais intervenções poderiam ser feitas naquele momento. No entanto, muitas vezes, o professor não dispõe de recursos que possam auxiliá-lo no processo de avaliação do movimento a ser aprendido pelo aluno. O processo de aquisição habilidades motoras poderia ser facilitado se o professor dispusesse nesse momento de um instrumento que identificasse o erro(s) cometido(s), bem como, qual seria a informação prioritária a ser fornecida ao aprendiz. Portanto, como a literatura especializada apresenta escassez no que diz respeito a esse tipo de ferramenta, o objetivo do presente estudo foi construir, validar e testar a objetividade e fidedignidade de um instrumento (checklist) que avalia a qualidade do arremesso do basquetebol (lance livre). O checklist da habilidade foi desenvolvido e avaliado por especialistas da modalidade esportiva e, posteriormente, o checklist foi utilizado para analisar 10 arremessos (vídeo editado) de quatro indivíduos em diferentes fases de aprendizagem da habilidade. Os resultados foram organizados em função do erro crítico e somatória de erros verificados pelos especialistas em duas ocasiões com uma semana de intervalo. Contrastando as avaliações do mesmo avaliador e entre avaliadores, em ambas as medidas, observou-se um nível de erro médio de 16,9%. Concluiu-se, portanto que o checklist proposto no presente estudo é um instrumento de avaliação do lance livre consistente e, nesse sentido, pode auxiliar professores e técnicos na análise qualitativa do arremesso. Além disso, esse instrumento de avaliação permite fazer inferências sobre o processo de aprendizagem de indivíduos nessa habilidade.


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El tema de esta tesis son las elecciones que realizan los docentes de Educación Física de nivel secundario frente a la oferta de capacitación. Las preguntas que orientan esta tesis son: ¿Qué factores inciden en la elección de la oferta de capacitación que realizan los docentes? ¿Qué lugar ocupan estas elecciones de los docentes en el diseño de las políticas de capacitación? Para responder a estas preguntas se retoman las investigaciones que aportan datos y perspectivas sobre el peso de la normativa y el trabajo docente, y sobre la institucionalización de distintas modalidades de capacitación. Se aborda la elección de la capacitación desde la perspectiva de los actores, considerando la incidencia de sus contextos y la interacción con las culturas escolares en la que conviven y crean y desde la cual eligen opciones de capacitación. Para esto considero la perspectiva del saber docente y su desarrollo profesional en interacción con los aportes sobre la relación de los sujetos con el saber, reconociendo la implicancia de los sistemas de sentido que se construyen desde las características y la situación de quien elige. ;La estrategia metodológica se centra en entrevistas a docentes de Educación Física, se complementa con entrevistas a responsables de la gestión de acciones de capacitación en el distrito de La Plata, y con el análisis de los documentos que regulan la capacitación en la provincia de Buenos Aires


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This paper aims to problematize knowledge production in Physical Education (PE) from the Brazilian context. From a hermeneutic perspective, it questions the nature of its knowledge considering the difficulties arising from the objects/subjects diversity, methodological approaches and epistemological perspectives. From historic and controversial theory-practice relationship, it identifies some research problems of the area, since it is heiress of the Western dualism in its different aspects. We understand that overcoming the epistemological classical notion places us before other types of research and knowledge validation. It also recognizes that the autonomy enjoyed by science is a concession of a Democratic and Republican Society (therefore, it is always relative) and that it is constantly threatened by instrumental and political perspectives. With regards to intervention problems, we consider that they should occupy a prominent place inside research concerns, even if it means radicalize this interdisciplinary character of Physical Education. We concludes that in these disciplinary field boundaries, and with an effort to link them with pedagogical challenges, knowledge production can contribute to shape a Physical Education identity.